CTP Template: CD_DPS1 COLOURS Compact Disc Booklet: Double Page Spread CYAN MAGENTA Customer YELLOW Catalogue No. BLACK Job Title Page Nos. Also available… BRUCKNER SYMPHONY NO.9 LIVE AT THE SALZBURG FESTIVAL CHRISTOPH VON DOHNÁNYI 5 6 5 5 2 2 D D C C G G I I S S Brahms: The Four Symphonies Bruckner: Symphony No.4 Philharmonia Orchestra Philharmonia Orchestra Christoph von Dohnányi Christoph von Dohnányi ““Throughout the set the Philharmonia plays excellently – the This is a powerful live account of Bruckner’s Fourth … von rapport with the conductor is evident … these Dohnányi Dohnányi studiously avoids that sense of periodic hiatus readings are consistent and very rewarding.” less attentive interpreters can often convey … The finale Musicweb International becomes a vast, thrilling drama of tension and relaxation, and triumph.” The Times Engineer - Gernot Hoffmann, ORF Salzburg Cover Image – iStock Design – Darren Rumney P2015 Philharmonia Orchestra C2015 Signum Records 12 1 291.0mm x 169.5mm CTP Template: CD_DPS1 COLOURS Compact Disc Booklet: Double Page Spread CYAN MAGENTA Customer YELLOW Catalogue No. BLACK Job Title Page Nos. Vimeo channels featuring hundreds of award- Both installations were at the heart of a major ACHNRTIOSTNO PBHR VUOCNK DNOEHRN Á1N8Y2I4 – 1896 ASsa lwzbausr gh iFse csutisvtaolm, aThryé âptrraec tdicees, CBhraumckpnse rE blyesgéaens winnBing RdocUumeCntaKry NfilmEs, wRhich have been two-year audience development and education Symphony No. 9 in D minor wino rPka orins haisn dN iTnetaht Sroy mapllhao Sncy aallam ions tM imilamne. dIina ttehley watched by millions of people worldwide. An initiative, iOrchestra (iOrchestra.co.uk), in NBorwn iankto ead faitmioilny o(f1 m9u5s1ic)ians and scientists in aUfntietre d hSatvaitnegs tchoemy phlaevte dp ehrfiosr mEeigd httohg eitnh ert hine app,S TYhe MOrPcheHstrOa Nfor YiP aNd, Ore.le9ased in South-West England during 2014 and 2015. Berlin in 1929, Christoph von Dohnányi studied Csuamrnmegeire oHf a1l8l 8in7 . NGeiwve nYo trhk,a tW haelt hDaids nweyo rHkeadll oin DeceLmIbVer E20 1A2T a nTdH dEev elSopAedL Zin BpaUrtnRerGsh ipFEiOSrTchIeVstAraL attracted more than 100,000 FMeuiesrilci caht, mthies teHroiocshoschule für Musik in Munich Lthoes AEniggehltehs afnodr Dtahvreiees Hyeaallr sin, Shaen nFroa ndciosucbot, and received the city’s Richard Strauss Prize for among others. withR ECsOa-RPDeEkDk aA T SGaRloOnSeSnE,S FToEuScThS PIPErLeHssA USa,n 7d AUpGaUrtSiTc ip2a0n1t4s in the South-West and won the RPS Scherzo: Bewegt, lebhaft – envisaged that under normal circumstances the MusicSales, has sold tens of thousands of Award for Audiences and Engagement again for Tcroino:d uScthinegl,l e–n aSbchlienrgz ohim to study in the United new symphony would have been finished by 1copieIs. anFde ifeeraltiucrhe,d mini sStealroinoesno’s recent global the Orchestra in 2014. The p2r4o.j5e1ct also featured ASdtaatgeiso :w Litahn ghsisa gmr,a fnediefarltihcehr, Ernst von Dohnányi. 