J COMPRESSION CABLE » I. Vol.CXXXV. No. 3491 OCTOBER 20, 1944 9d. W E E K L Y W Reproduction in miniature of the new Crompton Lamp Poster. The publicity campaign also includes National and Provincial newspapers, weekly and monthly periodicals, railway and arterial road signs. ii E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October 20, 1944 ENERGY FOR THE NATION’S FACTORIES, WORKS & PUBLIC SERVICES Uninterrupted transmission of electrical energy by C.M.A. Cables in quantity greater than ever before in our history is playing a most vital part in B ritain ’s supreme effort for victory. CABLES MEMBERS OF THE C .M .A . The India Rubber. Gutta-Percha'A Tele­ graph W orksCo. Ltd. (T he S ilv e rto w n C o .) Connollyi (Blackley) Ltd The Cralgpark Elec trie Cable Co Ltd Greengate & Irwell Sismen« Brothers & Rubber Co Ltd Co Ltd (Siemens Electric Lamps and Supplies Ltd ) Advt. of the Cable Makers' Association, High Holborn House, 52-54 High Holborn, W .C. I. Phone: Holborn 7633 October 20, 1944 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 1 c f Know ing Kcw Centuries before Man realised the necessity for elasticity in his constructional work, the spider had proved the point—in practice. Subsequently Man copied the Spider’s Web—the lightest and most tenuous construction in the World. Now, although Man still works with Metals that are inert and inelastic, there are no limits to the “ elasticity” of the mind in producing new designs from Industrial metals. Thereby is measured the art of Progress. LEADERS IN ELECTRIC WATER HEATING HEATRAE LTD., NORWICH PHONE : NORWICH 2SI3I GRAMS : HEATRAE, NORWICH “ WESTMINSTER” THE “ FACILE" TERMINAL Brush Send for Prices and List of all Holders kinds of Terminals 100,000 & C O . ROSS COURTNEY “L t d ! SUPPLIED ASHBROOK ROAD, LO N D O N , N. 19 MADE TO SUIT ANY MACHINE Dynamos and Motors Rewound and Re-constructed. “ Partridge ” Pressure CLUTCHES Detectors, “ Partridge” Earthing Devices, to the specific / requirements of Switchgear, Photographic Arc Lamps, y our customers Electric Welders, Medical Arc Lamps Makers of all ty­ pes of repetition produots from the bar in all The WESTMINSTER ENG.Co.Ltd. m e t a l s Victoria Road,Willesden Junction, N.W.IO M C L and REPETITION LTD Telephone : Telegrams: Pool Lane - Lanqleq • B irm ing ham Willesden 1700-1 “ Regency, Phone ^ London A E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October 20, 1944 tiherm oplastic ^ c a b l e s FOR ALL ESSENTIAL PURPOSES COMMUNICATIONS—POWER—LIGHTING \A/E are actively engaged in all the manufacture of V.I.R. ” ▼ and synthetic Insulated cables to meet the urgent require­ ments of war. Our Research Laboratories have been associated with the development of synthetic materials as cable insulants for many years before the war, and the experience thus gained has been applied to the manufacture of our cable products. V.I.R. and synthetic insulated cables produced by this Company are being used for all essential war purposes. Standard Telephones and Cables Limited ( Cable Sales Department) NORTH WOOLWICH, LONDON, E.I6 Telephone : Albert Dock 1401 October 20, 1944 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 3 man we know has worked out by means of a slide-rule and a bit of snooping that 351,4 2 9 man-hours were lost to industry on February 1 7 th, 1944 by drilling holes with hand drills instead of Desoutter power drills. He says that the result of this immense loss of time was that when the workers came to work next day it was really February 1 8th, 19 0 3. After a bit of a pause while our eyes stopped rolling, we said we thought there was a catch in it. W e said wouldn’t it be February 18 th, 19 8 5. Like British Summer Time, first you put it on and then you take it off. He said, no, it was I9°3 like he said and what a terrible waste of time. He said the British were always getting ready for the previous war and this proved it. Well, we wouldn’t stand for that so we slung him out and his slide- rule after him. But it’s a shaking sort of a thought, isn’t i t ; And nothing you can do about it because Desoutter Tools weren’t invented in 19 0 3. DESOUTTER Specialists in Lightweight Pneumatic & Electric Portable Tools DESOUTTER BROS. LTD., DEPT. R , THE HYDE, HENDON, LONDON, N.W.9 PHONE : COUNDALE £34i-7-S-9 C .R .C , 1 4 6 October 20, 1944 Igranic Magnetic Speci­ alities have been tried and provedjn some of the largest industrial plants in this country. They are built to with­ stand years of arduous service. Igranic Magnetic devices include : Magnetic Brakes Magnetic Clutches Lifting Magnets Magnetic Separators Magnetic Solenoids, etc. Illustration above shows Igranic Lifting Magnet. Below, Igranie Type “ M " Magnetic Brake. W rite fo r Detailed Leaflets October 20, 1944 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 5 b XELECTRIC MOTORS IT I WITH APPROPRIATE , n / CONTROL GEAR for any industrial application • • • Range includes:- General Industrial, Textile, Machine-tool, Steel Works, Rolling Mill, Crane, and Mining Motors General Industrial A.C. Motor (Squirrel-cage Type) BTH products include all In the coming period of kinds of electric plant and general reconstruction equipment; Mazda lamps and Mazdalux lighting equipment. SPECIFY BTH ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT r 1 D T T U THE BRJTISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO.. LTD. ÀD 1 H IROWN HOUSE. ALDWVCM. LON DON. W.C.2. A3JV4 iO V . 11 ^IpTeasI give generously^ ^ mTMBRANCE E lectrical Review October 2 0 , 1944 The design, construction and reliability which characterise Parsons Transformers are a direct result of many years’ experience in manufacture and operation CA.PAESONS &b COMPANY Lip NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 6 LONDON OFFICE: 56 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.I October 20, 1944 Electrical Review Large numbers of Sturtevant Industrial Vacuum Cleaners are successfully operating in factories and industrial works of all types engaged on essential war work. They are giving continuous service and maintaining therhighest efficiency under the most exacting con­ ditions. Experience shows that the systematic and regular use of a Sturtevant Cleaner overcomes dust problems and increases the efficiency of all cleaning operations. Furthermore, it has been proved conclusively by a great many users that better and greater output can be produced as a result of the very clean conditions obtainable by using a Sturtevant Industrial Vacuum Cleaner. Innumerable tests have proved that, due to the high mechanical and electrical efficiency, Sturtevant Cleaners clean more quickly and thoroughly than any others of equal power. May we send particulars and our publication U.I39I ? S t u r t e v a n t engineering Co. l t d . 25.W0RCESTER ROAD, SUTTON.SURREY. 8 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October 20, 1944 ECONOMY d F 1 0 0 R 5 PACE N e w m a n Totally En­ closed Motors are proof against damage caused by dust, grit, swarf and coolants. 9 October 20, 1944 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w DAVIDSON & CO„LTD.,SIROCCO ENGINEERING W O R K S , BELFAST. LONDON LEEDS MANCHESTER GLASGOW BIRMINGHAM NEWCASTLE CARDIFF DUBLIN 10 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October 20, 1944 HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT for THE GALLOWAY WATER POWER CO. The E.H.T. UNDERGROUND CABLES and OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES WERE SUPPLIED and INSTALLED BY W. T. GLOYER & Co. Ltd. TRAFFORD PARK MANCHESTER 17 J 3 11 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October 20, 1944 HAITI m e t e r s FERRANTI l.TD.. HoMnwood. Lancs. i~a~ QM- iw , ^ ^ 12 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w October 20, 1944 ELECTRIC FIRES AND COOKERS Th. hese are typical examples of the electric fires and cookers that we will be making as soon as the war permits. “ YOU CAN’T BEAT A BELLING” BELLING & COMPANY LTD BRIDGE WORKS . ENFIELD . MIDDX . TELEphone: HOWARD 1212 Established, over 30 years C .R .C . 3 1 5 October 20, 1944 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 13 O verhead ervice Accessories Representative items from the very comprehensive range of HENLEY Overhead Service Accessories. S May we send you further details ? HENLEY Aerial Service Fuse. The withdrawable fuse carrier can be sealed. Line wires interlock if porcelain is broken. (30 and 60 amp. working current). HENLEY Aerial Service Fuse com­ bining duties of both line tap and fuse. Suitable for insulat­ ed or bare service w ire. (30 amp. working current). HENLEY Nut type Service Tap specially designed to prevent trouble due to vibra­ tion. Four standard sizes. Insulating shroud effectively insulates service connections. Outdoor Service Fuse. Fuse holder replaceable from ground level. No pole climbing. Suitable for mounting on exterior walls or overhead line poles. (30 amp. working current). 100 amp. model also available — this is suitable also for mounting with shackle insulator. Branches HENLEY and Agents through­ ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION out the W orld. EQUIPM ENT W.T.HENLEYS TELEGRAPH WORKS. CO. LTD. MILTON COURT. WESTC0TT. DORKING. SURREY Electrical Review October 2 0 ,1 9 4 4 ELECTRO ZINCING by t h e g a l v a n a x p r o c e s s is approved by the A.I.D.
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