PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862-VOL. 34. PORTLAND. MAINE. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1896, PRICE THREE CENTS SPECIAL WOTICBS. °00, It paved the way for the great victory f jmpoaed by the act of 1880, in ad- Baltimore, November 9.—John 8. which followed on November third. Our whole ad valorem duty by Gibb*, owner of one of tbe MANLEY WELCOMED HOME. EXTRA SESSION LIKELY. therfc.0B*t0'he aot ON JUST AND UNJUST, largest distinguished senators and the able of 1884, should be imposed; that oanniiig industries in the state, has in- WRECK OF THE fSlAGGIE. members of our delegation in tho House carpets, ruggets, etc., tunde of creased wages 25 per cent to take effect |/in GLOVES, zJjt?wool in of our next governor whole or in the same at onee. Mr. Gibbs he all rxi Representatives, part; soys expeots --- U SLIPPERS, and many of our youyg orators have been square-yard duty as was imposed packing Arms In the oity to follow his LACE CURTAINS, visiting different sections of the country, .Th-Ji8 aot of 1890, in addition to the example. BOOTS, giving their work and their influence for Prob- fan'll 05em, ra*® provided By the act of National Committeeman Given Ova- our success. Discusses be all San of Shines Over All Congressman Dingley r, ».1should Imposed; that upon Prosperity WEYLERTO THE FRONT. Another Side to St. John’s Harbor PIANO COVERS, Draperies lumber tranferred to the free list by tbe tion at able Tariff Legislation. aot of 1894 there should be imposed 60 the Land. Disaster. Furniture Augusta. While it is true that the Republican °f the duty imposed by the aot Captain General Will Lead Troops Against COVERINGS,&c ofP-2JM party has achieved a magnificent victory 1890, provided that In case export Cnban at duties Insurgents. Cleansed at Short Notice, that the Republican party in the plat- should be imposed by any foreign form ef principles which it adopted at country upon piuo, spruoe, elm or other St. proclaimed itself for honest DINGLEY logs, or upon stave bolts, shingle wood, Washington, November 9.—The Duke RESPONDS WITH AN ADDRESS IN Louis, THINKS BILL UNLIKELY SECTIONS WHICH TOTED FOB DIS- CAPTAIN OF THE TIBER TELLS FOSTER’S money, for protection, for reciprocity, pulp wood, or heading blocks exported of minister of affairs at to the Tetura, foreign for law and and that we have a TO PASS THIS WINTES. United the rates of duty HOW IT POST OFFICE SQUARE. tfrder, States, HONOR NO EXCEPTION. Madrid cabled Senor Dupuy de Lome HAPPENED. Forest City DYE HOUSE, right to olaim it, this is not a partisan thereon should be those imposed by tbe •ot of this afternoon that Gen. left 13 Preble St. Preble House. victory, and it should not be claimed as 1980. The bill further provided Weyler opp. one. for an lncreose of 15 per oent in the ex- Havana today to take personal command Connection. rates on other Telephone 1 know that no one will aconse me of isting of duty all imported in the field of the of New comprehensive opera- Schooner’s The Campaign Reviewed—Iff ark Hanna not being a partisan. I am one and I In That Case An Extra Session Will Prob- articles except sugar embraced in tarill Reports Industries Starting Up— Captain Attempted to Cross tions against the insurgents which had glory but I know that in this schedules, provided that said increase Increase of Honrs of Bow Highly Complimented—Much Credit in.it, great ably Be Necessary, Depending In Great Work, Raised Steamer’s and Latter Had Not struggle we have had the earnest and ■ houd Dot in any case increase the rato been in preparation some months, and to Gold Measure On Status of Wages aud Other Blessings Which Re- Time to Change Her Course-Mate Cor- Hue Democrats—Celebration loyal support of patrlotlo Democrats In of Senate—House duty on any article beyond the rate for which large reinforcements had been state in the Union. imposed hy tbe act of 1890, and that In publican Still roborates This Biggest of Political Nature Ever every Will Propose Nothing This Winter. Victory Brought Pour, made available. The minister tbe Statement—Nothing them should be any such case tbe should be the says To given full credit. It duty Done Known In iug In. will be at onoe most About Arrests. Augusta. Is no easy thing to separate from your Lewiston, November 9.— The Evening nne as that imposed by said act, and campaign pursued when provided further, “that where the pres- energetically, and a In the situa- November 9—Augusta party organization, especially you Journal publishes the following inter- Loyns, N. Y., November 9.