tblSource Super SOU QUA Organi RCE Source Acq Comp Creation LAS Organisat sation Postal Coun Telep Short ID Name Type Sender Lang Date SM ion Name Name Address try hone Fax Email WWW1 WWW2 Remarks Content Name ContentName Responsible Body Legal Restrictions Summary Of Content Bibliographic Reference Content Remarks Bulgarian food composition database consists of 826 food products with17 main food groups.Each product is analyzed for 37 components as foods + components are given in the original BG language and with their english names.Most of them are analyzed in laboratory"Food chemistry", Danish Danish Borgedig later recalled "Food chemical composition" during the last 10-15 years. Bulgarian National Centre of Public Health NCPHP plans to publish the same Bulgarian BG Food Food et 12, +45 am@d http://ww Bulgarian Food National Centre of National Centre of Some foods are borrowed from the other references source, because of Protection (2009) Bulgarian food food composition database and then put it up NCPHP Informatio Informatio DK-4000 3696 anfood w.danfo http://www Composition Public Health Public Health scientific interest. We intend to refresh permanently the BG database with composition database. web site of Institute: BG1 2009 F n bg 2009 n Roskilde DK 5696 .info od.info/ .danfir.dk/ Database 2009 BG NCPHP 2009 Protection (NCPHP) Protection (NCPHP) new interesting foods. www.en.ncphp.government.bg www.en.ncphp.government.bg Page 1 tblFood OrigF dCd OrigFdNm OrigFdNm2 EngFdNam SciNam OrigGpCd NCF FACF Remarks 1 Pile (broiler) tcialo s koga Chicken with skin 6 Agneshko meso file 10 pecheno Lamb fillet roast 6 100 Grozde, desertno Grapes 4 101 Grozde, frensko bialo Grapes white 4 102 Grozde, frensko cherveno Red currants 4 103 Grozde, frensko cherno Black currants 4 104 Gubi Mushrooms 13 105 Gubi zadusheni Гъби задушени Mushrooms boiled 13 106 Guska Goose 6 107 Gusha mas Goose fat 3 108 gushi cheren drob Offal - Goose liver 6 109 “Danisimo” plodovo Данисимо плодово Yogurt “Danissimo” 7 11 Agneshko surce Offal - Lamb heart 6 110 “Danisimo” s parchentsa Данисимо с парченца плодове Yogurt Danissimo with fruits 7 111 “Danonimo” Данонино Danonino (yogurt) 7 112 Dafinov list Laurel leaves 8 Meat products - “Debarcini” 113 Deburtcini (sausage) 6 114 Djodjen lista Mint , leaves (Mentha sp.) 8 115 Divisil lista Heracleum sibiricum L. 8 116 Dinia Watermelon 4 117 Domati zeleni Tomatoes green (unriped) 13 118 Domati cherveni Tomatoes 13 119 Drenki Cornel cherries 4 12 Airian Айрян “Airian” (fluid yogurt with water) 7 120 Duli Quince 4 121 Gele ot vishni Jelly of Morello (sour cherry) 12 122 Gele ot duli Jelly of Quince 12 123 Gele ot malini Jelly of Raspberry 12 124 Gele ot chereshi Jelly of cherries 12 125 Gele ot iagodi Jelly of strawberries 12 126 Zaek pitomen Rabbit 6 Page 2 tblFood 127 zaeshko meso zadusheno Rabbit meat stewed 6 128 Zakuska s izvara Bun with curd 5 129 Zakuska s kashkaval Bun with yellow cheese 5 13 Ananasi Pineapple 4 130 Zakuska sus sirene Bun with white cheese 5 131 Zakuska “Sirenka” Bun “Sirenka” 5 132 Zahar rafinirana Sugar 12 133 Zele brukselsko Brussels sprout 13 134 Zele bialo Cabbage 13 135 Zele vareno bez sol Cabbage boiled without salt 13 136 Zele