Internationale IUFRO-Konferenz „Kulturerbe Wald“ NEWS OF FOREST HISTORY Nr. III/(36/37)-2/2005 INTERNATIONAL IUFRO-CONFERENCE “WOODLANDS – CULTURAL HERITAGE” NEWS OF FOREST HISTORY Nr. III/(36/37)/2005. PART 2 IMPRESSUM Medieninhaber und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft Gesamtkoordination: Abteilung IV 4; Fö. Ing. Johann W. KIESSLING und IUFRO Research group 6.07.00 „Forest History“, Dipl.-FW. Dr Elisabeth JOHANN, Für den Inhalt verantwortlich :die jeweiligen Autoren; Bildnachweis: Bilder der Kapitelseiten BMLFUW; Schima, ForstKultur-Archiv; ansonst Bilder und Graphiken von den Autoren; Quellen beim Bild; 4 News of forest history „ Kulturerbe Wald “ Photo: SCHIMA News of forest history „Kulturerbe Wald“ 5 CONTENT – PART 02 SEITE/PAGE Preface 07 Woodlands in the urban area – Wälder in der Stadtlandschaft 09 MAINTAINING OF FORESTS IN THE RUHR AREA: BETWEEN RURAL CULTURAL LANDSCAPE AND HIGH INTENSITY LAND USE AREAS Bernward Selter, Centre for Forest Ecosystems, University of Münster, Germany SITUATING TREES IN THE URBAN LANDSCAPE: OTTAWA; CANADA 1900 – 1930 Joanna Dean, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada NACHHALTIGE PARKPFLEGE IM SCHLOSSPARK NYMPHENBURG – WALDBAU ZWISCHEN DENKMALSCHUTZ, NATURSCHUTZ, BÜRGERWILLEN UND VERWALTUNG Jacques A. Volland, Schlosspark Nymphenburg, Germany Conflicts in and around the forest – 45 Konflikte im und um den Wald OFFENCES AGAINST FOREST REGULATIONS IN EARLY MODERN TIMES IN THE CANTON OF ZURICH WALDFREVEL IN DER FRÜHEN NEUZEIT: DEVIANTES VERHALTEN UND / ODER FORM DER KONFLIKTAUSTRAGUNG Katja Hürlimann, Dep. Forstwissenschaften ETH Zürich, Switzerland STATE FORESTRY AND TRIBAL UNREST IN INDIA DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Sushma Rawat, All Saints College, Naini Tal, India THREE FORESTS AND A SACRED GROVE - CULTURAL ROOTS OF FOREST COMMONS IN THE HIMALAYAS 1800 – 2001 Minoti Chakravarty-Kaul, Dep. of Economics, University of Delhi, India BIALOWIEZA UND SEINE DEUTSCHEN: JAGD, FORST UND MENSCHEN IN ZWEI WELTKRIEGEN Kurt Kehr, Weimar, Deutschland 6 News of forest history „ Kulturerbe Wald “ Inventory of social, spiritual and cultural heritage in the woodland – Erhebung des sozialen, spirituellen und kulturellen Erbes in den Wäldern 83 INTRODUCTION TO A PROJECT IDEA: FOREST CULTURES IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES – NATURE, WORK AND FREEDOM AS CULTURALLY CONSTITUTED THEMES IN DIFFERENT FOREST CONTEXTS Ingar Kaldal, Historisk Institut, Trondheim, Norway INVENTORY OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN ESTONIA Jürgen Kusmin, Estonian Agricultural University, Tartu, Estonia HISTORISCHE KULTURLANDSCHAFTSELEMENTE IM WALD: ERFASSEN, SCHÜTZEN, INTEGRIEREN – BEISPIELE AUS DEM RHEINLAND Gerrit Bub, Inst. Historische Geographie, Universität Bonn, Germany CHARCOAL PRODUCTION SITES STORE INFORMATION ON WOODLAND HISTORY – EXAMPLES FROM THE BAVARIAN FOREST (GERMANY) Oliver Nelle, Institute f Botany, University of Regensburg, Germany FOREST-RELATED FAMILY NAMES AND WOODLAND COVER; AN EXPLORATORY STUDY TO POSSIBLE RELATIONS J. N. van Laar, Wageningen University, The Netherlands Forests and the public - Der Wald und die Öffentlichkeit 121 FORST UND TOURISMUS - EINE HERAUSFORDERUNG Wolfgang Sovis, Unternehmensberater, Stockerau, Austria DER NATUR AUF DER SPUR. Gottfried Horvath, Museum Schloß Esterházy, Lackenbach, Austria NEWS AND FOREST REPRESENTATION AT THE FRENCH TV Michel Dupuy, Institut d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, Paris, France MUSEUMS AND EXHIBITIONS RELATED TO FOREST HISTORY Johann W. Kiessling, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna Austria News of forest history „Kulturerbe Wald 7 PREFACE Forests and other wooded land cover about social and economic pressure and the 1000 million ha in Europe and are a historical knowledge with regard to woodland characteristic element of the natural conservation and restoration. landscape. They create multiple benefits for The current issue of the “News of Forest economic welfare, biological diversity, water history” contains papers based on scientific balance and offer environmental, protective, research and practical experience focusing social and recreational services to the rural on the social spiritual and cultural and values as well as to the urbanised society. In that of forests. They have been presented on way the social, cultural and environmental occasion of an International Conference on values of sustainable forest management to “Woodlands - cultural heritage” which took society gain increasingly importance in place in Vienna / Austria, from May 3 - 7 international forest policy. Social and cultural 2004. The conference was organised by the values change over time as societies Research Group 6.07.00 Forest History, develop. However there is a loss of past jointly with