—Tbe Man- change Augusta, Maine, have been attached to it aud connected ent rate of duty on any article is higher tion in Onba be There Sydney, C. B. November to hattan may expected. 9.—Oapt. De- bad tbe celebration in view with Congressman Dinlgey as than was fixed said last-named Silver Plate company which is greatest political with it for years, but the Chioago con- by act, npDarentiy no ground for the report Lisle of the British steamer Tiber which its The city was vention departed from the true principles passing the exlgenoy tariff bill. Ur. the rate of duty theroop shall uot be during the past summer has been run- oiroQlated today that the Spanish minis- history tonight. collided with and sank^the New Found- of of the Demooratlo party and plaoed itself said “While of It Is further increased hy this session, but on ter, M.Dupuy de Lome would be recalled. thronged with people from all parts Dingley, oonrse pos- ning irregular time, commenced today land schooner a sball remain as by Maggie last upon platform abaolutely antagonistic the provided existing over Friday nigh* Kennebeo oonnty. A feature of the oooa- sible that the senate will take up running time. The salesmen report “ to the true priDolples of free government law.” The act was to expire by limit- LOST HIS HOUSEKEEPER. arrived today. He We saw the re- a said, alon was a to Hon. J. H. Man- and bouse bill and pass it in view of the ation on 1898. great picking up In trade and tbe com- reception arrayed itself against the constitu- August 1, lights oowing into the harbor and made LOVERS tion of our land. cent verdict 1 know branch He of the la New ley who arrived on the evening train. country, yet] pany's agenoies York, Veazle Man and His Troubles at tbe out two aohooner Democrats in section ROCKLAND CELEBRATES. sailing in with a fair Of mafic who have never had the advantages was met at an Immense every following of the of oa' the of Chicago, Stt New Orleans and the depot by ohange opinion part Louts, Hub. wind, one ahead. a musical education are amazed and the example of our illustrious and dis- (the Maggie) Both of delight- into Poet Senator who voted the hill San Francisco are concourse of people and driven James W. any against rushing in telegraphic sobooners were ed to find the whole realm of muslo opened to tinguished oitizen, Bradbury, The Time City a Blaze of Glory in Honor showing red and green who refused to follow the by last winter, with one possible exception. orders for more goods. the use of an platform, Boston, November 9.—Frederick A. lights. We pnt oar helm to clear both them through Aeolian, without their of Republican Victory. of welcome was made Hon. H. M. votes, have helped to win this It will he remembered that the senate The New Haven Silver Plate the machine effeoti so offensive to a musical by company’s the of a hotel at vessels, when and are entitled to a share in its Grant, proprietor suddenly the Maggie pnt victory, refuted to take the bill eleven which bag been down since ear. Heath. np by plant, shut oame to to her helm fruits. Let us not refuse upon every oc- [SPECIAL TO THE PKESS.l Veazle, Maine, Boston today hard tho starboard, to cross our majority—five senators who had been February, is now fnll In response to the address of welcome, casion to give them the credit and the running time, look for a housekeeper. At the South bows, -i honor whloh is their due. eleoted as Bepnblicans uniting with til Bocklaud, November 9.—Rockland was oHth anmtoK nsHo.o Ust wwill Y-- AEOI AN RECITALS Mr. Manley said: End be made the acquaintance of Maggie “Our helm was hard to port and the DAILY the Democrats in defeating it. I the soeue of a grand jollifloatlon tonight and if more come the worke will be com- Mr. Chairman: For the kind and Sedgrvlok, aged 26 of 63 Emerald street, ship was paying off to starboard with “As two Republican senators—Messrs. in honor of MoKinley’s election. Houses pelled to run and To which all are cordially invited. generous tribute which you bave seen fit night day. who expressed a willingness to go to the engines reversed and full were illumi- making to to me I return the tbanks of a throughout the entire oity A. H. Howard & Co.’s Silver pay contest whioh has just been settled, to Plating Veazle as his housekeeper. speed astern when we met the not be to striking grateful heart. I would true all that it meant and winter to take np tbe and nated in some form, while those resi- worke received a batch of orders fully comprehend bill, four.of large Thla evening Grant and the woman a little aft the main did I not frankly admit that this a Maggie rigging.
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