PATHANAMTHITTA DISTRICT - S ’A - S S l o 310 . D ^A R ’TMENT OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS TRIVANDRUM JULY—1986 PATHANAMTHITTA DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS TRIVANDRUM J U L Y -1 9 8 6 BLOCK LEVEL STATISTICS PATHANAMTHITTA DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS & STATISTIC TRIVANDRUM C S N j > OUU, i ’ i 5v>!;'fllS UjilL, M U.e ot Fducationti p] * ■ . - ■ ' inini^^n’tK^a 17-i3/'ri M ar^ e5 ^ D cih i-1 iO iM Date..... - .3 iA^. « PREFACE The department of economics and Statistics is now engaged in building up block-level data for each district to facilitate decentralised planning, “Bl(ock level Statistics” of Pathanamthitta district was prepared by Offitcers and staff of the district office of Economics and Statistics, Pathanam, thittta under the guidance of the Deputy Director. It is hoped that this report will be o f considerable use to the planners for formulation of schemes and for evalluation of schemes implemented in blocks. Suggestions for improvement are most welcome. N. G e o r g e J o h n , '1 riv'an^drum^ Director of Economics m d statistics. 28-7-1986. CONTENTS S ec tio n I — P o p u l a t io n Tmbl* 1. 1 Blocks, Panchayats and Wards 1..2 General Population Pardculars of blocks 1981 1..3 General Populadon pardculars of Panchayats 1981 1.‘4 General Population Particulars of SC/STs in blocks 1981 1..5 Workers and non-workers iu block 198\ 1..6 Workers and non-workers in Panchayats 1981 1. 7 Workei's and non-workers (SO) in panchayats 1981 1. 8 Workers and non-workers (ST) in Panchayats 1981 S e c t io n 2— ^Ag r ic u l t u r e 2. 1 Rainfall in selected centres 1984 2. 2 No. of plots and area under dryland and wetland 2. 3 Land utilisation pattern 2 .'4 Livestock population 1982 S e c t io n 3 ~ E d u c a t io n 3. 1 Schools for general education (1983-84) 3.12 Students in general education (1983-84) 3.:3 SC/ST Students in school education (1983-84) 3.4 Social and cultural institutions 1984 S e c t io n 4 — M iscellaneous 4.11 Housing conditions 1980 4.12 Industrial units and banks (1983-84) 4.:3 Industrj^-wise classification of SSI Units (1983-84) 4 . # Outmigration for employment 1980 4.5 Medical institutions (1983-84) 4.(6 Inirastructure facilities PATHANAMTHIITA DISTRICT 11. Population (1981) 1107658* 2 . Area 2731 sq.km.* 33. Density of population per sq.km. 406* 41. No. of taluks 5 5). No. of blocks 9 6). No. of Municipalities 2 77, No. of Panchayats 57 Q\. No. of Wards. 567 ♦“Provisional TABLE 1.1—BLOCKS, PANCHAYATS AND WARDS 7. M. Name of Block No, of Panchayats No. of wards (2) (3) 1. Hilanthoor 7 59 2. IKoipuram 6 55 3. Moaini 7 64 4. IK-ulanada 5 50 5. Mallappally 7 60 6. H^andalain 5 48 7. IParakode 6 62 8. IPulikcezhu 6 55 9. IRanni 8 74 Sub Total 57 527 ^^unicipmlities 1. Xhiruvalla 20 2. P’athauanithitta 20 S u b Total . 