Cambridge University Press 0521835771 - Henry R. Luce, Time, and the American Crusade in Asia Robert E. Herzstein Index More information Index Abbott, Consul General George: and American Friends of Vietnam (AFV): and Indochina strategy, 119 chairman General O’Daniel, 205 Acheson, Secretary of State Dean G., 197, American Military Mission in China, 108 251; attack by Time, 75; support of Hiss, American society: after World War I, 23; 104, 123; wary of public opinion, 110; during the McCarthy era, 126; the civil meeting with Dewey, 110; Communist rights struggle in, 224, 233; changing China policy of, 111; National Press Club more rapidly than Time, 233–234; the Pill speech, 117; as a Luce target, 121;as and its implications, 233; riots in Los alleged appeaser, 123, 138; appointment of Angeles 1965, 234; anti-Communism in Dulles, 133; main interests in Europe, 133; decline, 234; and the war in Vietnam, 234, on South Korea, 134; called a “bastard” by 241–242 Luce, 136; and weaning China away from Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 125; Soviets, 138; and a unified Korea, 139;on on opening to China, 201 Indochina, 142–148; reprimand of Amoy (Xiamen), 190 MacArthur in 1945, 150; counters USS Anderson, 141 MacArthur testimony, 146–152; and the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), Vincent case, 180 215, 220, 231; hapless performance of, 231; “Achesonism”: ; attack by Clare Luce, 164; U.S. deaths outnumber ARVN deaths, 237; purge of, 179, 181 desertions in 1965, 239 Adenauer, Konrad: visit to Moscow, 193 Ascoli, Max, 160; The Reporter on the China Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, Inc. (ARCI), lobby, 165; and the Luce media, 165; 167 counterattack from Chinese agents, 165 Aldrich, Winthrop, 160 “Asia-firsters,” 1 Alexander, Roy: with Luce, 71, 163; with Luce Associated Boards for the Christian Colleges in and Truman, 135; on World War III, 136;on China (ABCCC), 34, 62 Luce’s bellicosity, 137 Associated Press, 20 Ali, Muhammed, 243 Association for Asian Studies, 241 Amerasia, and Amerasia case, 47; vindication Athenia, 316 of Luce’s suspicions, 47; and Fred Field, 68 atomic bomb, 147, 153 American Bar Association, 177 Auchincloss, Douglas: and the IPR, 67–70 American Bureau for Medical Aid to China Austrian State Treaty, 193 (ABMAC), 65; Kohlberg inquiry, 65 “American Century,” 2, 17; Luce on, 1940–41, Bailey, Wesley “Wes,” 11 33–34; reactions to, 33; and China as the Baldwin, Gov. Raymond, 46 ultimate test of, 34; vs. bipolarity, 5, 49 Ball, Under Secretary of State George W.: American China Policy Association (ACPA): doubts about Vietnam, 229; on McNamara, Kohlberg’s founding of, 68, 89; Clare Luce 242 president of, 89, 109 Banks, Louis, on alleged sellout of China, 110 327 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521835771 - Henry R. Luce, Time, and the American Crusade in Asia Robert E. Herzstein Index More information 328 Index Bao Dai, Emperor, 119; and Luce, 142, 145–151; counters MacArthur testimony, 144–148, 149, 166, 169; Time cover, 146, 152 142–148; weaknesses, 183; struggles to Bridges, Senator Styles, 94, 121, 180; and survive, 188 stalling Vincent, 75; on China debacle, 100; Baruch, Bernard M.: and Clare Luce, 27 sends a team to China, 101; on Hiss and Beal, John Robinson, 61, 120, 140, 174; and Yalta, 123; on Truman and MacArthur, 138; Chiang, 54; with Luce in China, 71;on calls for war with China, 145–151 McCarthy, 126; and his charges, 129;on British China Inland Mission School, 22, 73 Lattimore’s crime, 130, 131; on possible Brokaw, Ann, 56 Chinese intervention, 145–150, 151;on Brokaw, George T. “Teddy”: and marriage to China as a Soviet puppet, 147;on Clare Boothe, 27 Democrats’ concerns about Indochina Brownell, Herbert, 160 intervention, 185; on Ho Chi Minh, 186; Buckley, William F., Jr.: on Time, xiii on the Formosa Straits resolution, 192 Budenz, Louis F., 131–132; criticism of, 132 Beaverbrook, Sir Maxwell Aitken, First Lord Buell, Raymond L., 48 of, 226 Bullitt, William C., former ambassador: as Beijing: and Communist takeover, 108 Luce’s emissary to China, 89–90; Bell, L. Nelson: letter on China, 201 congressional testimony, 90; on Marshall’s Ben Suc, 238 aid plan for China, 91; views echoed, 98;on Bentley, Elizabeth: on Communist subversion, a Communist China, 101; as Luce’s man in 103 Indochina, 118–119; on Ho Chi Minh, 118, Benton, William, Assistant Secretary of State: 119 and recruitment of the Luces, 91 Bundy, McGeorge, 93 Billings, John Shaw, xv, 28, 176; on the Luce Burnham, James: In Life, 81–82; The Struggle marriage, 14; on Luce, 15, 17–18, 31;on for the World, 88; Wedemeyer and, 88–89 Clare Boothe Luce, 28; on Japan crisis, 38; Business Week: on McCarthy boycott, 160 ridicules Hurley, 53; on Luce’s China Byrnes, Secretary of State James F., 53, 54, 79; anguish, 80, 250; on Time Inc. fighting praise from Luce, 80 Communism, 82; on Luce “purge,” 82; dislike of Bullitt, 89; on Hiss, 104; belief in Cambodia, 187, 205; recognition of Red Chambers, 104; on Cold War “dementia” at China, 205 Time Inc., 108; on