Balázs M. MEZEI in level of household worldview, man expres- x Philosophical wisdom acts as expla- UDC 167/168:2-1 ses his daily routine values, the interpretation natory objects in accordance with Balázs M. MEZEI of which vary in the framework of philosoph- scientific approvals, morals and rules ical wisdom, folk traditions, customs and so- of life. THE METHODOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE NOTION OF DIVINE cial stereotypes. Yet, the theoretical level of x Through philosophical wisdom is REVELATION IN A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE the worldview is the superstructure of daily formed not only the person's world- practical level, which stands out by its sys- view but also his world perception. Abstract tematization and hierarchical structure. x Philosophical wisdom can have per- After analyzing the influence of philo- sonal, pedagogical and psychological I offer an overview of the relevance of the notion of divine revelation to the methodology of sophical wisdom on the formation of individ- interpretations. the sciences. The notion of revelation is to be considered in the framework of a well-formed philo- ual's worldview, we have come to the follow- sophical theory. In such a theory, the theological notion of revelation is important as well, because ing conclusions: REFERENCES as a historically evolving notion it has contributed, in its own fashion, to the formation of other sci- x Philosophical wisdom is a universal, ences. The method the notion of revelation entails is instructive for the methodological presupposi- cultural and natural value through Brutian, G.A. (2010). Gitakan ashxatanqi tions of the sciences. Most importantly, the dynamism given in the notion of revelation to produce which personal, historical and social texnologia (Technology of Research genuine newness – ad intra as well as ad extra – appears to be the decisive methodological factor experiences are transferred from ge- Work, in Armenian), Pilisopayut’yan defining scientific methodology. I also reflect on the importance of various forms of knowledge – neration to generation. mijazgayin akademiayi hratarak- apodicticity, certainty and probability – as they appear in the notion of revelation and define scien- x Philosophical wisdom has educative, chut’yun, Yerevan. tific forms of knowledge in a historical as well as logical fashion. Finally, I show the place of the formative and developing function. Heidegger, M. (1986). Time of the World- methodological discussion in an overall view of revelation as a well-formed philosophical theory. x Philosophical wisdom as a way to view/ The new technocratic war in formation of an individual's world- the west. M. Keywords: Divine revelation, theology, philosophy, methodology, science, history, newness. view is perceived in the framework Radugin, A.A. (2004). Filosofiya: kurs lektsii of evolutionary and cognitive theo- (Philosophy: Course of Lectures, in ries. Russian), Moscow, Tsentr. 1. Introduction: The Centrality of the Notion cal scale, it is revelation in its specific Chris- x Philosophical wisdom in the frame- White, L. (1959). The Evolution of Culture, of Divine Revelation tian form that has defined the development of work of culture and cultural anthro- New York. Christianity including its crises and fragmen- pology is perceived as a process of Divine revelation is one of the central tations. On a theological scale, the revelation adaptation of an individual to natural terms in the epoch in which we live. This in question is revelation in a unique sense environment. epoch is the epoch of Christianity with all its which is characteristically different from oth- intrinsic and extrinsic features, together with er notions of revelation in the history of reli- its rise and flourishing, decline and even dis- gions, while these other notions are in many solution. Revelation, nevertheless, is the most ways related to the notion of revelation in fundamental notion in this tradition, a notion Christianity. that comes before other notions in the logical These three kinds of relevance – logical, order, such as being, time, history, society, historical, and theological – should be inves- person, wisdom, morality, philosophy, or sci- tigated separately. Here I confine myself to ence. The reason of the primacy of the notion the logical investigation of the primacy of of revelation is simple: in principle, it is reve- revelation taken in itself. Other aspects of this lation that defines itself and its outcomes, na- problem, such as the historical importance ture and human beings included. On a histori- and the relationship to other religious forms 62 63 63 2(7), 2016 Balázs M. MEZEI must be limited to the context of the main peatedly termed ‘apocalyptics’ – is the reflec- topic of my present text, the methodological tion