P-30-DYPATIL-SUGAR-102018 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) REPORT FOR PROPOSED EXPANSION OF SUGAR FACTORY FROM 4500 TCD TO 5500 TCD (INCREASE BY 1000 TCD), CO-GENERATION PLANT FROM 19 MW TO 23 MW (INCREASE BY 4 MW) AND ESTABLISHMENT OF 60 KLPD MOLASSES BASED DISTILLERY BY PADMASHREE DR. D. Y. PATIL SAHAKARI SAKHAR KARKHANA LTD. (PDDYPSSKL) DNYANSHANTINAGAR, VESARAF - PALSAMBE, TAL: GAGANBAVADA, DIST.: KOLHAPUR, MAHARASHTRA STATE PREPARED BY EQUINOX ENVIRONMENTS (I) PVT. LTD., ENVIRONMENTAL; CIVIL & CHEMICAL ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS & ANALYSTS, KOLHAPUR (MS) E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] An ISO 9001:2015 & QCI NABET ACCREDITED ORGANIZATION 2018-2019 PADMASHR1 1)R. D. Y. PAUL SAHAKARI SAKHAR KARKHANA LTD; DNYANSHANTINAGAR, TAL. GAGANBAVADA, DIST. KOLHAPUR. tST. cTRf . MIc^tcT 'Hl 'iS'* cUKGIMI foT. , ^TFT^rRft^T’T?, cTT. TTTFTCFTCT^T , f^T. ‘iplcrei N - Factory Ph. : (02326) 223101, 223102. Fa» ; (02326} 223100. ^ Email ; < y_p3“i!&3Klloi® redilfma; .com , dypaJilsskKd gma .cum ~ ^ ^ ar - Dnyanshanteaklw Regd Mo : KP FL-GV^A. PRGL-:AI /S-5C Ca1e 6/41S94 PAN Mo. - AAAAS 6S31 N GSTIN - 27AAAAS6831N1Z2 3fFT^N McN ^ it. MI cTlci Ref. No.: Date : , Rcf+ No : DNS/ADM/ 379 /2019-20 Date: 2- 1 .06.2019 To The Member Secretary Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry - 2) Ministry’ of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC); Parya \ aranBhavan, Aliganj, .Jorhag Road, New Delhi - 110 003. Sub.: Grant of Environmental Clearance (EC) in respect of proposed expansion of Sugar Factory from 4,500 TCD to 5,500 TC'D (increase by 1 ,000 1 CL) ). Co-generation Plant from 19 MW to 23 MW (increase by 4 MW) and Establishment of 60 KLPD Molasses based Distillery ... Ref.: 1 . ToR letter bearing No. IA-J-11011 /333/2018-1A 11 (I) dated 18.11.201«. Please refer copy enclosed at Enclosure-I. 2. Notification of the “Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary” bearing No, WI.P 1085/CR-588/V/E-5 dated 16,09.1985. Please refer a copy of same and relevant maps enclosed at Enclosure-Ii. Dear Sir, This has reference to the online Form - 1 application submitted to MoHiCC on 17.10,2018 and subsequent ToRs issued vide letter dated 18,11,2018.. The same was w.r.i. proposed expansion of Sugar Factory (4.500 TCD to 5.500 LCD) and Co-generation Plant (19 MW to 23 MW) as well as for establishment of a Molasses based Distillery (60 KI.PD) by Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil S. S. K. Ltd. (PDDYPSSKI.) located at Dnyanshantmagar, Vesaraf - Palsambe, Tal: Gaganbavda. Dist.: Kolhapur, Maharashtra Stale. Accordingly, a Public Hearing was conducted on 16.05.2019 and final L1A report has been prepared. Recently, the Ministry' has published a Notification dated 13.06.2019 w.r.t . the distilleries. As per the said notification, all Molasses based distilleries with capacity equal to or less than 100 KLPD arc to be considered at State Level. In light of this, our project comprising of 60 KLPD molasses distillery- would go to Maharashtra State. However, for our said project the “Genera! Condition” from ElA Notification dated 14.09,2006 (as amended from time to time) becomes applicable. Accordingly, it is hereby informed that the “Radhanagari " Wildlife Sanctuary” is located at 10.20 Km from our Project Site, The F.co-sensitive Zone 7 ( ESZj‘ for the said sanctuan' has not vet been finalized bv MoEFCC. A copy of Notification dated 16.09.1985 w.r.t. the “Radhanagari Sanctuary ” and concerned maps are presented at Enclosure -II . In absence of a duly notified ESZ: a distance of 10 KM from the sanctuary boundary is considered as FSZ as per lion. Supreme Court order WP No.46/2004 dated (14.12.2006. Sir, as shown in the toposheet map at Enclosure - II; the ESZ of " Radhanapari Sanctuary " comes within 5 KM distance from our Project Site. Thus, in light of applicability of the “General Conditions" (i.e. an FSZ located within 5 Km of Project site ), our above mentioned project would be appraised at Centre Level by Expert Appraisal Committee of MoFFCC. Our 2500 TCD Sugar Factory was established in the year 2004 on land acquired in year 1994 from the villages namely Vesaraf, Palsambe and Aslaj of Gaganbavada taluka in Kolhapur district of MS. Subsequently, in the year 2010: a 19 MW Cogen Plant was established in the sugar factory premises for which the SF.AC & SEIAA of Maharashtra awarded Environmental Clearance. Eater on in year 2018. our Sugar Factory expansion from 2500 TCD to 450(1 TCD was carried out for which the MPC13 awarded ‘Consent to ' Operate dated 16.112.2018 , Now our management has planned to establish a 60 KEPD molasses distillery in the integrated project complex while taking up second expansion of sugar factory as well as that of the cogen plant. Also, we have applied under “National Dio Fuel Policy -2018" and our proposed distillery has been listed, by the GOA. of India, ro receive benefits under same, A copy of the list is presented at Enclosure-Ill . The Vesaraf, Palsambe and Aslaj were listed as Eco-sensitive Area (ESA) Villages in the first 'Draft Notification ’ of 'Western Ghats’ published on 10.03.2014. Subsequently, second draft (04.09.2015). third draft (27.02.2017) and