Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 7 OCTOBER 1925 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions. [7 OCTOBER.] Questions. 1053 " 2. Mills in the Cairns district with a less favourable climate than Inkerman are C!.larging their storage capacity.'' SrFPLY oF R.ULW.\Y TR1;cr-;:s AT lKKERMAN MILL. Mr. COLLil'-'S (Bowcn) asked the Secre­ tar:Y for Railways- " 1. \Vas there a fqll supply of trucks available at the Inkerman Mill for the railing of sugar on 29th September last? "2. Did the mill management make full use of these trucks? " 3. \Vhat amount of sugar was railed from the Inkerman Mill in the last week of September? " 4. Could the Inkerman Mill manage­ ment have reduced the amount of sugar in storage at the Inkerman Mill and thus enabled the resumption of crushing to hav-e taken place by making use of the railway trucks that were available in the last week of September?" The SECRETARY FOR RAIL\VAYS (Hon. J. Larcombe, ]{ eppe/) replied- " 1. Yes. "2. No. "3. 595 tom. "4. Yes." GovERN~IENT CoKTRIBunox TowARDS CosT or TESTING VALIDITY OF DEPORTATION ACT. Mr. SWAYKE (Jlirani) asked the Pre­ lnier- " 1. Is he joining with other State Governments in testing the validity of the Commonwealth Deportation Act? "2. If eo, from what fund or depart­ mental vote will the money for the pur­ pose be paid ? WEDNESDAY, 7 OCTOBER, 1925. "3. Will he inform the House as to \Vhat State rights are affect&d by the Commonwealth Deportation Act? " 4. Is not the \V alsh-J ohansen case The SPEAKER (Hon. \Y. Bertram, Maree) the only one at present affected by the took the chair at 10.30 a.m. Deportation Act? " 5. If successful in his attempt to upset the Deportation Act, will it net QUESTIO:\S. result in freeing Messr". \Valsh and STORAGE OF SuGAR AT I:-<KERMAX MILL. .T ohanscn from the risk of being sent out of Australia?" ~Ir. COLLINS (Bo1cen) asked the Pre­ n1ier- The PRK\fiER (Hon. \'\'. ::-1. Gillies. " 1. Can he state, in view of the Eaclw m) replied- increased production of sugar at Inker­ " 1 to 5. I im·ite the hon. member's man this s-ea,on, and the necessity for attention to what I said in this House on exporting 40 per cent. of the crop, 8th September, "Hansard," page 413. I whether Inkerman Mill has made any also call his atteEtion to the 39th Article additional storage arrangements or even of Magna Chart-a." temporary arrangements? "2. Has he any knowledge whether, for above or other reasons, any other SuGGESTION OF PRESIDEXT OF ARBITRATION mills have increased their storage COURT IN RE REPRESENTATION BY COUNSEL capacity?" IN DISPt'TE ON ROTARY SYSTEM OF WORK­ ING CARGOES. The PREMIER (Hon. \Y. N. Gillies, ::\Ir. HARTLEY (Pitzroy) asked the Secr,,­ Eacham) replied- tar:v for Public Works- " 1. Judging by the amount of sugar " Seeing that the Industrial Arbitration stored befor-e closing down, as compared Act of 1916, section 84. pmvides that. with other mills, it would appear that ' Unless all parties consent thPreto no no such arrangements were made. party shall be represented by counsel or 1054 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Qu(s!ions. wlicitor in any proceedings before tha " 4. Snch being the case, will he explain court or before a board,'- why the producer should not be allowed .. 1. Will he ask Mr. Justic0 Webb. the privilege of securing a living wage Pre~ident of the Arbitration Court, why, from the sale of his products?" as reported in yesterday's ' Daily Stan­ The PREMIER (Hon. W. ::'-i. Gillies, dard ' he suggested to Mr. H. D. Mae­ Frll'hrzm) replied- rossa'n or tho applicants in the hearjng " 1 to 4. The retail prices of bacon are of the dispute on the rotary questio:1 ftxcd b.v the Commissioner of Prices at that the committee <Of the chipping in­ the instigation of the producers and coli· t<'rests should be represented bv eounsel? sumers, and the prices quotr·d by the "2. \Vas the same snggestion made bv honourable member represent an increase tho judge to the rerresent1tivce of the of ld JWr lb. and not a dccre::tse. Ret'lil \Vatorsidc Workers' Union?" prices --were fixed in order to reduce the The SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC \VORKS margin between the prices the producer (Hon. M. J. Kirwan, BriRbane) replied- receives for his product and the price,; " 1 and 2. As there were difficult tech­ the consumer has to pay, and thi' fixation nical point5 involved in the a~1plication of is in the interests of both nroducer and the joint committee of woter··ode em­ con'sumer." .._ ployers r< 'pecting the interpretation of the Indmtrial Arbitration Act and th0 