Check List 10(6): 1277–1289, 2014 © 2014 Check List and Authors Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (available at www.biotaxa.org/cl) Journal of species lists and distribution Mammals of the San Pedro-Mezquital River Basin, PECIES S Durango-Nayarit, Mexico OF ISTS Celia López-González *, Abraham Lozano, Diego F. García-Mendoza, and Alí Ituriel Villanueva- L Hernández Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CIIDIR Unidad Durango, Sigma 119, Fraccionamiento 20 de Noviembre II, Durango, Durango 34220, México * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The San Pedro–Mezquital River Basin is located in the southern Sierra Madre Occidental, at the Nearctic– Neotropical transition. The river traverses the Sierra through a canyon that reaches over 1000 m in depth. Based on examination of museum specimens, literature records, and our own collections, we documented the occurrence of 120 species (24.6% of the Mexican terrestrial mammals), 24 endemic to Mexico. Richness was comparable with other megadiverse areas of Mexico, and higher than any other Nearctic–Neotropical transition area, moreover species richness is thelikely canyon. to rise Anthropogenic as survey continues. threats Contrary including to damming expectation, of the distribution river, uncontrolled of mammals cattle across grazing, the and basin pollution not only from reflected domestic the sources,Nearctic–Neotropical call for effective divide, management but a third strategies fauna that to is preserve a mixture one of oftropical, the most temperate biodiverse and areas desert of speciesMexico. was identifiable at DOI: 10.15560/10.6.1277 Introduction inhabitants, INEGI 2005). Additionally, it is one of the Mexico has one of the most diverse mammalian faunas main providers of water for the Marismas Nacionales, in the world (525 species) surpassed only by Indonesia the most widespread mangrove of the Mexican Pacific and Brazil (Ceballos et al. 2005). The great geographic and (20% of the Mexican mangroves), and an important environmental complexity of Mexico and the mixture of sanctuary for birds and other vertebrates (CONANP Neotropical and Nearctic elements (Arita 1997; Ortega and 2007). Recently, the river has been identified as a Arita 1998; Morrone 2005) has produced a high variety of potentially continuous corridor between the arid and landscapes, climates, and vegetation types that result not semiarid vegetations of the Mexican Plateau and the only in a high species richness, but also in a large number tropical deciduous forest of the western slope of the of endemic taxa (Ceballos et al. 2005). SMO (González-Elizondo et al. 2007). Despite past and recent efforts of survey and From its headwaters the river flows around the city inventory, many areas of Mexico remain virtually of Durango, located on the western edge of the semi- unsampled, even for mammals, one of the best studied arid, temperate Mexican Plateau. South and east of the groups of animals. In particular, the Sierra Madre city a valley is formed with a difference of around 100 Occidental (SMO), most of which lies at the confluence m between stream bed and ground level. As the river of the Nearctic and Neotropical realm in northwestern turns south near the village of Nombre de Dios and Mexico, has been partially explored at best. Previous flows into the mountains, it excavates a canyon that inventories that included the region (Baker and Greer can be from 800 to 1000 m deep in the central part of 1962; Anderson 1972; Matson and Baker 1989) are the mountain range. On the western side, about 80 km partial and were focused on the most accessible from the mouth, the terrain levels again and the river regions, but many areas of this mountain range remain runs into an open valley on the coastal plain, nowadays unexplored, particularly on the western versant, the covered with fragments of the original semideciduous most difficult to access. One of these areas is the San forest, at an elevation ranging from 200 m to sea Pedro-Mezquital River Basin (SPMRB). This riverine level at the Marismas Nacionales, where mangrove system is located on the southern portion of the dominates. At the central portion of the basin, where SMO, where the river cuts across the mountains from the dominant vegetation is mixed conifer and oak forest northeast to southwest, from its headwaters north of on the highlands, within the canyon the microclimate Durango City to its mouth at the Marismas Nacionales allows for the development of semi-arid (on the eastern on the Pacific Plain of Nayarit (Figure 1). Along over 400 versant) and tropical vegetations (on the western flank; km, the San Pedro-Mezquital River traverses some of González-Elizondo et al. 2007). the most remote areas of the country. It is the Mexican Acknowledging the high biodiversity potential of river with the seventh largest water volume, as well as this region, the Mexican Comisión Nacional para el the last watercourse of the Pacific versant to remain Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO) undammed (WWF 2010) and the main source of fresh has designated parts of the basin as Priority Terrestrial water for the