No. 678,559. Patented July 16, 1901. W. GRUNOW, A. CURRENT COLLECTOR OR TROLLEY FOR ELECTRIC RALWAYS. (Application filed Apr. 32, 190.) (No Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet . Witv.cscs 41?uc---to (2.a.z/ 22-ca. lar 33 4-y M.(?ea-Stov vic sh O2, 2 C4---uo 9 arg ----- No. 678,559. Patented July 16, 1901. W. GRUNOW, R. cuRRENT COLLECTOR OR TROLLEY FOR ELECTRIC RALWAYS. (Application filed Apr. 22, 190l.) (No Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet 2. 34tuc-vuto Sh The NCRRS PETeRS Co., PHOTO-L-ko. YWASHMGTON, d. C. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM GRUNOW, JR., OF BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT, ASSIGNOR TO McELROY-GRUNOW ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM, OF SAME PLACE. CURRENT a CO LECTOR OR TRO LEY FOR ELECTRIC RAWAYS SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters eatent No. 678,559, dated July 16, 1901. Application filed April 22, 1901, Serial No. 56,994, (No model.) So all tufion it may concer'7. 3 is a detail sectional view of a part of the Beit known that I, WILLIAM GRUNOW, Jr., platform of a car and that part of the appa a citizen of the United States, residing at ratus carried immediately thereby, said view Bridgeport, county of Fairfield, and State of being similar in all respects to the correspond 5 Connecticut, have made a new and useful In ing part shown on the extreme right of Fig. 55 vention in Current-Collectors or Trolleys for 1, but illustrating the location of the appa Electric Railways, of which the following is ratus in a different position. Fig. 4 is a de a specification. tail sectional view taken on the broken line My invention is directed particularly to im BB, Fig. 1, and as seen looking thereat from IO provements in current-collectors or trolleys right to left in the direction of the arrows, for use in connection with sectional third the Supporting-frame of the apparatus and rail systems of electric railways; and it has the operating-link therefor not being shown for its objects, first, to devise such a current in this view. Fig. 5 is a plan view of two in Collector or trolley as will maintain electrical tersecting or merging lines of railways pro contact with the rails or contacting conductor vided each with an electrical sectional third under all conditions of usage; second, to de rail system of rails, said lines and rails run vise a current-collector or trolley adapted ning into each other at an acute angle, this particularly for use with systems of electric figure of the drawings being on a diminished railways where tracks cross or merge into scale as compared with the other figures for 2C) each other at acute angles and in which the the purpose of illustrating the especial ap adjoining ends of the two sets of sectional plication of my novel form of compound cur third rails are therefore necessarily separated rent-collector or trolley. from each other by considerable spaces, for In many third-rail systems of electric rail this reason necessitating at such points the ways in which the sectional third rails or con use of an abnormally long current-collector ductors are automatically connected to and or shoe, and, third, to provide a current-col disconnected from the currentfeeder or main lector or trolley in the nature of a shoe with by electromagnetic switching devices and in means intermediate its ends for effecting the which the closure of Said circuits is effected removal of any obstruction which may pass by a continuous flow of current through 30 between it and the rail, no matter in which the switching-electromagnets in sequence as direction the shoe may be moving. a car passes thereover it is absolutely neces My invention will be fully understood by sary that the current be not disrupted be referring to the accompanying drawings, in tween the current-collector or shoe and the which-- third rails in passing from one to another 35 Figure I is a longitudinal sectional view this for the reason that any rupture of the thereof, taken through Fig. 2 on the line AA circuit at this point demagnetizes the switch and as seen looking thereat from the bottom ing-magnets, and consequently permanently toward the top of the drawings in the direc ruptures the circuit, thereby “losing,” so to tion of the arrows, the essential parts of the speak, the working current to the motor on 90 40 device being shown in elevational view. Fig. board the car. 1* is a plan view of that part of the trolley In the construction of third-rail systems of shoe which normally rests upon the third rails electric railways