National ISSN 0867-6976 Library Warsaw POLISH LIBRARIES2007 TODAY Vol. 7 POLISH RESEARCH LIBRARIES THE NATIONAL LIBRARY was founded in 1928, but its tradition goes back to the 18th century Za∏uski Library, opened to the public in 1747. The National Library is the biggest library in Poland with about 7 million items, and holds priceless monuments of Polish and European literature, as well as unique collections from private and public holdings. The late-Baroque 17th century Palace of the Commonwealth housing the most valuable special collections of the National Library comprising manuscripts, early printed books, graphics and photographs. The new National Library building in Pole Mokotowskie Address: 02-086 Warszawa, al. Niepodleg∏oÊci 213 www.bn.org.pl Polona Digital National Library www.polona.pl/dlibra 2 Research Libraries in Poland Table of Contents From the Editor 3 Research Libraries in Poland Barbara Bieñkowska: An Outline of the History of Research Libraries in Poland from the Middle Ages to 1945 5 Henryk Hollender: Polish Research Libraries in their Contemporary Context 19 Ewa Dobrzyñska-Lankosz: Cooperation amongst Polish Research Libraries 31 Ewa Kobierska-Maciuszko: New Research Library Buildings in Poland 35 Maja Wojciechowska: Applying Management Techniques in Polish Libraries 41 Cataloging: Cooperation and New Technologies Maria Burchard: NUKAT the Union Catalog of Polish Research Libraries 49 Maria Nasi³owska: KABA Subject Headings The Current Situation and Prospects the Future 55 Wanda Klenczon, Anna Stolarczyk: Subject Headings of the Polish National Library (JHP BN) 60 Digital Libraries Bo¿ena Bednarek-Michalska: Digital Libraries in Poland 65 Joanna Potêga, Katarzyna laska: Polona Digital National Library 73 Preserving Library Collection Barbara Drewniewska-Idziak, Ewa Stachowska-Musia³: Preservation of Collections in Polish Libraries and Archives 78 W³adys³aw Sobucki: The Long-term Government Program Acidic Paper 90 Education and Professional Development Barbara Sosiñska-Kalata: The Development of an Integrated Model of Library and Information Science Studies at Warsaw University in the Light of Higher Education Reform in Poland 94 Marcin Drzewiecki: Bringing Polands System of Academic Education in the Field of Library and Information Science into the 21st Century 105 Publishing Market of Polish Academic Literature Ma³gorzata Korczyñska-Derkacz: The Market for Scholarly Books in Poland following the Social and Political Transformations 109 Major Polish Libraries Artur Jazdon: Poznañ University Library 117 Barbara G³ówka: The Warsaw School of Economics Library 125 Krzysztof Szelong: Euroregional Projects of the Cieszyn Historical Library 131 Jan Wo³osz: Changes in Public Librarianship in Poland after the Political Transformation of 1989 139 Reviews Research Libraries in the General Government in the Years 1939-1945 (Janusz Kostecki) 145 Library Periodicals Przegl¹d Biblioteczny [Library Review] (Barbara Sosiñska-Kalata) 148 Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej [Scientific Information Issues] (Bo¿enna Bojar) 150 Bibliotekarz [Librarian] (Jan Wo³osz) 150 Rocznik Biblioteki Narodowej [National Library Yearbook] (Halina Tchórzewska-Kabata) 151 Roczniki Biblioteczne [Library Annals] (Anna Zbikowska-Migoñ) 152 Biblioteka [Library] (Artur Jazdon) 153 Biuletyn EBIB [Bulletin EBIB] (Bo¿ena Bednarek-Michalska) 154 Contributors 155 An Outline of the History of Research Libraries in Poland from the Middle Ages to 1945 3 From the Editor In the two previous volumes of Polish Libraries with the economic and political crisis of the 1980s Today we highlighted some of the masterpieces having hampering their development to a signifi- of foreign collections preserved in Polish libraries cant degree. However, over the past 17 years, (vol. 6), and the most important past and present Polish research and academic libraries, have be- issues of the National Library (vol. 5). In this edi- come modern centers, supporting science, culture tion we would like to share with our readers the and education. most important facts and opinions about the chan- Research libraries are changing their manage- ging environment of Polish research libraries. ment methods and have learnt how to cooperate The rich history of collections and libraries effectively when it comes to the resolution of se- within the Polish territory dates back to the early rious issues. It is thanks to research librarians that Middle Ages. Beginning from the 11th century the consortia and teamwork have been introduced in first monastery collections were created. In Poland. Joint initiatives include: the national uni- Gniezno, Kraków, P³ock, together with the con- versal union catalog NUKAT, subject headings structions of medieval cathedrals, many religious systems (KABA and