31 . 7 . 96 I EN I Official Journal of the European Communities No C 223/23 List of sites registered in the European eco management and audit scheme (Council Regulation ( EEC) No 1836/93 ) ( 96/C 223/02 ) (Text with EEA relevance) The following list is published so as to comply with Article 9 of Council Regulation (EEC ) No 1836/93 C ). This Regulation establishes a voluntary environmental management scheme , based on harmonized lines and principles throughout the European Union, open to companies in the industrial sector operating in the European Union . The overall objective of the scheme is to promote continuous environmental performance improvements of industrial activities by committing sites to evaluate and improve their environ­ mental performance and provide relevant information to the public . Sites that wish to be registered in the scheme must have their environmental policy, programme , management system, review or audit procedure and environmental statement or statements examined , to verify that that they meet the requirements of this Regulation and the environmental statements validated . This verification and validation must be carried out by an independent, appropriately accredited , environmental verifier . Article 9 of the Regulation specifies that each year the Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of all the registered sites in the Community . The list below contains details of all sites whose registration has been notified to the Commission, by the competent bodies or national authorities in the Member States , up to and including 16 February 1996 . C ) OJ No L 168 , 10 . 7 . 1993 . No C 223 /24 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 31 . 7 . 96 LIST OF REGISTERED SITES A. Contact details of registered sites BELGIUM Registration No Suspended Company name and address Contact person B-VL-S-0000001 Volvo Europa Truck N.V. Smalleheerweg 31 P.O. Box 10 B-9041 Oostakker Tél . + 32 /(09)250.42.11 Fax + 32/ (0)9-251.68.95 B-VL-S-0000002 Volvo Cars Europe Industry N.V. J.F. Kennedylaan 25 P.O. Box 273 B-9000 Gent Tél . + 32/ (09)250.21.11 Fax + 32/(0)9-250.29.57 DENMARK Registration No Suspended Company name and address Contact person DK-S-0000001 Phønix-Trykkeriet Mr . Poul-Erik Søren Nymarks Vej 15 Poulsen DK-8270 Højbjerg Tlf. + 45/ 86-29.23.00 Fax + 45 / 86-29.32.22 DK-S-0000002 Salomon & Roussell AS Mr . Torben Værkstedvej 6 Salomon postboks 344 DK-2500 Valby Tlf. + 45/ 36-46.36.00 Fax + 45 / 36-46.26.00 DK-S-0000003 Dalmose Trævare-Industri A/ S Mr . Claus Industrivej 3 Lynderaa DK-4261 Dlamose Tlf. + 45/ 53-58.80.09 Fax + 45/ 53-58.80.25 GERMANY Registration No Suspended Company name and address Contact person DE-S 164-00001 Brueninghaus Hydromatik GmbH Werk Ho-6 An den Kelterwiesen 14 D-72160 Horb Tel . + 49 / 7451-92.0 Fax + 49/7451-92.292 31 . 7 . 