1C8h9ri0s.t opUhn fvoorntu nDaohtenĺay,n yai wsaesq uMeunsciec Doifr eectvoern tosf 2adveIrIt.i sinSgc hcaemrzpoa:i gBne fwoer gApt,p le’bs hiPaaftd –A irT.rio: Schan eplol p–- uSpc ihneterrzaoctive digital1 0m.5u1sic installation, He has a long-standing relationship with the cthoen sCplierveedl atnod Othrrcohwe sttrhai sf ropmla n1 98d4ra tsot i2ca0l0ly2 . oHfef MusicLab, housed in a £13.5m mobile trailer, BPhruilchkanremr ocnoinac Oeirvcehde stthrea .N Binetghi nSnyimngp hinon 1y 9a9s4 thaes csotaurrtseed. Fhiirss tc arnede rf oarse mGoesnt,e rhaelm euxspiekrdieirnecketodr ain 3 III. Adagio: Langsam, feierlich 25.42 In May 2010 the Orchestra’s digital ‘virtual which uses the latest technologies to create a cthuelm Oinrcahtieosnt roaf’s h iPsr ilnifcei’ps awl oGrku e–s tt hCe ofnindaulc ptoarr, t hine aL̈ulmbeocskt caantads tcronpthiincu bedlo win t oK haisss ehla, rdw-hwiocnh swelafs- PhilhTaortmaol ntiam iOnrgchse: stra’ project, RE-RITE, won series of hands-on mu6s1ic.2a6l games and ase rtvrielodg ays oPfr imncoinpuaml Ceonntadlu cstyomr pfohro tneines y etahrast fhroamd cfoolnlofiwdeedn ceb yw hthene tphoes ctosn douf cCtohri eHfe rCmoanndnu cLteovri , tino both the Royal Philharmonic Society (RPS) interactions that are designed to put the visitor s1o9m97e,w habte forbee labteedinlyg caaptpaopiunltteedd Hhoimno ratroy wCohloomgn eh,e Gheande rsaelmntu stihked irreekcteonrt lya ncdo mpOlpeteerda Audience Development and Creative in the shoes of a composer, performer pCroonmdiuncetnocr ef oirn L iVfeie innn 2a0 0a8t .the end of the 19th mDiarencutsocr raiptt Foraf nhkifsu rEt iOghptehra S, yamndp hIonntey,n dinafnotr maned CommPHunIiLcHatAioRnM AOwNarIdAs ,O aRndC HafEteSrT aRpApearances and producer. century. That the symphony was to be his most hCihmie tfh Cato nhdeu wcatosr uanta bthlee t oH caommbpurregh eSntda tteh eO spceorrae. in LConHdRonIS TaOndP HL eVicOeNst eDr,O HtoNurÁeNd YtIo Lisbon, pTheris osnpael caiartl isatritci stteics traemlaetniotn issh icpo nhfairsm pedro dbuy cietds aLantde rw ohuel dw naost Cbeh iepfr epCaorneddu ctoto rp rogf rathmem eN DitR. Dortmund, Tianjin (China), Izmir (Turkey) and in Recording and broadcasting both continue to dlaenddicmaatirokn etov e‘ndtesm, lsiuebcehn aGso tto’p (edreaa-rin G-coodn).c eArst BSirnufcoknnieeorr chtoeoskte r.this rejection by a highly 2013 to Hamburg and the Salzburg Festival. RE- play a significant part in the Orchestra’s Bproujcekcntesr ienxcplluadininegd tSot rahvisin spkhyy sOiceiadnip uRsi chRaerxd; respected colleague very much to heart and RITE, devised with Esa-Pekka Salonen, secured activities, notably through its partnership with HScelhleore, nhbiesr gp reMvoiosuess twuno ds yAmrpohno; niHeus mhpaedr dbineecnk aClhmriosstto pihm mvoend iaDtoehlyn ábneygi anis at hec omrepcriephieennts ivoef the Philharmonia’s position as a digital Signum Records, releasing new live recordings dHeädniscealt eudn tdo G‘trweote ml; aajensdt ieSstr, atuo spso oDri eK inFrga Luu dohwnige rheovnisoiroanry odf otchteo rwatoersk f–ro ma ptrhoec eRsosy athl aAtc aodcecmupyi eodf innovator and its follow-up audio-visual of Philharmonia performances with its key aSnchda tote nou, rD iiell uSscthriwouesig sEammpee rForra, uasa ntdh eA rhaigbhelelsat. Mhiums ifco rin a Lt olnedaosnt ,t hthree E yaesatmrsa. n School of Music in installation, Universe of Sound: The Planets, conductors. Since 2003 the Philharmonia has eIna rtPhalyr ism ianj estthye