Jewish Christians and Other Religious Groups in Judaea

Jewish Christians and Other Religious Groups in Judaea

TELAVIV UNIVERSITY THELESTER AND SALLYENTINFACULTYOFHUMANITIES THECHAIMROSENBERGSCHOOL OFJEWISHSTUDIES JEWISH CHRISTIANS AND OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUPS IN JUDAEA FROM THE GREAT REVOLT TO THE BAR-KOKHBA WAR THESIS SUBMITTEDFOR THEDEGREE OFDOCTOROFPHILOSOPHY BY: YONATANBOURGEL UNDER THESUPERVISION OFPROFESSORAHARONOPPENHEIMER SUBMITTEDTO THESENATE OFTEL AVIVUNIVERSITY MAY2009 ב תודות::: בראש ובראשונה אני מבקש להודות מכל ליבי לפרופ ' אהרן אופנהיימר שהנ חה אותי בעבודתי ברוחב לב ובנכונות אין קץ לעזור ולסייע לי בכל צורך ובקשה . הוא היה לי לא רק מנחה מקצועי ומסור אלא גם ידיד של אמת . ברצוני להודות למספר חוקרים אשר הועילו לייעץ לי ולחלוק עמי את ידיעותיהם ובמיוחד לפרופ ' בנימין איזק אשר קרא חלק ממחקרי והעיר הער ות חשובות עליו ולד" ר יובל שחר שהקדיש לי רבות מזמנו ושיתף אותי במידע על ממצאיו ומחקריו . כן אני חב תודה לרבים וטובים אחרים ובהם לד" ר סוזן ויינגרטן על העריכה הלשונית , הערותיה המחכימות ועצותיה המקצועיות , לגב ' נילי אופנהיימר על הפניות ביבליוגרפיות רבות וחשובות ולאשבל רצון , עמיתתי ללימודי דוקטורט וידידתי היקרה , שלא חסכה מזמנה כדי לתקן את שגיאותיי בעברית . תודתי נתונה גם לביה" ס למדעי היהדות ובפרט לשרה ורד על כל העזרה והסיוע שהיא העניקה לי . Contents Abbreviations ………………………………………………………………………………………iv Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………..……...1 I- The Jewish Christians’ move from Jerusalem as a pragmatic choice (68 CE) …………………………………………………………………………………. ... ...21 A- The sources ……………………………………………………………………………………...23 B- The choice of Pella ………..…………………………………………………………………..36 C- The date of the migration to Pella ………….……………………………………………..39 D- The material difficulties ……………….…………………………………………………….…47 E- Reconstruction ……..………….……………………………………………………………….…50 F- Scope and significance ………………………………………………………………………..54 G- Appendix of references to the ‘Flight to Pella’ …...……...…………………………..……56 II- The Jewish Christians’ relationship to Jerusalem and the Temple following the Jewish War: .…………... ………………………………………………………...……...…..…60 A- Was there a Jewish Christian community in Jerusalem after 70 CE? . ............... 60 1ThelikelihoodofaJewishciviliansettlementinJerusalemafter70CE ……………..61 2ThereturnoftheJewishChristianChurchtoJerusalemaftertheJewishWar ……...64 a-ThesourceswhichrefertoaChristianpresenceinJerusalemafter70CE…………. ...64 bThecircumstancesof thereturnoftheJewishChristianstoJerusalem.…………………69 B- The Jewish Christians’ attachment to the Temple …………………………………...73 1JewishpilgrimagestotheTempleMountafter 70CE. ……………………………………..…73 2Theissue ofthestele ofJames ………………………………………………………………..75 a-Hegesippus ………………...………………………………………………………………………………………………….…75 bThe sitzimleben ofthetradition ……………………………………………………………….. 79 -Thegistofthenarrative ………………………………………………………………………………..... 79 -Thedatingofthetradition ……………………………………………………………….…... 80 -Thecommunitywithinwhichthetraditionoriginated …..…………………………...82 c-The Nazoraeans andtheTemple ……………………………………………………………...96 dThelocationofthesteleofJames …………………………………………………………..104 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………….…112 III The Jewish Christians and the Jewish Tax: ………………………………115 A- The Jewish tax under the reigns of Vespasian and Titus …………………………116 B- The administration of the Fiscus Iudaicus under Domitian …………………...…124 C- The reform of Nerva ………………………………………………………………………...131 א א IV Jews, Jewish Christians and Samaritans: perceptions of the other and of the self ……………………………………………………………………………….....142 A- Jews and Jewish Christians: a rapprochement with the Samaritans in the post-destruction period? ……………………………………………………………………………………143 1SamaritanismatthestartoftheCommonEra:a briefoverview ……………………………….. 143 2 The embitteredstate of relations betweenJews andSamaritans inthe first century CE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…148 a-Evidence fordeepand mutualhostility ……………………………………………………148 bSomenuancesandexceptions ………………………………………………………………157 3 The improvement in JewishSamaritan relations after the destruction of the JerusalemTemple ……………………………………………………………………………….…166 a-HeterogeneousevidenceforaJewishSamaritanrapprochement: ………………..…166 -Theearly Tannaim andtheSamaritans ……………………………………………166 -The ParaleipomenaJeremiou ………………………………………………………172 -Contacts betweenthefirstChristiansandtheSamaritans ……………………..176 bThe basisforthishistoricalevolution ………………...……………………………………190 B- Samaritan otherness in the internal Jewish debate ….………………………………..194 1 The status of the Samaritans: a most pressing issue in secondcentury Jewish circles ………………………………………………………………………………………………..194 2 JewishChristiancontroversies over the Samaritans as part of the general Jewish debate ………………………………………………………………………………………………...202 Preliminaryremarks ………………………………………………………………………………202 a-Matthew ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…206 bLuke ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…211 -Luke9:51-56 …………………………………………………………………………...212 -Luke10:2537 …………………………………………………………………………214 -Luke17:1119 …………………………………………………………………………218 -TheBookofActs …………………………………………………………………………223 c-John4:4-42 ……………………………………………………………………………………...227 dHegesippusandthe PseudoClementine Recognitions …………………………………230 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………….