Civic Offices, Leigh Road, Eastleigh SO50 9YN 2000/01 Community Safety Preventing Crime and Disorder 2002/03 Fostering Business Growth 1 May 2008 2008/09 Tackling Climate Change NOTICE OF MEETING EASTLEIGH LOCAL AREA COMMITTEE will meet on Tuesday, 13 May 2008 beginning at 7:00 pm in the Civic Offices, Leigh Road, Eastleigh SO50 9YN TO: All Members of Eastleigh Local Area Committee Staff Contacts: Amy Randall, Democratic Services Officer Tel: 023 8068 8155 Email: [email protected] John Gasson, Area Co-ordinator Tel: 023 8068 3369; Email: [email protected] RICHARD WARD Head of Legal and Democratic Services _____________________________________________________________________ Copies of this and all other agendas can be accessed via the Council's website - http://www.eastleigh.gov.uk/meetings as well as in other formats, including Braille, audio, large print and other languages, upon request. Members of the public are invited to speak on general items at the start of the meeting, and on individual agenda items at the time the item is discussed. To register please contact the Democratic Services Officer above. AGENDA 1. Public Participation 2. Minutes (Pages 1 - 6) To consider the Minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2008. 3. Apologies 4. Declarations of Interest 5. Presentation on Planning Guidelines 6. Planning Application - 42 Kipling Road, Eastleigh (Pages 7 - 16) F/08/61944 - Amended description: conversion of existing property into 2no. flats comprising 1no. 3-bed flat and 1no. 2-bed flat, incorporating single storey side and rear extensions, with associated parking. 7. Planning Application - Nightingale Centre, Nightingale Avenue, Eastleigh (Pages 17 - 30) F/08/62207 - Erection of 33 flats within 2 blocks of 2, 3 and 4 storeys, including associated refuse and cycle storage, car parking and alterations to existing access off Nightingale Avenue. 8. Planning Application - Southampton International Airport, Wide Lane (Pages 31 - 40) Q/08/62482 - Consultation under Part 18 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 1995 – 2 storey extension to the multi- storey car park. 9. Planning Application - High Street, Eastleigh (Pages 41 - 46) F/08/62490 - Change of use and relocation of existing outdoor market on Saturdays from 6am to 6pm on High Street and corner of Wells Place. 10. Planning Appeals The Head of Legal and Democratic Services to report that the following appeal has been lodged:- F/07/61351 - 127 Pitmore Road, Allbrook - Appeal against refusal of application for the erection of single storey rear extension raising and altering roof to form chalet bungalow. 11. Appointments to Outside Bodies (Pages 47 - 58) Age Concern, Eastleigh Barton Peveril Liaison Group Cranbury Community Centre Crestwood Management Committee Eastleigh College Liaison Committee Eastleigh Town Centre Partnership Lakeside Country Park Users Group Pavilion On The Park (formerly the Nightingale Centre) The Capital Management Committee The Hub University Of Southampton (Wide Lane Sports Facilities - User Advisory Group) 12. Appointments to Sub Groups and Regulatory Panel Eastleigh Residents Parking Working Group Current representatives: Cllrs Irish, Davies Dear, Luffman, Head, Moore, Norgate and Sollitt. Eastleigh Strategic Partnership Middle Group – one representative to be appointed (To attend approximately 3 meetings a year alongside representatives from a number of agencies within the Borough. The role of the group is to ensure the delivery of outcomes identified in the Community Plan). Regulatory Panel – to deal with Licensing issues not covered by the Licensing Act 2003 or Gambling Act 2005. 13. Appointments to Eastleigh Museum Joint Management Committee Current Representatives are Councillors W Irish, P Luffman and Mrs M Sollitt. 14. Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 9 April 2008 of Eastleigh Museum Joint Management Committee (Pages 59 - 62) 15. Allbrook Farmhouse Appeal (Pages 63 - 64) 16. Financial Monitoring and Expenditure (Pages 65 - 68) DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday, 17 June 2008 at 7:00 pm in the Civic Offices, Leigh Road, Eastleigh SO50 9YN Your Council’s electronic news service - e-news - Register your email address free with the Council and keep up to date with what’s happening in the Borough. Simply select your topics and we will send you email updates with news as it happens including new Council Jobs, What’s On, Recycling, Transport plus lots more. www.eastleigh.gov.uk/enews This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2 1 EASTLEIGH LOCAL AREA COMMITTEE Tuesday, 8 April 2008 (7:00 pm – 10:00 pm) PRESENT: Councillor Thomas (Chairman); Councillors Davies-Dear, Head, Irish, Luffman, Moore, Norgate, Mrs Sollitt and Wall ________________________________________ RESOLVED ITEMS (SUBJECT TO QUESTIONS ONLY) 1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Sam Snook spoke with regard to the Town Centre. He felt that the Town Centre bins were not being emptied and that the waste was being strewn across the Town Centre. He had complained to Environmental Health. Marion Garrett spoke to the Committee about the development at South Street. There were complaints about the times that the site staff were working, the noise and dust and that residents had not had access to their garages for the last 18 months. The Chairman advised Mrs Garrett that he would raise the matter with the Head of Development Control who would respond in writing. 