JHPBN), the authority file schools with collections of manuscript codices of names, and regional digital libraries, all of which were established. We are proud that one of the have enjoyed great success. Many consortia have oldest European academic libraries the Jagiello- been created both for the implementation of inte- nian Library in Kraków has remained open, with grated library systems VIRTUA, HORIZON, without interruption since the early 15th century. ALEPH, and for the purchase of database licenses A very special place in the history of Polish and electronic journals. librarianship is reserved for libraries founded Leaving the traditional concept of a library as between the fall of Polish state at the end of the mainly a central storage room for library materials, 18th century and the reestablishment of an inde- Polish librarians have discovered that the library pendent Poland in 1918. It was in the 19th century is a complex, interactive research, educational when wonderful collections were funded by pri- and cultural environment. It is also a social space vate donors. In magnificent premises the most where people may communicate with one another. precious Polonica and the unique relics of the This social aspect of the library as a real place that European writing were opened to researchers. The offers patrons user-friendly environment and a va- most eminent examples are the Ossoliñski Na- riety of traditional and electronic services in con- tional Institute Library in Lwów, Raczyñski Li- trast to the virtual space has played its part in the brary in Poznañ, Kórnik Library nearby Poznañ, successful development of research libraries. Zamoyski and Krasiñski Libraries in Warsaw, the In presenting this volume relating to research Polish Library in Paris or the Library of Polish libraries in Poland, we trust that the various high- Museum in Rapperswil, Switzerland. lighted facts, opinions and comments shall enable In this volume historical contexts look to evoke our foreign readers to understand better the most a better understanding of the current problems significant issues of Polish librarianship. being face by Polish librarianship. The early 1990s saw Polish libraries in a rather dramatic condition: Joanna Pasztaleniec-Jarzyñska 4 Research Libraries in Poland Kazania wiêtokrzyskie [The Holy Cross Sermons], 14th century Polish-language manuscript on parchment The oldest manuscript in Polish held in the collections of the National Library also the oldest known relic of Polish prose. The Sermons are of the utmost worth and importance for Polands national culture. The manuscript of The Sermons in the form of strips into which the leaves of parchment had been cut was used for strengthening the binding of another codex from the 15th century. The Sermons were discovered in 1890 in Russia, where a considerable amount of Polands cultural treasures had been transferred after the loss of national independence (1795). They returned to Poland in 1925. Included in the holdings of the National Library, The Sermons do not form part of any particular historic or private collection and thus remain the property of the nation. The unique physical form of The Sermons, as their turbulent history, symbolise the fate of many Polish treasures, which despite the tribulations of the past have managed to survive and testify to the continuity of Polish culture. An Outline of the History of Research Libraries in Poland from the Middle Ages to 1945 5 Barbara Bieñkowska Research An Outline of the History Libraries of Research Libraries in Poland in Poland from the Middle Ages to 1945 Abstract The author discusses the process of the creation and functioning of research library institutions in Poland throughout the ages. The situation of Polish libraries is reflected in Polands history. She also mentions the history of libraries such as private, church, school, academic, and special libraries. What constitutes a research library is an issue with both foreign and Polish (as belonging to the that generates a great deal of debate, and this is western-European branch of Slavic languages) because research libraries have different clas- texts being transcribed in it. Polish social, as well sifications in legal documentation, depending on as intellectual, elites brought up in the Latin con- the purpose, place and time of their formation, vention of school, court and Church, were also as well as the given national tradition. In Poland quick to adopt western-European cultural patterns, the term research library has become a part of although they also remained strongly committed library terminology and is still frequently used both to national traditions and issues. (2) in practice, as well as in legislation. (1) Despite the umbrella
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