Pag* B-7 Wednesday, September 20, 1961 THE PRESS YOUR GUIDE TO The Very Best In Entertainment FINE DINING Theater And Entertainmtnt in the Greater Guide Los Angeles and Torrance Area ****** Red Nichols, With Cornel, Entertains Freddy Martin Orchestra Plays Pacific Ocean Park will con­ In Area For Nine-Week Engagement tinue to present Freddy Mar­ Red Nicholfl, on« of theVerdes this week for his ahle jazz. He avoids the far- tin and his Orchestra through­ most enduring musical lnsti-1 fourth engagement, tooting off stuff, and* my patrons li­ out the fall season at the tutions in American jazz,IJ1'8 1hiKh^ou<!Y!.ing rnet . terally vStand up, and applaud P.O.P. Pavilion, now that the came swinging hark to Ma-! Icadin* his " Five p<Pennies" In Park is on its "open weekends r ' «v1 Tl-.-i'.ii-rmt. "in Paloai the "orpoise Room. after every set," Foster said. only" winter schedule. Their jazz troatmpnt of the The jaxz presented hy Nic- The Martinmen will play old Dixieland fn verities and hols in Marineland Restau­ for dancers each Saturday NOW THRU OCT. 1 N'ichols' solos -were well re- rant is a true art form, not a night from 7:15 p.m. to 1:30 Twite Doily 3 Timei Soli. cejve(] 'frenzied and prodigal profu- a.m. A live television'program Thr'musical idol of the 20»8, sion of notes' Clutchfn* his is aired from the ballroom on SPORTS AR£NA he plays them with a Santa Barbara Ntu»roo signed hy owner George M. cornet, KTLA (Ch. 5) every Satur­ round, driving, controlled so­ Aof. forking Air Conditioned Foster, will entertain in Ma­ day from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., nority. The virtuoso of the ALL-NF.W 1061 EDITION rineland Restaurant nighUy and a radio show, heard on except Mondays until mid-.......horn segues , neatly, , - . from KABC, is broadcast on Satur­ November J brassy, muted thunder into a days from 9:05 to 9:35 p.m. Unlike mahjong and spats, i stream of JaM sounds- exP°*' Dancing to Freddy Martin which have disappeared from ing his hot-noted band to in­ and the Orchestra is includ­ the scene, Nichol* is one of finite Improvisation or rhyth- ed in P.O.P.'s pay-one-price today'H top musical attrac-| mic simplicity. policy. lions, winning a whole new] "The Five Pennies." led by grnnration of fans with rec- Nicbols. will be on the band Tonifht ,o!-dK, television and in-person stand for' nine more weeks, "THE CURSE OP ! appearances. and reservations in the For- R THI WEREWOLF" "There's n large, eager and noise Room are suggested hy (Color) Foster. Also 2000 Gen. Adm. S«oti 9 $ 1.00 devoted audience for his kind "THE TERROR OF for a<h Performance jof music," stated Foster/who O THE TONGS ihas been showcasing many GOOD GROUP. (Color) RESERVED SEATS $2.00, $3.00. $3.50. $4.00 i living musical legends in the Most of the new homes KMi under 12 '/, Price ! Porpoise Room. sold today are bought by fam­ D Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Iicept Frf. Nif. & Weekends ! They have included Wild Elvis Prttlty reterved teat* *«l. ilies earning $135 week or Julitt Prowtt iRill Davidson. Clyde McCoy, "G.I. ELUfiS" Spots and Ray Bau- less, home specialists report. I Bvei. of I except Sun, 01 4:30 i The Ink (Color) Matineei at 4 00 except Iduc. SAT. A SUN. 2:30 "find Nichols Carlot Thompson A "THE LAST REBEL" TICKETS AT ' DANCE (Color) THK SPORTS ARENA-Rl 1-537* SO. CALIF. MUSIC, 737 8. Hill LUNLrlhON ALL MUTUAL AOENGIS COCKTAILS U * * Phone MA 7-1248 for yoer DINNER SCHOOL DRIVE-IN THEATER n*ar«tt mutual ocjy. Rtdondo Btaeh Blvd. OOOD SEATS ON doorway to a happier, M DA 4-2644 BOX OFFICE AT U4 healthier tomorrow "DIXIELAND AT DISNEYLAND," Sept. 30, is an all-star jazz Young Men From New Orleans; The Disneyland Strawhatters; and The Albert McNeil Choir. Tickets include all Disneyland Right now, it miqht loom festival at the Magic Kingdom. Ar!-ists include Louis Arm­ rides end attractions, as well as the Dixieland show. yean and yoars before your strong; Teddy Bucknor and his Dixieland Band; the Pirehouse All-Stars; The little girl takes the big step Five Plus 2; Matty Matlock and his Dixieland • from youngster to young 1 , • Each band will play In its} CASH woman. But timo hat a way own distinctive style. of slipping by and littlo girls Dixieland Music Floats Downriver For the finale, more than Wtdnetday Thru Saturday hflve a way of growing up 50 jazss artists board the Mark September 20-21-22-23 all too fait, to unexpectedly Fifty of the world's Dixie- Sept. 30, when the second an­ and Downtown}, Desmond's Crenshaw Twain riverboat. Under a dis­ Jamti Darrtn Ptggy Case Gift . often too toon to do all bind Jazzmen will apear at nual "Dixieland at. Disney- Stores Ht Pasadena. Disnoyland. Saturday night, land" show fills the Magic and Fashion Square in Santa play of fireworks exploding the things you dream you'd on the water* and in the air, "GIDGET GOES like t6 do for thorn. Kingdom with New Orleans Ana, and the Disheyland Box HAWAIIAN" music and fun. Office. ' the sternwheeler, ablaze with lights, will round the bend (Ctlor) Awards That's why it's so import­ Louis Armstrong heads tTie All tickets on Sept. 30, are ant to consider this: Dance $5.50. dates open at 8 p.m. with musicians playing Alto WINNERS' NAMES QHANGB EACH ISSUE list of Dixieland talent. School, today can do so Like the first "Dixieland at Willard Parktr-Joyct Mtadowe x Joining "Satrhmo" for the (Advtrtlnmtnt) much for your little girl jazz festival will be: Teddy Disneyland" held in the Magic "WALK TALL" through all hor tomorrows. Buckner and His Dixieland K i n g d o m a year ago, this CASH Through Intelligently planned, Band; The Firehouse Five year's program will begin on £®b!e House Sunday, Monday, Tutftday $ carefully supervised dance in­ plus 2; The Younj? Men From the Park's Rivers of America Stpttmbtr 24-25-24 and exercises, her with the "Salute to Dixiela»d" struction New Orleans; Matty Matlock Gets Famed Sophia Lortn is awailina YOU littlo girl's natural body de­ and His Dixieland All-Stars; show. are Float Down River Dance Duo "THE 5 velopment and health ''FRONTIER 1-1247 the Disneyland Strawhatters; TAKE THIS AD WITHIN ONE WEEK TO THE strengthened and protected. Each Divieland band will MILLIONAIRESS" and the Albert MrNeil Cboir. Goto, Girod to Taaeh Dancing harns the thrill of using float down river on a raft. (Color) STORE IN WHICH YOUR NAME APPEARS She Six Locations t Torranct Sports Ctnttr YOU WILL BE GIVEN $5. her body to create beautiful The entire show, including Alto and expressive movement. She river pagentry and the eve­ Jerry Gore* and Richard Girod Martin Wett gains a polished femininity, ning-long Dixieland dancing Kingston Trio, have just been hired by .lorry 'FRECKLES" an assured way of carrying and listening at six locations, Hbmel, General Manager of the and conducting herself that is wrapped up in one big tic­ Les Baxter Play Gable House Bowl, at Hawthorne will serve hor always. ket, "package" that includes and Sepulveda, Torrance. to teach your namt In Look for NOTHING Disneyland and PROFESSIONAL DANCING, ill ovory busintM firm lltt- Open the door to this won­ admission to September 30 d btlow. TO BUY derful, wonderful world of admission to every Disney­ was revealed today by tht AottXl dance for your child, too. land ride and attraction as The recently reorganized Sportsman. BOWL-0-DROME often a« desired throughout Kingston Trio will be back FAIrfax 1-4373 AL BAILEY VUrt our studio this week for the third time at Holly­ Gore# and Girod, with many 21915 S. Woitorn Avo. she'll never be a little girl the night. y«an of experience, will instruct PLUMBING CO. sate tickets, at wood Bowl, Sept. 30, under Wtdnttday Thru Monday Torrance again. Advance patron* Interested in leaminjc the $4.95, can be .obtained at Wal- the sponsorship of Concerts, 2001 Curtle St. FA I 3700 CHA CHA, MOMBO, FOX TROT. UPVlVtftA UVO, MANHATTAN MACK agen­ Inc. The preceding appear­ Sttvt MeQuttn lich's Music City Ticket, 'SWING, WALTZ. MERENGUE, Rtdondo Bta«h 40 Lanei, AMF cies (Hollywood, Lake wood ances in 1959 and 1960 were complete sellouts. RHUMB A, BOLERO, SAMBA and "The Dancing Brownee According to tiift pair, Ftr all Plumbing Nttd* Cocktails, Augmenting the Sept. 30 TANGO. TARGE COURSES WILL BE MIKi HUMKIANKO Rdwl show will be Lea Bax­ NO Honeymoon Cell FR 2-4854 «TM Mon«»« street Brown Glad to Be Back! ter, and his 30-piece record- SOLD. Wt Will Rt-Op«n ing orchestra. J^Bjf^lC Studio hours will be from 11 Macnine11 ftUSS scores of "hit /paradr*Ter?ord- Dance it. m. to ft p. m. daily with group ings and albums to his credit. Ale* AUTO REPAIR ' Thursday, September 21st The K illusions are probably leasons taught from 7 to 9 p.m. Arts the top money makers in the at the VERY LOW COST OF $1 Complete Auto Service Wt ju»t got b*ck from llttU vacation lo music business today, report­ PER HOUR. Semi-private Icsjwns, "The Green Mexican Food & Food to Go Tune-up, Engine Rebuilding wt can tat tomt of our own food . ..It's edly earning $1 million a year itwo to four couples, at a combin­ 1722 S.
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