I THE MAGAZINE OF 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT AhrblPlbndY* NAIONAL mREOSCOPlC ASSOCIATION Round Things e wide variety of subjects in - stereographs arriving for the "Wheels" assignment was illus- trated with a bit of irony in the previous issue. One selection showed the wheels supporting the tracks of a tank while the other view's wheels were part of a hand- cranked, three-wheeled vehicle decorated with a peace symbol and balloons. This issue's wheels involve equally wide differences in purpose-one set intended for seri- ous speed and the other as an eye- catching experiment in 3-D art. The Assignment "Wheels" has been extended, and the new dead- line is March 7, 1995. This in effect makes "Wheels" a full-year project and should allow those with inter- esting ideas more time to do some shooting. Others may have images "Reels" by Gregory savord of Cantonsville, MD was taken on T-max 400 with an SLR in their files that simply need to be equipped with a 55mm lens. Before the second exposure was made, the camera was shift- dug out and mailed. ed to the right and the reels (wheels) were moved slightly to the left. This gives the effect Current Assirt: of the reels and their shadows floating above the steps. "Whee skate boards, etc. Things like large like vehicles, but a close-up of just This isn't limited to rustic wagon pulleys or tiny watch parts would a windshield wiper on a 1938 Ply- wheels being used as fences or the also be eligible, as would spherical mouth probably wouldn't be in chrome hubcaps of overly cus- rolling devices like ball bearings or the spirit of things. Deadline for tomized hot rods. Anything that the ball on the underside of a com- entries has been extended to moves on, under or by wheels is puter mouse. The wheels them- March 7, 1995. fair game here, including cars, selves would not have to be the (Continued on page 28) trains, unicycles, pretzel carts, center of interest in views of things "Heartbreak Hill" by Louis 6. King of Somerville, MA was taken at the April, 1993 BAA Marathon on Kodachmme 64 with A Realist Custom. Volume 21, Number 5 November/December 1994 THE MAGAZINE Of 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT A Publramo d the NATIONAL Collecting G.W. Wilson's Stereographs ....................... 4 by Jonathan Ross 3 Board c~f Directc Atlanta Then & Now .................................................. 13 ndy Criscorn, Chairman Paula R. F:lemina David Hutchisoi Son and IMAX go Into the Deep .............................. 18 Dieter Lorenz by 1on Marren T.K. Treiidwell Rill T \il Jaltnn The View-Masters in Depth ....................................... 25 NSA 01 Kcers Review by John Bradley Pet er E. Palmquist, Presider tt ,~ ... ., . lnhn Wa~asm~rn,. .. nce rresraent,- ~~ti~iti~~ The 3-DVG Workshor,I ................................................. 30 Larry Hess, Secretory by Kenneth I. Dunkley lavid Wheeler, Treasurer tereo World Staff- - srs Update .................................................................... 33 John Denr is, Editor hAark Willke, Art Director Lois Wi~ldsmith, Su bscription Mo INSA Membership (New rnernb~rships, r~newols & address chonges) .PO .-. --Rnr ( 14801, Columbus, OH 4 7714 Editor's View comments and Observations, by John Dennis ................................. 2 QuestionsI Concerning Subsc La rry Hess, (21 9) 272-5431 Letters Reader's Comments and Questions ...................................................... 3 m. ...... Stereo 1worla tlac~lssue 51 ('Wrrle lor ovorlobrhty & pnces ) NewViews Current Information on Stereo Today, by David Starkman &John Dennis 26 P.O. Box 398, Sycamore, OH 44 ......... Sterec-~~ ~- , World Editorial 0ff ice News from the Oliver Wendell Holmes Library, by Talbot Crane (Letters I(I the edrlor ortrtlrs & calendar 11, Library Report .......... 29 5610 SE 71 st ~ve.,Portland, OR 9 (503) 771 -4440 Classified Buy, Sell, or Trade It Here ......................................................... 34 .,.....eo World Advertisi~ (Clossrli?d & display ads) P.O. Bo:K 14801, Columbus, OH 4 Calendar A Listing of Coming Events ........................................................ 