Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 56(2):63 1-634 (1997) 28 February 1997 https://doi.org/10.24199/j.mmv.1997.56.61 A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF ANANGU KNOWLEDGE OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIAN INVERTEBRATES 1 2 1 Alan L. Yen , Jake , Gillen Richard Gillespie , Ron VanderwaH, and the Mutitjulu Community? 'Museum of Victoria, 71 Victoria Crescent, Abbotsford, Vic. 3067, Australia 2 Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, PO Box 1 19, Yulara. NT 0872, Australia 3 28 Rinkora Road, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia 4 Museum of Victoria, 222 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, Vic. 3000, Australia 5 CMA Ininti Store, Ayers Rock, NT 0872, Australia Abstract Yen, A.L., Gillen. J., Gillespie. R., Vanderwal, R. and the Mutitjulu Community, 1997. A preliminary assessment of Anangu knowledge of Central Australian invertebrates. Memoir.', of the Museum of Victoria 56(2): 631-634. There is a growing recognition that the knowledge of indigenous peoples can be invaluable in ecological studies and environmental management. While there is now an expanding literature recording indigenous ecological knowledge, most of it focuses on indigenous knowledge of flora and vertebrate fauna, with only passing references to invertebrate fauna. This has also been true in Central Australia, where important recent studies of Aboriginal ecological knowledge have focussed on the relationships between vertebrates and flora. There is only fragmented information on Aboriginal knowledge of invertebrates in Central Australia, primarily the use of invertebrates as a food source and linguistic studies that record invertebrate names. A project was initiated with Anangu from the Mutitjulu Com- munity at the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, who speak Pitjantjatjara, to learn about their names for invertebrates, their knowledge on the biology of invertebrates, and their possible use of invertebrates as environmental indicators. The methods adopted in this project are outlined and some preliminary results presented. Introduction erer societies of arid Australia also attributed .... .. , environmental values to invertebrates. The existing literature on Aboriginal knowledge . , A recently in, ,ated survey of invertebrates at of invertebrates suggests that it is restricted to Uluru-Katan Tjuta National Park by he Museum those that are of economic value and to a few of Victoria provided an opportunity to under- invertebrates that are culturally significant, for take a collaborative project with the trad t.onaI example in creation stones. Aboriginal knowl- ? owners to record their knowledge ot he invert- edge regarding invertebrates .s primarily associ- • the traditional j Tt... anwiiiiiv ebrate fauna. The Anangu,' ated with their use as a foodc^™™„a.resource, especially - ? owners of this region of the Western Desert, had .- .• , . u .f \ n „j i,-^; m ,i„ unn«, ants,an tc ° witiuti (witchetty) and bardi grubs, honey . already been working with scientists and park molluscs and honev bees (Campbell, 1926; record their tradit.ona knowledge Tindale, managers to M^Keown, 1 944; Bodenheimer, 1951; of plants and vertebrate fauna as part ol the long- 1966- Calaby, 971; Tindale, 1981; Devitt, sustainable management of the park (Reid i^fwrrnatirm i« opnpral term 1989).ooo Often™ \hthisJ informal on is generalisedkeH Baker J9 The M itju , u of informa Jom d'fferent using a mix ure hon^ . Commum , ocated within uluru Kata T uta parts of Australia from ^rynal mbes ot drf- >• - ^ Qf B ^ ferent language groups, a "^ has been gathered f inv ertebrates Wlth the scientisls , without clear scientific 'dent.ficat.on of the f n jde h [wf^ invertebrates being named or described. This » * £ ^ demonstrate this has resulted in the use of a myrturej J^WAl af " atJ J knowledge of their land and **- p~ b applied nation- , commoncoiiiniuii namesiiunics thatmai uahavew been i p try. h : in wn , cn tney care for tne]r coun ally: e.g., bardi and witjuti grubs. primary language of Anangu is Pitjantjat- From the point of view of western science. The jara, which is the language spoken in part of the in vertebrate diversitv and abundance suggests Western Desert region of Australia and encom- that they are a potentially very powerful group of passing the Great Victoria Desert, although the environ'mental indicators (New, 1 995), and it is in the Simpson and Gibson Deserts important to ascertain whether the hunter-gath- languages 631 . 