Profile Uses and Administration Adverse Effects and Precautions

Profile Uses and Administration Adverse Effects and Precautions

618 Antihistamines 2. Paton DM, Webster DR. Clinical pharmacokinetics of H1-receptor Uses and Administration antagonists (the antihistamines). Clin Pharmacokinet 1985; 10: 477-97. Brompheniramine maleate, an alkylamine derivative, is a sedating antihistamine with antimuscarinic and moderate Preparations .......... ... .. ......... sedative actions. ProprietaryPreparations (details are given in Volume B) Brompheniramine is a racemic mixture; dexbromphe­ niramine, the dextrorotatory isomer, has about twice the Single-ingredient Preparations. Fr.: Dimegan; Gr.: Dimetane; activity of brompheniramine by weight. Brompheniramine Hong Kong: Bromitont; Malaysia: Bomex; Singapore: Bomex; maleate and dexbrompheniramine maleate are used for the Thai.: Babycoldt; Bomine; Bromma; Bromphen; Bromsin; symptomatic relief of allergic conditions, mainly rhinitis Dimetanet; Probrom; USA: Alahist IR; Bidhistt; J-Tan; Lodrane (p. 612.1) and conjunctivitis (p. 611.1). They are common 12t; Lodrane 24t; Oraminic II; P-Text. Pharmacopoeias. In US. ingredients of compound preparations for the symptomatic Multi-ingredient Preparations. Arg.: Factus; Austral.: Dirnetapp 611.2). USP 36: (Bromodiphenhydramine Hydrochloride). A white treatment of coughs and the common cold (p. DM; Dimetapp; Braz.: Bialerge; Decongex Plus; Dimetapp; to pale buff-coloured, crystalline powder having no more Bromphenirarnine tannate has been used similarly. Winter AP; Canad.: Cold And Allergy Liquidt; Cold Syrup; Brompheniramine maleate than a faint odour. Soluble in less than of water, in 2 of is given in usual oral doses of Dimetane Expectorant C; Dimetane Expectorant DC; Dimetapp alcohol and of chloroform, I in 3500 of ether,I and 1 Iin 31 of 4 mg every four to six hours. It has also been given by Chewables for Kids; Dirnetapp Coldt; Dimetapp DM Cough & Cold; Dimetapp·C; Dimetapp; DM Cough and Cold; Drixoral isopropyl alcohol; insolubleI in petroleum spirit. Store in subcutaneous, intramuscular, or slow intravenous injec­ Day/Nightt; Drixoral; Drixtabt; Extra Strength Cold Syrup: airtight containers. tion. Dexbrompheniramine maleate is normally given as an Extra Strength DM Cough and Cold; Oral Infant Cold Dropst; (�'i'); (il'PTJl!t); (!J;Pf'l(); ingredient of decongestant preparations containing pseudo­ China: Coleta! Neosed Rhinobol Cz. : Profile ephedrine. The dose of dexbrompheniramine maleate in Disophrol; Gr.: Dimetapp New; Dimetapp; Disofrin; Hong Kong: Arnericat; B.P.P.t; BPP Cough Syrupt; Brorn-PP; Brom­ these oral combinations is 6 mg no more than twice daily. Bromazine hydrochloride, a monoethanolamine derivative, Ramine Compound; Bromphenext; DF Multi-Symptomt; Modified-release oral preparations of brompheniramine is a sedating antihistamine (p. 610.1) with antimuscarinic Dimeta-2; Dimetapp; Drixoralt; Eascold; Eurotapp; Fastolint; and marked sedative actions. It has been used in maleate or dexbrompheniramine maleate are available in Fludanet; Futalint; Futarat; Mecostopt; Unihist; Vidatapp combination preparations for the symptomatic treatment some countries; dosage is specific to a particular Fortet; Vidatappt; Indon.: Alco Plus