AndentPakistan, Vol. XX-2009 261 In memory of Professor Ahmad Hasan Dani HisServices, Contribution Achievements& GuiRahim Khan It ismy honour to enlistand highlightthe services and contributions of LateProfessor Ahmad Hasan Dani, who recently died on January26, 2009 at the age of 88 years. He led a very activelife and got great fame.His personality is well known in the field of archaeology, art and architecture, history, epigraphy and numismatics. He was a world reputed scholar and there is no need to write about his personality or his work. His servicesare so longer and contributionsare too muchthat he himselfdidn't remember andrecord these figures. It was in the last year (2008) of his life that his wife requested Prof. M. Farooq Swati (Chairman), Department of Archaeology, University of Peshawar to provide herthe list of published work of Prof. Ahmad Hasan Dani. The said taskwas given to me, which was accomplished and provided. It was appreciated and properly acknowledged by Mrs. Dani. Many people have written a lot about him, his contributionsand achievements.Similarly his biography and services were greatly highlightedin the many reputed daily newspapers and magazines after his death. In view of his extensive contributions it was not possible to mentionhere all thesethings in detailed discussion which need to be published in a book form. Here theauthor has attempted to compile a complete profileof Late Prof. AhmadHasan Dani alongwith a detailedbibliography of hispublished work in theform of listedcateg oriesdescribed below. ServiceExperience 1946-50 Assistant Superintendent of Archaeology, Government of India and Government of Pakistan 1950 Superintendent-in-Chargeof ArchaeologyEast Pakistan Circle, Governmentof Pakistan 1950-{;2 AssociateProfessor of History, Universityof Dhaka 1950-{;2 Curator,Dhaka Museum,Dacca 1962-71 Professorof Archaeology, Universityof Peshawar 1971-75 Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad 1971-80 Professorof History, Quaid-i-AzamUniversity, Islamabad 1972-97 Honorary Director, Centre for the Study of Gvilizations of Central Asia, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad 1977-85 Director Quaid-i-AzamMemorial Museum, Quaid-i-Azam University,Islamabad 1980 ProfessorEmeritus, Quaid-i-Azam University , Islamabad 1992-96 Advisoron Archaeology,Ministry of Culture,Government of Pakistan 1994-98 Chairman,National Fund for Cultural Heritage,Islamabad 1997-2009 Honorary Director, Taxila Institute of Asian Gvilizations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad Appointmentas Fellow and Visiting Professor 1958-59 ResearchFellow, School of Orientaland AfricanStudies, Universityof London 1969 Asian Fellow, AustralianNational University, Canberra 1969 Honorary Fellowship,Royal Asiatic Society of Bangladesh 1974 VisitingScholar, Universityof Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, USA 1977 Visiting Professor,Wisconsin University, Madison,USA 1981 Honorary Fellowship, German ArchaeologicalInstitute, Germany 1986 HonoraryFellowship, IsMEO, Rome 1991 Honorary Fellowship,Royal AsiaticSociety, UK AndentPakistan, Vol. XX-2009 262 HonoraryMembership 1991 HonoraryCitizen, Bukhara 1991 Honorary Member of "PaivandSociety", Tajikistan 1991 Honorary Life Member,Friends, Rawalpindi 1993 Honorary lifePatron, al-Shifa Trust, Rawalpindi Honorary Secretaryand President 1950 GeneralSecretary, Asiatic Society of Pakistan, Dhaka 1955 President,National Committee for Museums in Pakistan 1961 President,All Pakistan History Conference, Islamabad 1968 Vice-Presidentof UNESCO Conferenceon Kushan Civilization,Dushanbe, Tajikistan 1970 Chairman, ResearchSociety, Universityof Peshawar 1972 Vice-President, UNESCO Conference on Social and Economic Development of Central Asia, Ashkhabad, Tajikistan 1973 SecretaryGeneral, Pakistan History and Culture 1973 Vice-President, InternationalAssociation of the Studyof Culturesof CentralAsia 1976 SecretaryGeneral, Quaid-i-Azam International Congress 1979 Secretary, InternationalS ymposiumon Indus Civilization 1979 Member of the Bureau of International Commission for Scientific and Cultural History of Mankind,UNESCO 1979 Secretary,Islamic Educational Conference, Islamabad 1979 President,Archaeological and HistoricalAssociation of Pakistan 1980 Co-DirectorPak-German Team for EthnologicalResearch in Northern Areas of Pakistan 1981 FirstVice-President, International Associationfor the Study of theCivilizations in Central Asia, Paris 1983 Chairmanof InternationalConference on KarakorumCulture, Gilgit Islamabad 1985 Acting President, UNESCO Conference on Architectural Evolution in the Mediaeval Periodof CentralAsia, Almaty,Kazakhstan 1988 President,Pakistan Societyof Archaeology and Museums 1992 President,Pak-Central Asia FriendshipAssociation 1993-2009 Vice-President,International Scientific Committee, CentralAsia