VOL. LXII NO. 3 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFOED, CONN. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1963 Marching'ChaplainB.elieves Lacy Makes New Allto Policy, Washington Rally Valuable ^ ^ .AH Sept, 24 — The hope "for better In greetings to the buses near race relations now" and the "de- Washington. termination of the participants" Chaplain Thomas, relating more Dean O. W. Lacy announced a resident students will be allowed present in spirit at the Senate were the two attitudes observed of the Jewish leader's words, said new administration policy con- to park on campus only in the Broad meeting as a resolution demand- at the August 28th Freedom March that "too many churchmen are cerning student automobiles to the Street, North Campus, and frater- ing "an Immediate and thorough on Washington by Chaplain J. Moul- following, not leading; they are 8 Senate last night. The changes, nity lots. Commuting, students will investigation of the charges and ton Thomas. The Chaplain spoke 'passing by on the other side." announced in a letter sent to all park in the Hallden Engineering lot, evidence in the case" was unani- on the "March on Washington" Commenting on the gay, brotherly students and their parents, points The Dean indicated, however, thai mously adopted. during Chapel talks on Thursday spirit which pervaded the march, out the administration policy of continued student parking would be The resolution, which was intro- and Friday. the chaplain said that two of his discouraging automobiles as "an allowed along west Summit Street duced by Senator Richard Schiro Quoting the Hartford COURANT, taxi drivers lowered their fares expensive luxury at best." so long as the city permitted it. '64, was based largely on the ac- the Chaplain said tha t the march during the day. Beginning at once, Lacy said, Referring to the automobile ac- count of Allen's arrest in the was similar in many respects to cident on Sept. 16 which serious-ly September 20 TRIPOD and a letter Gandhi's Trutn Force. In this con- Injured three Trinity students, from Allen. It charged that "the nection he asked about blind spots Brown 's Paper Admonished Lacy Indicated that the admini- laws of this nation ... it appears, in his human relationships. "Would stration favored the use of seat are now being used as a weapon of a Negro feel secure in the groups belts, but would not require this as intimidation and prejudice." of which I am a part?" he wonder- For Advocating Boycott yet. Schiro commented "we have ed. He said he must check himself SEPT. 24~-The Brown Univer- Incited international controversy The Dean stated the parking pro- ample justification for this action." in telling Negro jokes by asking sity Invitation to an all-white wo- when It resulted In a law vir- blem has become critical, es- Stressing that the resolution was if Negroes would tell them. man's field hockey team from tually denying to the Negro pop- pecially at peak times." In answer not related to any civil rights Quoting the head of the Jewish South Africa to use the university ulation of that state any political to questions from the senators, he Issue, he asserted "it is the right Community, the Chaplain said that facilities resulted in an Indignant freedom. Furthermore, the very stated that no improvements were of any citizen of the United States silence on the racial question BROWN DAILY HERALD editorial existence of this team itself bears planned for the existing parking to demand Investigation of apparent should not be tolerated. "Bigotry last Saturday followed by a re- witness to a society In which every- facilities. injustice." and hatred are not the biggest tort from Brown president Dr. thing from the halls of government Ralph W. Allen in, the Trinity Other Senate business dealt with problems: silence Is that prob- Barnaby Keeney. to the fields of sport have become junior who was arrested in Amerl- plans for the coming year. Presi- lem," he said, and added that The editorial stated, "Everyone... progressively barred to Negroes." cus, Georgia, on August 8, was dent Michael Anderson'64, stress- financial support was needed from the president of the U. S. The HERALD suggested that the ed his optimism that Senate pro- as well as verbal backing. Fi- Women's Field Hockey association university remedy the situation by jects "would make this year the nally, "to bring the matter close to the University's own director stating Its opposition to apartheid. IFC Reviews best possible," The executive pro- to home", he questioned that lack of athletlcs--seems to have been The whole university community jects he outlined included an ex- of Negro students and professors totally unaware of the issues In- was urged to, "...make It clear Rushing Plans change plan with Southern Negro at Trinity. volved here." to