finally fourth draft (03.10.2018) have been published from time to time. Here, it is brought to your kind attention that the project land acquired for our industry in the year 1995 has a present status as Industrial Land Use. No any forest (reserved or protected) or similar other land was acquired while setting up our project in tire year 2002. Neither any such land is presently being taken up under expansion. In other words, the distillery establishment as well as sugar and cogen expansion projects shall be taken up entirely oir the land area already in our possession and no any additional piece of land is required to be purchased. All the concerned data, more information and criteria towards our “project siting & its environmental settings" have been presented in a detailed manner in the F.IA Report being submitted. Sir, in light, of facts presented above, you are requested to consider our proposal at the earliest and accord an Environmental Clearance to same. you, ThankimiH r‘ .‘ Youft failhfullv. Jaydeep Patil {.Managing Director) Enel.: As Above ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am extremely thankful to the management of Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Limited. (PDDYPSSKL), located in Village- Vesaraf - Palasambe, Taluka - Gaganbavada, Dist.- Kolhapur, Maharashtra State for entrusting assignments of the draft EIA studies and Environmental Clearance procurement in respect of proposed expansion project of the Sugar Factory & Co-gen Plant and establishment of 60 KLPD Molasses based Distillery. It was indeed a great experience to have interactions, involvement and discussions with the management and technical experts of PDDYPSSKL. Their knowledge and co-operation as well as support given during the EIA Report preparation impressed me a lot. Sharing of thoughts and planning with Mr. Satej Patil Chairman of PDDYPSSKL was always an interesting thing during the course of assignment. Thank you very much sir! Prompt response as well as help from Mr. Jaydeep Patil; Managing Director and Mr. Amar Bhambure, Environmental Officer during providing certain information, documentation and data related to the production, processes and details of manufacturing is duly appreciated. Also, the co-operation of staff of PDDYPSSKL is duly acknowledged here. I must thank our Technical Directors and In-house Functional Area Experts Prof. (Dr.) Jay Samant, Dr. Anuradha J. Samant, as well as our other Empanelled Functional Area Experts Dr. J. B. Pishte, Mr. Vinod Sahasrabuddhe, B. S. Lole and Mr. Vinaykumar Kurakula for their able and timely contributions in the EIA studies and report preparation. Despite their busy schedules in the universities, colleges and own professions, they were always available, on time, for the necessary inputs; field visits and discussions. My staff of the EIA Study Cell here must receive a commendation and credit for all the in- house management and inputs during the monitoring, report preparation and presentations. Our other In-house experts of various functional areas have also contributed their best. Last but not the least, the contributions from my non-technical staff and laboratory team is also duly appreciated here. DR. SANGRAM GHUGARE Chartered Engineer Chairman & MD Equinox Environments (India) Pvt. Ltd. (EEIPL); Kolhapur III CAUTION The information, data, figures, flow charts and drawings in respect of manufacturing processes, mass balance, chemical reactions, production layouts and instrumentation details included in this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report are the sole property of Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. (PDDYPSSKL) located in Village- Vesaraf- Palasambe, Taluka- Gaganbavada, Dist.-Kolhapur, Maharashtra State. Some of the products, reactions and process methodologies may be patented. The style and format of this EIA Report as well as the data, processing and presentations of various environmental features, environmental management planning; designs; drawings; plates; calculations, demonstrations on attributes towards pollution control and abatement aspects etc. are the intellectual property of M/s. Equinox Environments (India) Pvt. Ltd. (EEIPL); Kolhapur.] All maps (District, State, Country etc.) enclosed in this reports for referring information are purely indicative, graphical & not to scale. Under no circumstances, any part of this report may be used; reproduced; translated; recorded or copied in any form and manner except by the Govt. authorities requiring this report for taking decisions, based on details and information provided in same, during the Environmental Clearance procedure carried out as per EIA Notification No. S.O. 1533 (E) dated 14.09.2006 as amended from time to time. Equinox Environments (India) Pvt. Ltd. (EEIPL); Kolhapur Environmental and Civil Engineers, Consultants & Analysts ISO 9001: 2015 & QCI-NABET accredited Organization IV CERTIFICATE Declaration by Expert contributing to the EIA in respect of proposed expansion of the Sugar Factory (from 4500 TCD to 5500 TCD), Co-generation Plant (from 19 MW to 23 MW) and establishment of 60 KLPD molasses based Distillery plant by Padmashree Dr.
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