~ I I All the News of y 'I }J the pointes E.ver Thursday Morning rosse ewS k:----~=- Complete News Coverage of All tlte, Pointes .. ~-~-:::-n-------EE~lltt;e;:;re:dd--;ll;;SSS:;;ec~o;nddCcl;;la-;;sS;:MMa;;tt;;;te:;r~a"tt ---------G:::-:R::-O:::-:S::S::E:-:P::-:O;::-;I:N:-:::T::E;-:-M-::I::C~H:-:7IG=-A:-:-N-=--:;O:-C=T::O::-::B-=E:::R-=------------::,oc::-="pe-::r'":c=-o-py---------P=----=-------------- /-=:..-_------------~2s-No. 4v the Post Office at Detroit, MichJgan ~------------------ ,,5, ---------------------------------------------1967 ~.OOPer Year 24 ages - Two Sections - Section One i£U'LINES Center Staging Classic Car Show Pact Sig~ed .... -;-'." •.. Dutch Elm Disease , of the ."., "ff.:., .,.: .. ~. Hel.e Subject . \VEEK 'As eompiled by th e Takes Heavy Toll To Revision ~ pointe News School Bo~rd Also Making '. ';'i StM~~e~~ ~-.,." September 28 Of Farms Trees a:eO~~ts , BOUSEAPPROVED fricts In Mefro ~ a Republican move Report Reveals Loss Of I 14 This Year, Highest Area spendingcuts of a,s ~ $11 billion on Presl. Annual Casualty List; Total Of 681 When the Grosse Pointe t~ in return for GOP Destroyed Since 1955 teachers reached their can- 1aI of his proposed tax .. Mr, Johnson's reque~t The Farms has lost a'total of 683 public and pri. tract settlement early last 'p4 billiontax increase IS vately-owned elm trees since 1955, including, 114 reo spring they ,included in the ~. the HouseWays and ported this year, according to information given to the contract: the right to re- , """,mitteeover demands Farms council on Monday, October 2, by John A. DeFoe, examine the contract after 'presidential.- promIse't 0 public service director. <\) - other teacher contracts in ~ IIIe tJX boostwith ~ajor In his report, DeFoe dis. BZo d D • the metropolitan area were i~-defense spendm~. closed that this year, 97 private 0 rf,Ve finalized. • • • elms were infected with Dutch Sin c e most of the area's I XlCHlGAJ.~ NURSES Elm diseases and had to be fJl B IJeld teacher contracts have been re- IiIlbI warned Wednesday removed, and ,17 public trees ~ 0 UI solVed. the Board of Education .. three weeks Detroit e were lost to the blight. Is cun;ently studying figures ti !llIspitalwill not have 0 b' 1 _ regislerednurses to To help control the spread of cto er 3 from about 30 communities. the diseaee, the director said, Lawrence F. Kennedy, lIllSistant , jr, Ind the dty's health seven dead elms were removed SUperintendent of professional ill is in jeopardy, The from city property and 16 dead, personnel said "only ODe-third ~ nursingstaffs of the St. James Lutheran Church ~ lCdofthe Department elms were condemned and order. To Play Host To Red of the data'required for com. iJllh bal'e been depleted ed removed from private land. Cross ~"0b'. Ie Un,'t., parison is in" and subsequent Also, as a precautionary meas. IVI study is necessary. i~I in recent weeks IlfJSing resignations, the ure, a number of elm wood piles Need Is Great .~. Anderson, said, "a pre. IlilD sl.iled, were disposed of, he added. l~nary look at the figures hy • t • DeFoe listed a yearly com. The Red Cross Blood. the teachers has indieated that AF- parison of the number o~ trees some. Upward revision be llDIANEXTERNAL :':,,'-':: ~..": . mobile will be at st. James may i KinislerPaul Martin infected and removed m the 'L th Ch h 170 ~ neede.d. ~he board is currently Farms, as follows: 1955-pri. ~ eran ure. J.''''C' Studymg'lts own figures." fldnesday that an end to DR. IVOR HARRIS and his national prize-win- Show Saturday, 0 ~tober 7 from 3 to 6 p.m. In case of vate, 52; city, 9; 195&-private, ~~n off, Kercheval. on IIDbingof North Vietnam ning Marmon to be shown in Grosse Pointe War Me- rain the show will take place the next day, Sunday, 48, dty, 14; 1957-private, 41; FrIday, Octob~r .13, froJ:!l 2 Any increases will be based ' ley 10 a solution"of the morial's Antique and Classic Car and Chrysanthemum October 8 during the same hours. city, 13; 1958-private, 26; city, to 8 p.m. ThIS IS the first on the following formula estab- • WIr, - (oj' -- ,3', 1959-private, 26., city, 3., time that St. James Church Jished in the following letter • • • . from the Board of Education to lUY. september 29 Center Plans 1960-private, 27; city, 10; 1961 will be the host to the the Grosse Pointe Education As- lEV. JAMES A. PIKE, W 00dS Faces POI BurgIaI'SStan d Mute; -private, 21; city, 6; 1962-pri. bloodmobile as a member soclation. bargaining agent for ibisbDpofthe Episcopal I Cl vate, .40; city, 6; l~private, of the Grosse Pointe Com. the teachers. !rt Cp.lifornia,took part Charge Made Jailed Until Examination: assic Car, 2?; CIty, 5; l~prJVate, ~o; munity Blood Council. ~ 'ClII,$eptember 3, / CIty, 8; 1965-prlvate, 68; CIty, June 12, 196J S televised ovel' CTV, ' hn D I' f S If M Sh 16; and ll11lf-private, 50; city This council is a group of Gentlemen: ifIle CwdiaII, network, B EmpIoyes' J0 oe denti ies e um. OW 17. more than SO churches aQd or. In. connection wiUl the Agree. 