V13 N26 Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007 Nuance of war in ‘no man’s land’ Rep. Souder is skeptical U.S. Rep. Mark Souder with Ameri- can troops in Iraq in 2004 when he Iraq troop surge will didn’t have to wear a flak jacket. work as British pull out Below, a Baghdad bombing scene. By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS - The tip-off for U.S. Rep. Mark Souder that the situ- ation in Iraq is vastly different than what President Bush and Vice President Cheney are telling the American people came with contrasting journeys to the war zone in January 2004 and March 2006. On his first trip, he could move around. Security wasn’t intense. But on his second journey, he was told to wear a flak jacket and more travel restric- tions were in place. “Last March and April, it was clear it was deteriorating,” Souder said last Friday as the House prepared to Souder voted against the pass the non-binding resolution against President Bush’s non-binding resolution, but not before registering some troop surge. “You could tell by the amount of body armor wrenching caveats. they were making us wear. We weren’t allowed outside “No congressional decision is more difficult than a vote related to war, and this the Green Zone. It was clear it was a mess. It’s a civil war. vote is no different,” Souder Always been a civil war. It’s at a higher level now.” See page 3 Delta House at the party? By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS - For anyone who was in the cavernous Indiana Convention Center back in June 1992 to witness the glare Gov. Evan Bayh shot in the direction of Dwayne Brown, who was still campaigning for attorney “I don’t know. The answer is prob- general on the convention floor during the keynote, it was one of those unfor- ably yes, but I’m trying to discipline gettable moments. Bayh and his chief of staff, Tom Sugar, may not be control myself and not think about it until freaks, but they don’t like political surprises. we get the General Assembly over Which makes the antics of the - Gov. Mitch Daniels, answering if he Indiana Democratic Party thoroughly with.” odd, strange, mysterious and out` will seek re-election (Angola Herald-Republi- can) Page 2 Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 of character. Since Bayh became the The Howey Political Report is The Howey Political Report party’s premier personality in 1988, he PO Box 40265 published by NewsLink Inc. It Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265. has had an iron grip on the IDP. No was founded in 1994. chairman ascended that didn’t have www.howeypolitics.com his blessing. Brian A. Howey, Publisher [email protected] Certainly Bayh is in full control Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington Indianapolis Office: 317-506-0883. of the party now. Isn’t he? His trusted Writer aide, Dan Parker, is chairman. His Indianapolis Fax: 317-254-0535. Mark Curry, Washington Writer Washington, DC Office: 202-256-5822. former fund raiser, Mike Edmondson, Jack E. Howey, Editor Business Office: 317-254-0535. is executive director. A very influential Democrat told me this week, “Nobody Subscriptions: ©2007, The Howey Political Report. passes gas at state party without Sug- $350 annually HPR via e-mail; All rights reserved. Photocopying, Internet ar approving it and don’t let anybody $550 annually HPR & HPR Daily Wire. forwarding, faxing or reproducing in any tell you otherwise.” Call 317-254-0535. form, in whole or part, is a violation of So, everything should be federal law. cruising quietly along toward the veep- stakes, right? Well, not quite. conscious decision. But it’s also easy Griffin, Myron Sutton and Ed Mahern This week, we learned that to see why the party would want to will attest. That $90,000 could have the party’s controller, Kim Bostic, will distance itself from the blog, and why come in handy last October. likely face D Felony theft charges for it keeps a phony wall of separation On election eve, I know of allegedly rolling up $90,000 on a party around it. While entertaining, the blog dozens of Republicans and Democrats credit card, including $73,000 for her takes partisan cheap shots to a new who thought Pat Bauer would end up personal use. level. Democratic Party officials want with a 54 or 55 seat House majority, Then there’s the party “Com- us all to believe the blog is a separate instead of the bare minimal 51 he got munications Director” Jennifer Wagner, entity. That way, they can benefit from during a significant national Demo- who instead of updating the party’s the trashing of the