40 Orand Total 57 567 hum : Paper 3—-Census of India 198L 37/42H5/MG. TABLE 1.2—GENERAL POPULATION PARTICULARS OF BLOCKS—1981 Literacy ratio Name of Block Area in JVo. of Poptilation Sex ratio Density per sq. km. households sq. kiH. Male Female Total (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)' (7) (8) (9) 1. Elanthoor 106.22 19836 100826 1085 949 82.25 79.37 80.75 K oipuram 123.67 22338 115976 1083 9:38 84.46 82.18 83.28 3. Konni 841.26 26791 134934 1052 160 80.11 75.24 77.62 4. Kulanada 100.56 21041 106789 1100 1062 82.63 78.28 80.35 5. Maliappally 126.24 20786 108845 1056 862 84.58 82.19 83.36 6 . Pi^ndalam 102.51 21055 108378 1062 1057 81.14 73.60 77.27 7. Parakode 205.85 28978 149026 1045 724 79.69 73.94 76.75 8. Pulikeezhu 82.06 19941 109682 1073 1337 84.47 81.50 82.93 9. Ranni 1004.60 30543 162188 1005 161 80.64 76.71 78.67 Sub Total 2692.97 211309 1096644 1058 407 82.00 77.86 79.87 Municipalities 1. Pathanamthitta 23.50 6049 32967 1019 1403 81.13 76.87 78.99 2. Thiruvalla 14.47 5210 29225 1094 2020 87.32 84.51 85.85 ub Total 37.97 11259 62192 1054 1638 83.99 80.53 82.21 Source: Paper 3—Census of India 1981 (’•') J^otc : Tlic totals of area and population of blocks and thote of Municipalities do not tJu-Hy with the district total. \^ulakii7:ha and Venmony panchayats of Kulanada Block and Noornad and PaJamel panchayats of Pandalam Block which are parts of Alleppey district have been included in Pathanamthitta district. Similarly Kadambanad paricliayat and Pcriiigad village excluding Karuvattakara of Sasthamcotta Block which are parts of Pathanamthitta district have been included in Quilon District and Mlapara portion part of Pathanamthitta district is included in Idukki District. 1.5cbi:e 1.3—tiJENEKAL POPULATION PARTICULARS OF PANGHAYATS 1981 Name of Block jPmwhayats Area in Sq. KM. No. oj house­ Literacy rate hold: Male Fetnak Total (1) (2) (3) (4) {^) (6) (7) 1. Chenncrkara 19.50 3720 9029 9890 18919 80.9 2. Ghertikole 15.61 2453 6147 6712 12859 81.6 3. Elanthoor 15.09 2784 6772 7204 13976 81.5 4. Kozhencherry 8.61 2509 5970 f3490 12460 83.9 5. Mallapuzhassery 12.45 2141 5187 5738 10925 82.4 6. Naraiiganam 20.42 3201 7858 8549 16407 77.9 7. Gmalioor 14.54 3028 7392 7888 15280 78.4 ELANTHOOR 106.22 19836 48355 52471 100626 80.7 1. Ayrocr 25.76 4224 10414 1J255 21669 83.8 2. Era\'iperoor 18.64 4484 11306 12282 23588 84.0 3. Ezhuatiattoor 27.89 3517 8615 9220 17835 83.6 4. Koipuram 22.26 4518 11320 12269 23589 81.9 5. Piiramattom 14.66 2650 6909 7492 14401 82.3 6. Thottapuzhasserry 14.66 2947 7123 'Jill 14894 84.1 KOIPURAM 123.67 22338 55687 60289 115976 83.3 1. Aruvapalam 277.70 5148 lOllO 10515 20625 73.2 (5) {€) (7) ( 1) (2) (3) (4) 13140 25749 78.3 2. Konni 41.44 4927 12609 9329 18114 76.5 3. Malayalapuzha 27.53 3616 8785 5139 9974 81.3 4. Mylapra 10.38 1856 4835 14314 27901 79.9 5. Pramadam 37.10 5739 13587 13805 74.1 6. Tharinithode 428.45 2637 6934 6871 9879 18766 79.8 7. Valicode 18.66 3858 8887 69187 134934 77.6 KONNI 841.26 