c. c. JANUARY PRESENTING A SYMPOSIUM "CATHOLIC ACTION AND THE FAMILY" With Twenty Articles As Follows Place of the Family in a Christian Society The Changing World and the Family The Spiritual Life of the Family Christian Education and the Family Our Fight Against Pagan Ideas of Family Life The Rural Community and the Family Economic Justice and the Family Good Government and the Family Civic Duty and the Family Lay Organization and the Family The Press and the F amity Good Literature and the Family The Lay Apostolate and the F amity The Family and Preparation For Catholic Action Social Work and the Family Community Life and the Family World Problems and the Family The Immigrant and the Family Recreation and the Family Catholic Action and the Family Subscription Price Vol. XII, No.1 Domestic-$1.00 per year January, 1930 Foreign- $1.25 per year 2 N. C. W. C. REVIE~T January, 1930 N. C. W. C. REVIEW OFFICIAL ORGAN' OF THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE N. C. W. C. ADMINISTRATIVE ff This organization (the N. C. N. C. W. C. DEPARTMENTS COMMITTEE W. C.) is not only useful~ but AND BUREAUS MOST REV. EDWARD J. HANNA, D.D. Archbishop of San Francisco necessary.. We praise all EXECUTIVE- Chairman who in any way cooperate in this The active executive of this De­ RT. REV. HUGH C. BOYLE, D.D. great work."-POPE PIUS XI. partment is the General Secretary of Bishop of Pittsburgh the Conference, who also coordinates Chairman Department of Education the work of all its other departments. RT. REV. THOMAS F. LILLIS, D.D. FACTS ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION Bureaus maintained are: Immi­ Bishop of Kansas City gration, Publicity and Information, Chairman Department of Social Action HE National Catholic Welfare Conference was Historical Records, Publications, Bus­ RT. REV. JOSEPH SCHREMBS, D.D. T organized in September, 1919. iness and Auditing. Bishop of Cleveland The N. C. W. C. is a common agency acting un­ Chairman Department of Lay der the authority of the Bishops to promote the EDUCATION- Organizations welfare of the Catholics of the country. Serves as a clearing house of in­ RT. REV. JOHN G. MURRAY, D.D. has for its incorporated purpo "unifying, Bishop of Portland It formation concerning Catholic edu­ Chairman Legal Department. coordinating and organizing the Cath . c people of cation and as an advisory agency in the United States in works of education social wel­ the development of Catholic schools RT. REV. PHILIP R. McDEVITT, D.D. Bishop of Harrisburg fare, immigrant aid and other activities." and the Catholic school system. Chairman Department of Publicity, It comprises six departments-ExECUT"VE, EDU­ Divi ions: Statistics and Informa­ Press and Literature CATION, PRESS, SOCIAL ACTION, LEGAL and LAY tion, Teachers' Registration, Health Education and Library. MOST REV. JOHN T. McNICHOLAS, ORGANIZATIONS. O.P., D.D. The Conference is conducted by an Administra­ PRESS- Archbishop of Cincinnati tive Committee composed of seven Archbishops Member and Bishops. Serves the Catholic Press in the Each department of the N. C. W. C. is adminis­ United States and abroad with regu­ REV. JOHN J. BURKE, e.S.P., S.T.D. lar news, feature, editorial and pic­ General Secretary tered by an Episcopal Chairman. torial services. Through the General Secretary, chief executive officer of the Conference, the reports of the Depart­ SOCIAL ACTION- The Purpose of the N. C. W. c. ments and information on the general work of the Covers the fields of Industrial Re­ IN THE WORDS OF OUR HOLY FATHER: headquarter's staff are sent regularly to the mem­ bers of the Administrative Committee. lations, Citizenship, Social Wark and "Since you (the Bishops) reside in Rural Welfare, serving therein as (1) cities far apart and there are matters The administrative Bishops of the Conference re­ a clearing house for Catholic social of a higher import demanding your port annually upon their work to the Holy See. teaching, (2) a bureau of information joint deliberation. it is im­ Annually at the general meeting of the Bishops, and standards, and (3) an active or­ perative that by taking counsel together detailed reports are submitted by the Administra­ ganization to assist in establishing you all agree on one common aim and tive Bishops of the Conference and authorization civic, social and economic welfare. with one united will strive for its attain­ secured for the work of the coming year. ment by employing, as you now do, the No official action is taken by any N. C. W. C. LEGAL- means which are adequate and adapted department without authorization of its Episcopal Maintains a record of federal, to present-day conditwns." Chairman. state and local le~lation and ex­ -Pope Pius XI to the Bishops of the United No official action is taken in the name of the changes legislative