AGE POST OFFICE LONDON 1574 AO ENTS-P A PER~-c()'l!tinued. Sewell & Crowther, 18 Cockspur street SW ~ Reynolds Sons & Oo. 55 Charterhouse st E C Hamilton Jas. 236 Upper Thames street E C .f. Warwick street, Charing cro~s SW & 11 Robinson Edward, 3 Borough High streetS E Harding Douglas & Sons, 50 WllitecrossstE C On.slow place SW RowsonArthr.J. Cotton's whrf.35Tooley stS E Ha.wke Fredk. 2 Queenhi the, Up. Thames st E C Snow Henry Martin, 14 Coc.kspur street SW Sanders & Co. 22A, Southwark street SE Henderson John DRlgety, 23 &: 24 Imperial Solomon &: Co. (brokers), 8 London street E C Sjollema & Schofleld, 98 Great Tower st E C buildings, New Bridge street E C Tallack F. & Son, Windsor chambers, Great Thompson R. H. & Oo. Hibernia chambers, Herbert <1eorl!e & Oo. 10 Godliman st E C St. Helen's E C London bridge S E . Hult Sidney, 4 Queen street place E C Watson William & Co. 7 Waterloo place SW Trengrouse H. & Co. 51 to 57 Tooley meetS E Horrocks Wright Daniel, 116 Strand WC &: 27 Leadenhall street E C Trickett Rich d. & Co 17 & 26 Tooley lit SE Hughes Oliver John, 2G Gt. St. Helen's E C Wetherell Rd. Arthur, 22 Fenchurch st E C Van der Meulen Wiebe, 9 Savage gardens E C Ibbotson Waiter, 64 Goswell road E C Wheatley Geo. W. & Co. 10 Queen street, Wallis, Sons & Oo. Custom houec & Wool Jennings John & Son, 14 Up. Thames st E C Cheapside E C & 23 Regent street SW qru.y, Lower Thames street E C & at 1 Johnsen & Jorgensen, 10 & 12 Eastcheap E C White Alex. Fras. & Co. 7 Union court, Old Wellington chambers, London bridge SE .Tudd Fredk. E. 39 St. An drew's hill E C Broad street E C WebbHy.John,Ri6&377&:J29Centralmkts E C Kidd JohnArthur, 120 Queen Victoria st E C Webb Jubal, 73 High street, Kensington W & Koenigsfeld Fredk. Wm. 42A,Noble street E C Agents-Passport. 813 Central markets E C Lamaille G.&: Co. 40 AldennaiJbury E C Ada.ms Wm. Jas. & Sons, 59 Fleet street E C Webber F. 238 Central markets E C Laws B. W. & Son, 181 Queen Victoria stE C BUHS William, 440 Strand WC Winks Hy.55 The Excha.nge,Sonthwark stS c Lindsav John, 2Q Lndgate hill E C Cook Thomas & Son, Ludgate circus E C ; Young William, 845 Central markets E C Lloyd N. & Co. l.i2 Queen Victoria street E C 99 Gracechurch st E C ; 445 West Strand Lockwood Leo Craft, 46 Queen Victoria. st E C WC ; 83 Piccadilly W; 13 Cockspurst SW; Agents-Rail way. LundgrenReinholdLeonard, 75Qn.Vict.stE C 82 Oxford st W; front of St.Pancras station; &e Railwa11 .A.genu. Luqnet K. 165 Queen Victoria street E C Langham hotel,Partland pi.; Hotels Metro­ Majer Emil, 83 Queen 'Victoria street E C pole & Victoria., Northumberland avenue; Agents-Ra.ilway Excursion. Mears Charles D'Oyley, 21 Godliman st E C First Avenue hotel, Holhorn; Savoy hotel, See Railwau Excursion Agent1. 