these girls that...they cannot colleges which would allow South- On the morning of the march, Dr. Keeney replied: "Brown Un- in good conscience sanction by SEPT. 23 - Problems of Rush erners to see the Trinity campus. Chaplain Thomas and 200 other iversity opposes segregation in their presence at Saturday's ath- Week were discussed this evening Corresponding Secretary John ministers drove from Baltimore this country and...also opposes letic event... the segregation which at the first Inter-Fraternity Coun- WItherlngton '64, reporting on the to Washington, Along the way they communism, fascism, racism, underlies South Africa's partici- cil meeting of the year. Honor Code committee, stated a sang spirituals, which were in- free love, and general bigotry." pation in the matcn,' Most representatives reported "Committee of 100" was being or- terrupted when a rock was thrown, The HERALD, however, has taken The editorial further stated that that Rush week had been success- ganized to get student opinions on through a bus window. The rock the attitude that any welcome of a rare opportunity was granted to, ful, but several snags in the system the Honor Code, The four basic showed that "more than singing" the team could be construed as "...speak out Internationally on were brought up at the meeting, points to be settled by this group was needed to unite us, the Chap- condoning the apartheid policy of behalf of equal dignity for all chaired by President Arnold Wood are: 1) should the Code be purely lain said. Later, he added, he felt which the HERALD said in its human beings." of Alpha Chi Rho. Many delegates academic?, 2) should the Medusa morally uneasy when thousands of editorial: thought that the four day "week" be the enforcing body?, 3) what Negro children waved and sang "...this policy just months ago (Continued on Page 7) should be reduced to three, ending penalties should be affixed to the before the start of classes, because code?, and 4) is there any need of of the added pressures brought on a pledge? Industrial Leaders Attend by the additional day to both frat- Other committees, undertaking ernities and.rushees. projects which Anderson indicated Also debated was the question of "will be finished by next New Math-Physics Building Dedicated communication between the frater- February," outlined broad plans nities and, the rushees. Because for continuing the Senate Investi- Sept, 23 -- The dedication of some rushees were unable to be gations of campus problems. Sena- the $1,600,000 Mathematics-Phys- located, some bids could not be tor Keith Watson '64, head of the ics Center occurred this evening given this past rushing period. Specific Committee, detailed a in the first floor auditorium of Suggestions included the use of two forthcoming investigation into the that building. runners instead of one, or the use Trinity Air Force R.O.T.C., the President Albert C. Jacobs wel- of the mail boxes to notify select- (Continued on Page 2) comed those who represented the ed rushees. 110 donors of the building and Next on the agenda was the ques- thanked them for a replacement tion of handling tickets to the 3 Trin Leaders for the seventy-five year old Jar- Sophomore Hop, the Junior Prom, vis Laboratory. The latter was torn and the Senior Ball. It was suggest- down during the summer, ed that these highlights of the social On ETV Board Allen W. Merrell '39, national season should be Included in the Two Trinity men—Henrv S. Beers co-chairman of the center's fund- Student Activities Fee paid by all ana Melvm W. Title—were re- raising campaign, who mentioned students at the beginning of the cently elected to the board of the that "few small colleges have been year. Connecticut Educational Tele- so fortunate" made the Physics Justifying such a procedure, it vision Corporation. College Center presentation which was was pointed out that admission to president Dr. Albert C, Jacobs accepted by department head Pro- home football games is included continues to serve on that board. fessor F. Woodbridge Constant, in the fee, though all students do Beers retired as chairman of who said the gift was "a dream not go to all games. Also, many Aetna Life Affiliated Companies come true." other schools do include social this summer after forty years John A. Hill, also co-chairman activities in their general fee. If with me company. of the campaign, presented the these events were to be included, He is director of the Hartford Mathematics Center, which was it was generally felt by the dele- National Bank and Trust Company, accepted by Seabury professor of gates that overall attendance would director of United Aircraft Cor- Mathematics and Natural Philos- increase, and the quality of enter- poration, and a trustee of the ophy, Dr. Harold L.
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