Rev Esp Patol 1999; Vol. 32, N~ 3: 447-453 © Prous Science, SA. © Sociedad Espafiola de Anatomfa Patol6gica Short Course 11 © Sociedad Espafiola de Citologia Pigmented lesions of the skin Chairperson F Contreras Spain Ca-chairpersons S McNutt USA and P McKee, USA. Problematic melanocytic nevi melanin pigment is often evident. Frequently, however, the lesion is solely intradermal when it may be confused with a fibrohistiocytic RH. McKee and F.R.C. Path tumor, particularly epithelloid cell fibrous histiocytoma (4). It is typi- cally composed of epitheliold nevus cells with abundant eosinophilic Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, cytoplasm and large, round, to oval vesicular nuclei containing pro- USA. minent eosinophilic nucleoli. Intranuclear cytoplasmic pseudoinclu- sions are common and mitotic figures are occasionally present. The nevus cells which are embedded in a dense, sclerotic connective tis- Whether the diagnosis of any particular nevus is problematic or not sue stroma, usually show maturation with depth. Less frequently the nevus is composed solely of spindle cells which may result in confu- depends upon a variety of factors, including the experience and enthusiasm of the pathologist, the nature of the specimen (shave vs. sion with atrophic fibrous histiocytoma. Desmoplastic nevus can be distinguished from epithelloid fibrous histiocytoma by its paucicellu- punch vs. excisional), the quality of the sections (and their staining), larity, absence of even a focal storiform growth pattern and SiQO pro- the hour of the day or day of the week in addition to the problems relating to the ever-increasing range of histological variants that we tein/HMB 45 expression. Epithelloid fibrous histiocytoma often expresses smooth muscle actin and muscle-specific actin. are obliged to recognize. Reporting nevi, difficult or otherwise late on a Friday afternoon is probably always a mistake particularly if it fol- Recurrent nevus lows rather than precedes the customary preweekend celebration (the TGIF club)! This presentation focuses on some of the more com- A major diagnostic problem occasionally encountered following monly misdiagnosed and problematic nevoid variants. shave biopsy specimens, is the phenomenon of recurrent nevus (pseudomelanoma) (5). Re-excision specimens commonly show Neonatal and childhood congenital nevi melanocytic hyperplasia particularly overlying the site of dermal scar- ring. If the nevus has been incompletely excised, regrowth of the In the majority of cases, congenital nevi in neonates are not signifi- junctional component may sometimes be accompanied by disturbing cantly different from similar lesions arising in children or adolescents. melanocyte cytology including nuclear pleomorphism, nucleolar Rarely however, they may be characterized by extremely worrisome prominence and occasional mitotic figures. Focal pagetoid spread histological features including a junctional component (which may be may even be present. Clues to the benignity of the process include lentiginous and nested) composed of pleomorphic epithelioid nevus the presence of dense, horizontally orientated fibrous tissue in the cells with abundant cytoplasm and enlarged hyperchromatic or superficial dermis and residual dermal nevus cells deep to the scar vesicular nuclei containing prominent eosinophilic nucleoli (1, 2). tissue. In those examples where the cytological changes are One or two mitoses may be seen. Particularly disturbing is the pres- marked, review of the original biopsy specimen is always advisable. ence of pagetoid spread, (sometimes to the extent that it mimics in It is worth remembering that the original lesion may of course have situ melanoma) and involvement of the appendage epithelium. The been a dysplastic nevus or in situ/invasive melanoma. dermal component, when present, may contain similar cells or else be composed of more banal nevus cells showing maturation with Deen Denetratina nevus depth and rendering the benignity of the lesion more obvious. This uncommon nevus variant is a common source of diagnostic Similarly disturbing features may very occasionally be seen in difficulty. Particular problems relate to its precise histogenesis and congenital nevi excised from young children. Although the lesions biological potential. It presents as a densely pigmented papule or appear clinically benign, their biological potential is as yet unknown. nodule on the face, neck or shoulder of young adults and as such A modest re-excision, if the nevus cells approach anywhere near to may be clinically mistaken for melanoma (6). the margins would be prudent. Histologically the epidermis may be uninvolved although, not uncommonly, foci of lentiginous or nested junctional activity are Desmoolastic nevus seen (7). The nevus