Most Preferred CPO Supplier 2004/2005 Award Won by TDM Plantation Sdn Bhd from Cargill Palm Products Sdn Bhd. c o v e r r a t i o n a l e Moving Ingeniously Ahead- The circle is the most strongly survived shape of all creation. Collectively they formed more complex organism through molecular process. Evolved and adapting, changing and becoming comparatively fit physically and intellectually functioning. Hence, the circle representing TDM Berhad, is the one that initiates the formation of a more complex business organization through the ingenious structure of business administrative code programmed. Perhaps this same circle would be the bottom view of a rocket launching jetting up ahead. CONTENTS KANDUNGAN CORPORATE INFORMATION 2 2 MAKLUMAT KORPORAT CORPORATE CHART 4 4 CARTA KORPORAT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6 6 AHLI LEMBAGA PENGARAH DIRECTOR'S PROFILE 8 8 PROFIL PENGARAH CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT 18 20 PENYATA PENGERUSI STATEMENT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 22 27 PENYATA TADBIR URUS KORPORAT REPORT OF AUDIT COMMITTEE 32 35 LAPORAN JAWATANKUASA AUDIT STATEMENT OF INTERNAL CONTROL 38 40 PENYATA KAWALAN DALAMAN ADDITIONAL COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 42 43 MAKLUMAT TAMBAHAN PEMATUHAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 44 45 PENYATA KEWANGAN SHAREHOLDERS' STATISTIC 154 154 STATISTIK PEMEGANG SAHAM PLANTATION STATISTIC 156 156 STATISTIK PERLADANGAN LIST OF PROPERTIES 157 157 SENARAI HARTANAH NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 161 163 NOTIS MESYUARAT AGUNG TAHUNAN STATEMENT ACCOMPANYING NOTICE 165 165 PENYATA BERSAMA NOTIS OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MESYUARAT AGUNG TAHUNAN PROXY FORM BORANG PROKSI tdm berhad (6265-P) 02 corporate information maklumat korporat BOARD OF DIRECTORS / LEMBAGA PENGARAH AUDITORS / JURUAUDIT Y.B. Wan Hisham bin Dato' Wan Salleh Messrs. Ernst & Young Chairman / Pengerusi Messrs. Azman Ahmad & Co. Y.Bhg. Dato' Haji Awi @ Alwi bin Said Messrs. Arifin Ahmad & Co. Executive Director / Pengarah Eksekutif Y.Bhg. Dato' Senara Muda (Dato' Mazlan @ Mohd Nanri bin Hashim) PRINCIPAL BANKERS / BANK-BANK UTAMA Y.Bhg. Dato' Wan Zakaria bin Abd Rahman Bumiputra Commerce Bank Berhad Y.B. Dato’ Haji Mohtar bin Nong Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Zakaria bin Awang Maybank Berhad Tuan Haji Abd. Jalil bin Ali Encik Mohamad Abdul Halim bin Ahmad SOLICITORS / PEGUAM AUDIT COMMITTEE / JAWATANKUASA AUDIT Messrs. Iza Ng Yeoh & Kit Messrs. Radzlan Low & Partners Tuan Haji Abd Jalil bin Ali Messrs. Asmadi Azmi & Associates Chairman / Pengerusi Messrs. Rushdi Yusop & Partners Y.Bhg. Dato' Haji Wan Zakaria bin Abd Rahman Messrs. Alias Abdullah & Co. Y.Bhg. Dato' Senara Muda (Dato' Mazlan @ Mohd Nanri Bin Hashim) Encik Mohamad Abdul Halim bin Ahmad REGISTERED OFFICE / PEJABAT BERDAFTAR Aras 5, Bangunan UMNO Terengganu NOMINATION AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE / Lot 3224, Jalan Masjid Abidin JAWATANKUASA PEMILIHAN DAN IMBUHAN 20100 Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Darul Iman Y.Bhg. Dato' Senara Muda Tel : 09-620 4800 Fax : 09-620 4803 (Dato' Mazlan @ Mohd Nanri bin Hashim) Chairman / Pengerusi Y.B. Wan Hisham bin Dato' Wan Salleh REGISTRAR / PENDAFTAR Y.Bhg. Dato' Haji Wan Zakaria bin Abd Rahman Tenaga Koperat Sdn Bhd 20th Floor, East Wing, Plaza Permata COMPANY SECRETARIES / Jalan Kampar Off Jalan Tun Razak SETIAUSAHA-SETIAUSAHA SYARIKAT 50400 Kuala Lumpur Tel : 03-4041 6522 Fax : 03-4042 6352 Mr. Yeap Kok Leong Ms. Wong Wai Foong 03 tdm