Appendix B: Malathion ECOTOX Studies Table of Contents 1 Papers that Were Accepted for ECOTOX................................................................... 1 2 Papers that Were Accepted for ECOTOX, but not OPP........................................... 79 3 Papers that Were Excluded from ECOTOX.............................................................. 89 1 Papers that Were Accepted for ECOTOX Acceptable for ECOTOX and OPP. Studies under this heading were considered for use quantitatively or qualitatively in the malathion risk assessment. Studies from this list not included in the text tables under the risk assessment effects characterization section involve one or more post screening issues: duplicate endpoints, effects reports with unspecified quantitiative endpoints, or effects endpoints expressed in units unusaeable in the risk assessment process. Abbasi, S. A. and Soni, R. (1991). Evaluation of Water Quality Criteria for Four Common Pesticides on the Basis of Computer-Aided Studies. Indian J.Environ.Health 33: 22-24. EcoReference No.: 61878 Chemical of Concern: CPY,MLN,ES,PHSL; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN),OK(CPY,ES,PHSL). Abdel-Rahman, A., Dechkovskaia, A. M., Goldstein, L. B., Bullman, S. H., Khan, W., El-Masry, E. M., and Abou-Donia, M. B. (2004). Neurological Deficits Induced by Malathion, DEET, and Permethrin, Alone or in Combination in Adult Rats. J.Toxicol.Environ.Health Part A 67: 331- 356. EcoReference No.: 89117 Chemical of Concern: MLN,PMR,DEET; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BEH,BCM,CEL; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN),OK(PMR,DEET). Abdel-Rahman, M. S., Lechner, D. W., and Klein, K. M. (1985). Combination Effect of Carbaryl and Malathion in Rats. Arch.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 14: 459-464. EcoReference No.: 35543 Chemical of Concern: CBL,MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN,CBL). Abdollahi, M., Donyavi, M., Pournourmohammadi, S., and Saadat, M. (2004). Hyperglycemia Associated with Increased Hepatic Glycogen Phosphorylase and Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase in Rats Following Subchronic Exposure to Malathion. Comp.Biochem.Physiol.C 137: 343-347. EcoReference No.: 89126 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN). Abdollahi, M., Mostafalou, S., Pournourmohammadi, S., and Shadnia, S. (2004). Oxidative Stress and Cholinesterase Inhibition in Saliva and Plasma of Rats Following Subchronic Exposure to Malathion. Comp.Biochem.Physiol.C 137: 29-34. EcoReference No.: 89127 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN). Adams, J. B. and Drew, M. E. (1965). Grain Aphids in New Brunswick. III. Aphid Populations in Herbicide-Treated Oat Fields. Can.J.Zool. 43: 789-794. EcoReference No.: 81639 Chemical of Concern: MLN,DMDP; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: POP; Rejection Code: TARGET MLN. Adhikari, S., Sinha, A. K., and Munshi, J. S. D. (1998). Malathion Induced Ultrastructural Changes in the Gills of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) and Their Functional Significance in Oxygen Uptake. J.Freshw.Biol. 10: 69-74. EcoReference No.: 89148 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: CEL,PHY; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN). Ahmad, H. and Rizvi, S. M. A. (1994). Efficacy of Pyrethroids and Some Conventional Insecticides Against Earias vitella in Okra. Indian J.Plant Prot. 22: 65-68. EcoReference No.: 89018 Chemical of Concern: DM,CYP,PMR,FNV,PPHD,DMT,MLN,CBL; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: POP; Rejection Code: OK(DM,CYP,PMR,FNV,PPHD),OK TARGET(CBL),NO TARGET,NO CROP(MLN,DMT). Ahmad, M. and Miah, R. U. (1989). Screening of Insecticides for the Control of Mustard Aphid Lipaphis pseudobrassicae Dav. Indian J.Entomol. 51: 366-368. EcoReference No.: 91586 Chemical of Concern: MLN,PPHD,DMT,DZ; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: POP; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN,DMT),OK(DZ). Ahmed, R. S., Seth, V., Pasha, S. T., and Banerjee, B. D. (2000). Influence of Dietary Ginger (Zingiber officinales Rosc) on Oxidative Stress Induced by Malathion in Rats. Food Chem.Toxicol. 38: 443- 450. EcoReference No.: 91883 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN). Aikins, J. A. and Wright, D. J. (1985). Toxicity of DDT and Malathion to Various Larval Stages of Mamestra brassicae L. Pestic.Sci. 16: 73-80. EcoReference No.: 19582 Chemical of Concern: DDT,MLN; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: ACC,BCM,BEH,MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN),OK(DDT). Akarte, S. R., Muley, D. V., and Mane, U. H. (1986). Effect of Cythion-Malathion 50 EC (W/W) on the Estuarine Clam, Katelysia opima (Gmelin). In: M.F.Thompson, R.Sarojini, and R.Nagabhushanam (Eds.), Biology of Benthic Marine Organisms: Techniques and Methods as Applied to the Indian Ocean, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands 501-510. EcoReference No.: 14269 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: CEL,BEH,MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN),NO COC(KI). Akay, M. T., Elcuman, A., Nurcan, M., Kolankaya, D., and