T111L F.OUTH AFRICAN DIE RUID-AFRIKAANSI- m 1'1'FST , r.F RACE RELATIONS INSTITUUTvmRASSEVERIlO' srrt'rs dien RACE RELATIONS SOUTH AFRICA SUJD-AFRIKA Official Quarterly Journal of the South African Institute of Race Relations h dcur Vol.V, No. 4 PRICEi ONE SHILLING —FREE TO MEMBERS November 1938 I. — Investigations on all problems arising out of I. — Navorsingsin verband met rasseverhoudings- race contacts in-Southern Africa. vraagstukke. II. — Publications piving the results of scientific II. — Publikasies. waarin resultate van wctenskap- investigations, accounts of conferences and like navorsing, konferensic-vcrslae n spce , - special articles. siale artikels gedruk word. CONTENT INHOUS— D III. — Information Bureau & Reference Library III. — Inligtingsbureau en NaslaanbibHoteeh — Introduction 70 fre— e servic r researcefo h workers, students. kostelose dien r navorserssvi , studcntc.spre- The Historica1 7 l Settin Greae . .. th f gt. o .. Trek . .. LtoFoucht . .. .. speakers and writers, social workers, etc. ker n skrywerse s , maatskaplikcwcrkcrs. en , Prnfntor of History in the University of the \Vitv*tennnd. IV Secretaria.— severar fo l l scientific societied san IV Sekretarlaa.— r verskillcmlvi t c wctcnsknplike The Voortrekker Nativese th 2 7 d . A.I.san J . .. A . gar-Hamilton.. .. .. welfare bodies. liggam vcrsorginpsligijamcn e . lecture Ibtore I Univenit th n i rn yi f Pretoriayo ; i authoNatnnTh f ro Policyt oth f V. — Organisatio Joinf no t Councils amone gth V. — OrganUasie van Gesamentlifce Rade, vir Voortrekkm- various racial groups in South Africa : Eu- e verskillenddi c rasscproep n Suid-Afriki e a The Trek and its Legacy. A. H. Murray ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 76 ropean-Africa ; nEuropean-Coloure - Eu d; -r-blankes en naturellc; blankes en kleurlinge, Profeuo f Ethicro Politicd Univenite *an th n *i f Capyo e Town. ropean-Indian. blankes en IndiCrs. Tree Th k Traditio Moderd nan n Problems . Kepftl-JonesM . A . 79 VI. — Social Welfare activitie plannin— s g and VI. — Bedrywighede op pehicd van Maatskapltke Lecturer in History in the Univenity of the Witwateranod. initiatio f schemeso n d co-ordinatioan , f no Welvaat vcral— l inlexveroepin n nuwvn p e agencies. ondernemings e bevordcrindi n e , n dlrva g VII. — Conferences — regional and national — on samewerkin welvaartsorganisasien gva s problems of race relations. VII. — Konferensies — gewestelik en nasionaal — oor VIT1. — Lecture racn so e problem allied an s d topic*, rasseverhoudings-probleme. VOORTREKKER CENTENARY NUMBER and assistance to study groups. VIII. — Lcsing r rassoo se —n aanverwanle e vraag- stukk hul n atudiegroepee n t paa . VOORTREKKER EEUFEES UITGAWE THE INSTITUTE NEEDS- DIE INSTITUUT HET NOD1G— 1Jaartikse• Toelaes Oftenbarevan Liggame— 1. Annual Grants from Public Bodies— £10 of meer mask 'n liggam geregtig op twee r moro 0 e £1 entitle e grantinth s g bodo t y verteenwoordigers op die Raad (Aantal liggame o representativetw Councie th n so l (present e oomblidi wap o t k toclae* sken k33): . e GreaTh t Treitd s an kCentenar y Celebratio Lighe th f Grou o n ti n p 1 8 . .. .. .. .. Psychology . .. .. .. I.D. .. MaeCrune . .. .. granting bodie 33): s . 2. Donasies van Firmat en Individue— Prolcsso f ['itehnlnifo r e Unlvenii(h e Wilwatennnn i th y t a y d; autho f Rateo r 2. Donations from Firms and Individuals— 0 perjaar(of'nenkelPerson£1 t ewa e donasie Altitude* in Suaih Afriea. r £10(o . 0a . giftp Donor0 ) £1 vot r f o fo se van £100) skenk, mag stem vir vyf verteen- Future Race 4 Relalion8 . .. Soutn i i . .. h Africa. .. MK a. f.. ?, t. hews . .. five representatives on the Council (present woordigers op die Raad. (Aantal skcnkers op Lecture Socian ri l Anthropology •niSoute th l Nativn hi Africaw Ij e n Native College, Donors : 35). die oomblik : 35). t-'ort I (UK. 3. Annual Subscriptions from Firms Individualsor — 3. Jaarlikse Subskripiies n Firmasva n Individue—e Race Relations of the Future in the Light of the Past. Edgar II. Brocket ... 86 Principal of Ad*ms ColkRC ; Senator representing the Nttive* of Natal ; author of Subscribers of £1, or over, vote for six repre- Intekenaars wat £1 of mrer beiaal, mag vir srp TV flistorv of Native Policy in South Africa iod Colour Pnblemt of South Africa. sentatives on the Counci|(presenl Subscribers verteenwoordigers op die Raad stem (Aantal Race Relation FuturPast e e Lighe th th th f f .s o o n t Rev.}.ei 3 8 Reyneke . .. nearly 700). intekenaara op die oomblik : oor die 700). Stcrctar e Nativth f o ye Albin Committe ee Federa<th H l Councie Dutcl(h f o tl UcfoimeJ Cliurche* of South Africa. InstitutA . 