LATEST OFFICIAL LIS RAoIo BROADCASTING STATIONS, FREQUENCY MODULATION WORLE -WIDE SHORT -WAVE PROGRAM SCHEDULES JANUARY 1941 ISSUE 'TELEVISION STATIONS POLICE CALLS C NOW PUBLISHED MONTHLY Announcement Due to the many changes in Radio Station and Program Information and to the increasing number of New Stations that are coming on the air each month, we have found it necessary and are pleased to announce that beginning with this issue White's Radio Log will be published monthly. As this publication is issued primarily as a medium for quick reference no advertising is accepted for the inside pages. Due to the increased cost of publishing and to the restricted amount of revenue received from advertising the price per copy is now 15 instead of I 0 cents. We hope and believe that increased sales during the next few months will enable us to either reduce the price or add to the size of this publication. We would leave it up to you, the reader, to decide. The subscription rate is now one dollar per year- 2 years, dollar fifty. Best Wishes to you All for a Happy and Prosperous Nr.w Year. C. DeWITT WHITE CO. Bronxville, N. Y., ?u6lishers Vol. 18 Keep "Up -to- Date" on Radio Broadcasting Stations No. 1 WHITE'S RADIO LOG Published monthly by C. DeWitt White Co., P. 0. Box 142, Bronxville, N. Y. Charles D'W. White, Proprietor. 15 cents per copy, $1.00 per year 1 JANUARY, 1941 ISSUE Entered as second -class matter May 21, 1936, at the Post Office at Bronxville, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. C. DeWITT WHITE CO., Publishers P. O. Box 142, Bronaville, N. Y. COPYRIGHT 1940 BY C. DeWITT WHITE CO. Absolute accuracy of Station and Program information listed in this publication is not guaranteed, although the publishers have applied their best ende ors in compiling same. Contents of this booklet fully covered by U. S. copyright. Any person who wilfully or for profit shall infringe any part thereof will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 15c Per Copy at News Stands Yearly Subscription $1.00 Two Years' Subscription $1.50 Printed in U. S. A. UNITED STATES BROADCASTING STATIONS ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY CALL LETTERS Abbreviations: C. P., construction permit; S.W., thousand watts; M., thousand; W.L., wave length in meters; S.C., frequency in kilocycles; W.P., watt power of station. Watt Power listed is that used in Evening Broadcasting CallLet'rs W.L. K.C. W.P. CallLet'rs W.L. K.C. W.P. KABC San Antonlo,Texas 211.1 -1420- 260 KFBI Wichita,Kansas 234.2 -1050- 5000 KABR Aberdeen, S. D. 215.7 -1390- 5000 KFBK Sacramento,Calif. 