Yilmazoglu, G. (1992). Bioavailability and Toxicological Potential of Lentil-Bound Residues of Malathion in Rats. In: Meet.on Bound Pesticide Residue in Grain: Bioavailability and Biological Activity, May 13-17, 1991, Slough, England, UK, J.Environ.Sci.Health Part B 27: 325-340. EcoReference No.: 89273 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM,PHY,GRO; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN). Akay, M. T., Yilmazoglu, G., Gokce, D., and Kolankaya, D. (1990). The Effects of Bound Residues of Malathion in Stored Wheat Grains on Rat Brain Acetylcholinesterase and Pseudocholinesterase Activities. Doga Turk.Zool.Derg 14: 162-166. EcoReference No.: 90627 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN). Akay, M. T., Yilmazoglu, G., Keskin, P., and Kolankaya, D. (1990). Biological Activity in Rats of Bound Residues of Malathion in Stored Wheat Grains. Doga Turk.Zool.Derg 14: 167-172. EcoReference No.: 89875 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: GRO,BCM,CEL; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN). Akhgari, M., Abdollahi, M., Kebryaeezadeh, A., Hosseini, R., and Sabzevari, O. (2003). Biochemical Evidence for Free Radical-Induced Lipid Peroxidation as a Mechanism for Subchronic Toxicity of Malathion in Blood and Liver of Rats. Hum.Exp.Toxicol. 22: 205-211. EcoReference No.: 89244 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN). Akhtar, N., Kayani, S. A., Ahmad, M. M., and Shahab, M. (1996). Insecticide-Induced Changes in Secretory Activity of the Thyroid Gland in Rats. J.Appl.Toxicol. 16: 397-400. EcoReference No.: 81333 Chemical of Concern: BFT,CYH,MLN,HCCH,HPT; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: GRO,BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(BFT,MLN),OK(HPT,HCCH,CYH),NO COC(MTM). Al-Qarawi, A. A. and Adam, S. E. I. (2003). Effects of Malathion Plus Superphosphate or Urea on Najdi Sheep. Vet.Hum.Toxicol. 45: 3-5. EcoReference No.: 88957 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM,CEL,PHY,MOR; Rejection Code: NO DOM(MLN). Al-Qarawi, A. A., Mahmoud, O. M., Haroun, E. M., Sobaih, M. A., and Adam, S. E. I. (1999). Comparative Effects of Diazinon and Malathion in Najdi Sheep. Vet.Hum.Toxicol. 41: 287-289. EcoReference No.: 85637 Chemical of Concern: DZ,MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: GRO,MOR,PHY,BCM; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(DZ,MLN). Ali, A. (1981). Laboratory Evaluation of Organophosphate and New Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides Against Pestiferous Chironomid Midges of Central Florida. Mosq.News 41: 157-161. EcoReference No.: 5559 Chemical of Concern: TMP,FNTH,MLN,CPY,CYP,PMR,PYT; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(CYP,MLN),OK(ALL CHEMS). Ali, A., Chowdhury, M. A., Hossain, M. I., Ameen, M., Habiba, D. B., and Aslam, A. F. M. (1999). Laboratory Evaluation of Selected Larvicides and Insect Growth Regulators Against Field- Collected Culex quinquefasciatus Larvae from Urban Dhaka, Bangladesh. J.Am.Mosq.Control Assoc. 15: 43-47. EcoReference No.: 62487 Chemical of Concern: TMP,FPN,BFT,FNTH,CPYM,DFZ,CPY,CYP,MLN,PMR; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(FPN,CYP,MLN),OK(ALL CHEMS). Ali, A. and Mulla, M. S. ( 1980). Activity of Organophosphate and Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides Against Pestiferous Midges in Some Southern California Flood Control Channels. Mosq.News 40: 593-597. EcoReference No.: 3671 Chemical of Concern: FNTH,MLN,CPY,TMP,DM,CYP,FNV,PYT; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(CYP,MLN),OK(ALL CHEMS). Ali, A., Nayar, J. K., and Xue, R.-D. (1995). Comparative Toxicity of Selected Larvicides and Insect Growth Regulators to a Florida Laboratory Population of Aedes albopictus. J.Am.Mosq.Control Assoc. 11: 72-76. EcoReference No.: 16077 Chemical of Concern: PYX,BFT,DFZ,FNTH,MLN,CPY,TMP,CYP,PMR,MTPN; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN,MTPN,CYP,BFT),OK(ALL CHEMS). Ali, S. S., Arshad, M., and Ali, T. (1997). Malathion Induced Haematoxicity in Chicks of Fowl, Gallus domesticus. Punjab Univ.J.Zool. 12: 127-137. EcoReference No.: 89223 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM,CEL; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN). Ali, S. S., Arshad, M., Ali, T., and Shakoori, A. R. (1995). Some Metabolic Alterations Induced by an Organophosphate Insecticide, Malathion, on Chick Muscle. Punjab Univ.J.Zool. 10: 63-77. EcoReference No.: 89165 Chemical of Concern: MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM,CEL; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(MLN). Allen, R. L. and Snipes, C. E. (1995). Interactions of Foliar Insecticides Applied with Pyrithiobac. Weed Technol. 9: 512-517. EcoReference No.: 64055 Chemical of Concern: ACP,PTB,AZ,BFT,CPY,DCTP,EFV,MLN,MOM,OML,TDC; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: PHY,GRO,POP; Rejection Code: LITE EVAL CODED(EFV,TDC,MLN),OK(PTB),NO MIXTURE(ACP,AZ,BFT,CPY,DCTP,MOM,OML). Alvarez, M. C. (2005). Significance of Environmentally Realistic Levels of Selected Contaminants to Ecological Performance of Fish Larvae: Effects of Atrazine, Malathion, and Methylmercury.
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