…240 V- The Jewish Christians in the storm of the Bar-Kokhba revolt ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..243 A- The sources: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…245 1Justin ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………245 2Eusebius ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...…247 3TheApocalypseofPeter ……………………………………………………………………...249 4Furtheraccounts ………………………………………………………………………………..255 B- The persecution of the Christians: a brutal and unexpected outburst………259 1 Preliminary consideration: who were the Christians affected by Bar-Kokhba’s rule? .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………259 2TheChristians andBar-Kokhbaasmessiah ……………………………………………..266 3TheChristians andtheobjectivesoftherevolt …………………………………………..274 ב ב 4Therebelauthoritiesfacinginternalopposition …………………………………………281 C-…or the culmination of a long process? ………………………………………………287 1Bar-Kokhbaandthe rabbis : …………………………………………………………………288 2The policyoftherabbistowards theJewishChristians beforethe revolt…………294 a-Limitationsonsocial contact: ……………………………………………………………...295 bThe booksofthe Minim ………………………………………………………………………298 c-Themotivesforthis policy: …………………………………………………………………302 3The influence of the rabbis on the harassment of the Christians, with special emphasison Birkat haMinim : …………………………………………………………………307 a-The Eighteen Benedictions ……………………………………………………………………307 b Birkat haMinim …………………………………………………………………………………310 - BirkathaMinim andtheChristians …………………………………………………310 -BarKokhba’sactions inthelightof Birkat haMinim ……………………….…316 .The"Kingdomof Arrogance" ……………………………………………...316 .The Meshumadim ……………………………………………………………..318 .The Minim andthe Notsrim …………………………………………………………..325 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………….…329 Summary and Conclusions …...………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….332 Bibliography ………….. .…………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………346 Abstract in English …………….………………………………………………………………………………...…372 Abstract in Hebrew ……………………………………………………………………........386 ג ג Abbreviations: ACW AncientChristianwriters AGJU: Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristientum AJ Josephus,JewishAntiquities AJSR: AssociationforJewishStudiesReview AJT: AmericanJournalofTheology AnnalesHSS: Annales.Histoire,Sciencessociales ANRW: AufstiegundNiedergangderrömischenWelt BA: BiblicalArchaeologist BAR BiblicalArchaeologyReview BASOR: BulletinoftheAmericanSchoolsofOrientalResearch BCE BeforetheCommonEra BJ Josephus,JewishWar BJRL: BulletinoftheJohnRylandsLibrary BT BabylonianTalmud BW BiblicalWorld BZNW BeiheftezurZeitschriftfürdieneutestamentliche Wissenschaft CBQ: CatholicBiblicalQuarterly CCSL: CorpusChristianorumSeriesLatinae CE CommonEra CGTC CambridgeGreekTestamentCommentary CPJ CorpusPapyrorumJudaicarum CSEL CorpusScriptorumEcclesiasticorumLatinorum DJD: Discoveries intheJudaeanDesert EJ: EncyclopaediaJudaica ETL EphemeridesTheologicaeLovanienses EU: EncyclopaediaUniversalis FB: ForschungzurBibel FRLANT: Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments GCS DieGriechischenChristlichenSchriftstellerder erstenJahrhunderte HE Eusebius, HistoriaEcclesiastica HSS: HarvardSemiticseries HTR: HarvardTheologicalReview HUCA: HebrewUnionCollege Annual ICC InternationalCriticalCommentary IEJ: IsraelExplorationJournal JA: JournalAsiatique JBL: JournalofBiblicalLiterature JBR : JournalofBibleandReligion JDS: JewishDesertStudies JE: JewishEncyclopaedia JEA: JournalofEgyptianArchaeology JECS: JournalofEarlyChristianStudies JEH: JournalofEcclesiastical History JGRChJ: JournalofGrecoRomanChristianityandJudaism JJS: JournalofJewishStudies ד ד JQR: JewishQuarterlyReview JRS: JournalofRomanStudies JSIJ: JewishStudies,anInternetJournal JSJ: JournalfortheStudyofJudaism JSNT : JournalfortheStudyofthe NewTestament JSOT JournalforthestudyoftheOldTestament JSS: JournalofSemiticStudies JT Jerusalem(Palestinian) Talmud JTS: JournalofTheologicalStudies KJV KingJames Version M: Mishnah MB: MitteilungenundBeiträge NASV: NewAmericanStandardVersion NICNT: NewInternationalCommentaryonthe NewTestament NRSV: NewRevisedStandardVersion NT: NovumTestamentum NTOA Novumtestamentumetorbisantiquus NTS: NewTestamentStudies PEQ: PalestinianExplorationQuarterly PG : Migne,Patrologia,SeriesGraeca PL : Migne,Patrologia,SeriesLatina PNTC: Pillar NewTestamentCommentary PThMS: PittsburghTheological MonographsSeries RB: RevueBiblique Rec .: PseudoClementineRecognitions REJ: RevuedesÉtudesJuives RevSR: Revuedessciencesreligieuses

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