1\Ionckton Arthur, 189 Upper Thames st E C Victoria. embankment & Whiteley's, West­ Morcom William J. 49 Queen Victoria 11t E C bourne grove Agents~ Reversiona.ry. 1\Iyers D. L. 32 Watling street E C Groom Forster & Co. 15 Charing cross SW Foster (li. E.) & Cranfleld, 6 Poultry E C Oldham Jas. Montague, 4 Queen st. pl E C Lee & Carter. 440 Strand WC (successol'!l to Marsh, Milner & Co) PeeblesAiex.M.& Son, l5il Qn. Victoria st E C Grant & Co. 3 Chancery lane WC Perschmann Otto, 194 Upper Thames st E C Agents~Pa.tent, lee LAW DIRECTORY ; Legal ReverslonarySoc.Ld. 3 Chancery la WC Pethybridge Willia.m Ja.mes, 8 Tudor st E C also. Patent Agent1-Foreign J.: Colonial. Marsh, Milner & Co. see Foster (H. E.) & Plaistowe Edward Edmd. 7~ Wa.rwic.k la E C Oranfield, 6 Poultry E C Pollook John & Son, 29 Queen street E C Agents-Potato, 1ee Salen11en-Potato. Reversion Purchase & Mortgage Agency Plickert H. & Co. l.i W!!.lbrook E C (The) (A.. lj:. Roberts, manager; Edward Relph M. & Co. 76 Fins bury pavement E C Agents-Provision. Ha.rvey, sec.), 19 Moorgate street E C Roeckner Brothel'!l, 110 Cannon street E C Stcckh.am John, 6J & 56 Chancery lane WC .Rooda Adrian, 90&91 Queen st.CheapsideE C See al10 Broker• - Promsion; also Chee&E Rosedale Adolphus & Son, 158 Qn. Vict. st E C Factor• 4: .A.genu; also Proms1on Merchant~. Agents-Ribbon, Hfl .A.gma-Silll:. Sandell IIerbert Richard, 45 Up. Thames st E C Schwabach Chas. G. 11 Queen Victoria st E C A.ndel'!lon &: Coltman (preserved), 5 Philpot Agents-Salv~ge. Shaw James Brown, 17 Godliman street E C lane E C & 21 Britannia street Hoxton N Gunn Alfred & Co. 2 Fowke 8 buildings, Great Smythe George & Son, 46 Cannon street E C Barnes Franci.s Edward New Hi~a wharf Tower street E C ; & at Whitstable Stoddart Geo. Robert Croke,6 Dowgate plE C London bridge SE ' ' Greenley John Edward,2,3&4Billiter a.venE C Stiitzer Frederick, 15 Quecnhithe E C Bennett (J. Wheeler) & Co. 33 Tooley st SE Hewitt James & Co. 27 Lea.denh.Rll st E C Towers ArthnrFdk. Henry, 31 Cannon stE C Borregaard&Dreyer,l6Watr.la.Gt.Towr.stE C Liverpool Salvage Association, 8i> Gmce- Tra.pp Ludwig & Co. l Budge row E C Bowles George, 18 King street, Snow hill E C church street E C Type-Writer Co. Lim.(The), 12 Qn.Vict. stE C Brown George & Sons, 9 Halfmoon passage, Lyon Robert & Co. i!l§- Grncechurch st E C Vincent Harold, 206 Upper Thames st E C Whitechapel High street E Scrutton, Sons & Co. !1 Gracechurch st E C Waterlow &: Sons Limited, 25, 26 & 27 Gt. Bull J a.mes & Son, ;Jl7 Central markets E C Tozer Brothers & Co. 27 Lea.denhall street E C Winchester st E C & l.i2 New Broa.d Brn·geBB Charles Frederick, 20 Tooley st SE Agents-School, 1ee .A.gen.U-Medical tl:c.. st E C ; Blomfleld holll!e, 85 & 86 London Buttle Samuel H. & Oo. 10 Wellington wall E C ; 49 & 50 Parliament street SW; chambers, London bridge S E Agents-Seed. ue Seed Factor•. 