632 A.L. YEN ET AL. (e.g., Ngaanyatjarra, Ngaatjatjarra, Yankunyt- wara (Rosie Curtis). Assistance was provided by jatjara, Luritja and Pintubi) belong to the same the following trainee rangers: Narelle Tjimpuna language group as Pitjantjatjara (Hobson, 1 990). Ah Chee, Akana Campbell, Nyinku Jingo, and A eonsiderable number of invertebrate names Peter Wilson (Kunmanara). had already been recorded in the Pitjantjat- There are several constraints in documenting jara/Yankunytjatjara to English Dictionary Anangu knowledge, and the issues involved (Goddard, 1992), based on earlier linguistic were discussed in more detail by Baker et al. studies. The project at Uluru provided an oppor- ( 1 993) in relation to their work with Anangu on tunity to check some of the terms previously the vertebrate fauna at Uluru. The constraints recorded and to clear up some of the ambiguities include the following. and uncertainties in Goddard (1992). The Tjukurpa The aims of the project are to record Anangu The Tjukurpa is the 'Law' by which Anangu knowledge in three areas: ( 1 ) invertebrate names life is governed. It is information that outlines and their cultural classification; (2) observations relationships between all plants and animals, on the biology of these invertebrates; and (3) their relationship to the land, and their relation- information on the ecology of these invert- ship to human beings (Baker et al., 1993). This ebrates. This paper will focus primarily on the means that much of the biological or ecological process involved in documenting Anangu infor- knowledge about the behaviour and distribution mation about invertebrates and only a few pre- of plants and animals is knowledge of the Tju- liminary results will be presented. kurpa. There is a wealth of information in the Tjukurpa, but some is public information Methodology and some is restricted information. Restricted infor- The work was undertaken within the lands of the mation is nly available to those adults, who Mutitjulu Community at Uluru. Data recorded according to traditional Law, have the right to was obtained by: know and manage it. In general, information 1 showing specimens (whether dead or alive) to about identification and description is within Anangu and recording their responses, and the realm of public knowledge (What is it? 2. walking around with Anangu in the bush and Where does it live? What does it eat/What eats letting them speak about invertebrates of their it?) fall into this category. Questions about choosing. relationships and origins may fall into the Records were made on audio tape, notes were restricted category (Why is it called this? Why is taken in cross reference to the tapes, and photo- this the same as? How is this related to that?). graphs were taken of all invertebrates examined Age, sex and status of informants in this way. The intellectual property rights of While much of the information on the ecology the Anangu are protected by recognising that all of the land can be obtained from Tjukurpa, some information provided by them remains the is also accumulated through generations and property of the Mutitjulu Community and their through personal experience; what Anangu con- permission is required for future use. Further- sider to be true is the result of practical personal more, no information recorded will be made experience and religious/ceremonial training public until the Community verifies accuracy over their lifetime. Hence older and ownership of the information. members of the community generally possess greater knowledge The invertebrate research took place over 8.5- than younger members. Some types of knowl- day contact sessions in October 1 994 and March edge remain in the domain of either male or 1995, and a full day in October 1995. Anangu female members of the community. Hence the participants at each session ranged from two to amount and level of knowledge that is given may five, in addition to one to two trainee Aboriginal vary considerably depending upon the status rangers and an interpreter. The sessions were of the informants within the community conducted primarily in Pitjantjatjara, with an (e.g., deferring to elders; commenting interpreter. The information was provided by on matters in presence of members of the other sex). the following members of the Mutitjulu Com- munity: Trigger Derek, Imjuka (Jenny Watson), Language Mr Jingo, Mary Kayukayu, Alan Kcnda, Kata As with all studies involving different Kura, Edith Richards, Norman Tjakalyiri, languages, there are always the issues involving Johnny Tjalyiri, Barbara Tjikatu, Daisey Walk- different dialects, transcribing Pitjantjatjara about, Tommy Wangi, Billy Wara, and Witja- words into standard phonetically spelt forms. ANANGU KNOWLEDGE OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIAN INVERTEBRATES 633 and filtering information through a non-scien- (spiders and silk-spinning caterpillars), kawalpa tific interpreter. Words can fall from use for (stick insects and mantids) and mirin-mirinpa some time (months or years) following the death (crickets and cicadas). There is a small number of a person in the community whose name had a of general names for some invertebrate groups similar sound, and another new name will come such as wanka (spiders), mutu-mutu (beetles), into use (the Kunmanara factor). It is possible minga (ants) and maku (edible grubs). So far, that a particular word will become lost to the thirteen names for immature insects are known, language. and 10 refer to edible grubs belonging to either the Coleoptera (beetles) or Lepidoptera (moths). Culture There are undoubtedly many more Anangu Cultural differences undoubtedly influence names for invertebrates. In our brief work so far, the amount of knowledge obtained. Anangu are at least seven previously unknown names have willing to give information when working more been recorded.
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