zadusheno Cabbage stewed 13 137 Zele cvetno Cauliflower 13 138 Zelen grah Зелен грах замразен Peas frozen 13 Zelen grah I morkovi 139 zamrazeni Зелен грах и моркови замразени Peas and carrots frozen 13 14 Aspergi vareni (bez sol) Аспержи варени в солена вода Asparagus boiled without salt 13 6.25 0.800 140 Zelen fasul zamrazen Зелен фасул замразен Green beans frozen 13 141 Zelen fasul varen (bez sol) Green beans boiled without salt 13 Zelenchukov miks 142 zamrazen Зеленчуков микс замразен Mixed vegetables frozen 13 Zelenchukova musaka s tikva (morkovi, Зеленчукова мусака с тиква (моркови, Vegetable “Musaka” with pumpkin 143 kartofi,tikva) картофи, тиква) (carrots, potatoes, pumpkin) 10 Zelenchukova musaka s iabulki (morkovi, Зеленчукова мусака с ябълки (моркови, Vegetable “Musaka” with apples 144 kartofi,Iiabulki) картофи, ябълки) (carrots, potatoes, apples) 10 145 Zelenchukovo pure asorti Зеленчуково пюре Асорти Vegetable puree Assorti 10 Zelenchukovo pure 146 asorti,obogateno Зеленчуково пюре Асорти– Обогатено Vegetable puree Assorti enriched 10 Zelenchukovo pure ot Зеленчуково пюре от грах, зеле и Vegetable puree from peas, cabbage 147 grah,zele I iabulki ябълки and apples 10 Zelenchukovo pure ot grah,zele I Зеленчуково пюре от грах, зеле и Vegetable puree from peas, cabbage 148 iabulki,obogateno ябълки - обогатено and apples - enriched 10 Zelenchukovo pure ot Зеленчуково пюре от грах, ябълки и Vegetable puree from peas, apples 149 grah,zele I iabulki тиква and pumpkin 10 Page 3 tblFood Meat products - “Babeck” (salami 15 Babek dry) 6 Zelenchukovo pure ot grah,zele I Зеленчуково пюре от грах, ябълки и Vegetable puree from peas, apples 150 iabulki,obogateno тиква - обогатено and pumpkin - enriched 10 Zelenchukovo pure ot Зеленчуково пюре от моркови, тиква и Vegetable puree from carrots, 151 morkovi,tikva I tcveklo цвекло pumpkin and beet 10 Zelenchukovo pure ot morkovi,tikva I Зеленчуково пюре от моркови, тиква и Vegetable puree from carrots, 152 tcveklo,obogateno цвекло - обогатено pumpkin and beet - enriched 10 Zelenchukovo pure s 153 banani Зеленчуково пюре с банани Vegetable puree with bananas 10 Zelenchukovo pure s Зеленчуково пюре с банани - Vegetable puree with bananas - 154 banani, obogateno обогатено enriched 10 Izvara bezmaslena 155 dietichna Curd non-fat dietetic 7 Izvara bezmaslena 156 dietichna Curd 7 157 Indiisko orehche Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans , nuces) 8 158 Kadaif obiknoven “Kadaif” usual 12 “Kaizer” svinski vareno- 159 pushen Meat products - “Keiser” (salami) 6 16 Badem pechen Almond roasted 9 160 Kaima (40/60%) Minced meat (Veal/ Pork 40 60%) 6 161 Kaisievi iadki Apricot's core 9 162 Kaisii Apricots 4 163 Kaisii susheni Dry apricots 4 164 Kakao na prah Cocoa powder 1 165 Kalmari “Kalmari” 11 166 Kanela Cinnamon 8 167 Karanfil Clove 8 168 Kartofeno pure na prah Картофено пюре на прах Potatoe puree,powdered 13 6.25 0.800 169 Kartofi esenni Potatoes autumn 13 17 Bademi Almonds 9 170 Kartofi nebeleni vareni Potatoes boiled with skin 13 171 kartofi pecheni Potatoes baked 13 172 Kartofi proletni Potatoes spring 13 Page 4 tblFood Kartofi proletni vareni bez 173 sol Early potatoes boiled without salt 13 174 Karfiol varen bez