1,¥J!op said,~,re. Y . The public service director ganizations, ,which solicit bloOd me~ of even'date 'bereof am- --,~-,- '-- '.- ' --. t.. stated that he attributed the in. donations and ~e ~.JM"r ,eJW.lng certa~ Of,tIle provisions meSaiei at the seance Accused Of Unfair Labor Pair Captured In Pointe Branch While" CraCKing' Safe Interesting Event at' War crease Iii diseased elms on pri: ing as 1Jost to the BloO<Tiiioline: 6f the Master~'greijment dated silIftd alltbentic.Among !PIe be believeshe com- Practice Because Of On September 25; One Wounded By Farms Memorial Being Held vate property to the fact that St. James members have been' :~~~d15. 1966, ~tweel] the ~ with was his dead Failure to Ratify Ne- ' .Policeman's Revolver Shot This Saturday Pre- a number of them were in close occupied flJr' weeks preparing of .Education of The amesPike,Jr" who com. , ------- proximity to trees cOiJdemned for this e'(ent, Mrs. Franklin Grosse fomte Public Sc.hool last year, and the~efore were Quale and Mrs. Roland BIIlJIk System, Wayne Q)unty, Michi. lIIieide in February. 1966. gohated Contract The man 'named John Doe in three warrants, who I ceded by Parade t •• -- ,was arrested' with Andrew Berencsi" 31, of 1968 East . m~ch more susceptible to the are acting as co.chairmen. Mrs. ga~ (Board) ~nd the ~ro~se The City of Grosse Pointe 33rd street Loraine, 0., and who had refused to give An antIque and ClaSSIC Car blight. Walter Hallenbeck, who bas mte. ~ducation. Assoc~ation SIDENTJOHNSON has f.ts Woods was informed by a the authoiihes hiS name when arrested in the act of ~how set off by rare and be~u- He said that it has becomc served for years with the Red .0 soClation) and.m. cOI1S1dera. iihil a member of the tlful chrysanthemums from Vtn- increasingly apparent that the C M hi! .t will b t ~ II of. the AssucIation execut- ~ of Staff attend all letter dated September 27, burglary, was tentatively identified as Victor A. Parella, cent DePetris will take place Dutch Elm Disease is now be- . rass ~,e UDl s. e ac - log such Agreement, '.he Board me Housediscussions that an Unfair labor practice 25, of 364 Merchants road, Rochester, N.Y. on the lawn. of G~sse Pointe ing transmitted, in some cases, mg as a VlSO~. agrees as follows: , q thebombingof Viet- Berellcsi and Parella were~>------------ War MemDrlal thlS saturday, through the root system of the Mrs. FrancIS SChulze and h:.!r 1. At as early a date as pos- Washingtonsources reo charge was pending against arrested by Farms Patrolmen Jail in default of the bonds, to O~tober 7, from 3 ~o 6 p.m. It elms, since a number of dis- committee will se~e din~er !o sible after September 1. 1967, ,~I theinstruction was the city due to its failUre to Otto Glanert ~nd Thomas Kelly await examination date. WIll be postponed till next .day eased elms have shown no sign t~e wor~ers. Edwm Trinklem th.e Board :md the Association ,apparenl!yin reaction ratify the contract negoti- at about 3 a.m. on Mo~day. Van Tiem said that Berencsi, Sunday, October 8, same time, of the presence of elm bark WIllprOVIde transportation. Reg. will l"e-examine the salary and Aegost 31 report on' the ated between the employes Septe~ber 25. wh~n ~he offIcers a native of Hungary, and ah in case of rain. beetle. iste.red nurses from the ~ongre. fr~e benefits provided Grosse Ilfainst North Vietnam of Local 1121 (Department surprised ~e. paIr m the act alien, was recently released on Prior to th~ stabling of the Mayor William Butler asked gatJon have been recnuted to Pomte teach~rs for th~ 1967-68 ly the Preparedness In. of Public Works) and the of. burglarLZmg the Grosse $5,000 by ,a Detroit court, to cars, there \Vlll be a short pa. for a report on what plans are work the day of the blcodbank. s~h~l year, ~ comp~nson with ~ SUbcoounitteeof the W d IPomte Branch of the U.S. Post await a hearing on a Detroit rade of the!D through t~e viI- being made to replace the trees Donors are urgently needed tD SImilar benefits P':OVlded by ~e ! Armed Services Com. 00 s. Office, Mack and Warren.
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