berhad (6265-P) CORPORATE INFORMATION MAKLUMAT KORPORAT STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING / OTHER ACTIVITIES / AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI LAIN PENYENARAIAN BURSA SAHAM PROPERTY AND CONSTRUCTION / Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad HARTANAH DAN PEMBINAAN Aras 1, Bangunan UMNO Terengganu PLACE OF INCORPORATION / Lot 3224, Jalan Masjid Abidin TEMPAT DIPERBADANKAN 20100 Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Darul Iman Malaysia Tel : 09-620 4800 Fax : 09-620 4803 PLANTATION DIVISION / COMMODITIES TRADING / BAHAGIAN PERLADANGAN DAGANGAN KOMODITI Aras 3, Bangunan UMNO Terengganu 25th Floor, Menara Promet Lot 3224, Jalan Masjid Abidin Jalan Sultan Ismail 20100 Kuala Terengganu 50250 Kuala Lumpur Terengganu Darul Iman Tel : 03-2148 0811 Fax : 03-2148 9900 Tel : 09-620 4800 Fax : 09-620 4803 HEALTHCARE DIVISION / BAHAGIAN PENJAGAAN KESIHATAN Aras 5, Bangunan UMNO Terengganu Lot 3224, Jalan Masjid Abidin 20100 Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Darul Iman Tel : 09-620 4800 Fax : 09-620 4803 FOOD DIVISION / BAHAGIAN PEMAKANAN Kawasan Perindustrian Chendering 21080 Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Darul Iman Tel : 09-617 8387, 8389, 8390 Fax : 09-617 6690 tdm berhad (6265-P) 04 corporate chart carta korporat AS AT 30 APRIL 2006 100% TDM Plantation Sdn Bhd 100% Kumpulan Ladang-Ladang Trengganu Sdn Bhd PLANTATION 100% TDM Trading Sdn Bhd 90% TDM Capital Sdn Bhd 100% TD Poultry Sdn Bhd POULTRY TDM BERHAD 70.64% Kumpulan Mediiman Sdn Bhd 66.54% Kelana Jaya Medical Centre Sdn Bhd HEALTHCARE 1.09% Kuantan Medical Centre Sdn Bhd 100% TDM Properties Berhad PROPERTY 70% Indah Sari Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd 100% East Coast Transportation Sdn Bhd OTHER ACTIVITIES 100% TD Ijarah Sdn Bhd 100% TDM Helling Sdn Bhd 100% TMG (M) Sdn Bhd 05 tdm berhad (6265-P) CORPORATE CHART CARTA KORPORAT 100% KLLT Fibres Sdn Bhd 99.99% Trengganu Rubber Processing Sdn Bhd 100% TDM Markwell (S) Pte Ltd 80% TRP Industries Sdn Bhd 100% Health Medicmaster Sdn Bhd 99.99% HMMC (Ampang) Sdn Bhd 52.81% Kuantan Medical Centre Sdn Bhd 6.64% Kelana Jaya Medical Centre Sdn Bhd 100% Medi Air Sdn Bhd 51% TD Gabongan Sdn Bhd 100% TD Permatang Sdn Bhd 100% Pemco Sdn Bhd 100% TDM Interdagang (M) Sdn Bhd 100% Chee Kheng Stock Feeds Manufacturing Company Sdn Bhd tdm berhad (6265-P) 06 board of directors ahli lembaga pengarah 07 tdm berhad (6265-P) BOARD OF DIRECTORS AHLI LEMBAGA PENGARAH Seated, from left to right Y. Bhg. Dato' Haji Awi @ Alwi Bin Said Y.B. Wan Hisham Bin Dato' Wan Salleh Standing, from left to right Encik Mohamad Abdul Halim Bin Ahmad Y. Bhg. Dato' Haji Zakaria Bin Awang Tuan Haji Abd. Jalil bin Ali Y. Bhg. Dato' Senara Muda (Dato' Mazlan @ Mohd Nanri Bin Hashim) Y.B. Dato' Haji Mohtar Bin Nong Y. Bhg. Dato' Haji Wan Zakaria Bin Abd Rahman tdm berhad (6265-P) 08 director’s profile profil pengarah Y.B. Wan Hisham Bin Dato' Wan Salleh was appointed as Chairman of the Board and a member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee on 15 April 2004. Y.B Wan Hisham holds an honours Bachelor Degree in Economics from the University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom. His past working experiences include 25 years in the construction and property development industry and served as Chairman of GPQ Sdn. Bhd. and Director of Udabina Sdn. Bhd. Y.B. Wan Hisham currently holds the position of Chairman of the Y.B. Wan Hisham I n f r a s t r u c t u r e Development, Public Utilities and Communications bin Dato' Wan Salleh Committee for the Terengganu