DMP; Alco Plus; Drixoral; of coughs and the common cold. formulation. Irl. : Dimotane Cot; Tlvico; Malaysia: Rinafort; Unihist; Mex.: For dosage in children, see below. Afrinext; Cripofen; Dimetapp; Sedalmerck Flu; NZ: Dimetapp DM Cold & Cough; Dimetapp; Philipp.: Bromitapp; Dimerrin; Administration in children. Brompheniramine maleate Dimetapp; DMT; Hisdec; Nasatapp; Nosterot; Pediatapp; Pen­ ProprietaryPreparations (details are given in Volume B) may be given orally to children, for the symptomatic relief brosol; PPB; Remedril; Rhinodec; Rhinotapp; Snizee; Solvamin; of allergic conditions such as rhinitis and conjunctivitis; Zeditapp; Pol.: Disophrolt; NeoAfrin; Port.: Constipalt; Ilvico Multi-ingredient Preparations. USA: Ambenyl Cough Syrupt; doses are as follows: N; S.Afr. : Dimetappt; Ilvicot; Singapore: Dimetapp; Rinafort; Amgenal Caught; Bromotuss with Codeinet. • children aged 2 to 6 years: mg every four to six hours Spain: Disofrol; Ilvico; Swed.: Disofrolt; Switz.: Disofrolt; Aorinyl; Asiatapp; Bepeno-G; Bepeno; Bluco; Broma� • those aged 6 to 12 years: 2 mgI every four to six hours Thai.: PharmacopoeialPreparations those aged over 12 years: 4 mg every four to six hours vont; Bromceryl; Bromesep Elixir; Bromesep Expectorant; Bro­ USP 36: Bromodiphenhydramine Hydrochloride and Codeine • Bromphenirarnine maleate is a common ingredient of mesep Syrup; Bromiphed; Bromlamine; Bromped; Bromsuno; Phosphate Oral Solution; Bromodiphenhydramine Hydro­ compound preparations for the symptomatic treatment of Bromtussia DCt; Bromtussia; Brontus; Centapp; Chintacold; chloride Elixir. Cold-tab; Coldate; Cotapp Expectorant; Cotapp; Daminate; coughs and the common cold. However, such preparations Decon; Dimetapp; Ditap; Leffrin; Meditapp Expectorantt; Medi­ should be used with caution in children, and generally tapp; MEXY; Minra; Nartap; Nased; Nasorest Expectorant; 614.1. avoided in young children, for details see p. Nasorest; Nasotane; Nasotapp; Pharcold; Pharfed; Phemine; Brompheniramine Maleate Polamine; Polydine; Polydrop; Postap Expectorantt; Postapt; (BANM, r/NNM) Adverse Effects and Precautions Rhinadinet; Sinufen; St Luke's Cold; Topamine; Unihist; Turk.: · Disophrol; UK: Dimotane Co; Dimotane Expectorant; USA: 12 As for the sedating antihistamines in general, p. 613.1 and !lromfeniramin Male'lt: Bromf�nirarnina,.. ·· miJI�at; Hour Antihistamine Nasal Decongestant; 12 Hour Cold; Accuh­ de! 613.3, 8(6mfeqirim1in,maleat; Bromfen.lramil'lm�lea):;•. f1rornf�nira· p. respectively. ist DM Pediatric; Accuhist PDXt; Alacol DMt; Alahist DM; o mlrrma!<li.nat; .. B f iramin . mal�at : . .Bto!Ji ife olramiini" Allent; Anaplex DM; Anaplex HDt; B-Vex PD; Balacall DM; BP n Breast feeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics1 ma�qa;ti; Bromphenirarnine;rorn e Maleate as New Allergy DMt; BPM PE DM; Brofed; Brohist D; Brom/PE/ �e; · Sromph;;niramini states that, although usually compatible with breast feed­ M<!leas; 8rompl\eqirami!)tni)iE:at;. Maleato de btqmf�nirarnic DM; Bromadine-DM; Bromaline DMt; Bromalinet; Bromarest ing, preparations used by breast-feeding mothers which DX; Bromatan-DMt; Bromatane DX; Bromdex D; Bromfed­ r:ta: Para�o!Jid)tlamine N\al�<.lte: . 