POINTWISE FINAL COMPLIANCE REPORT (JUNE-2015) “New Passenger Terminal Building” AT CHANDIGARH AIRPORT (MOHALI SIDE) DEVELOPED BY AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA Prepared by: M/s Perfact EnviroSolutions Pvt. Ltd (A NABET Accredited Environment Consultant) (ISO9001:2008& ISO14001:2004 Certified) 5th Floor, NN Mall, Mangalam Palace, Sector 3 Rohini, New Delhi Ph No. 011-47528467, Fax No.011- 47528434 Table of Contents: Chapters Particulars Chapter -1 Purpose of the Report Chapter -2 Introduction of Project Chapter -3 Current Construction Status & Site Photographs Chapter - 4 Point wise Compliance Report as per EC conditions Chapter 5 List of Annexure Annexure -I Copy of Granted Environmental Clearance Annexure – II Copy of Consent to Establish(CTE) Renewal Granted Annexure - III Copy of Consent to Operate (CTO) Granted Annexure –IV Monitoring reports of Air, Water , Soil, Noise & Stack Annexure -V Mitigation Measures as submitted in EIA Annexure –VI Copy of STP installation report Annexure-VII Copy of D.G set installation report CHAPTER I Purpose of the Report As per the “Sub Para (ii)” of “Para 10” of EIA Notification 2006, it is stated that “It shall be mandatory for the project management to submit half-yearly compliance reports in respect of the stipulated prior environmental clearance conditions/safeguards in hard and soft copies to the regulatory authority concerned, on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year” and as per compliance of condition mentioned in Environment Clearance Letter (i.e. Part B General Condition, point number II), Six monthly compliance reports should be submitted to the Punjab State Pollution Control Board and Regional Office, MOEF, GOI, Northern Region, Chandigarh and a copy to the Regulatory Authority of Punjab. It is mandatory to submit a Six Monthly Compliance Report to show the status & compliance of all the Conditions mentioned in Environment clearance Letter, along with monitoring of various Environmental Parameters (as per CPCB Norms). The regulatory authorities in this case are Punjab State Pollution Control Board, Regional Office- MoEF (Chandigarh) and Punjab SEIAA. Based on the Specific and General Conditions mentioned in the EC Letter, a Compliance Report was prepared by the Team on behalf of Project Proponent; details of which are present in Chapter – “Compliance Report”. Methodology for Preparation of Report is as follows: 1. Study of EC Letter & Related Documents, 2. Site Visits by a Team of Experts, 3. Monitoring of Environment Parameters, viz. Ambient Air, Water, Noise, Soil & DG Sets, 4. Analysis of Samples collected during Monitoring, 5. Interpretation of Monitoring Results, 6. Compliance Report, explaining the entire General & specific conditions in the EC Letter and providing details w.r.t. each condition/ guideline. CHAPTER II 1. Introduction The proposed project is “New Passenger Terminal Building” at Chandigarh Airport (Mohali Side) being developed by Airports Authority of India. Name of the project New Passenger Terminal Building Chandigarh Airport (Mohali Side) Site address Developed By Airports Authority of India Environment Clearance Letter 10-11/2011-IA.III dated 11th June,2012 Period of Compliance Point wise Final Compliance (June 2015 ) Project Description Project involves the construction of New Passenger terminal building on a plot area of 138562 m2. Built-up area of the project is 39600 m2 Activities Terminal Building Construction Status Completed Year of Commencement August , 2012 Year of completion May, 2015 2. Project Details “New Passenger Terminal Building” at Chandigarh Airport, (Mohali Side). The Project has built up area of 39,600 m2 .The project have the following salient features:- S. No. AREA DETAILS 1 Activities Passenger arrivals and departures by air 2 Plot area 1,38,562 m2 3 Ground Coverage (Achieved) 16,845 m2 4 Basement Area 9,450 m2 5 Built- up area 39,600 m2 6 Green area 1,16,417 m2 7 No. of Basement 1 no. 8 No. of Floors 1 B+ 2 Floors +2 Mezzanine 9 Total Population 13200 person 10 Power Requirement 4800 KW 11 D.G. Sets Capacity 6 DG sets (4 x 1500 KVA & 2 x 1250 KVA) 12 Parking Facilities 500 ECS, 71 Taxis, 5 Coaches 13 Max. Height of Building 30 m 14 Solid Waste 2070 kg/day 15 Rain water Harvesting 18 nos. 16 Water Requirement 1300 KLD 17 Water Discharge 500 KLD 18 S.T.P. Capacity 600 KLD 19 STP Technology Extended Aeration Technology 20 Cost of Project Rs. 452 Crores CHAPTER III 1. Current Status of the Construction/Establishment Work – We have complied with all the Environmental/Safeguard condition of Construction Phase during construction of the project. Now the construction work is overall completed and the Project is in Operation Phase. We have obtained Consent to Operate from Punjab Pollution Control Board for the same. 2. SITE PHOTOGRAPHS CITY SIDE AIR SIDE ARRIVAL (NIGHT VIEW) CHAPTER IV Point – Wise Final compliance of the stipulated environmental Conditions: PART-A- SPECIFIC CONDITIONS S.No. Conditions/Safeguards Compliance (i) Consent to Establish shall be obtained from We have obtained Consent to Establish under Air Punjab Pollution Control Committee under & Water