26791 65747 13936 26591 80.8 1. Aranmula 24.04 5256 12655 11506 21948 81.0 2. Kulanada 21.50 4294 10442 7147 13654 81.2 3. Mozhuveli 14.36 2852 6507 24627 80.7 4. Mulakuzha 22.64 4799 11800 12827 10510 19969 78.1 5. Venmony 18.02 3840 9459 106789 80.3 KULANADA 100.56 21041 50863 55926 6965 13563 33.0 1. Anicad 19.04 2711 6598 16983 84.7 2. Kallooppara 16.86 3221 8141 S842 15111 84.9 3. Kaviyoor 12.67 2855 7436 7675 83.7 4. Kottanad 17.01 2688 6654 6907 13561 81.4 5. Kottangal 23.00 2880 8021 8149 16170 16943 83.2 6. Kunnanathanam 17.57 3241 8211 8732 16514 82.6 7. Mailappiiiy 20.01 3190 7868 8646 MALLAPPALLY 126.24 20786 52929 5i5916 108845 83.4 1. Nooianad 21.28 4385 11047 11721 22768 75.3 2. Palamel 25.60 5229 13154 13812 26966 74.4 3. Pandalam 28.40 6671 172254 18137 35391 78.7 4. Pandalam Thekkekara 19.39 3279 7587 8092 15679 79.7 5. Thumpamon 7.84 1491 3518 4056 7574 81.5 PANDALAM 102.51 21055 52560 55818 108378 77.3 1. Adoor 20.42 4706 12268 12727 24995 78.9 2. Enadimangalam 30.77 3630 9091 9550 18641 80.0 3. Erath 21.74 3996 10189 10695 20884 74.8 4. Ezhamkulam 30.55 5361 13839 14561 28400 76.5 5. KalanJoor 66.01 6231 15377 J5752 31129 77.3 6. Kodumon 36.36 5054 12112 12865 24977 75.0 PARAKKODE 205.85 28978 72876 76150 149026 76.7 1. Kadappra 14.74 3775 10085 10635 20720 81.5 2. Kuttapuzha 13.40 3951 10656 11894 22550 84.9 3. Kuttoor 12.16 3215 8446 8788 17234 82.5 4. Nedumpram 8.49 2273 5970 6371 12341 84.0 5. Niranam 13.17 2732 7303 7763 15066 81.1 6. Periiigara 20.10 3995 10459 11312 21771 83.2 PULIKEEZH 82.06 19941 52919 36763 109682 82.9 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1. Chittni 25 .9 0 2970 7773 7628 15401 7 4 .G 2. Ranni 15.64 2518 6390 6789 13179 81.6 3. Ranni Angadi 30.72 2852 7477 7673 15150 83.3 4. Ranni Pazhavangadi 65.43 3977 10785 111068 21853 80.5 5. Ranni Perunad 103.60 5807 15321 15231 30552 76.1 6. Seethatiiodu 651.94 3457 8604 8135 16739 76.5 7. Vadasserikkara 52.57 4062 10640 10891 21535 78.8 8. Vechoochira 51.80 4900 13913 13870 27783 79.5 RANNI 1004.60 30543 80903 81285 162188 78.7 cn Source: 1981 Census Report Paper 3. T a b l e GENERAL POPULATION PARTICULARS OF SCHEDULED No. of house­ Scheduled Castes holds JVame of Block Population Literate population Male Female Total Male Female ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Elanthoor 2313 5578 5775 11353 3805 3401 Koipuram 2481 6321 6330 12651 4854 4387 Konni 3088 7344 7490 14834 4451 3802 Kulanada 4145 10257 10337 20594 7443 6505 Mallappally 2280 5969 6004 11973 4630 4298 Pandalam 3822 9384 9649 19033 6270 5214 Parakode 5106 12248 12473 24721 7737 6549 Puiikeezh 2368 6178 6285 12463 4662 4090 Ranni 3044 7600 7544 15144 5191 4551 Sub total 28647 70879 71887 142766 49043 42797 Municipality (1) Pathanamthi i ta 584 1469 1497 2966 970 856 (2) Thiriivalla 350 845 842 1687 672 595 Sub Total 934 2314 2339 4653 1642 1451 Dist.
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