mformation with States, August, 1927. whole Conference without authorization and ap­ other departments of the Conference proval of the Administrative Committee. and with interested organizations IN THE WORDS OF OUR BISHOPS: It is not the policy of the N. C. W. C. to create and individuals. "We have grouped together, under new organizations. the National Catholic Welfare Confer- It helps, unifies, and leaves to their own fields LAY ORGANIZATIONS- ence, the various agencies by which those that already exist. the cause of religion is furthered. It aims to defend and to advance the welfare both Comprises the NATIONAL COUNCIL Each of these, continuing its own of the Catholic Church and of our beloved Country. OF CATHOLIC MEN and the NATIONAL special work in its chosen field, will It seeks to inform the life of America of right fun- COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN, now derive additional support through damental principles of religion and morality. both of which maintain at N. C. general cooperation. It is a central clearing house of information re- W. C. headquarters a permanent "The task assigned to each depart- garding activities of Catholic men and women. representation in the interests of the ment is so laborious and yet so promis- All that are helped-the dioceses and all within Catholic laity of the United States. ing of results, that we may surely ex- the dioceses-may play their part in promoting the The N. C. C. M. and N. C. C. W. pect, with the Divine assistance and good work and in maintaining the common agency, function directly through local units the loyal support of our clergy and the National Catholic Welfare Conference. of the two Councils and indirectl v people, to promote more effectually The N. C. W. C. REVIEW records monthly through some 3500 affiliated societies. the glory of God, the interests of His the work of the Conference and its affiliated organi- The N. C. C. M. maintains at its Church, and the welfare of our zations. It presents our common needs and oppor- national headquarters a Bureau of Country." tunities. Its special articles are helpful to every Apologetics. The N. C. C. W. maintains in -From the ]919 Pastoral Letter of the Catholic organization and individual. Archbishops and Bishops of the Washington, D. C., the National American Hierarchy. I I Catholic School of Social Service. I--------------~-~ CHARL~A.McMAHo~E~fur --~--------------I Editorial and Business Offices PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE Publication Office 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE Industrial Building Entered a! second-class matter at the post-office at Baltimore, Md., under the Act of Washington, D. C. March 3, 1879. All changes of address, renewals and subscriptions should be sent Baltimore, Md. directtoN. C.W. C. Headquarters, 1312 MassachusettsAve.,N.W., WashingWu, D. C. January, 1930 N. C. W. C. REVIEW 3 AROUND THE CONFERENCE TABLE "Conte now, 'that we may take counsel together."~2 Esdras, Chapter VI: 7. BY SPECIAL FAVOR of His Holiness, THE CEREMONIES OF consecration of Pope Pius XI, St. Ann's Church in East the Very Rev. Msgr. Joseph H . Albers, Twelfth Street, N ew York City, has been raised WE CHANGE OUR NAME Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati I to the dignity of a national and pastor of St. Louis' Church Honor for shrine and named the Pri- UNDER OUR NEW TITLE-N. C. Auxiliary in that city, who was named St. Ann's in mary Church in the W. C. REVIEW-we extend to all Bishop of by Pope Pius XI to be Titular New York City United States for the readers and friends of our publication cordial Cincinnati Bishop of Lunda and Auxiliary Archconfraternity of the greetings for the New Year. May 1930 bring Bishop to His Grace, the Most Motherhood of St. Ann. to every member of the N. C. W. C. family an Rev. John T. McNicholas, O.P., Archbishop "We raise forever," stated the Holy Father abundance of Heaven's choicest blessings, of Cincinnati, took place in St. Peter's Cathe­ in his brief confirming tills signal honor and spiritual and material. dral in Cincinnati on December 27. Arch­ sent to the Right Rev. Msgr. George J . War­ In changing the name of our publication, bishop McNicholas' was the consecrator, as­ ing, Ph.D., LL.D., rector of St. Ann's and we discontinue with no little regret the title sisted by the Right Rev. Francis W. Howard Vicar General and Chancellor of the Army by which it has been known since its incep­ and Right Rev. Francis J. L. Beckman as and Navy Chaplains, "the pious Confrater­ tion. The BULLETIN was established in co-consecrators. nity of St. Ann, canonically established in June, 1919, as the mouthpiece of the National Monsignor Albers was born in Cincinnati, New York City, in the Church of St.
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