Act from Punjab Pollution Control Air and water Act and to comply the Committee. conditions laid properly. Copy Consent to Establish is enclosed as Annexure-II Copy of Consent to Operate received from Punjab Pollution Control Board is enclosed as Annexure- III. (ii) Project proponent shall provide the rain 18 number of rain water harvesting pits has been water harvesting to recharge the ground installed to recharge the ground water. water. (iii) Treated sewage shall be recycled for Treated water from STP is being re-used for flushing/ gardening proper duel plumping flushing/ gardening purpose. shall be provided. (iv) All the recommendation of the EMP shall Environmental safeguards and monitoring are be complied with letter and spirit. All the being scheduled and EMP has been implemented. mitigation measures submitted in the EIA All the mitigation measures submitted in the EIA report shall be prepared in a matrix format with compliance for each mitigation measure is and the compliance for each mitigation enclosed as Annexure-V. plan shall be submitted to RO, MOEF along with half yearly compliance report. (v) At least 2 to 5% of the total cost of the For the development of social infrastructure & project shall be earmarked towards the enhance the quality of life of the communities corporate social responsibility (CSR) and around the location, we will provide Education, item-wise details along with the time Improvement of Community development etc. We bound action plan shall be prepared and are ensuring that implementation of such submitted to the Ministry prior to the program shall be ensured in decided time frame. commencement of the project. Implementation of such program shall be ensured accordingly in the time bound manner. (vi) Sewage and other liquid effluent generated Sewage and other effluent is being treat within from the airport including from the existing permissible limits which is being used for flushing, terminal should be treated as per the norms gardening etc. laid down by state/ UT Pollution Control Board. The treated sewage shall be recycled for flushing/ gardening, proper dual plumbing shall be provided. (vii) Solid waste generated shall be properly Solid waste generated is being collected in collected, segregated and disposed as per different color bins. Recyclable material shall be the provision of solid waste (Management sold and the wet garbage will be sent to Municipal & Handling) Rules, 2000. Landfill site. (viii) Noise should be controlled to ensure that it All suitable noise abatement measures has been does not exceed the prescribed standard. adopted. The DG sets used during construction During night time the noise level should be phase are acoustically enclosed according to measured at the boundary of building shall Central Pollution Control Board norms. All D.G be restricted to permissible level to comply sets has been kept acoustically enclosed. with the prevalent regulations. (ix) Installation and operation of DG sets if any Installation and operation of DG sets are shall comply with the guidelines of CPCB. complying with the guidelines of CPCB in order to minimize noise level. (x) Energy conservation measures shall be Energy conservation measures has been taken taken up as ECBC 2009. during construction phase. Energy efficient equipments are being used. (xi) Parking provision shall be provided as per Parking has been provided as per norms. the National Building Code of India, 2005. (xii) Water Conservation fixtures shall be Sensor based fixtures has been installed for the provided. water conservation. (xiii) Terminal building shall incorporate the We will construct a museum like corner to features of local architecture in and around highlight Indian antiquity by displaying some the area as well as take special measures to Indian architecture in and around the terminal highlight the Indian antiquity through a building. museum like corner depicting the same. (xiv) Necessary permission shall be obtained for Water tanker supply is being used and ground drawing ground water from competent water shall not be extracted as treated water is Authority prior to construction/operation of being used during construction/operation phase. the project. (xv) Under the provision of Environmental Construction has been started after obtaining (Protection) Act, 1986. Legal action shall Environmental Clearance vide letter no. 10- be initiated against the project proponent if 11/2011-IA.III from Ministry of Environment & it was found that construction of the project Forests dated 11 June, 2012. has been started without obtaining Copy for the same is enclosed as Annexure –I. environmental clearance. (xvii) Rainwater harvesting shall be provided to 18 number of rain water harvesting pits have been recharge the ground water. installed to recharge the ground water. (xviii) The project proponent will set up separate A separate environment management cell under environmental management cell for effect provision of a senior executive is being provided stipulated environmental safeguards under for effect of stipulated environmental safeguards.
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