36 (Insert flyers & auction ads) lettrey Kraus, 1 Lauren Dr., Gardiner, NY 12525 Stereo World Relgular Fea NewV 'iews Dav~dSta rkrnan P.O. Box 2368, Culver C~ty,CA 902: The Sc~ciety Visible ot the center of what looks 11keo mlnl sub- Norman B Patterson marine for very small oceanographers are the twin loodlawn Ave , lNerleyv~lle, PA 1 lenses of an /MAX 3-0 camera wlthin its own under- The Unk nowns water housing for the filming of lnto the Deep. The Neal Bulllnqton spectacular new /MAX 3-0 film is showing at the .ondon Dr., Trav erse City, MI 4900- recently opened Sony Theaters Lincoln Square com- laster plex in New York and is the subject of Don Manen's Wolfgang & Mary Ann Sell article "Sony and lmax go lnto the Deep" in this 3752 8 roadv~rwDr. C~nc~nnat~,OH 4: issue. Photo by Mark Conlin, lmax Systems Corp. - Oliver Wendell Holmf Stereotscopic Research Lil (Aflrhoted rvlrh thr Not~onolStrr~oscoprc Aa EasterrI College, St. Dav~ds,PA 1' Stereo World(l5SN 01914030) IS published bimonthly by the National Stereoscopic Association, Inc., PO. Box 14801, Columbus, OH 43214. Ent~recontents01995, all rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced w~thoutwritten permirsion of the NSA. Inc. Print- Stereos copic SOCiety of Ar nerica ed In USA. A subscr~ptionto Stereo World IS part of NSA membership. Annual membership dues: 126 th~rdclass US, 138 flrst class US, 138 /Affili"t.A u Ooronrmn,r Arc nrin,innI (" ,,,,,Y,LL, .vlth the Nat~onol,.,,.,,,,,.. .............. Canada and forelan surface. 156 ~nternat~onala~rma~l. All membersh~~rare based on the ~ubl~slilnavear ol Stereo World which bea~nsin March E. Jack S\~arthout, Membership Secretary an" enoc 1~1n1n6 ,~n.,vy'~ebruary sr.e 01 rne next year. All ner\'rnernocrrn ps rece;eo w cbmrnerlce w ~h IIII. M~IIAD, ($UP 01 II~P 11.rrenl ca rlluar ye.11 Hllen JDP ) nq lor membersh p, pease aav se LI f ,OJ a0 not acr re Ine bacr 06s..Pr of the current volin 12 'h 'oodmere Dr., Paris, 1L 61944 Member, lnternotionol Stereoscopic Union 1 -- Coming Soon mong the reasons for return- WHEN STEREO WENT FOR A SPIN isn't The NSA and Stereo World have ing your NSA membership about cars, but spinning wheels- always been independent of either which were featured in a surprising government or private institution- Arenewal notice as soon as it number of vintage views from both arrives are the following feature Europe and the U.S. al funding , relying on member- ship fees for their operations and articles to appear in Stereo World THE ATLANTA INTERNATIONAL 3-D over the next few months: FESTIVAL will be covered as exten- on voluntary donations from VOYAGER STEREO PAIRS OF THE OUTER sively as past NSA conventions and members for special research pro- SOLAR SYSTEM will present high ISU congresses, but the first-ever jects and improvements to the quality reproductions of accidental combination of the two events in magazine. The intent here is to stereo pairs assembled from the June, '95 will merit even more maintain that independence as a files of the Voyager 11 mission by detailed attention and 3-D cover- purely member-supported organi- age. Dr. Paul Schenk of the Lunar and zation. Planetary Institute in Houston. A PRIZE WINNING HOME-MADE One phenomena for which 1994 Many of the images are in color, MACRO STEREO CAMERA is one of and the story of initial attempts to the stereo project articles scheduled will be known is the explosion in publish them in stereo appeared in to appear, along with more news of popularity of single-image stere- the Sept./Oct. '94 NavViews. the latest in stereo cameras, view- ogram books, being noted even in MRS. ROBERTS' RIG DAY is the story ers, books, software and services. Discovery and Scientific American behind an exquisite tinted stereo Keep the World magazines. Over a dozen publish- daguerreotype by Antoine Claudet ers in the U.S. alone sold millions showing a woman dressed in her Coming to Your Door of SIS books, cards and calendars finest clothing and jewels on a very at a Rate That's Still special day in her life. A gem like that dominated entire sets of this stereo portrait would enhance a Bargain! shelves in many bookstores. This any collection, but researching its 1995 will bring more people and astounding, worldwide commercial history, as SW contributor Peter H. recognition to the NSA and more 3-D publishing boom all started Fowler has done, makes it far more images and information in Stereo with the "Single Image Random interesting. World. To keep it all happening, Dot Stereograms" article in Stereo STEREOSCOPIC ARCHITECTURAL however, will require more money World's MayIJune 1990 issue, and SURFACES is a look at the work of than present membership fees artist Roger Ferragallo, who has cre- those who fail to renew their ated entire walls of free viewed 3-D bring in. After holding the basic membership could miss out on our patterns for permanent installation NSA membership at $22 for several next stereo scoop! While we can't as Architectural building elements. years now, cost increases in prepa- promise articles with such interna- (The above three features will ration, printing and postage have tional multi-million-dollar results appear in a special color section.) suddenly caught up with us, con- in every issue, we'll continue to BLONDIN THE HERO OF NIAGARA suming reserves and forcing an present interesting and useful fea- traces the bizarre career of the increase to $26 per year for bulk tures and news about every aspect famous tightrope walker as illus- trated in several classic stereoviews mail memberships.
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