presents a wedge-shaped appearance with its This nevus which was first described by Barr et al. (3) as a variant broad base uppermost, extending into the deeper dermis or sub- of Spitz nevus is still occasionally a source of diagnostic difficulty. cutaneous fat as one or more often bulbous extensions. Although It most often presents on the extremities of young adults. Many in the original descriptions the nevus was said to be composed of lesions are devoid of melanin pigment and clinically present as a a homogenous spindle cell population, in my own experience it flesh-colored to yellow or erythematous papule/nodule which may more often consists of a superficial epithelloid nevus population be misdiagnosed as a fibrous histiocytoma. which gradually merges with spindle cells in the deeper reaches. Histologically, the nevus presents as a symmetrical, dome- Cytoplasm is usually finely pigmented giving a dusty, and often shaped dermal nodule covered by attenuated or acanthotic epider- gray appearance. Nuclei may be hyperchromatic and smudged or mis. Some lesions show smallfoci of residual junctional activity and vesicular with prominent small nucleoli. Intranuclear cytoplasmic 447 SHORT COURSE II REV ESP PATOL pseudoinclusions are sometimes evident and mild nuclear pleomor- Are the (spindle-shaped) tumor cells melanocytes phism is typical. Mitoses are either absent or extremely infrequent. It is fair to say that with few exceptions, this question of melanocyt- By definition dendritic cells are said not to be seen in this lesion. ic vs. nonmelanocytic nature of a tumor is readily answerable: the The growth pattern often presents a plexiform appearance, fas- main problems arise when the possibility of a melanocytic neo- cicles of nevus cells following the dermal appendages and neu- plasm is not considered at all. rovascular bundles. Perineural or endoneural extension is a very The listof cutaneous spindle cell tumors is long and, apart from common finding. Towards the base of the lesion the nevus often melanocytic tumors, includes neoplasms of fibroblasts, endotheli- adopts a single cell infiltrative growth pattern dissecting between the um, smooth muscle cells, histiocytes, keratinocytes and various collagen bundles. The nevus cell population is typically admixed with other cell types. The melanocytic nature of the tumor is generally densely pigmented melanophages and lymphocytic infiltrates are not obvious when a junctional component can be recognized or when uncommon. melanin, produced by the tumor cells, is detected. However, even As originally described, deep penetrating nevus was not believed when these features are absent, the pathologist is well advised to to be associated with any risk of recurrence or metastatic potential. consider the possibility of a melanocytic neoplasm, in order to The recent literature however casts some doubt on this viewpoint. avoid errors of diagnosis which may arise when the lesion is ame- Graham (8) presented one patient with a malignant variant and per- lanotic and does not involve the dermoepidermal junction. in- sonal experience includes another in addition to evidence that there munostaining for S-lOO is usually of significant help but its useful- is a risk, albeit low of recurrence. Nuclear pleomorphism and mul- ness obviously depends on the other entities relevant to the differ- tiple or deep mitoses are particularly worrying features. ential diagnosis under consideration. In addition, monoclonal anti- The precise nature of this lesion is also somewhat problemat- bodies HMB-45 and anti-MART-i may be of help. We do not advo- ic. It certainly shows some overlap with blue and cellular blue nevi. cate the use of NKI-C3 since in our experience, this antibody lacks Although by strict definition dendritic cells are absent, the distinc- specificity. Finally, electron microscopy may be of help in problem tion is often far from easy. Some examples of this lesion appear to cases, provided that lesional tissue has been specifically represent combined nevi and both banal and Spitz variants may be processed for ultrastructural investigation. The retrieval of tissue encountered. Whether the dermal component represents a blue from paraffin blocks, which is very useful in some other areas of nevus variant or a true deep penetrating nevus is as yet uncertain. tumor pathology, often yields disappointing results when melano- cytic differentiation (i.e., the unequivocal establishment of the pres- References ence of premelanosomes) needs to be established. 1. Silvers DN, Hewig EB. Melanocytic nevi in neonates. JAm Acad Dermatol 1981; The chance of an extracutaneous melanocytic tumor not being 12: 39-44. recognized as such is generally greater than in case of a cutaneous
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