AN NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASA TN 0-7814 I- N75-1293 2 (NASA-TN-D-7814) THE EFFECT OF CANARD LEADING EDGE SWEEP AND DIHEDRAL ANGLE ON THE LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL AERODYNAMIC Unclas CHARACTERISTIC OF A CLOSE-COUPLED (NASA) 7 p HC $4.25 CSCL 01C H1/05 05495 THE EFFECT OF CANARD LEADING-EDGE SWEEP AND DIHEDRAL ANGLE ON THE LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A CLOSE-COUPLED CANARD-WING CONFIGURATION by Blair B. Gloss Z- Langley Research Center ' Hampton, Va. 23665 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION * WASHINGTON, D. C. * DECEMBER 1974 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. NASA TN D-7814 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date THE EFFECT OF CANARD LEADING-EDGE SWEEP December 1974 AND DIHEDRAL ANGLE ON THE LONGITUDINAL AND 6. Performing Organization Code LATERAL AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A -CLOSE-COUPLED CANARD-WING CONFIGURATION 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Blair B. Gloss L-9788 10. Work Unit No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 505-11-21-02 NASA Langley Research Center 11. Contract or Grant No. Hampton, Va. 23665 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Technical Note National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington, D.C. 20546 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract highly maneuver- A generalized wind-tunnel model, with canard and wing planforms typical of able aircraft, was tested in the Langley high-speed 7- by 10-foot tunnel at a Mach number of 0.30. The test was conducted in order to determine the effects of canard sweep and canard dihedral on canard-wing interference at high angles of attack. In general, the effect of canard sweep on lift is small up to an angle of attack of 160. How- results in an increase ever, for angles of attack greater than 160, an increase in the canard sweep in lift developed by the canard when the canard is above or in the wing chord plane. This increased lift results in a lift increase for the total configuration for the canard above the wing chord plane. For the canard in the wing chord plane, the increased canard lift is partially lost by increased interference on the wing. For the configurations with the canard in the wing chord plane, increasing the canard dihedral For the con- -18.60 to 18.60 increased the maximum lift coefficient of the configuration. angle from coefficient was figurations with the canard above the wing chord plane, the highest maximum lift developed when the canard had no dihedral. linear the configuration with the canards above the wing chord plane produced more In general, with the pitching-moment curves throughout the angle-of-attack range than did the configuration canard in the wing chord plane. The theoretical data would seem to indicate that, when in the pres- ence of each other, the canard and the wing generate vortex lift. For the canard in the wing chord plane, the effect of canard dihedral on the total C1P (partial derivative of rolling moment with respect to sideslip), for the configuration with the wing on, is small up to an angle of attack of approximately 80. From 80 to approximately 200, the effect of canard dihedral on the total Clp is as expected (the higher the dihedral angle, the more negative the Cl). However, above 220, the configuration with the highest canard dihedral becomes the most unstable. The instability could be associated with canard characteristics, wing interference characteristics, or the wing-alone characteristics. The canard-wing configuration, with a 600 swept canard, produced large unstable lateral-stability breaks. 17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s)) 18. Distribution Statement Canard wing Unclassified - Unlimited High angle of attack Canard dihedral Canard leading-edge sweep STAR Category 02 22. Price* 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages Unclassified Unclassified 68 $4.25 For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151 THE EFFECT OF CANARD LEADING-EDGE SWEEP AND DIHEDRAL ANGLE ON THE LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A CLOSE-COUPLED CANARD-WING CONFIGURATION By Blair B. Gloss Langley Research Center SUMMARY A generalized wind-tunnel model, with canard and wing planforms typical of highly maneuverable aircraft, was tested in the Langley high-speed 7- by 10-foot tunnel at a Mach number of 0.30. The test was conducted in order to determine the effects of canard sweep and canard dihedral on canard-wing interference at high angles of attack. In general, the effect of canard sweep on lift is small up to an angle of attack of 160 However, for angles of attack greater than 160, an increase in the canard sweep results in an increase in lift developed by the canard when the canard is above or in the wing chord plane. This increased lift results in