1913. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 2315 1\fr. B.AOON. Unless there be something of importance in the b ill -0ught to be taken from the House Calendar and put on J"ournal thut some Senator desires to have read, I ask that the the Union Calendar. further reacting of the Journal b~ dispensed with. Mr. MAl~ . The bill also creates two new offices. The PRESIDE.NT pro tempore. ThE Senator from Ge-0:rgia The SPEAKER Yes. So that change of reference will be asks nnanimous consent that the further reading of the Journal made from the House Calendar to the Union Cu1endar. be dispensed with. Is there objection? The Chair bears none. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. T he reacting is dispensed "\'\rith, and the Jonrnal stands nppron~d . l\Ir. BACON. I mo-rn that when the Senate adjourns t(}-day By unanimous cont<erit leave of absence was granted- it adjourn to meet on Monday next :at 2 o'clock p . m . To Mr. TOWNSEND, for two weeks, on account of deuth in his The motion was agreed to. family. Ur. BACON. Unless there is some matter -which a Senator To Mr. DAVENPORT, for two weeks, on aceount of sickness. desires to bring to the attention of the Senate, I mo1e that the 'To .M:r. GRAHAM of Pennsyl"Vania, for two months, on account Senate do now adJourn. of illness. The PilE.SIDE~1T pro tem:pore. The Sena.tor from Georgia T o Mr. TAGGART, for fiye dnys, on account of important moves that the Semite adjourn. business. The motion was agreed to, and (at 2 .o'clock and .3 minutes To l\fr. HARDWICK, for 10 days, on account of imPortant busi­ p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, July 7, 1!)13, at ness.· 2 o'dock p. m. To Mr. BoncnERs, for two weeks, on account of illness. LOBBY INVESTIGATION. l\fr. HENRY. l\fr. Speaker, I offer a p1i"Vileged resolution HOUSE OF REP RESENTATIVES. f rom the Committee on Rules. SATURDAY, July 5, 1913. The SPEAKER. 'l'he gentleman from Texas offers a privi­ leged resolution from the Comrilittee on Rules, which the Clerk The House met at 12 o·clock m. will r eport. The Chaplain, Rev. Ilenry N. Couclen, D. D., offered the fol­ The Clerk read as follO'\\S : lowing prayer: House resolution 198 (H. Ilept. 33) . • 0 Thou who art supreme in all Thine attributes, our God Whereas there have appeared in recent issues of various newspapers ' and our Father. by the consciousness of Thy presence, by the published in the United States divers statements and charges as to insistence of Thy will, by the knowledge of Thy justice, by the the existence and activity of a. lobby organized by and on behalf of grace of Thy mercy, by the hopes of Thy promises, by the an organization known as the National Association of Manufacturers for the purpose of improperly influencing legislation by Congress the \ reason with which Thou hast ~ndowed us, help us to think official conduct of certain of its Members and employees, the appoint­ right, to choose right. to do right, and, so far as lieth in us, ment aoq selection of co~ittees. of the House, and for other pur­ t o live peaceably with all men, doing unto them as we would poses designed to affect the mtegnty of the proceedings of the House have them do unto us. In the Christ spirit. Amen. of Representatives and its .MemlJ.ers : Therefore be it · Resolved, That the Speaker appoint a select committee of seven Mem- The Journal of the proceedings of Wednesday, July 2, 1913, bers of the House and that such committee be instructed to inquire into was read and appr oved. ap.d report upon all ~he matters so all.eged <;oncerning said Representa­ tives, and more especially whether durmg this or any previous Con"'ress ENROLLED HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED. the lobbyists of the said National Association of Manufacturers o; the l\fr. ASHBROOK, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ said association through any officer, agent, or member thereof' did in fact reach or influence, whether for busine s, political. or sympathetic ported that they had examined and found truly enrolled joint reasons or otherwise, the said Representatives or any one of them or resolution of the following title, when the Speaker signed the any officer or employee of this or a,ny former Honse of Representatives same : in or about the discharge of their official duties; and if so, when, by whom, and in what manner. H.J. Res. 98. .Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of Sa.id committee shall also inquire whether money has been used or War to loan certain tents for the use of the Confederate Vet­ improper influence exerted by said National Association of Manufac­ erans' Reunion, to be held at Bnmswick. Ga., in July, 1913. ~rs or any agent thereof to accomplish the defeat for nomination or electi-0n of any candidate for the House of Representatives of Congress, CHANGE Oli' REFERENCE. and said committee shall likewise inquire whether Members of Congress have been employed by said association for the accomplishment of any Ur. FERRIS. Mr. Speaker, I ask that the finding of the improper purpose whatever. Court ()f Claims in the ~ase of Emmetta Humphreys, adminis­ Said committee is also directed to inquire whether improper influence has been exerted by said association or by any other association, corpo­ trator de bonis non of John .Sevier, sr., .and John Sevier, jr., ration, or person to secure the appointment or selection of the commit­ against the United States (H. Doc. No. 131) transmitted to the tees of the House, or any of them. House on January 23, 1913, and referred to the Committee on Said committee shall also inquire whether the said National Associa­ tion of Manufacturers or any other organization or corporation or as&o­ the Public Lands on January 24, 1913, be withdrawn from that ciatian or person does now maintain or bas heretofore maintained a committee and referred to the Committee -0n Appropriations. It lobby for the furpose of influencing legislation by Congress and _ascer­ calls for a payment of money, and the Committee on the Public tain and repor to what extent and in what manner, if at au, legislation has been improperly effected or prevented by reason of the existence of Lands hns no jurisdiction O\er it. such lobby, if it be found to exist at all now or heretofore. The SPEAKER. If there be no objection, it will be so Said committee, or any subcommittee thereof, may sit in the city of ordered. Washington or elsewhere to conduct its investigations during the ses­ sions of the House or recess of Congress. It shall have power to em­ l\lr. l\IANX. I could not hear the gentleman's request. What ploy such legal or clerical assistance as may be deemed necessarv, to W'D.S it? send for persons and papers and administer oaths, and sh.1111 have the l\Ir. FERRIS. That the finding of the C.ourt of Claims 1n right to report at any time. The Speaker shall have authority to sign and the Clerk attest snb­ the Gen. John Sevier case go to the Committee. on Appropria­ prenas during the recess of Congress. The expenses of said inquiry tions instead of the Committee on the Public Lands. The shall be paid out of the contingent fund 'of the House upon vouchers Committee on the Public Lands has no authority to recommend approved by the chairman of said committee, to be immediately a>nil­ the approprintion of money. I think it ought to go either to able. Appropriati-0ns or Claims. Mr. LEVY. Mr. Speaker, I object. Mr. MANN. I suppose the Co~ittee on Appropriations The SPEAKER. The gentleman objects to what? would have no jurisdiction of it if it is an ordinary finding. Mr. LEVY. To the present consideration of the resolution. l\Ir. FERRIS. I am not in a position to debate that question. The SPEAKER. This is a privileged resolution-highly l\fr. MANN. Unless it is .a judgment, it g-0es to the Com­ privileged. mittee on Claims. Mr. LEVY. Mr. Speaker, I desire to make the point of order Mr. FERRIS. I am not particular to which committee it that no quorum is present. goes. The parties interested would like to have it go to the The SPEAKER. The gentleman makes the point of order Committee on Appropriations. I am willing that it should go that no quorum is present. to the Committee on Claims, if that is the proper committee. Mr. HENil.Y. I hope the gentleman will not do that. The SPEAKER.. The gentleman from Oklahoma asks that Mr. LEVY. If the gentleman will give me time to explain the communication be referr-ed to the Committee on Claims. myself-- Is there objection? Mr. HENRY. I will give the gentleman time to explain; but There was no objection. I ask the gentleman to wait until we make ari agreement. Mr. The SPEAKER. The Chair will state that a careful exam­ Speaker, I ask the gentleman from Kansas how much time he ination of the bill (H. R. 6141) to amend the Erdman Act thinks we will need for general debat~? de\elops a fact which the Chair on!rlooked when he read it, Mr. .!\!ANN. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. Was the although it was in the draft of the bill handed to him. The point of order of no quorum withdrawn? parliamentary clerk overlooked it also.
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