discomfiture of former Carter, Edward C., “Ned”: Secretary General radicals, 122, 181; fears of nuclear attack on of the IPR, 64; and Pacific House, 64, 69; New York City, 123; on dread of war, 136; confronted by Kohlberg, 66, 68; and on shooting “gooks,” 144, 149; on Luce’s Russian War Relief, 67; pro-Communist recruitment of MacArthur, 150; on Luce’s attitude of, 67–70; and Luce, 69–70, 74; “Greatness,” 145–152; on Luce’s views on congratulated by White, 83 Eisenhower candidacy, 160, 161; on Luce as Castro, Fidel, 217 editor and partisan, 176; on McCarthy Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 123; and destroying himself, 182; on Luce in a failure to foresee Korean invasion, 134; use nostalgic moment, 239 of Time Inc. by, 193; and covert action, Birch, Captain John, 51 196 Blaine, Anita McCormick “Auntie”: and Century Group, 32–33 Leftist ties of, 159 Chamberlain, Neville, 29, 123 Blaine, James G., 65 Chambers, Whittaker, 3, 45, 70, 102–104; Blair, Clay, 143–149; on General Bradley’s impact on Luce, 42–44; marriage, 43; and plan, 144–149 Time, 43, 50, 105–107; Chiang’s critics, 43; Booth, Win: on Truman’s large crowds, 99; attack on Teddy White, 43; heart attack, 50, reports Truman had won the Korean War, 103; HUAC testimony, 103; and “George 139 Crosley,” 104; and “pumpkin papers,” 105; Bourke-White, Margaret, 25 final confrontation with Luce, 107; Witness, Bouvier, Jacqueline (Mrs. John F. Kennedy, 107; vindication from Nixon, 162 Jackie Kennedy): marriage of, 209 Chan, Anna: and marriage to Chennault, 94 Bowie, Robert, 175 Chang Chun, governor, see Zhang Qun, Bowles, Chester: and desire for land reform, governor 225 Chen Cheng, General, 81; squabbles with Wu, Bradley, General Omar, 144, 149; plan for 179 Korea, 144–149; suspected by MacArthur, Chen Chih-Mai, 165 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521835771 - Henry R. Luce, Time, and the American Crusade in Asia Robert E. Herzstein Index More information Index 329 Chen Lifu, 54; on Marshall, 54; on Stuart, 94; negative news from, 5, 96; U.S. 61 unwilling to intervene, 119; IOC withdraws Chen Yi, General and governor, 81 recognition, 202 Chennault, General Claire L., 87; critic of China, Communist (See also People’s Stilwell, 40; the Flying Tigers, 40; Republic of China): Kennedy and Luce Fourteenth Army Air Force, 40; and praise on UN issue, 214; as the real enemy, 216; for Hurley, 52; on aid for China, 94; support for Kim Il Sung, 134; North business interests in China, 94; turns against Korean success and, 135; abandonment of Wu, 179 Marxism in, xiv Chennault, Mrs. Claire (Anna Chan), 246 China Air Transport (CAT), 94; history and Chiang Ching-kuo, 166 purpose, 148–154 Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, 25, 129, 134, China Institute in America (CIAI): Luce and, 135, 144–149, 154, 161, 164, 188, 197, 222, 154; and Chiang’s government, 154;May 225, 235, 248, 251; as a Methodist, 25; 1951 dinner, 154 cultivates Luce, 9; Luce’s man of destiny, 26; China lobby, 1, 10, 42, 70, 190, 197; stymied as tutor to his people, 10; Time’s by Marshall, 80–81; progress of, 138; “disinterested patriot,” 34; attacks pleased by Eisenhower’s rhetoric, 163; Communists, 35; Time blames the Eisenhower’s failure to embrace it, 170; Communists, 35; defies FDR, 44; and the arguments against admission of Red China, Stilwell recall, 44; survives 1945 defeats, 46; 177; Committee of One Million (COOM), unprepared for end of war, 51; criticized in 177–178; losing some of its clout, 202, the U.S. Senate, 53; supported by Luce, 53; 246; appalled by Nixon opening to China, thanks Luce, 47; worried about Marshall, 246 55, 72; praises Stuart, 72–73; prepares China Weekly Review: publication of letters offensives, 55; patience is ebbing, 60–61; denouncing Luce, 101 weary of Marshall mission, 61; wary of Chinese Combat Command, U.S., 9 Stuart, 61; his birthday in 1946, 72–73; Luce Chinese Mass Education Movement, 159 hopes to send aid, 79; march toward Chongqing, 9, 35 disaster, 84; Time on his troops, 101–102; Christian colleges in China: Luce’s support of, Luce losing hope, 108; and Lattimore, 128; 11, 34; fund-raising for, 62; and Marshall, Time on his loss of support, 129; welcomes 85; fate under the Communists, 120 Korean crisis, 135; offers troops to Christian missions in China, 12 MacArthur, 135; lessons drawn from his Christian Nationalists, 147, 153 failure, 141; rejects nuclear offensive, Churchill, Prime Minister Winston: 147–153; the China lobby, 165; happy to see conversations with Luce, 161; and the Luce, 166; glorified in Luce’s magazines, Soviets, 176; ridicule of Chinese, 176; desire 166; unleashed by Eisenhower, 174; for peace talks, 185; and Geneva, 187;on publishes a piece in Life, 175; praised by Sino-Soviet tensions, 200 Robertson, 190; thoughts on nuclear war, Clark, General Mark: warning against Asian 192; and alleged peace plan, 193; in Luce’s war, 228 abortive 1955 plan, 197; Soviet Russia in Clark, Worth: and the China lobby, 165 China, 199–200; no U.S.
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