the Federal Office and Research knowledge of how these forests were used Centre for Forests, the working party Forest and managed in a sustainable way. The History of the Austrian Forest Society, the multi-disciplinary research into the role of the Lehrstuhl für Forstpolitik und Forstgeschichte social and cultural aspects of sustainable TU München, the University of Applied Life forest management in the overall goal of Sciences Vienna and the Federal Ministry of sustainable development gains increasingly Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and importance worldwide. This has recently Water Management. The in-congress- been expressed by the Vienna Declaration excursion was carried out by the Vienna and Vienna Resolutions adopted at the Municipal Department 49 – Forestry Office Fourth Ministerial Conference on the and Urban agriculture. Protection of Forests in Europe and signed The meeting included 2 ½ -days paper by 40 European Countries and the European sessions, an in-congress tour to the Vienna Community (Vienna, 28-30 April 2003). forest (nature conservation, recreation th Because the outcome of the 4 Ministerial forest), and a guided evening tour to the Conference will shape the further work on forest museum Schloß Esterhazy in the protection and sustainable management Lackenbach. About 60 researchers and of forests in Europe there is a need to scientist from 4 continents and 21 countries provide society with the historical information interested in the role of the social and about land use, social perceptions and cultural aspects of forest management in the changing attitudes to trees and woodland, past and working in the fields of forest and origin of modern forestry in the context of woodland history, environmental history, 8 News of forest history „ Kulturerbe Wald “ social history, cultural history, history of of Europe such as Estonia, Norway or hunting and other disciplines attended the Germany, the change of tree species meeting. Some of them also took part in the composition due to forest management in 2-days post congress tour making parts of Denmark and France, the acquaintance with the social and cultural development of the woodlands in the aspects of forest utilization in the history of Mediterranean and Central Europe, the Austrian mountain forests and welfare sustainable forest utilization and its foot- functions of contemporary woodlands in the prints, woodland management and forest- Alpine region of Lower Austria and Styria. related social and political conflicts including the conflicting demands of forest villagers The conference received scientific as well as and state forestry, the urban landscape in political interest by the attendance of the Central Europe, the Mediterranean and Director General of the Forestry Department, elsewhere and in a broader sense with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, layered cultures of forestry and the Environment and Water Management DI accomplishments of environmental history in Mannsberger and his deputy DI Dr. Schima, the study of woodlands. the IUFRO Executive Secretary Dr. Mayer, the Head of the Federal Office and Research The comprehensive goal of the international Centre for Forests DI Dr. Mauser, the conference on the cultural heritage of President of the European Society of woodland was to contribute to the ongoing Environmental History Ing. Dr. Winiwarter discussion dealing with social spiritual and and the President of the Australian Forest cultural values of forests and to provide History Society Dr. Dargavel. The import- basic information related to these values. ance of this meeting one year before the The current issue of the News of Forest IUFRO World Congress in Brisbane was History” are the proceedings of this also demonstrated by the participation of the conference containing the presented papers. coordinators of the working groups 6.07.01 That way you can acquire an interesting Tropical forest History Dr. Rawat, Nainital, overview about different topics concerning India, 6.07.03 Ecological forest history Dr. Forest Culture in Europe. It is edited by the Watkins, Nottingham, UK, and 6.07.02 Ministry of Agriculture Forestry Environment Social and economic forest History Dr. and Water management, the Research Agnoletti. Florence, Italy. Group 6.07.00 and the Austrian Forest Society, Expert Group Forest History. The main themes which were addressed during the conference dealt with the Elisabeth JOHANN evolution of forest land and natural and IUFRO 6.07.00 Forest History (Coordinator) cultural forest landscapes in different parts of Email: [email protected] Europe, the inventory and documentation of forest-related cultural heritage in some parts News of forest history „Kulturerbe Wald“ 9 WOODLANDS IN THE URBAN AREA WÄLDER
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