The original documents are located in Box 5, folder “Congress - 94th Session (1)” of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. 94th CONGRESS 1? -New- GOP Members (Hot!~-~) i (1) ... DAVID F. EMERY Maine 25 yrs. old; single Moderate to conservative (2) MILLICENT FENWICK N. J. 64 yrs. old; married Liberal, pipe smoker· (3) WILLIAM F. GOODLING Pa. 46 yr s. old; married Should be conservative (4) BILL GRADIS ON Ohio 45 yrs. old Conservative to moderate (5) CHARLES E. GRASSLEY Iowa 41 yrs. old; married Conservative (6) TOM HAGEDORN Minn. 30 yrs. old; married; farmer Ultra -conservative (7) GEORGE V. HANSEN Idaho 44 yrs. old; married Ultra -conservative (8) HENRY J. HYDE Ill. 50 yrs. old; married Conservative (9) JAMES M. JEFFORDS Vt. 40 yrs. old; married Moderate; For Admin. Health care p (10) ROBERT KASTEN, JR. Wis. 32 yrs. old; formerly State Senator Conservative (11) RICHARD KELLEY Fla. SO yr s. oid; · married Moderate to conservative ,..-~ ... ~ (12) TOM KINDNESS Ohio 44 yrs. old; married /-::,~. f 0 ;,\,'•,, Should be conservativE~/.;') ~-- ·· t "'-':" '·: ~ (13) WILLIAM HENSON MOORE, III La. 35 yrs. old; married '.;' Conservative In runoff election in January {14) GARY A. MYERS Pa. 37 yr s. old; married Liberal. (15) LARRY PRESSLER S.D. 32 yrs. old; single; liberal 11 "McGovern Repub. ; reform minded· (16) RICHARDT. SCHULZE Pa. 45 yr s. old; married; conservative (17) VIRGINIA SMITH Neb. 63 yrs. old; married; conservative Digitized from Box 5 of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 94th .CONGRESS 17 New GOP Members (House} \1) DAVID F. EMERY Maine 25 yrs. old; single Moderate to conservative (2) MILLICENT FENWICK N. J. 64 yrs. old; married Liberal, pipe smoker' (3) WILLIAM F. GOODLING Pa. 46 yrs. old; married Should be conservative ( 4) BILL GRADISON Ohio 45 yrs. old Conservative to moderate (5) CHARLES E. GRASSLEY Iowa 41 yrs. old; married Conservative (6) TOM HAGEDORN Minn. 30 yrs. old; married; farmer Ultra-conservative (7) GEORGE V. HANSEN Idaho 44 yrs. old; married Ultra-conservative (8) HENRY J. HYDE Ill. 50 yrs. old; married Conservative (9) JAMES M. JEFFORDS Vt. 40 yrs. old; married Moderate; For Admin. {10) ROBERT KASTEN, JR. Wis. 32 yrs. old; formerly State Senator Conservative (11) RICHARD KELLEY Fla. 50 yrs. old; married Moderate to conservative {12) TOM KINDNESS Ohio 44 yrs. old; married Should be conservative ( 13) WILLIAM HENSON MOORE, III La. 35 yrs. old; married ' Conservative In runoff election in January {14) GARY A. MYERS Pa. 37 yrs. old; married Liberat. (15) LARRY PRESSLER S. D. 32 yrs. old; single; liberal 11 "McGovern Repub. ; reform minded· (16) RICHARDT. SCHULZE Pa. 45 yrs. old; married; conservative (17) VIRGINIA SMITH Neb. 63 yrs. old; married; conservative ~-- ·~· - {!"' :G-0 -r:, ~ --:- '1 • F= ·-·~; ·-. :- 1111 or ~ ."' ~~ . B,.