96 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 223/25 Registration No Suspended Company name and address Contact person DE-S-101-00001 Adam Opel AG Opelring 1 D-44782 Bochum Tel . + 49/234 / 989 2300 Fax + 49/234 / 989 2379 DE-S-101-00002 Grenzland Maschinen & Anlagenbau GmbH Jülicherstraße 191 D-52070 Aachen Tel . + 49/241 / 9680 79 Fax + 49/241 / 4594 03 DE-S-101-00003 Grenzlandmaschinen & Anlagenbau GmbH Rurstraße 58 D-52441 Linnich Tel . + 49/241 / 96 807-0 DE-S-101-00004 CWS-Lackfabrik Conrad W. Schmidt GmbH & Co . KG Katharinenstraße 61 D-52353 Düren Tel . + 49/2421 983 144 Fax + 49/2421 / 983 187 DE-S-Í01-00005 Akzo Nobel Chemicals GmbH Kreuzauer Straße 46 D-52355 Düren Tel . + 49(0)2421 / 595 298 Fax + 49/(0)2421 / 596 194 DE-S-101-00006 Akcros Chemicals GmbH & Co . KG Kreuzauer Straße 46 D-52355 Düren Tel . + 49(0)2421 / 595 298 Fax + 49/ (0)2421 /295 194 DE-S-101-00007 Akzo-PO Silica GmbH & Co . Kreuzauerstraße 46 D-52355 Düren Tel . + 49/ (0)2421 / 595 298 Fax + 49/(0)2421 /595 194 DE-S-101-00009 Mitsubishi Semiconductor Europe GmbH Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1 D-52477 Alsdorf Tel . + 49/2404-99.20.20 Fax + 49/2404-99.13.99 DE-S-104-00001 Bosch-Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH , Produktionsbereich Geschirrspüler Fabrik Dillingen Robert Bosch-Straße 16 D-89407 Dillingen Tel . + 49/9071-52.625 Fax + 49/9071-52.653 DE-S-104-00002 Alderbrauerei Rettenberg Herbert Zötler GmbH Grüntenstraße 2 D-87549 Rettenberg Tel . + 49/ 8327-70.33 Fax + 49/ 8327-74.87 DE-S-104-00004 Franz Schneider Brakel GmbH & Co Industriestraße 12 D-33034 Brakel Tel . + 49/ (0)5272-60.80 Fax + 49/ (0)5272-60.300 No C 223/26 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities 31 . 7 . 96 Registration No Suspended Company name and address Contact person DE-S-106-00001 Vliesstoffwerk Christian Heinrich Sandler GmbH and Co . KG Lamitzmühle 1 D-95126 Schwarzenbach Tel . + 49/9284-60.198 Fax + 49/9284-60.272 DE-S-106-00002 W. Albrecht GmbH & Co . KG Kirschackerstraße 9 D-96502 Bamberg Tel . + 49/ (0)951-93.38.163 Fax + 49/(0)951-93.38.149 DE-S-107-00001 Märkisches Landbrot GmbH Bergiusstraße 36 D- 1 2057 Berlin Tel . + 49/30-613.91.20 Fax + 49/ 30-68.45.184 DE-S-107-00002 Siemens AG , Bereich Energieerzeugung (KWU) Huttenstraße 12-16 D-10553 Berlin Tel . + 49/30- Fax + 49/30- DE-S-107-00003 Stolzenberg GmbH Alt-Reinickendorf 25/27 D- 1 3407 Berlin Tel . + 49/ 30- Fax + 49/30-49.53.85 DE-S-107-00004 ABB Kraftwerk Berlin GmbH Kurze Straße 5-6 D-13158 Berlin Tel . + 49/(0)30-91.77.0 Fax + 49/(0)30-91.67.844 DE-S-107-00005 Oktoberdruck GmbH Paul-Lincke-Ufer 44a D- 1 0999 Berlin Tel . + 49/(0)30-612.32.56 Fax + 49/ (0)30-612.30.53 DE-S-107-00006 Union Chemie Erzeugnisse GmbH Montanastraße 23 D- 1 3407 Berlin Tel . + 49/ (0)30-414.50.01 Fax + 49/(0)30-414.61.25 DE-S-107-00007 Siemens AG Großbeerenstraße 2 D-12107 Berlin Tel . + 49(0)30/70 23-0 Fax + 49/ (0)30/70 23 24 39 DE-S-107-00008 Siemens AG Wernerwerkdamm 16 D- 1 3629 Berlin Tel . + 49/(0)30/ 386-27 930 Fax + 49/(0)30/ 386-27 956 DE-S-108-00001 COR Wohn- und Büromöbel Helmut Lübke GmbH & Co . Nonenstraße 12 D-33372 Rheda-Wiedenbrück Tel . + 49/ 5242 / 410222 Fax + 49/ 5242 / 410248 31 . 