Membershipof the Institutions 1964-72 Memberof theBoard of Governorsof theResearch Societyof Pakistan,University of the Punjab 1966-95 Member of theBoard of Governorsof Lahore Museum 1968-70 Member of theAdvisory Board of West PakistanArchives 1969 Memberof UNESCOExpert Committee on theStudy of BuddhistArt 1969 Member of theCentral Archive Commission 1973-80 Chairman,Central Archive and LibraryCommittee 1970-90 Member,Board of Governors,Peshawar Museum 1970-90 Member, Board of Governors,Dir Museum 1974-92 Member,Board of Governors, "Save MohenjodaroProject" 1975-78 Memberof theExecutive Body of theInternational Council for Mithraic Studies 1976-90 Member of InternationalCouncil of Buddhist Studies 1985-89 Member, Board of Governors of Pakistan National Commissionfor UNESCO 1987- Member of the Bureau and International Committee on Integral Study of Silk Roads and Coordinator of its Land Routes AndentPakistan, Vol. XX-2009 263 1989-93 Member of the Executive Committee and Board of Governors, Quaid-i-Azam Academy, Islamabad Awards & Medals 1944 MEDAL, BanarasHindu University 1944 J.K FELLOW, BanarasHindu University 1969 SITARA-I-IMTIAZ,Government of Pakistan 1986 GOLD MEDAL AWARD, AsiaticSociety of Bangladesh 1990 PALMES ACADEMIQUES,French Government 1992 EZAZ-I-KAMAL,Government of Pakistan 1993 Honorary Doctorate,Tajikistan University, Dushanbe 1994 KNIGHTCOMM ANDER, Governmentof Italy 1996 ORDER OF THE MERIT, Governmentof Germany 1997 ARISTOTLE SILVER MEDAL, UNESCO 1998 ORDER NATIONAL DE "LA LEGION D'HONNEUR", with the grade of Chevalier, the highestFrench civil award, President de la Republique de France 2000 Hilal-<e-lmtiaz,Government of Pakistan 2004 'DistinguishedNa tionalProfessor' HigherEducation Commission, Government of Pakistan Books & Monographs 1956 Dhaka-A Record ofits Changing Fortunes, 1962 (revised), Dhaka. 1957 Bibliography of theMuslim Inscriptions of Bengal- A HistoricalStudy of the Arabic Inscriptionsof the Sultans of Bengal down to AD. 1538. fournalof the AsiaticSociety of Pakistan,Vol. II,Dacca 1%0 Pr.-History& Prot<>-Historyof Eastern India-including a detailed Account ofthe Neolithic Cultures ofSouth East Asia, Calcutta. 1%1 Muslim Architecture in Bengal -A ThoroughTreatment of the Historyof theArchitectural Development of Muslim Bengal,Dhaka. 1%2 Buddhist Sculpture in East Pakistan - A short mcmograph cm the Buddhist art in the background of the development of Buddhist Philosophy, Karachi. 1963 Pushkalavati-A short monograph on the rise and fallof thisold City inPeshawar Valley, Peshawar. 1963 Indian Paleography - A masterly treatment of the various writing systems in India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Wouth East Asia, in the background of history from the earliest time to 8" century AD, 1986 (Indian edition), Oxford. 1964 ShahbazGarhi -A shortmonograph on thecity and thefamous inscriptionsof Ashoka, Peshawar. 1964 Duniya Ki Tahziben(Islam se Peshtar), A brief surveyof theOld World Civilizations. 1%7 A Short Historyof Pakistan - Book 1. A brief authentic account of the history of Pakistan fromthe earliest timeto the coming of theMuslims. (ed. I.H. Qureshi), 1984 & 1992 (2"" & 3•" ed), Karachi 1%8 Peshawar, the Historic City of the Frontier, first detailed History of the City in the Context of Ancient Gandhara,1994 (2'" 1 edition),Peshawar 1%8 Archaeological Foundation ofHistory and Other Lectures, Extension lectures derived in Dhaka Museum, Dacca 1%8 Gondhara Art ofPakistan, A CriticalAccount of the Current Views, Peshawar. 1970 Surveyof Museum and Archeologyin WestPakistan. 1973 Alberuni's Indica, a record of the Cultural Historyof South-Asiaabout AD. 1030, Islamabad. 1976 Quaid-i-Azam Mausoleum, Karachi. 1978 TheImage ofBuddha (co-authored with otherschola rs), UNESCO. 1979 Kharoshthi Primer, LahoreMuseum, Lahore 1970-71 Excavationin the GomalValley, Andent Pakistan, Vol. V, (11 chapters), Peshawar 1981 Islamic Architecture:Thatta, Islamabad. 1981 Quaid-i-Azamand Pakistan, Islamabad. 1982 KarakorumHighway Unravels the Romance of the Past, Islamabad. AndentPakistan, Vol. XX-2009 264 1983 Human Records on KaralwrumHighway, Islamabad. 1983 Chilas,The City o/Nangaparvat (Dyamir), Islamabad. 1983 Guide toKaralwrum Highway. Islamabad. 1986 TheHistoric City o/Taxila (by UNESCO),Lahore. 1988 Recent ArchaeologicalDisaweries in Pakistan,UNESCO. 1989 Islamic Architecture:The Wooden Style of NorthernPakistan, Islamabad. 1989 Sacred Rock ofHunza, Islamabad. 1989 Historyof Northern Areas of Pakistan,Islamabad. 1990 Introduction to the Historyof the Greeksin Pakistanand Afghanistan,Lahore. 1990 Perspectivesof Pakistan, by National Instituteof Pakistan Studies, Islamabad. 1990 L'art Buthique (co-author),UNESCO Publications, Paris. 1991 Bactrian& Indus Greeks:Romantic Storyfrom Coins,
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