Volume XXVIII No. 11 November, 1973 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE ASSOOATm Of XmH RERIOB Bl OlEAT BRITAHI FOCUS ON ISRAEL A DAY TO REMEMBER When on Yom Kippur the Vnessane tokef Foreign Office. The Board's representatives November 10, 1938 prayer with its stirring reference to the expressed strongest criticism of the British From today's perspective it would seem that Uncertainty of destiny was chanted in syna­ Govemment's failure to condemn the the infamous November pogroms of 1938 were, gogues all over the world, Jews in the aggression against Israel by Egypt and for the Nazis, a faUure of some dimension J^iaspora did not yet know that, at that Syria and its embargo on war supplies. which caused confusion and disarray in their ^ery hour, the question of " who will live One of the most urgent issues at the policy against the Jews. ?iid who will die" had transcended the time of going to press is the exchange Prepared for a long time and put into Individual sphere and become a collective of prisoners-of-war and the need for general operation only after the assassination of Herr issue of life and death for the people of publication of lists of such prisoners. A vom Rath, Counsellor at the German Embassy Israel. Our first thoughts have to go to spokesman at the Israel Embassy said last in Paris, the pogroms were a departure from those who lost their lives in the fight for week that the Israelis had already given a previous practices—for the first time, the the survival of the country, and to their persecution of the Jews moved from the complete list of prisoners in Israeli hands clandestine into the open. After their en­ iiext-of-kin. We also in humility pay our to the International Red Cross, but that hanced standing as a result of the Munich fespects to Israel's young generation as a neither the Egyptians nor the Syrians had agreement, the Nazis thought the time was ^hole for the bravery they have shown in a issued lists of captured Israelis. This ripe for focusing the limelight of publicity fierce two-front war against a numerically faUure runs against the regulations of the on the Jewish question by a policy of blunt superior enemy. Soldiering is for them not Geneva Convention, and every effort has humiliation, oppression and murder. In this ^Vocation they glorify but a duty which to be made to have the situation remedied way, by demonstrating how to deal with Jews, they fulfil out of bitter necessity. at the earliest possible time. they hoped to gain political rewards from » J^ose of us who experienced the London fostering a virulent antisemitism in other Blitz " 33 years ago, remember the sense The unreserved concern for Israel cuts parts of the world. '^f solidarity between all sections of the across all Jewish reUgious and political However, they miscalculated the psycho­ Population which emerged in those days, party lines. It comprises Liberals and ultra- logical and moral effects of the pogroms. To /'et in a small country like Israel, the Orthodox and, on the political plane, people all friends of Gennany and crypto-Nazis ^Pact is even stronger: there cannot be who otherwise widely differ in their atti­ abroad, the blatant outbreak of barbarism tude to Israel and their views on Israel's lit up by the burning synagogues, proved he same degree of anonymity which miti­ a serious setback which isolated them and gated the feelings of anxiety, because prac- poUcy. Beyond this general concem, the halted their progress. Especially the partners ically everybody has relatives and friends reaction of former German and Austrian of the Munich agreement were greatly em­ ^ every town, village and kibbutz and Jews is also determined by personal con­ barrassed and the world-wide public outcry Shares their worries. siderations : there is hardly anybody among greatly strengthened the opposition to the It is not necessary to give a full report us who does not have near relatives and "appeasement" policy. t the happenings during the past eventful friends in Israel. It was therefore only to ^eeks, because they were fully covered by be expected that from the first day onwards Reaction Abroad Jhe mass media. Like in 1967, most of us we received innumerable inquiries about ^stened to the radio at hourly intervals. the possibilities of rendering assistance. Instead of the intemational applause or, In several Homes, residents took the initia­ at least, tacit consent, wire after wire arrived u a Monthly which reaches its readers ten tive and arranged special collections, and from the diplomatic representations of ays after it goes to press, it would also it is particularly gratifying that the AJR Gennany, led by the Ambassador in Washing­ ^ premature to attempt a general assess- Club raised £230 among its members. ton, Dr. V. Dircksen, and by the Ambassador "lent of the situation, in London, Dieckhoff, who reported