201.2- 1490 -10000 KADA Ada,Okla. 249.9 -1200- 250 KFDA Amarilla, Texas 249.9-1200- 250 KALB Alexandria,La. 247.8 -1210- 250 KFDM Beaumont,Texas 535.4- 560- 1000 KALE Portland,Oregon 230.6 -1300- 1000 KFDY Brookings,S.D. 384.4- 780- 1000 KAND Corsicana,Texas _ 228.9 -1310- 100 KFEL Denver,Colo. 325.9- 920- 1000 HANS Wichita,Kans. 247.8 -1210- 250 KFEQ St.Joseph,Mo. 440.1- 680- 500 KARS Little Rock,Ark. 336.9- 890- 5000 KFGQ Boone,Iowa 218.8 -1370- 100 HARM Fresno,Calif. 228.9 -1310- 250 KFH Wichita, Kane. 230.6 -1300- 5000 RASA Elk City,Okla. 247.8 -1210- 100 KFI Los Angeles,Calif. 468.5- 640 -50000 KAST Astorio,Ore. 249.9 -1200- 250 KFIO Spokane,Wash. 267.7 -1120- 100 KATE Albert Lea,Minn. 211.1 -1420- 250 KFIZ Fond du lac,Wls. 211.1 -1420- 100 KAWM Gallup,N.Mex. 199.9 -1500- 100 KFJB Marshalltown,Ia. 249.9 -1200- 250 KBIX Muskogee,Okla. ._ 199.9 -1500- 100 KFJI Klamath Falls,Ore. 247.8 -1210- 100 KBKR Baker Ore. 199.9 -1600- 250 KFJM Grand Forks,N.D. 212.6 -1410- 500 KBND Bend,Ore. 228.9 -1310- 250 KFJZ Ft.Worth,Texae 241.8 -1240- 1000 KBPS Portland,Oregon 211.1 -1420- 100 KFKA Greeley, Colo 340.7- 880- 1000 KBST Big Spring,Texas 199.9 -1500- 100 KFKU Law-ence,Kans. 245.8 -1220- 1000 KBTM Jonesboro,Ark. 249.9 -1200- 100 KFNF Shenandoah,Iowa 336.9- 890- 500 KCKN Kansas City,Kans. 228.9 -1310- 250 KFOR Lincoln,Nebr. 247.8 -1210- 250 KCMC Texarkana,Ark. 211.1 -1420- 2=0 KFOX Long Beach,Calif. 239.9 -1250- 1000 KCMO Kansas City,Mo. 206.8 -1450- 1000 KFPL Dublin,Texas 228.9 -1310- 100 KCRC Enid,Okla. 220.4 -1360- 250 KFPW Fort Smth,Ark. 218.8 -1370- 250 KCRJ Jerome,Ariz. 228.9 -1310- 250 KFPY Spokane,Wash. 336.9- 890- 5000 KDAL Duluth,Minn. 199.9 -1500- 250 KFQD Anchorage,Alaska 384.4- 780- 250 4 KDB Santa Barbara, Calif 199.9 -1500- 250 KFRC San Francisco,Calif. 491.5- 610- 5000 KDFN Casper,Wyoming 208.2 -1440- 500 KFRO Longvfew,Texas 223.7 -1340- 1000 KDKA Pittsburgh,Pa. 305.9- 980 -50000 KFRU Columbia, Mo. 218.8 -1370- 250 KDLR Devils Lake,N.D. 247.8 -1210- 250 KFSD San Diego,Cal. 499.7- 600- 5000 KDNT Denton,Texas 211.1 -1420- 100 KF2G Los Angeles,Callf. 267.7-1120- 1000 R KDON Monterey,Calif. 247.8 -1210- 100 KFUN Las Vegas,Nev. (C.P.) 211.1 -1420- 250 KDRO Sedalia,Mo. 199.9 -1500- 250 KFUO Clayton,Mo. 361.2- 830- 1000 KDTH Dubuque,Iowa (C.P.) 223.7 -1340- 1000 KFVD Los Angeles,Calif. 229.8 -1000- 1000 KDYL Salt Lake City,Utah 232.4 -1290- 1000 KFVS Cape Girardeau, Mo. 218.8 -1370- 250 KECA Los Angeles,Calif. 384.4- 780- 1000 KFWB Los Angeles,Calif. 315.6- 950- 5000 KELA Centralia,Wash. 208.2 -1440- 1000 KFXD Nampa, Ida. 249.9 -1200- 250 KELD El Dorado,A -k. 218.8 -1370- 250 KFXJ Grand Junctfon,Colo. 249.9 -1200- 250 KFXM San Bernardino,Calif. 247.8 -1210- 250 KELO S:oux Falls.S.D. 249.9 -1200- 250 250 KENO Las Vegas,Nev. (C.P.) 218.8 -1370- 250 KFYO Lubbock, Texas 228.9 -1310- KERN Bakerslield,Calif. 217.3 -1380- 1000 KFYR Bismarck,N.D. 545.1- 550- 1000 Price,Utah 211.1 -1420- 250 KGA Spokane,Wash. 204.0 -1470- 5000 KEUB KGB San Diego, Calif. 