~, : s .lf.BJl _pt L1gnt_1n -1VI1dwest~; ~J IBy DOUG~S E- K~EJ..~'; ;: ·rJ:Heinvok~- ili~- !i~ge~ of sca~e i est~" groups, su?sistin~- almost :· 1 s;>""W to ne-N•" Tor!< nm.s· " pal"o/.,_Ieaders by .1gnonng t~e1r / entm~l~ on small contnout:ons HU::V!BOLDT,. s. D., Nov. 7- I ~Vlce not~ s~eK the nom1:na· 1for V:hJch <:ach donor rece1ved i Larry Pressler sat somewhat ' tit'n. an~ de[eatmg tv~o old-nmela' pamstat-emgly1 wn tt~n lon-?­ .l I.0l eary-eyed from lack of sleeo Repub!Icans by _gettmg 51 p~r l hand thank you note .rrom JS 1jv esterday amid ilie ·leftover cent or the vote m the June _pn· ,mother. John_ Gardner,_ o~ C?m­ ~ jclutter of his carnpai:gn for con- .mar'J. -' ~t er, the R_epubl!can mon Cause, _Is one. of_ h1s Idol . th . · f hi Congresstonal Camprugn Com- and he continuallw.rererred to :gress .~ e _1-rv~g rooh m 0 s mittee, convin.ced t_hat _Mr. Den- that organization :nd its work oaren....,. sma11 tarm ouse on--a '-~lm w·~s "~-oe~+~ te turned a · · ~ ch - -- 1 · · · I, l ~- e{ d · . l tsid thi il- " " -· .,. ""' _....,. 0 •· • m h1s spee es and te ev1s10n ~ 1o•av roa JUS ou e s ~ deaf.ear-to_-Mr- Pr_essler's plea_s ~ commercials. • . , dage. · for fmancta:l asststance· until . < i' - f · t [ ; E~~ry few mmutes-:he J~peq the :.tast days·_ before the. elec- . He raised "aqou~ -$35,0.0~ .011 { up to answer ilie>:hoilow nng or1tion, . when it. became apparent ?lS race au:~ spent a1.'11oSc all ?f\ l !the phone on the wall by the . mat he had- .a__ ,. good cllance of .•t on t 7l~v1su on anct other media. ~ ikitchen,.where.hiis-mother was-winnin1 _., ,__ !r- .;~ advert1smg. He _had_ no · J:>ill ~ r p~eparing; !_rmch be~ore }ri~. _fa;r . ~d;th~l wa_ yhe;conducted his bo~rds, no bumper ~S[.lcket:S;-?o .~ tfier came· m from hts .chores. ca.mpaign~- did ' not help ·him prud staff aJtW no•. .-. campa~gn ~ 0: Many of the calls were. longlmucfi with the .party leaders. As I:_e~dquarters except, the tmy · diStance and most of them wereff_;ar• back;, -as..,- April, . he ·said he llvmg_ room t at the· :armhouse_ COJ?~ratul~t?ry. :Mr:'. :pre~s!e~,-- ~ l yrould vote for t!le impeachment 22. miles.west of S1oux.. Falls . .,_ 32-year-Old. lawyer; and ,former of President Nixon:. When Pres- F?l""'.. mor;-Lhs - he traversed -the· Rhodes Scholar, provided ona ident Ford pardoned Mr. Nixon d!§trict m· a,:second-hand car, . I ~ the. rewuiys · 9f-'lighUn>-il.n ·· - SeP,tembe:r~ -' he- : proteste ~ deterrnifefi .JO\?E_ak~ ,5. 02_ ,h.~1~ -C;:===::='=:;:=:::=.=:S:::::===i=.~~;:::d extrem~~y _d,3!k elect!git;day-:!9'. · O!lti;Jually) he adyoacted C'on- :aiday. ·· · .. --:1 ~j~ - ~ ~i ~ [ if Republicans when he.::!_lpset Rep gress1onal reform. On most oth: ·Mr.