a lift increase for the total configuration for the canard above the wing chord plane. For the canard in the wing chord plane, the increased canard lift is partially lost by increased interference on the wing. For the configurations with the canard in the wing chord plane, increasing the canard dihedral angle from -18.60 to 18.60 increased the maximum lift coefficient of the config- uration. For the configurations with the canard above the wing chord plane, the highest maximum lift coefficient was developed when the canard had no dihedral. In general, the configuration with the canards above the wing chord plane produced more linear pitching-moment curves throughout the angle-of-attack range than did the configuration with the canard in the wing chord plane. The theoretical data would seem to indicate that, when in the presence of each other, the canard and the wing generate vor- tex lift. For the canard in the wing chord plane, the effect of canard dihedral on the total Cl, (partial derivative of rolling moment with respect to sideslip), for the configuration with the wing on, is small .p to an angle of attack of approximately 80. From 80 to approximately 200, the effect of canard dihedral on the total C1P is as expected (the higher the dihedral angle, the more negative the Cg). However, above 220, the con- figuration with the highest canard dihedral becomes the most unstable. The instability could be associated with canard characteristics, wing interference characteristics, or the wing-alone characteristics. The canard-wing configuration, with a 600 swept canard, produced large unstable lateral-stability breaks. INTRODUCTION Past investigations (refs. 1 to 9) have indicated that the use of a canard on maneuvering-aircraft configurations can offer several attractive features, such as increased trimmed-lift capability (refs. 1 and 2) and reduced trimmed drag (refs. 3 and 4). In addition, the geometric characteristics of the close-coupled canard-wing configurations offer the potential for an improved longitudinal progression of cross-sectional area for operational configurations. This improved progression could result in reduced wave drag at low supersonic speeds. The canard not only is useful for longitudinal control, but it can also be used to provide direct lift and direct side-force control. In view of these potential benefits in maneuvering-aircraft technology offered by the canard configurations, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is con- ducting a study with a generalized wind-tunnel model which incorporates two balances. This model allows a separation of the canard and the wing contribution from the total forces and moments. The present investigation was conducted in the Langley high-speed 7- by 10-foot tunnel in order to determine the effect of canard leading-edge sweep and canard dihedral angle on canard-wing interference effects at high angles of attack. The tests were con- ducted at a Mach number of 0.30 for a Reynolds number of 1.56 x 106, based on a mean geometric chord , and at angles of attack from approximately -40 to 400 with -50, 00, and 50 sideslip. SYMBOLS The International System of Units, with the U.S. Customary Units presented in parentheses, is used for the physical quantities found in this paper. Measurements and calculations were made in U.S. Customary Units. The data presented in this report are referred to the stability-axis system, with the exception of the side-force and normal- force data, which are referred to the body-axis system. The moment reference point was taken to be at the fuselage station 59.14 cm (23.28 in.). A aspect ratio (2.5), b 2 /S b wing span, 50.8 cm (20 in.) 2 b C canard span, 34.50 cm (13.58 in.) CD drag coefficient, Drag qS Lift CL lift coefficient, qS Cy side-force coefficient, Side force qS moment C 1 rolling-moment coefficient, RollingqSb Cm pitching-moment coefficient, Pitching moment qSc Cn yawing-moment coefficient, Yawing moment qSb E wing mean geometric chord, 23.32 cm (9.18 in.) S- longitudinal distance from model nose to canard leading edge M free-stream Mach number q free-stream dynamic pressure, N/m 2 (lb/ft2 ) S reference area of wing with leading and trailing edges extended to plane of symmetry, 1032.26 cm 2 (160.00 in2 ) 2 2 S C canard area (exposed), 288.71 cm (44.75 in ) z vertical distance between the chord planes of the canard and wing, positive up a angle of attack, deg P angle of sideslip, deg AC leading-edge sweep angle of canard, deg Aw leading-edge sweep angle of wing, deg canard dihedral angle, positive tip up, deg 3 Subscripts: C load measured on canard balance M load measured on main balance p potential v vortex P partial derivative of the quantity subscripted with respect to , per deg DESCRIPTION OF MODEL A sketch of the general research model showing the canards and the wing studied is presented in figure 1.
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