5PoM¢'ef:IV1Pa��Ha , contain dexbrompheniramine maleate with pseudoephe· DM; Bromfed-PD; Bromfed; Bromhist PDXt; Bromhist PDX; Man;;<�tr (±:)'c3,(4·Bromqpher;yl)-NN-�imethyl;3·(2-py�id)tl)p qpyl!l' drine have resulted in crying, irritability, and poor sleep Bromhist-DMt; Bromhist-NRt; Bromhistt; Bromphen DX . ·. · ·· • · · ·· min<;> maleate, .•.. · · · · • hydrpgen . •. • ···· patterns in the infant. Cough; Brompheniramine Cough; Brompheniramine/Pseudo­ . · .. • ..•.•.· . ·•.• C16H,,BrN2,C.,H"0,1=435.3 . > . < 1. American Academy of Pediatrics. The transfer of drugs and other ephedrine DM; Brotapp DM; Brotapp; Brovex ADTt; BroveX LAS ,..,_. < chemicals into human milk. Pediatrics 2001; 108: 776-89. [Retired May CBt; BroveX CBXt; BroveX PB Ct: BroveX PB CXt; BroveX 86-22-6 (o romphenirqmine); 98()- 11-2 (bromphenir­ 2010] Correction. ibid.; 1029. Also available at: http://aappolicy. PB DMt; Brovex PBt; Brovex PDt; Brovex PEB DM; BroveX · aappublications. org/cgi content/full/ pediatrics% 3 b l 0 8/3/776 (accessed Arc BOJ I PEB; BroveX PSB DM; BroveX PSB; BroveX PSE DM; BroveX amirle:..,. maleaROtSAte}. •. 08104104) l<TC V<:f ·......:··Of?(k5AB61. PSE; C-Tan Dt; Carbodex DM; Cenhist; Childrens Dimaphen DM Cold & Cough; Coldec DM; Comtrex Acute Head Cold; Effects on the blood. Agranulocytosis in a 34-year-old Conex Cold & Allergyt; CPB WC; Cytuss-HC NRt; Dallergy Ut<l/r-:- IXA 7C9ZN03. alcoholic man was possibly associated with bromphenir­ Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. DMt; DEKA; Dexaphen-SA; Dicel CD; Dimetane DXt; Dime­ amine therapy. 1 tapp Childrens Cough & Cold; Dimetapp Cold & Fever; Dime­ Ph. Eur. 8: (Brompheniramine Maleate). A white or almost I. Hardin AS, Padilla F. Agranulocytosis during therapy with a tapp DM; Dimetapp Nighttime Flu; Dimetapp; Disobrom; Diso­ white, crystalline powder. Soluble in water; freely soluble in brompheniramine-medication. 1 Arkansas Med Soc 1978; 75: 206-8. phrol; DM/PSE/BPM; Dristan Allergy; Dristan Cold Maximum alcohol, in dichloromethane, and in methyl alcohol. A 1% Strength Multi-symptom Formula; Drixoral Cold & Allergy; solution in water has a pH of 4.0 to 5.0. Protect from light. Extrapyramidal disorders. Facial dyskinesias have been Drixoral Cold & Flu; Drixoral Plus; Drixoral; Drocon-CS; Enda­ USP 36: (Brompheniramine Maleate). A white, odourless, reportedu after use of antihistamines including brom­ Cof-AC; EndaCof·DHt; Endafed; Histacol DMt; Histussin HC; crystalline powder. Soluble in 5 of water, 1 in 15 of alcohol phenirarnine or dexbrompheniramine maleate. lofed; J-COF DHC; J-Tan D Hct; J-Tan Dt; Lodrane 12D; and of chloroform; slightly solubleI in ether and in benzene. I. Thach BT, et at. Oral facial dyskinesia associated with prolonged use of Lodrane D; Lodranet; LoHist PEB DM; LoHist PEB; LoHist PSB; antihistaminic decongestants. N Eng! 1 Med 1975; 293: 486-7 pH of a 1% solution in water is between 4.0 and 5.0. Store in LoHist-DM; M-End Max D; M·End PE; M-END WC; Mar-Co! (brompheniramine maleate, chlorpheniramine maleate, and phenind­ airtight containers. Protect from light. BP; Maximum Strength Dristan Cold; Mesehist WC; Myphe­ amine tartrate). tane DXt; Nalex AC; Neo DM; P-Hist DM; Panatuss DXP; PBM 2. Barone DA, Raniolo J. Facial dyskinesia

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