2. SOUTHAMPTON ROAD - HIGHWAY WORKS The Chairman invited Hampshire County Council’s officers to introduce themselves and give their presentation. He reminded the Committee and members of the public present that the debate of the Southampton Road maintenance programme was a scrutinising function as this was a County Council decision and Eastleigh Borough Council had no part in the presentation or outcome of the debate. Chris Lait, Area Director, Syd Sadro and Dave Brown gave a presentation that provided an overview of the planned maintenance works to Southampton Road. They gave information on the separate work sections, the construction timetable and the consultation process that had taken place to date. The maintenance work would include the strengthening and resurfacing of the existing carriageway; new road markings and signage; new and improved drainage and curb replacement. The works would be divided into 3 work sections and would commence in June 2008 and be completed by 1 November 2008. Local residents raised concerns over: • whether the Chickenhall link road could be used/opened instead; • air pollution being created by stationary traffic; • the length of time the works would take; 1 2 • the possibility of night work to speed the works up; • whether there were plans in place if accidents took place on the motorway and diversions needed to be routed through Eastleigh; • the public consultation process; • whether the emergency services had been consulted about diversions and road closures; • whether plans were in place to deal with possible rat runs through residential areas; • whether information could be given about other possible forms of transport; • whether the parking bays on Southampton Road would be replaced during the works. Local business representatives raised concerns over: • the maintenance works clashing with the Christmas trade by not being completed by 1 November 2008; • signage on motorways; • the consultation process particularly in respect of local businesses and transport agencies and the Swan Centre Management; • there would be major disruption to all bus routes; • whether there was a compensation scheme for bus companies as there was with railways; Dee Buffone, Swan Centre Manager, presented the Chairman with a petition on behalf of the Town Centre Partnership that requested that any unfinished works be suspended in mid October and recommenced January 2009 to allow businesses to trade over the Christmas period with unimpeded access. Members agreed that the works had to be done as Southampton Road was in a bad state of disrepair. They felt the maintenance programme needed to be well organised and managed and that to aide local businesses with the Christmas trade the works needed to be completed by 1 November 2008. Members raised concerns over the local bus service being affected, the effect of traffic created by local schools and colleges; the co-ordination with other road works in the area and the consultation process that had taken place. Hampshire County Council responded to the issues raised as follows: • due to the budget process the advance of the scheme was only assured in February-March 2008 although it had been planned for 12 months; • the timing of the works had been considered carefully in co- ordination with other works in Eastleigh and across Hampshire; • the Chickenhall link road had been a proposal for many years and was still subject to a decision, however, Southampton Road would still need to be repaired; 2 3 • pollution was a matter outside of the maintenance scheme and would be considered as part of the Town Action Plan; • gridlock, rat running and accidents were difficult to predict until the maintenance work had commenced. Local residents were assured that this would be investigated regularly to ensure safety on all roads; • signage would be erected on both directions of the M27 and M3 to show diversion routes; • in case of accidents the diversion routes had been agreed by the Highways Agency; • it was confirmed that buses would have access to Upper Market Street throughout the maintenance works; • the section of works that incorporated the parking bays on Southampton Road was no longer part of the scheme and would be completed at a different time; • it was confirmed that the contract positively encouraged maximum working times but had to be considerate in residential areas, the hours of work were a matter for the contractors; • the road had to be closed due to the width of it making it impossible to maintain a safe working distance whilst keeping traffic flowing; • officers were working closely with Eastleigh Borough Council’s Environmental Health department in order to keep pollution, noise and dust to a minimum.
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