I nirneectoigens isDe’o,h nsáon yiti lseede mtehde Rochester New York, Oberlin College, Case premièred at the Science Museum from May to enjoyed a major partnership with Classic FM, as aorpcphreosptrriaa’ste r etshidaet ncthy iast tfhinea Tl héwâotrke dsuh oCuhlâdt elbeet FWuersthteerrn disRtreascetriovnes hUindiveerersdi tyB,r ucKkennert’ s pSltaantes August 2012, receiving more than 67,000 The Classic FM Orchestra on Tour, as well as oinff Peraerdis ,t oa n‘tdh eh aMs acjoensdtyu cotfe da lel aMcha jessetaiseosn, taot the Ufonr ivtehres iNtyi ninth O. hFioor aenxda mthpel eH,e bwrheiwls tU nreiovnis iCnogl letghe visitors. It won the 2012 RPS Award for continuing to broadcast on BBC Radio 3. dReoayar lL oFreds twiviathl tHhael lh oipne Ltohnadt oHne awnidll gorna ntto umres iEni gLhotsh ,A nthgee lecso,m Cpaolsifeorr nwiaa.s H ea lshoa sp reercseuiavdeedd t hteo Audiences and Engagement. sthurfofiucgiehnotu tt iEmuer optoe caopmpepaleritneg iti na mnda jomr evrceinfulelsy Oisrsdueer noef wA rvte rasniodn sL eotft ehriss oFfo uFrrtahn Sceym, pahnodn yt hine www.signumrecords.com www.philharmonia.co.uk alickcee pMt umsyik gviefrte’.in in Vienna, Luzern Festival, G18e8rm8 aann da nhdis ATuhsirtdri ainn 1O8r8d9e.r Aonf aMdedrit.ional bout of 120 131 120 131 291.0mm x 169.5mm CCTTPP TTeemmppllaattee:: CCDD__DDPPSS11 CCOOLLOOUURRSS CCoommppaacctt DDiisscc BBooookklleett:: DDoouubbllee PPaaggee SSpprreeaadd CCYYAANN MAGENTA Customer MAGENTA Customer YYEELLLLOOWW CCaattaalloogguuee NNoo.. BBLLAACCKK JJoobb TTiittllee PPaaggee NNooss.. PreHvIiLsHioAnR MmOaNniIaA fOoRllCowHeEdS TdRuAring the early 1890s. Ceemnptrhea siasned thBee dffaocrtd ’tsh aCt o‘rBne etEhxocvheann ghae.d Tahlseo oDnuer ionfg B itrsu cfikrnset rs’se vmeno sdte dceavdoetse,d t hdei sPchipillheasr, mLöowniea Wmhuesriecaiasn st eaxtt uthael sitsasrut eosf thceoinrc cearrneienrgs , tinhcel ufdiirnsgt Undoubtedly the most time-consuming project Omrcahdees trhai sa lsfao rhewase lllo ntgo- telirfme pwairtthn erhsihsi pNs iwntihth’. wOarcsh aensxtiroau sh taos seccoullraeb ao rpaotsetdh uwmitohu sm troisutm opfh ftohre tahnre eO rmchoevsetmrael nAtsw aorfd ,t hwe hNicinht ha llSoywmsp htwonoy ywouenreg Twhaes P hiislh daermcisoinoina iOnr c1h8e9s1t rtao isu obnje cotf etvheer yw boralrd ’osf DFeu rthMeromntofroer, tt heH daallt esi nin scLreibiceeds itne rt he( oRrecshiedsetnratl tghree acto mclpaossseirc.a lB uatr thiset ss uobfj ecthteed 2t0hteh sceonret utroy. npolawy ercso emvpelrey tyeelay r troe sgoalivne dp,e rftohremrien gw eaxps erliietntlcee ghriesa tF irosrtc hSeysmtrpahso. nyA ctkon ofowrleendsgice dt ranss ftohrem aUtiKo’ns, Omrcahneustcrraip t soifn cteh e 1s9y9m7p)h, onayt deTphoes iteAdn viinl tihne nCuomnedruocutso rsa ltearsastoiocniast eodf iwnsitthru mtheen taOtirocnh easntrda cwointhseinn stuhse Owrcithhe srtergaa. rd to the Finale. It was ftohre mroesut lmtaunsti cwaol rpki oonfeferre, dw ittoh tahne eUxtnriavoerrdsiintya royf BAaussitnrigasnt oNkaet io(nOarlc Lhiebsratrray coin firPmar tthnaetr sohnicpe hsei nhcaed aindcjulusdtme eFnutrstw toä ntghlee rh, aRrimchoanryd b Setlireavuisnsg, tThoasct asnuicnhi, widely assumed that as
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