5 f Raco e e Relations, S. A. Instituut vir Rassehoudings, P. 0; Box 97, Posbus 97, JOHANNESBURG JOHANNESBURG RASSEVERHOUDINGS Qjfitiele Kvartaalbtad van die Suid-Afrikaanse tnstituut vir Ratsevcrhoudings 4 . DeeNo , V l SJIELINI'HYN EE S: GRATIG— LED N SEAA November 1933 INTRODUCTION HISTORICAE TH L SETTIN GREAE TH F TGO TREK LEO Foucini The Voortrckkcr Centenary celebrations which will culminate, on December 16th, in the laying of the Afte e laps centurya th rf eo Tree th , k appearo st distinction of race and religion ; so that it was Foundation Stone of the Voortrckker Monument, are for all South Africans the occasion for re-living in imagination u«, throug avenue yearse hth th f eo , lik greaea t moving intolerable for any decent Christian to bow down the mingled romance and traced}' of the-Great Trek, and for thinking out afresh the significance of VoortrekVer drama, in which all the races in our country were beneath suc ha yok e; wherefor rathee w e r with- History Voorlrckked an , r Traditio r presennfo Souty da t h Africa which population i , problemsd nan s becomha , e involved. British and Dutch, Bantu, Bushmen and drew, tn order thus to preserve our doctrines in differeno s t fro Soute mth h Afric hundrea f o a d years ago. Griquas—even the Portuguese—all had their part to purity". e SoutTh h African Institut f Raceo e Relations, havin membershiga p drawn fro l racesm al dealind an , g with play o regar race T . affai e e Treon th f donlth o s rk a y Thus, in a spirit of distrust and despair, they gird n proble f nationamo l importance, wishe joio l s n wit l otheal h r organization doinn i s g honou e memorth o t r f yo is mere perversity. p theiu r loin d trekan s . They abandon their Native the Voortrekkers. The story of the great exodus, with its clash of landhorrew seeo t ne , whicn ki a , h white supremacy Hence presene th , t e Institute'issuth f eo s quarterly journal, Race Relations^ s beeha n devote articleo dt n so races s warrinit , g ideologies s sloit , w development would be maintained and preserved unchallenged. the Great Trek and its bearings on race relations, past, present, and future, in our country. toward inevitabln sa egreae doomth n ti traditios i , f no curtaie plae th An th o y ds nd begin goean p su o st Greek dramatragedya s i t I . minglina , horrorf go d san unroll before us. The contributors whose generous co-operation the Institute has been fortunate to secure, include represent- heroism recora , f higdo h resolve, stark endurancd ean atives of both the Afrikaans and the English-speaking sections of the White South African population, and one ultimate frustration—a theme which would have Act I shows the Trekkers taking leave of their outstanding leader of the Bantu peoples. Each has been left free to treat the topics in which he was invited to write, inspired an Aeschylus. homes and kindred. There is real tragedy here. In in the way which he thought best, and through the language medium of his own choice. The aim of the issue was I the I surprisee t yar Ac Mosilikatze'y db a bandsd an ; The stage is set on the eastern and north eastern described to the writers as a "twofold one, (1) to seek a better understanding end appreciation of the best qualities dangethiw ne s r forces the o munit t organized an e . of the Voortrekkers and the contributions they have made to our national life ; (2) to suggest the lines along which frontiers of the Cape Colony; the latter ravaged by a In the next Act they proceed to the fair land of Natal, succession of droughts, the former by the terrible in- harmonious race relation e developeb n e futurca th s n di e wit e regare besdu hth t o dt tradition Trek"e th f so . their Promised Land, althoug hsinistea r figure lurks roads of the Xhosas, which had reduced the Europeans Unfortunately, thre r foueo f thoso r e originally invited were alread o fullyto y engaged with contributions elsewhere ther threateo et n theiZule th ur V prospectsI t Ac n I . there to ruin and despair. The actors are the frontier in connection wit e Voortrekkehth r celebrations. Thi s possiblsha y resulte e absencth n di e fro e symposiumth m ogre strikes—terrible, shattering blows, under which farmers, who, like their ancestor hundrea r sfo d years, of point f vieso w which would have mad t eveei n more fully representative . thais t ni Trekkere th s reel. Disaster, massacr "weepingd an e " had been struggling incessantly to maintain themselves keynotee arth eScenese th f so . e pointth Eve f vie, o sso nw from whic e variouth h s contributors have writte e sufficientlar n y diverso et against wild beasts, and barbarous tribes.
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