225.4 -1330- 1000 KEVR Seattle, Wash. 218.8 -1370- 100 500 KEX Portland,Ore. 258.5 -1160- 5000 Kr BTJ Ketchikan,Alaska 333.1- 900- 770 -10000 KGBX Springfield, Mo. 243.8 -1230- 5000 KFAB Lincoln,Nebr. 389.4- -1240- 250 KFAC Los Angeles,Calif.. 230.6 -1300- 1000 KGCU Mandan, D. 241.9 Wolf Point,Mont. 206.8 -1450- 1000 KFAM St.Cloud,Mlnn. 211.1 -1420- 250 KGCX 100 KFAR Fairbanks,Alaska 491.5- 610- 1000 KGDE Fergus Falls,Minn. 249.9 -1200- 1000 KGDM Stockton,Calif. 272.6 -1100- 1000 KFBB Great Falls.Mont. 234.2 -1280- 249.9 -1200- 100 KFBC Cheyenne, Wyo. (C.P.) 211.1 -1420- 100 KGEK Sterling,Colo. 2 CallLet'rs W.L. K.C. W.P. CallLet'rs W.L. A.C. W.P KGER Long Beach,Calif. 220.4 -1360- 1000 KODL The Dalles, Ore. (C.P.) 249.9 -1200- 100 KGEZ Kalispell,Mont. ..228.9 -1310- 100 KOH Reno,Nev. 475.9- 630- 1000 KGFF Shawnee,Okla. 211.1 -1420- 250 KOIL Omaha,Nebr. 238.0 -1260- 1000 KGFI Brownsville,Texas 199.9 -1500- 100 KOIN Portland,Ore. 319.0- 940- 6000 KGFJ Los Angeles,Calif. 249.9 -1200- 100 KOKO La Junta,Colo. 218.8 -1370- 100 KGFL Roswell,N.M. 218.8 -1370- 100 KOL Seattle,Wash. 236.1 -1270- 1000 KGFW Kearney,Nebr. 228.9 -1310- 250 KOMA Oklahoma City,Okla. 202.6 -1480- 5000 KGFX Pierce,S.D. 475.9- 630- 200 HOME Tulsa,Okla. 228.9 -1310- 250 KGGF Coffeyville,Kans. 296.9 -1010- 1000 KOMO Seattle,Wash. 325.9- 920- 1000 KGGM Albuquerque,N.M. 243.8 -1230- 1000 KONB Omaha, Nebr. (C.P.) 199.9 -1500- 250 KGHF Pueblo,Colo. 227.1 -1320- 500 KONO San Antonio,Tex. 218.8 -1370- 250 + KGHI Little Rock,Ark. 249.9 -1200- 250 KOOS Marshfield,Ore. 249.9 -1200- 250 KGHL Billings,Mont ........_._...._......384.4 - 780- 1000 KORB Eugene,Ore. 211.1 -1420- 250 KGIR Butte,Mont. 223.7 -1340- 5000 KORN Fremont,Nebr. 218.8 -1370- 250 KGIW Alamosa,Colo. 211.1 -1420- 100 KOTN Pine Bluff,Ark. 199.9 -1500- 250 KGKL San Angelo,Texas 218.8 -1370- 250 KOVC Valley City,N.D. 199.9 -1500- 250 KGKO Ft.Worth,Texas 526.0- 570- 1000 KOVO Provo,Utah 247.8 -1210- 250 KGKY Scottsbluff,Nebr. 199.9 -1500- 250 KOWH Omaha,Nebr. 454.3- 660- 500 KGLO Mason City,Iowa 236.1 -1270- 1000 KOY Phoenix,Ariz. 545.1- 550 -' 1000 KGLU Safford,Ariz. 211.1 -1420- 250 KPAB Laredo,Texas 199.9 -1500- 250 KGMB Honolulu,Hawaii 508.2- 590- 5000 KPAC Port Arthur,Texas 245.8 -1220- 500 KGNC Amarillo,Tex. 212.6 -1410- 1000 KPDN Pampa,Texas 228.9 -1310- 100 ff KGNF North Platte,Nebr. 209.7 -1430- 1000 KPFA Helena,Mont. 247.8 -1210- 250 KGNO Dodge City,Kans. 223.7 -1340- 250 KPHO Phoenix,Ariz. 249.9 -1200- 250 AGO San Francisco,Calif. 379.5- 790- 7500 KPLC Lake Charles,La. 199.9 -1500- 250 KGU Honolulu,Hawaii 399.8- 750- 2500 KPLT Paris,Texas 199.9 -1500- 250 KGVO Missoula,Mont. 238.0-1260- 1000 KPMC Bakersfield,Calif. 193.5 -1550- 1000 KGW Portland,Ore.
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