TR\.'CKLOAD OF T01L\TOES FORWARDED TO iuri,diction of the court, the President MouxT B.I.UPLE CExTRIL SUGAR MILL. thought. it \\·ould be of advantage to the Full Bench to h2xe the >~ssistance of :1h. CLAYTON (Wide Bay) asked the counsel. Ho accordingly made the sugg·es­ Sccretat" for Railwavs- tion to both the employers and the " i. Is it a fact that durin;c last month Waterside \Yorkers' Union that both the management of the Mcount Bauple parties should consent to be represented Central Sugar Mill ordered urgently a. bv counsel. Immedio telv thr, rGprcsonta­ truck of tarpaulins to be forwarded to the tivc of the union took t'xception to mill and that on the arrival of the truck crmnsel appearing the court r<'fused to investigation proved it to contain hear him. It may be pointed out th~t tomatoes? the parties often consent to counsel "2. \Vi]] he have mquiry made as to appcrrring when technical po;nts arG >Yhethcr the tomatoe• depreciated in com­ involYed--c.g., the :Niount 11org·an case." n1crcinl value through transit; and, if so, have the owner duly compensated?" FIXATIOX OF PRICES OF BACON AND LIVING The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS \YAGE FOR PRIMARY PRODUCERS. (Hon. J. Larcombe, K C1J1J' I) replied- Mr. KI::'\G (Logan), for Mr. MOORE '' Inquiries are being 1nade.'' (A. ubi(fll'!), asked the Premier- " 1. In view of the facts '"' broadca·t by the Director of the Council of Agri­ DESTITUTION 01' BEERBURRUThl SOLDIER culture, showing that about one·third of SETTLERS, our agrirnlturists in Queensland arc :Mr. WARREN (Jlurmmba). without showing a loss. and about one-third are notice, asked the Secretary for Public 0arning onl~· about £3 per week, will he Lands- inforn1 the House at ,rhose instigation or on whose instruction did the Commi " Is he aware that there is a con­ si01wr of Prices take action with regar<ll siderable amount of destitution amongst to fixing the retail prices of bacon, the returned soldier,; at Beerburrum, and reported in the Press on 2nd October, as is he prepared to take immediate steps foJlO\VR :- to give the necessary relief?" The retail prices of bacon in Brisbane The SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC LANDS have been fixed by the Commissioner !Hon. \V. McCormack, Cairns) replie>d- of Prices (Mr. T. A. Ferry) at ls. per " If there is destitu~ion amongst any lb. for shoulders, ls. 5d. foe blade clacs of people in the community, they collar, streaky. and belly, ls. 6d. for must adopt the procedure ad')pted by cushion. and ls. 7d. for back. The every other section of th<' community whole-ale price of flitches has been fixed and apply to the Home Department for "t ls. 2d.' relief." " 2. As the Government have estab­ lished a 44-hour week for industrialists hv Act of Parliament, and have also fixed :M.IXBIUM V/AGES AND OVERTIME T'AID BY a baeic w"gc of £4 5s. a week by a RAILWAY DEPARTMENT. similar method, does he consider it equitable or fair that the producer­ Mr. VOWLES (Dalby), withou~ notice, who with his family arc working sixt:v csked the Secretary for Railways- or more hours a week, and have tc sell " Is he prepared to answer the follow­ their product on a market which affonlo ing question which I asked him on 25th them no protection whatever when prices September last- fall-should be subjected to interference \Vhat is the highest amount of wage& hv the Commissioner of Prices when (including oYertime) paid by the Rail­ prices show a slight rise? way Department in the months of " 3. Does he know that the Arbitration January, February, March, April, Court has decided that though a minimum May, June, and July of 1his year, wage is fixed by an award no employeo under the following employment :­ can be compelled to accept it, but is (a) Engine-drivers; (b) firem'en; (c) justified in securing as much more as hcl cleaners; (d) guards; (e) elerks; {f} can demand? conductors?" Papers. [7 OCTOBER.] .il-iotion for Adjournment. 1055 The SECRETARY FOR RATLWAYS !Hon . .J. Larcombe, Keppel) replied- I Jarrnary.~~Y~~---~-,~priJ. I ::.ray. June. July. £ s. d. £ s. d. llll Driyers -------1 dJ 2: : 2: 2: d. 2~ :~ 18~ s~ d~ ;~ :r~: ]~ 28 17 9 Firemen 20 5 0 24 6 8 20 12 8 23 19 2 27 23 24 9 G Cleaners 17 12 8 17 5 16 15 5 21 8 7 22 2 ~ 21 12 5 26 0 Guards 27 16 11 24 18 4 23 14 2 28 9 29 :J 31 11 2 28 7 I Conductms 18 18 2 23 18 2 23 11 6 17 8 6 27 16 3 27 14 11 W1 lG li Clerks 23 10 4 21 8 20 2 20 ~ 20 0 22 13 10 28 3 6 " The percentage of cmploy0cs who PROPOSED MOTION FOR ADJOuR?\­ received heavy overtime compared with MENT.
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