·Presslet; a>fonner· r'esentative JH!nk CDenl:ir>Im, er issues, he. sounded as much Reoublican at the-University . a>·,onoe hea~a<IOttM::YleMo. like- .Mr..,.J'yfcGovern~ as;..the ,.De.. SoUth Dakota · Ic;-at ~hO')Was - ~kfugC¥_.,;t~!f -lll~rat~c-~~ato~,~inJs~li,;:~-; :::.: t.Qr McGovern~s~ · fterm 1n South Dakota:s F.trst ~ - M.t:L ~essl~t'· ts ..-' an _~rmy for .two years .~-..,.,,, ...-:..-..:l · trnct_<> .; ,. ~_:f:::•\ . :ete~ wh<><, s~nt 18 months decided _ _ - .Mr. Pressler was· one- of -Only liil ~lVtethaan ..- He- -ts.. a--member .of tl:;tic": camt,ail~m-<.hE~ foUT..; Repub?c'itQ. can~q.at~ ' for,_!he f.eter_anstof;t Fo_re1gn: w~;; . ~use- _ ~t to · the House 1n the- nation to.. un- and a!former Amencan._ ... egwn wm:': - ~ ,... -, .._ 1 seat incumbent Democrats• .. •·· , post:-coJllmander. But he-repeat~ D- nh ·Al S · . d · · · -.. - - edl '"'-'! d ·f ' $17 b'Ili t e om1 so- urpnse "' s reat ::leeme<h, e~eq;;:t:nore . ~: ~ ~ O!'\~ :; 1 pnc ~U f"' "' ,- .,-~ \ '•F- • •.. ; I remarkable ·because"it came iri .m ilie: g~ens_e ·~~d_gef. ·: i.!rgmg ,- ~Mr. Denh?lli:J:• \ a{, 50-year-old - ~~the face_ of Democratic Senator troop ··. reducpons m Europe, r~wyer and,·--form_ er- ag-ent George McGoveriJ!s ·strong scrap~ng the, B~f,' bomber and the. Eeder~l Bur~~~ ot comeback: defeat of; .r:eo <Ill£ .an: ~n<!:·t.o.: the-: manufacture of gat10n, d1d ??~ ex~ct _ 1Thorsness; the Republican can~ ~ul.ctear ,_}Ve~pon~: . , . Pressler t~ w1n: e1ther:" J:I~ . didate who Is- a former- ·Ai-·r -~ seeks. IdealismandRef.orm net ta:~e his chall-enger semo_us~ Force Lieutenant Colonei and 't:· "Th . R b .. · ··. ly;. until the last f.ew weeks of . --- .. - ~ ~ .-. · , -e epu uca,n.. parry nowlthe campaign spendin<7< m h Vlet.."lam<.pnsoner ?1 : wa~;;: ·l i has the'Oiwortl.mity'_to·•beccme . • l . - , 'a ""- _;u:,. I --· Switch l.,. the ,· • ~ Fronrl97~- party-~ ofc " idealism ,and re-9J.histm~m- ~as.tun,ton. ::! . ' . - form::.he said ~n an' iiiterview.~There >IS _no dOUbt" that. M:. ?! 1n 19_72r ·when R-ichard ""M. .. • . t. ak' · t •. --- Pressler's. v1ctory can be. attn- . N' h T ted 5e t M 1m gomg o spe >OU s..ror_g- . - Gl.xon :wnfula Pr ::-- .dna .o; . c~. ly-if anybOdy l-istens to 'me -~ puted m :P~.tf" ·0e _defections ove~ m; e est en,t1a •., ~a~e Washington-to -try -tea con- ,c:f many Ft!st{J?.!s~nct r;>,em,~; -I ~Y rollmg up a 54-to-46 margm vinca the President -we've got crats, es!)ectally am.ong·.yJ)Wi- - ~~~ South- Dak~ Mr. Den:ho_lm.lt9 :ta~e ~OJP.e.'?f. th.ese isS1.le5_::·~ ger McGove_t;n ~u- ppoqe , t~e _Democra~ Repr~sentative,.t- ,--He 15 (;<mVJnced that'.the l.aJrge ,At a M~Gov&ll- /c"a~ted : t;_o -· vu:tory. ;wtth •61 .per-rDemocrat'S·'·ma:jo!'!ity-" iJi.
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