6 Cannon row SW ; Finsbury stationery Cary & Grimsdell, 17 Giltspnr street E C works, Clifton street ; Skinner street ; Hill Chate & Harris, 65 Tooley street S E Agents-Sewing Machine. street ; Castle 11treet; Appold street; 23 Olapham & Stone, 26 Ureat Tower street E C See Sewing Machi"M .d.flenll. Phipp Bt. ; 8 Ravey st. & 15 Scrutton st. Coffey Ja.mes Beay & Co. 14 Wharf, South- Finsbury E C ; Birmingham & Dunstable side, Paddington basin W Agents-Shawl. Watson J. & Co. 31 & 32 King William st E C Corderoy Goorge A. & Co. Hiuernia cbam bers, See Shawl Man!ifactunrl. W eiste DiecL.'"ich, 89 Bartholomew close E C London bridge S E Wells Joseph, 24 Furniva.l street E C Courtenay J. & W. J. 14 Tooley streetS E Agents-Sheffield. Wood Joseph Chas. 171 Queen Victoria stE C Curwen& Co.ll9Tne Excbnge.Southwk.stS E See Birminvham et Sheffield Agents. Wright Alfred Keatinge,20&21Queenhithe E C DenzFredk. T.(foreign),:22&23Gt.Tower stE C Young, Watson & Co. 63 Qn. Victoriast E C DeVriesFritsKlazes,l6Wa.terla.Gt.Twr.stE C Agents-Ship & Shipping. Youn gColin, 11 &12 Bell's bldgs.Salsbry.sq E C De Vr,ics Leon, oO Trinity square E G See alsoAgent1-G1utom House; also Brokerl- de W1tt C. B. 41 Great Tower street E C & Insurance. also Broker•-SMn .t Insurance. Agents-Parliamentary. 22 Beer lane E C ' ~ D · 11 J h 8o th t S Marked thus t arc Insurance Agents. &eLAW DIRECTORY, DiiCO 0 !1• 16 c U wark s reet E Marked thus • are Custom House Agents. Durbec LnCien, 3 Cro~ la. St. Mary-nt-hl E C Marked thus are Commission Agents. Elster John, 16 Water lane, Gt. Tower stE C Marked thus~ are General A.genr.a. Agents-Partnership, Farmnt, Goodey & Co. 15 Seething lane E C Marked thWl :1: are Btoo.m bhlp Agents. Su AgenU-Medical d:c. FergusonJohn&A.Dunster hoJ\HncinglaE C IAckerley Benj. & Son, 22 Fenchnrch st E C:: p .l<'oucard Charles & Son, lB. conthwark st SE tAlleR John F.&: Co. 48 l<'enchurcb streetE C Agents- assenger. Frank & Co. (Martin), l3A, Ea.stcheap E C tAllison William & Co. 60 Gracechurch stE C Ash by William & Co. 26 Leadenhall st E C Gerbert Romaiu, 8 Miles lane E C American Express Co.115 Milk st.CheapsideE C Balfour & Co. H Rood lane E C Gibson Samuel, 16 Tooley street SE tAndorsen, Becker & Co.4 Eastcheap E C Eauer William & Co. 72 Mark lane E C Gilchrist Goorge Mathison, 45 Tooley st SE •Arnati & Harrison,ll &12 GreatTower st E C Bloch John, SL Os born street, Whitechapel E Harvey Geo. Jas. & Sons, 29 Cowcross st E C tAshby William & Co. 26 Leadenhall et E C Canadian Pacific Ra.llway Co. (Archer Baker, Hastings Thos. Geo. & Nephew,6 Rood la E C t §"Atkiilll uharles & Nisoet, 1 Water la. Gt. european tratllc agent), 67 & 68 King Henderson & Truss, Hioernia chambers, Tower st E C ; & 28 Chapel st. Liverpool William street E C London bridgeS E t•i §Atk:insRichd.Peter&Co.l2St.MaryAxeE C Cook Thomas & Son, Ludgate circus E C ; 99 Heywood & Son, 10 Borough High st SE Baird David & Co. 57 Basingha.ll street E C Gracechurch et E C ; 445 West Stmnd WC; Hofer Daniel, 40B, Long lane, Borough SE Ba.rr, Moering & Co.
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