on cata­ ^^ke the other Jewish organisations, the Those who do not contribute through strophical reactions. Years of hard and steady ?f^ has been in constant touch with the their synagogues or other organisations work in foreign affairs had been blotted out in entral bodies, especially the Board of to which they belong, should send their one night. j^eputies and the relief organisations at contributions to: The Joint Israel Appeal, No wonder that Goebbels ordered: "The . ^x House. It was represented at the meet- Rex House, 4 Regent Street, London, anti-Jewish measures must cease as quickly 7*2 held by the Board of Deputies three SWIY 4PG. The tremendous cost of the as they started." Far from advancing j^ys after the outbreak of hostilities when, war, borne by the State of Israel, depleted antisemitism in the world, the pogroms led J a unanimously passed resolution, the the resources required for running the to a reversal of the then popular trend. The jj^^s of this cotmtry " aflSrmed their civUian Ufe of the country. Israel did not Nazis took this fiasco to heart and their request that Jews in the Diaspora should "Judenpolitik" went underground: the terrible -f therhood and solidarity with the people happenings in the years to come occurred I Israel". Leading members of the'AJR join her in the battlefield. But what the behind a wall of secrecy. g^ attended the mass rally at Trafalgar Israelis have to expect is that their fellow JiUare on October 14, at which addresses Jews help them to reconstruct the material Economically, too, the November pogroms foundations of the country. Compared with were a faUure. Notwithstanding the Jewish (p^fe deUvered by Mr. Hugh Fraser, M.P. "MiUiardenbusse" and the confiscation of J^uservative), Mr. Peter Shore (Labour the risks they took, this is very little. The Jewish property, the German economy jPokesman for European affairs), Nancy, Appeal is running under the watchword: emerged damaged from this adventure. In p^^y Seear (former president of the Liberal " Give and give untU it hurts ". There is their blind hatred the Nazis overlooked the (^%), Lord ShinweU, Sir Samuel Fisher every reason to expect that all our members fact that there was no autonomous Jewish j*JJ"esident of the Board of Deputies) and will act accordingly, having experienced in sector in the economy and that Jewish enter­ I'prt^ Janner (president of the Zionist these days of emergency that Israel is much prises were firmly integrated into the larger eoeration). On October 15, a delegation of more part and parcel of our own lives than German overall structure. Not only were goods j)^ Board of Deputies met Sir Alec many of us may have cared to admit in destroyed which were part of the national °Uglas-Home and Lord Balniel at the "normal" times. Continaed on page 2, column 1 Page 2 AJR INFORMATION November, 1973 A DAY TO REMEMBER Continued from page 1 ISEWS FROM GERMAISY REACTIONS TO THE MIDDLE EAST WAR NEW GENERAL SECRETARY OF assets, also the export trade suffered heavily. "ZENTRALRAT" Alone the damage from glass breakage Federal Chancellor WUly Brandt made refer­ Mr. Alexander Ginsburg was appointed amounted to six mUlion mark which had to ence to the Middle East in a televised inter­ General Secretary of the "Zentralrat" of tne be replaced from Belgium with hard currency, view on October 16. He said that, although his Jews in Germany as successor to Dr. H. ^• and most of it was not covered by re-insurances Govemment was non-partisan, "Germans can­ van Dam, who died several months ago. He abroad. not forget the tragic experience of Jews, and has held a responsible position with tne Among the few radio speeches deserving of Germans, in a previous era". In his opening Cologne Jewish community for the past address at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the Chan­ 15 years and has been associated witn to be termed "documents humains" must be ceUor pointed out that both Israel and the the "Zentralrat" as a member of "^ counted Lord Baldwin's memorable address Arab States were entitled to security but directorate and administrative councU 19^ which he broadcast 35 years ago: stressed that in Israel the lives of the last the past 12 years. Mr. Ginsburg, who is survivors of the Nazi terror were in danger. in his fifties and a jurist by profession, was "Tonight I have to speak for a world's in no less than 36 concentration camps under good cause. I have to ask you to come to In Berlin, a mass meeting convened by the the Nazi regime. During the first post-war the aid of the victims not of any catas­ Jewish community two days after the begin­ years, he worked under the auspices of several trophe in the natural world, not of earth­ ning of the war was attended by several thou­ Jewish and non-Jewish relief organisations ana sand people, including many non-Jews.
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