sol Cauliflower boiled without salt 13 175 Karfiol zamrazen Cauliflower frozen 13 176 Karfiol paniran Карфиол паниран Cauliflower fried in eggs 13 177 Karfiol zamrazen Карфиол печен Cauliflower baked 13 178 Kasis zmrazeni Black currants frozen 4 179 Kafe napitka Coffee drink 1 18 Bakla Broad beans 13 180 Kafe nes napitka Nescafe drink 1 181 Kafe pecheno mliano Coffee beans 1 182 Kafe nes instantno Кафе-нес инстантно Nescafe instant powder 1 183 Kafiava zahar Brown sugar 12 184 Kasha “Milupa” banan Gruel “Milupa” - bananas 10 Kasha “Milupa” oriz I 185 tcarevitca Gruel “Milupa” - rice and corn 10 186 Kasha “Milupa” shokolad Gruel “Milupa” - chocolate 10 187 Kasha “Milupa” s biskviti Gruel “Milupa” with biscuits 10 Kasha “Milupa” iabulki I 188 morkovi Gruel “Milupa” - apples and carrots 10 Kasha “Nestle” 3 zurneni 189 kulturi Gruel Nestle - 3 cereals 10 19 Bamia Бамя Okra 13 6.25 0.800 Kasha “Nestle” Oriz s 3 190 ploda Gruel Nestle - Rice with 3 Fruits 10 191 Kasha “Nestle” biskviti Gruel Nestle - biscuits 10 192 Kasha “Nestle” oriz Gruel Nestle - rice 10 Kasha “Nestle” pshenitsa I 193 banan Gruel Nestle - wheat and banana 10 Kasha “Frizokrem” 4 194 zurneni hrani Gruel Frisocreme - 4 cereals 10 Kasha “Frizokrem” 4 Gruel Frisocreme - 4 fruits, without 195 ploda, bez gluten gluten 10 Kasha “Frizokrem” 5 ploda Gruel Frisocreme - 5 fruits, without 196 bez gluten gluten 10 Kasha “Frizokrem”oriz I 197 tcarevittca Gruel Frisocreme - rice and corn 10 Page 5 tblFood Kasha Humana praskova I 198 marakuia Gruel Humana - peach and marakuja 10 Kasha Humana iabulki I Gruel Humana - apples and elder 199 buz (Sambucus sp.) 10 Agneshka pleshka 2 zadushena Lamb shoulder stewed 6 20 Banani Bananas 4 200 Kasha Humana iagodi Gruel Humana - strawberries 10 201 Kashkaval “Balkanski” yellow cheese “Balkan” from sheep 7 yellow cheese”Vitosha” from cow 202 Kashkaval “Vitosha” milk 7 203 Kashkaval “Emental” Кашкавал "Ементал" yellow cheese “Ementhal” 7 6.38 0.945 204 Kashu Cashew nuts 9 205 Kashu pecheno soleno Кашу печено солено Cashew nuts roasted and salted 9 5.46 0.956 206 Kashu purgeno soleno Кашу пържено солено Cashew nuts fried and salted 9 5.46 0.956 207 Keks sus suhi plodove Кекс със сухи плодове Cake with dry fruits 5 208 Keks shokoladov Кекс шоколадов Cake with chocolate 5 209 Kerviz lista Celery leaves (Apium graveolens L.) 13 21 Banichki s izvara Patty with curd 13 210 kerviz glavi Celery root 13 211 Kesten varen Кестен варен Edible chestnut boiled 4 5.46 0.956 212 Kesten pechen Edible chestnut roasted 4 213 Kesteni Chestnut edible 4 214 Kivi Kiwi 4 215 Kimion Cumin (Carum cari L.) 8 216 Kiseletc Sorrel sour dock 13 217 Kiselo zele zadusheno Cabbage pickled stewed 13 218 Kit kat Кит Кат Kit Kat 12 219 Kifli “Vienski” Rolls “Wiener” 5 22 Banichki s izvara Patty with filling of leek 5 Rolls “Easter” (from dough with eggs 220 Kifli kozunacheni and butter) 5 221 Kifli obiknoveni Rolls usual 5 222 Kifli s marmelad Rolls with marmalade 5 223 Kifli sus sirene Rolls with cheese 5 224 Koze meso Meat from goat 6 225 Kozunak obiknoven Easter cake 5 Page 6 tblFood 226 Kozunak s margarin Easter cake with margarine 5 227 Koka kola Кока кола Coca Cola
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