of the knowledge of revelation on the re- importance of revelation. Indeed, the Chris- alness of revelation, a realness that is presup- tian form of revelation calls for a historical posed, reflected, and disclosed in the theory analysis of the relationship between other itself.1 forms of revelation and thus also for an en- One may rightly ask as to how the pre- compassing notion of divine revelation in sent notion of revelation is related to the re- which such relations can be scrutinized. How- ceived view of divine revelation interpreted in ever, it is precisely the Christian notion of the framework of religion. My approach in revelation which is the basis of such a general this context is philosophical which takes as its notion, so here I can confine myself to the basis the historical notion of revelation as is latter taken in the perspective of methodolo- given in Christianity and it considers all other gy. forms of revelation as logical and, partially, On the logical level, revelation is con- historical ramifications of that central notion. ceived as the ultimate source of all reality and Let us recall that in Christianity the realness knowledge. The recognition of the primacy of of reality is disclosed in the revelation of in- revelation itself belongs to the effects of reve- carnation. As a result, we become aware of lation. Inasmuch as revelation is defined as the Trinity as the basic structure of the divine the source of reality, revelation is not reality both in itself and as the source of reality. As a in this sense, but is more original than reality; secondary result, we become aware of the fact revelation embodies the source of reality, its that our becoming aware of revelation as the realness. That is to say, revelation as the reve- disclosure of the realness of the real is itself lation of the real is taken in its utmost signifi- the working of revelation.2 cance. Reality in its various forms, such as Traditionally, revelation is classified into empirical, mental, external or internal reality, ‘natural revelation’ – the revelation given in the reality of time and history, or even the es- creation – and ‘supernatural revelation’ – rev- chatological dimension of reality, is contained elation given in the incarnation of the second in, and expressed through, revelation. Inas- person of the Trinity and its effects on the much as our knowledge is rooted in the know- course of history. Part and parcel of natural ledge of revelation, our knowledge is revela- tion-bound or, to be more precise, its main 1 Cf. Mezei, Balázs M.: Radical Revelation: A function is the reflection of revelation on var- Philosophical Approach. New York: Blooms- ious levels. bury (forthcoming in 2017). 2 Such an approach to revelation undoes The Trinitarian notion of Revelation is consid- any substantive metaphysics and ontology ered here is having produced all other forms of which presuppose some kind of original stuff, revelation on the logical level, but partially al- so historically. For instance, the notion of reve- matter or spirit, or perhaps a set of ideas or lation in Islam is considered as a development ideals which has been progressively devel- of the Christian notion, a development overem- oped in the course of history. In this sense, phasizing just one aspect of the original notion, the theory of revelation – which I have re- the aspect of transcendence. 64 2(7), 2016 64 65 2(7), 2016 WISDOM must be limited to the context of the main peatedly termed ‘apocalyptics’ – is the reflec- revelation is ‘natural reason’, but this reason tion is considered private if and only if it re- topic of my present text, the methodological tion of the knowledge of revelation on the re- is directly enlightened by supernatural revela- mains in the framework of ‘public’ or ‘gen- importance of revelation. Indeed, the Chris- alness of revelation, a realness that is presup- tion with respect to the subject matter of the eral’ revelation yet a certain interpretation of tian form of revelation calls for a historical posed, reflected, and disclosed in the theory latter. However, reason, either natural or illu- personal importance is attached to the general analysis of the relationship between other itself.1 minated, needs to be aware of its own limits doctrines of revelation. Moreover, private forms of revelation and thus also for an en- One may rightly ask as to how the pre- concerning the intrinsic features of supernatu- revelation is revealed to the receiver of reve- compassing notion of divine revelation in sent notion of revelation is related to the re- ral revelation. ‘Mystery’ is still a term we can lation in special ways the essence of which is which such relations can be scrutinized. How- ceived view of divine revelation interpreted in apply
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