State Government. Non-Independent Y.B. Wan Hisham has no conflict of interest in any business arrangement Non-Executive Director Chairman involving the Company and has no family relationship with any other Pengarah Bukan Bebas director and/or substantial shareholder of the Company. He has not been Bukan Eksekutif convicted for any offences within the past ten years. Pengerusi Y.B. Wan Hisham has no securities holdings in the Company and its 50, Malaysian / subsidiaries. Warganegara Malaysia Y.B.Wan Hisham telah dilantik sebagai Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah dan ahli Jawatankuasa Pemilihan dan Imbuhan pada 15 April 2004. Y.B. Wan Hisham adalah pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) Ekonomi dari University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom. Beliau berpengalaman di dalam industri pembinaan serta pembangunan hartanah selama 25 tahun dan merupakan Pengerusi GPQ Sdn. Bhd. dan Pengarah Udabina Sdn. Bhd. Y.B. Wan Hisham sekarang ini memegang jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Infrastruktur, Kemudahan Awam dan Komunikasi untuk Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu. Y.B. Wan Hisham tidak mempunyai sebarang konflik kepentingan di dalam penyusunan perniagaan yang melibatkan Syarikat serta tiada sebarang p e r hubungan kekeluargaan dengan lain-lain pengarah dan/atau pemegang saham besar Syarikat. Beliau juga tidak disabitkan dengan mana-mana kesalahan dalam masa sepuluh tahun lepas. Y.B. Wan Hisham juga tidak mempunyai sebarang saham atau kepentingan di dalam Syarikat dan mana-mana Syarikat di dalam kumpulan. 09 tdm berhad (6265-P) DIRECTOR’S PROFILE PROFIL PENGARAH Y. Bhg. Dato' Alwi was appointed to the Board on 27 April 2004. He holds an honours Bachelor Degree in Arts from the University of Malaya. His working experiences include, inter alia, serving as an Administration and Diplomatic Officer and Administration Officer in Felda. In 1973, he joined KETENGAH as an Administrative Officer and remained there for 31 years holding various positions including as its Chief Executive O fficer or General Manager. In KETENGAH, he was among others instrumental in the restructuring of its subsidiary companies and to this day still remains on the board of some of these companies. Y. Bhg. Dato' Alwi has no conflict of interest in any business arrangement involving the Company and has no family relationship with any other Y.Bhg. Dato' Haji Awi director and/or substantial shareholder of the Company. He has not been @ Alwi bin Said convicted for any offences within the past ten years. Executive Director Y. Bhg. Dato' Alwi has no securities holdings in the Company and its Pengarah Eksekutif subsidiaries. 57, Malaysian / Warganegara Malaysia Y. Bhg. Dato' Alwi telah dilantik sebagai ahli Lembaga Pengarah pada 27 April 2004. Beliau adalah pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) Kesusasteraan dari Universiti Malaya. Pengalaman kerja beliau termasuk, antaranya berkhidmat sebagai Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik dan Pegawai Pentadbiran, Felda. Dalam tahun 1973, beliau menyertai KETENGAH sebagai Pegawai Tadbir dan terus berkhidmat dengan syarikat tersebut selama 31 tahun dengan memegang pelbagai jawatan termasuk sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif atau Pengurus Besar. Semasa berkhidmat dalam KETENGAH, beliau merupakan salah seorang yang membantu di dalam penstrukturan semula anak-anak syarikat KETENGAH dan sehingga kini masih kekal di dalam lembaga pengarah beberapa anak syarikat tersebut.
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