Additional Bibliography The references in this list - arranged alphabetically - comprise secondary material, which may be of use in additional fields of biographical inquiry. Antoni, Claudio, 'A Note on Trieste in Joyce's Time', james Joyce Quarterry, 9 (Spring 1972) 318-9 (the main historical and cultural aspects when Joyce lived there). Barnes, Djuna, 'James Joyce', Vaniry Fair, 18 (April 1922) 65, 104 (interview discussion ofJoyce in Paris, by a fellow novelist). Beach, Sylvia, 'Portrait of the Artist', Irish Times (Dublin), 16June 1962, p. 10 Uoyce in Paris in the 1920s). Benco, Aurelia Gruber, 'Between Joyce and Benco', james Joyce Quarterry, 9 (Spring 1972) 328-33 (the relationship between Joyce and his friend the Italian critic and publisher Silvio Benco, by Benco's daughter). Benco, Silvio, 'James Joyce in Trieste', Pergaso, 2 (8 August 1930) 150-65. Reprinted as 'Ricordi diJoyce', Umana, 20 (May-September 1971) 6-12; in English translation as 'James Joyce in Trieste', Bookman (New York), 72 (December 1930) 375-80; and in Portraits of the Artist in Exile ed. Willard Potts (Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1979) pp. 49- 58 (memoir by Joyce's close friend the critic and publisher). Borach, Georges, 'Gespriiche mit James Joyce', Neue Zurcher Zeitung, no. 827 (3 May 1931) 3. Reprinted in English translation as 'Conversations with James Joyce', College English, 15 (March 1954) 325-7; in Meanjin, 13 (Spring 1954) 393-6; in London Magazine, I (November 1954) 75-8; and in Portraits of the Artist in Exile, ed. Potts, pp. 69-72. Bradley, Bruse, SJ, James Joyce's Schooldays (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1982) Uoyce at Clongowes Wood College, 1888-91; and at Belvedere College, 1893-8). Budgen, Frank, 'Further Recollections of James Joyce', Partisan Review, 23 ( 1956) 53~4. Reprinted in james joyce and the Making of 'Urysses' (Blooming­ ton, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1960) pp. 314-28. --,'James Joyce', Horizon, 4 (1941), 104-8 (obituary memoir and tribute). --, 'Joyce and Martha Fleischmann: a Witness's Recollection', Tri-Quarterry, 8 (Winter 1967) 189-94 (Budgen was called on to play a part as figurant in the Martha Fleischmann episode in Joyce's life). --, 'Mr Joyce', in Myselves When Young (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1970) pp. 181-204 (recollections). Carens,James F., 'Joyce and Gogarty', in New Light onjoycefrom the Dublin Symposium, ed. Fritz Senn (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1972) pp. 28-45 (Gogarty's relationship with Joyce, and his role as Buck Mulligan in Urysses. Churchill, Thomas, 'An Interview with Anthony Burgess', Malahat Review, 17 Uanuary 1971) 103-27 (brief comments onJoyce's life). 187 188 ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Colum, Mary, 'A Little Knowledge ofJoyce', Saturday Review of Literature (New York), 33 (29 April 1950) 10--12. Condensed as 'He Thought He Knew Joyce', Irish Digest (Dublin), 37 (September 1950) 3~1 (replies to Oliver StJohn Gogarty's attack on the 'Joyce legend' in his Irish Digest article, 'They Think They Know Joyce'). --,and PadraicColum, OurFriendjamesjoyce (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1958) (recollections by a couple who knew Joyce during all of his creative life). Colum, Padraic, '[Homage to Joyce)', transition (Paris), no. 21 (March 1932) 244 (poem). --,'In Memory of James Joyce', in Twelve and a Tilry: EssrfYS on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Finnegans Wake, ed. Jack P. Dalton and Clive Hart {Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1965) pp. 9-10 (poem). --, 'The Joyce I Knew', Saturday Review of Literature (New York), 23 (22 February 1941) II (Letter to the Editor in reply to Gogarty's portrait of Joyce). --,'The Joyce I Knew', in The joyce We Knew, ed. Ulick O'Connor (Cork: Mercier Press, 1967) pp. 63-91. --, 'A Portrait of James Joyce', New Republic, 66 {13 May 1931), 341Hl. Reprinted in The Faces of Five Decades, ed. Robert B. Luce (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1964) pp. 187-92. Expanded as 'Portrait of James Joyce', Dublin Maga;cine, 7 (April-June 1932) 40--8 {recollections of Joyce in Paris in 1929). --, 'Working with Joyce', Irish Times (Dublin), 5 October 1956, p. 5; 6 October 1956, p. 7. Reprinted as 'I Worked withJamesJoyce', Irish Digest (Dublin), 58 (December 1956) 53-6 (recollections of Colum's help to Joyce). Cowley, Malcolm, Think Back on Us, ed. Henry Dan Piper (Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press; London and Amsterdam: Feffer & Simons, 1967), passim. --,'When a Young American .. .', Mercure de France, 347 (August-September 1963) 57-9 (Sylvia Beach}. Crise, Stelio, Epiphanies & Phadographs: joyce E Trieste {Milan: All'insegna del pesce d'oro, 1967) {an account of Joyce's sojourn and relationships in Trieste). Cunard, Nancy, These Were the Hours: Memories of My Hours Press, Rianville and Paris, 1928-1931, ed. Hugh Ford (Carbondale and Edwardsville, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press; London and Amsterdam: Feffer & Simons, 1969) pp. 115-17 (Joyce's promotion of the Irish tenor John Sullivan). Curran, Constantine P.,jamesjoyce Remembered (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1968) (recollections by a close friend}. Dahlberg, Edward, The Corifessions (New York: George Braziller, 1971), passim (recollections ofJoyce in Paris). Daly, Leo, 'James Joyce Interviewed by Leo Daly', Hibernia (Dublin), 36 (3 November 1972) 17 (imaginary). Delimata, Bozena Berta [Schaurek], 'Reminiscences of a Joyce Niece', ed. Virginia Moseley, james Joyce Quarterry, 19 (Fall 1981) 45-62 (memories of Joyce, Nora, Stanislaus and family in Trieste in the late teens, by the daughter ofJoyce's sister Eileen Joyce Schaurek). ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 189 --, 'Uncle Jimmy Remembered', Irish Times (Dublin), 2 September 1971, p. 10 (the daughter of Eileen Joyce Schaurek interviewed by Maeve Binchy). Edel, Leon, 'The Genius and the Injustice Collector: a Memoir of James Joyce', American Scholar, 49 ( 1980) 467-87 (memories of brief contacts with Joyce in Paris, 1929-31; and of a visit to Nora in Ziirich, in 1946). --,James joyce: The Lastjourney (New York: Gotham Book Mart, 1947). The last chapter is reprinted as 'James Joyce: The Last Journey', Story, 32 (Summer 1948) 139-47 (provides a sketch ofJoyce's last days in Ziirich and of his funeral). 'Eine Erinnerung an James Joyce', Weltwoche (Ziirich), 17 January 1941, p. 5 (a recollection ofJoyce). EHmann, Richard, 'The Hawklike Man', in Eminent Domain: Yeats Among Wilde, Joyce, Pound, Eliot and Auden (New York: Oxford University Press, 1967) pp. 29-56 (surveys Yeats's and Joyce's few meetings, reactions to each other's work, mutual respect and occasional cross-influences). --,James joyce, 2nd edn (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1982) (the standard biography ofJoyce). --, 'James Joyce's Addresses', American Book Collector, 15, no. 10 (1965) 25-9 (Joyce's addresses throughout his life). --,James joyce's Tower (Dun Laoghaire: Eastern Regional Tourism Organis­ ation, 1969) (Joyce's residence in the Sandycove Martello Tower and his use of the tower in Urysses). Fabricant, Noah D., 'The Ocular History of James Joyce', in Thirteen Famous Patients (Philadelphia: Chilton, 1960) pp. 128--38 (physician's account of Joyce's eye problems). Finneran, Richard J., 'James Joyce and James Stephens: the Record of a Friendship with Unpublished Letters from Joyce to Stephens', James Joyce Quarterry, II (1974) 279-92 (an account of the relationship which began in 1909). Fitch, Noel Riley, Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation (New York: Norton, 1985). Flanner,Janet, 'The Great Amateur Publisher', Mercure de France, 347 (August­ September 1963) 46-51 (Sylvia Beach). --, Paris Was Yesterday, 1925-1939, ed. Irving Drutman (New York: Viking Press, 1972) passim (recollections by a writer, with some references to Joyce). --,'That Was Paris', New Yorker, II March 1972, pp. 32-6 (recollections of Joyce and others in Paris). Ford, Ford Madox, It Was the Nightingale (Philadelphia and London: J. B. Lippincott, 1933) pp. 290-4 and passim (Joyce, among his adulators, in Paris). Francini Bruni, Alessandro,joyce intimo spogliato in piazza (Trieste: La Editoriale Libraria, 1922). Reprinted in English translation in James joyce Quarterry, 14 (Winter 1977) 127-59; and in Willard Potts (ed.), Portraits of the Artist in Exile, pp. 7-39 (a fellow Berlitz teacher with Joyce records his memories of their association). Frank, Nino, 'L'ombre qui avait perdue son homme', in Memoire brisee, vol. I (Paris: Clamann-Levy, 1967) pp. 27-64. It is an expanded version of 'Souvenirs sur James Joyce', Table ronde (Paris), 23 (November 1949) 1671- 93, part of which was published in Italian translation as 'L'ombre che aveva perdu to il suo Uomo', II Mondo, 2 (3 June 1950) 11-12; ( 10 June 1950) II- 190 ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 12. A selection appeared as 'Lajoyeuse partie de campagne deJamesJoyce', Figaro littiraire, 8 May 1967, p. 27. Reprinted in English translation in Willard Potts (ed.), Portraits of the Artist in Exile pp. 74-105. Freund, Gisele, 'En rouge et en noir', Figaro litteraire, 20 January 1966, p. 8 (recollections by a French photographer). --, and V. B. Carleton, James joyce in Paris: His Final Years (New York: Harcourt, 1965) (numerous photographs of Joyce and his contemporaries, with a brief summary of his last years, 1933-41). Fulford, Robert, 'The Rising Cult ofJamesJoyce', Toronto Daily Star, 21 August 1965, p.22 (interview with Harry Pollock). Furbank, P. N., 'Svevo and James Joyce', in Italo Svevo: The Man and the Writer (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1966) pp. 78-91 (discusses the relationship between the two writers in Trieste). Galli, Lina, 'Livia Veneziani Svevo andJamesJoyce',}amesjoyce Quarterly, 9 (Spring 1972) 334-8 (the relationship between Joyce and the wife of Italo Svevo, the Triestine novelist and Joyce's friend). Giedion-Welcker, Carola, 'Begegnungen mit James Joyce', in Schriften 1926- 1971: Stationen zu einem Zeitbild, ed. Reinhold Hohl (Cologne: M. du Mont Schauberg, 1973) pp. 53-74.
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