where two lines of rails cross when in operation under ordinary conditions each other or where a second line of rails of usage and as seen looking at Fig. 1 from merges into a main line at a very acute angle 95 45 the bottom toward the top of the drawings, it is necessary in order to properly preserve all of the other parts of the structure being the insulation to separate the ends of the omitted. Fig. 2 is a plan view of the inven lines of third rails from each other by con tion as seen looking at Fig. 1 from the top siderable distances, dependent upon the an toward the bottom of the drawings, the car gle at which the two lines of tram-rails inter- Ioo So Wheels, axles, platform, and adjacent parts, sect. It is therefore found that this space however, not being shown in this view. Fig. cannot be properly bridged by an ordinary 2 678,559 form of current-collector or trolley-shoe, and nected in turn to the opposite ends of a sec it was with this especial object in view that ond cross-pin adapted to move in slots n in the present invention was devised. I have the central duplex trolley-shoe SS, the other also found that with well-known forms of arms of the aforesaid bell-crank levers being sliding trolley-shoes or current-collectors the connected by wooden or other insulating circuit is often interrupted between the trol links h. h. to additional bell-crank levers g g, ley-shoe and the third rail by the presence pivoted below the platforms C C at the Oppo of an obstruction upon the rail. For the pur site ends of the car, the second arms of Said 75 pose of overcoming this objectionable fea bell-crank levers g g being connected each to O ture I have so constructed my novel form of an operating-treadlet, adapted to move ver sliding trolley-shoe that when any such ob tically through a sleeve secured in the plat ject passes between the shoe and the rail it form and accessible to the motorman. will be ejected at some point intermediate 2 is a locking-catch, and p a locking-pin, the ends of the shoe, and this without effect the function of which parts will be described ing any actual rupture of the circuit. later on. For a full and clear understanding of the O O, Fig. 1, are inclined notches cut in the invention, such as will enable others skilled under faces of the duplex trolley-shoess S, in the art to construct and use the same, ref in the manner shown, said notches constitut erence is now had to the drawings in detail, ing means for the purpose of effecting the and first to Figs. 1 to 4, inclusive, in which ejection or removal of any obstruction-Such at uy represent the wheels of a tram-car, as a nail, small stone, or the like-which and a a the axles thereof, f f being the side might pass under the ends of either of the bars of a trolley-supporting frame secured trolley-shoes, no matter in which direction to the axles a Cl, as shown, and e e support the same might be moving, said notches be ing cross bars or rods firmly secured at their ing so constructed, as will be apparent, as to opposite ends to the side bars ff. throw the obstruction out sidewise when it b b constitute the direct supports of the reaches the middle of the shoe by reason of trolley-shoe, said supports being secured at the angular nature thereof. 95 their opposite ends by bolts and caps, as Referring now to Fig. 5, 22 22 represent 3O shown, in such manner as to grip them di two lines of tram-rails intersecting (or merg rectly to insulating-sleeves i around the ing into) each other at an acute angle, and CrOSS-bars e. 1 r * r the sectional third rails of the two SS represent the two parts of a duplex trol systems, said sectional third rails being pref Ido ley-shoe having each upwardly - extending erably of the twin-rail type, as illustrated in 35 arms provided with slots in in n, adapted to cross-section in Fig. 4, and insulated at their receive guiding Supporting-pins in n, secured ends from each other by blocks of insulating in the lower ends of lugs or extensions at the material 11 1 1. It will be seen that where ends of the supports b b. these lines of tram-rails intersect each other d is a long bar bent at two points above there is a comparatively long space, as shown the ends of the shoes SS, as shown in Fig. 1, by the paving-stones at 33, between the sec and provided with bolts at its opposite tional third rails r, so that a current-col ends, supporting additional pairs of trolley lector or shoe of the ordinary length would shoes s' s' in alinement with the shoess S, not bridge the space indicated.
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