opposition while cratic wave. Before the election if you website (as of this morning, it’s still avoiding any public responsibility for would have said the Dems would pick announcing 2006 election night plans what is said.” up three congressional seats, I could on the homepage), developing a mes- The blog is a beehive for have made a logical guess that twice sage, keeping regular contact with the cowards who like to spout off without as many legislative seats should have activists, and building relationships their names appearing to back up followed. with the news media, has been spew- what they say. Since then, the assaults from ing and ranting on her blog. On Tuesday, when I called to the party continue. The phones don’t She earned a rebuke from get a comment on the embezzlement get answered. Media calls and e-mails Indianapolis Star columnist Matt from Chairman Parker, the conversa- aren’t returned. Little detailed analysis Tully, who wrote of Wagner on his tion quickly turned to Wagner, perhaps as to why privatization is as bad as the blog last week: “She was mad that I an easier topic. Parker repeatedly party says it is. had recently referred to the blog she insisted that Taking Down Words “is Over at the House, Demo- operates as the Indiana Democratic not a Democratic Party blog.” crats just stripped out the funding for Party’s blog. (She was so mad that she But she’s the IDP’s communi- the 21st Century fund, a pet program e-mailed me and my boss -- and, I cations director. Let me put it like this: of Govs. Frank O’Bannon and Joe Ker- think, even my mom.) Now why would If Tully or I were to go on, say, the nan. Bauer couldn’t hold the party line I have called the blog the work of the “Stan Solomon Show” after business on his own property tax plan. Indiana Democratic Party? Because hours and used slurs and slanderous Is this the Delta House? Or that’s what it is. Because Wagner has comments against minorities, we’d pay a Delta House party with togas and said many times that the party hired a professional price. thongs? her because of her work on the blog, This past week, I’ve talked This is not the firm, purr- which she uses as part of her com- to a number of Democratic leaders ing machine guys named Sugar and munications strategy — and which she around the state about what’s going Bayh envision at the party they are works on from her office at the party’s on at the State Party. I’m trying to fig- ultimately responsible for. It’s shock- headquarters. So I have and will ure out the communications strategy. ing that on the ramp up to the veep- continue to call the blog the Indiana To which more than one responded, “I stakes, Evan Bayh, who talks the need Democratic Party’s blog.” don’t think there is a strategy.” for “civility” in Washington, would Tully said the IDP designa- Blogs will not win elections, as allow his own beloved Indiana Demo- tion “was not a slip. It was a very Judi Anderson, Joe Pearson, Michael crats to become so undisciplined. v Page 3 Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007 From page 1 said on the House floor. “It is es- “What about Donald Rumsfeld?” Cheney suggest- pecially difficult when you disagree ed. with a President from your own HPR’s analysis of Souder’s political situation is that political party. The fact is, while I do not believe that the after experiencing his closest race (54-46 percent over Fort surge will succeed, none of us knows that it will not work. Wayne Councilman Tom Hayhurst) last November, he has At this point, it seems to me that our position as a Con- taken a more cautious approach to the war than U.S. Reps. gress should be to encourage success in this mission. We Mike Pence, Dan Burton and Steve Buyer, who represent need to support the Iraqis overwhelmingly Republi- as they take increasing can districts. responsibility. What the The political world should see from us situation concerning is at least shared hope for Rep. Burton abruptly victory – not defeatism.” changed Tuesday Then came the when Republican John questions from the six- McGoff announced a term Republican from Fort primary challenge. With Wayne. “The President that challenge, Indiana also said, that unlike past could see as many as efforts, this time we will five or six Congressio- hold our gains. With nal districts in play in whom? With what?” the 2008 primary and Souder asked four days U.S. Rep. Mark Souder with Iraq ambassador L. Paul Bremer during his trip general elections. before the British and to Baghdad in January 2004. (Photo courtesy of Rep.
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