Durango metropolitan area (ca. 460, 000 Regions (RTP 57, 58 and 61 Arriaga et al. 2000). Similarly, 1277 López-González et al. | Mammals of San Pedro-Mezquital, Mexico the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) considers the basin of Materials and Methods essential importance for water conservation (WWF 2010). Study area Notwithstanding the potential importance of the area Although the SPMRB extends northwards as far as for biodiversity and conservation, few published accounts the municipality of Canatlán, in Durango, and as far exist on the fauna. In particular for mammals, most accounts southeast as Sombrerete, Zacatecas (WWF 2010), our concern the higher elevations of the basin (e.g., Baker and collecting efforts focused on the portion spanning, from Greer 1962; Muñiz-Martínez 1997; Álvarez and Polaco north to south, from the population of Nombre de Dios to 1984), but little is known about the lowlands (Crossin et al. the river mouth in Nayarit. From east to west the limits 1973). The objective of this paper is to report the results were set as 23.96° N, 103.97° W and 24.01° N, 104.54° mammals of this potentially diverse region. This report is the WWF polygon to include only the area of interest. The basedof the onfirst our comprehensive own recent collections attempt andat inventorying observations, the as restrictedW (Figure 1).polygon For the includes purposes part of thisof paperthe municipalities we modified well as on specimens previously collected by others and of Durango, Nombre de Dios, Poanas, Vicente Guerrero, deposited in museums. We compared species richness and Súchil, Mezquital, and Pueblo Nuevo, in Durango state; composition among the different vegetation types that and Huajicori, Acaponeta, Del Nayar, Rosamorada, Ruiz, occur in the basin. Based on species occurrences at each Tuxpan and Santiago Ixcuintla, in the state of Nayarit. vegetation type, we explored the potential distributional The terrain of the basin is irregular, with a wide patterns of species across the basin. Finally, we compared elevational gradient ranging from 0 to 3100 m above and contrasted our results with other, transitional and sea level. In general, vegetation in the area consisted diverse regions of Mexico. originally of grasslands, scrublands and open woodland Figure 1. (see text). Agricultural areas and oak forests are depicted here as discrete categories, but they were further separated in eastern and western slope communities Vegetation for analytical and limits purposes. of the San Pedro-Mezquital River Basin, modified from WWF (2010). Numbers represent intensive collection localities 1278 López-González et al. | Mammals of San Pedro-Mezquital, Mexico (“bosque bajo abierto”, González-Elizondo et al. 2007) Helgen et al. (2009); for Sturnira Velazco and Patterson on the eastern versant; mixed pine-oak forests on the (2013); for Thomomys Hafner et al. (2011) and Mathis et highlands; deciduous and semideciduous tropical forests al. (2013a). We also added to the species count Thomomys on the lowlands; and palm groves and mangroves on the sheldoni Baird 1915, and Thomomys atrovarius (J.A. Allen, 1898), recently described from the area (Hafner et al. has been replaced by agriculture, and coffee is grown in 2011; Mathis et al. 2013a). Literature records referring thecoast. shade On flatof semideciduous areas on both forests. versants, original vegetation to species which taxonomic status may have changed in the area (e.g., Peromyscus boylii [Baird, 1855]) were not Vegetation data included. Protection status and endemism for each species Vegetation categories follow those of INEGI (1998) are indicated following the IUCN red list (IUCN 2013) and current Mexican listings (NOM-059-ECOL-2010, We pooled the INEGI categories “pastizal-huizachal” and SEMARNAT 2010). We did not include introduced or “mezquital”digital map 1:1,000,000 into a more (Figuregeneral 1)one, with “mezquite some modification. grassland”. domestic species. “Bosque de pino” (pine forest) was included within “bosque de pino-encino” (pine-oak forest); “pastizal Specimen collection natural” (natural grassland), “pastizal inducido” (induced Between January 2009 and March 2011 sampling was grassland) and “bosque bajo abierto” were included into conducted along the SPMRB in seven sites roughly 50 km “open oak woodland”; “selva baja espinosa” (tropical thorn distant from each other (Figure 1). With the exception of shrub) and “selva baja caducifolia” (tropical deciduous site 5, near San Francisco de Lajas, Durango, located at forest) were pooled into tropical deciduous forest; and the Lajas River, a tributary, all sites were at the San Pedro- “manglar” (mangrove), “palmar” (palm forest), and Mezquital River itself. We sampled each site for 10 nights, “sabana” (savanna) were pooled into “coastal vegetation”. except site 4, which was sampled for 7 nights. At each site Additionally, because plant species composition has sampling was carried out at several locations, selected to try to cover as many vegetation associations present in the category “bosque de encino” (oak forest) was divided into site as possible.
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