7 . 96 EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 223/27 Registration No Suspended Company name and address Contact person DE-S-108-00002 Siemens Nixdorf Geschäftsgebiet Midrange Frankfurter Weg 80 D-33106 Paderborn Tel . + 49/ (0)5251 /7208-10 Fax + 49/ (0)5251 /7208-15 DE-S-108-00003 Franz Schneider Brakel GmbH & Co Nieheimer Straße 38 D-33034 Brakel Tel . + 49/ (0)5272-60.80 Fax + 49/ (0)5272-60.300 DE-S-108-00005 Poggenpohl Möbelwerke GmbH Herringhauser Straße 33 D-32051 Herford Tel . + 49/ (0)5221 /301 207 Fax + 49/ (0)5221 / 301 321 DE-S-109-00002 Privatbrauerei Moritz Fiege Scharnhorststraße 19-25 D-44787 Bochum Tel . + 49/234 / 6898197 Fax + 49/234 / 6898111 DE-S-109-00003 Klaus Steilmann GmbH & Co KG Feldstraße 4 D-44857 Bochum-Wattenscheld Tel . + 49/(0)2327/940 631 Fax + 49/ (0)2327/940 574 DE-S-110-00001 Eckes Granini GmbH & Co . KG Werk Bröl Katharinental D-53773 Hennef/Sieg Tel . + 49/ (0)6136/3518 36 Fax + 49/(0)6 138 /3510 69 DE-S-111-00001 Zuckerverband Nord AG Werk Clauen Zuckerfabrik 3 D-31249 Hohenhameln Tel . + 49/ 531 / 24 110 Fax + 49 / 531 / 24 11 109 DE-S-1 1 1-00002 Zuckerverband Nord AG Werk Schladen Bahnhofstraße 1 3 D-38315 Schladen Tel . + 49/ 531 / 24 10 Fax + 49/ 531 / 24 11 109 DE-S-111-00003 Zuckerfabrik Königslutter Rottorfer Straße 1-3 D-38154 Königslutter Tel . + 49/5353 / 50 710 Fax + 49/ 5353 / 50 71 72 DE-S-1 1 1-00004 Zuckerfabrik AG Fabrikstraße 6 D-38159 Vechelde Tel . + 49/ (0)581-89.180 Fax + 49/ (0)581-89.225 No C 223/28 [ EN Official Journal of the European Communities 31 . 7 . 96 Registration No Suspended Company name and address Contact person DE-S-1 15-00001 Ciba Additive GmbH Postfach 1640 D-68619 Lampertheim Tel . + 49/6206-502.12.07 Fax + 49/6206-502.13.68 DE-S-1 15-00002 Odenwald-Quelle Strauch GmbH & Co . KG Ludwigstr. 100 D-64646 Heppenheim Tel . + 49/6252/ 123-0 Fax + 49/6252/ 123 200 DE-S-1 15-00003 Siemens AG Fabrikstr. 31 D-64625 Bensheim Tel . + 49/6251 / 16 3111 Fax + 49/6251 / 16 2900 DE-S-118-00001 3 M Deutschland GmbH Werk Kamen Edisonstraße 6 D-59157 Kamen Tel . + 49/(0)23 07/ 1 63 42 Fax + 49/(0)23 07/ 1 63 88 DE-S-1 19-00002 Johann Spielmann GmbH Schwanhildenstr. 35 D-45141 Essen Tel . + 49/201 /24548-0 Fax + 49/201 /29281 DE-S-1 19-00002 Zamek Nahrungsmittelfabriken GmbH & Co . KG Kappeler Str. 147 - 167 D-40599 Düsseldorf Tel . + 49/211 /7485-0 Fax + 49/211 /7485-266 DE-S-120-00001 Unichema Chemie GmbH Steinstraße 9 D-45446 Emmerich Tel . + 49/2822 / 72 346 Fax + 49/2822 / 72 276 DE-S-121-00001 Volkswagen AG Werk Emden Postfach 2365 D-26703 Emden Tel . + 49/21-86.22.30 Fax + 49/21-86.34.85 DE-S-122-00001 cph chemie GmbH Laubenhof 3 D-45326 Essen Tel .
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