THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY OF JACKSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING JACKSONVILLE CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 315 S. RAGSDALE TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2020 6:00 PM Randy Gorham, Mayor Rob Gowin, Mayor Pro-tem - District 4 Hubert Robinson - District 1 Jeff Smith – District 2 Tim McRae –District 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE US & TEXAS FLAGS 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS – A. PRESENTATION OF NEW JACKSONVILLE PROMOTIONAL VIDEO BY JAMES HUBBARD, PRESIDENT OF JEDCO B. EMPLOYER OF MONTH – CHRISTUS MOTHER FRANCES HOSPITAL- PRESENTED BY JAMES HUBBARD, PRESIDENT OF JEDCO C. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH – BRIAN GAY - PRESENTED BY MAYOR RANDY GORHAM 5. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 6. PUBLIC HEARING – HEAR AND RECEIVE PUBLIC INPUT ON ZONE CHANGE FROM “P” PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO “B” ONE AND TWO FAMILY AT 903 COLLEGE 7. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER WITH POSSIBLE ACTION AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A ZONE CHANGE AT 903 COLLEGE 8. CONSENT AGENDA - ITEMS UNDER CONSENT AGENDA REQUIRE LITTLE OR NO DELIBERATIONS BY COUNCIL. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA AUTHORIZES THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEES TO PROCEED WITH CONCLUSION OF EACH ITEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 10, 2019; JANUARY 6, 2019 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETINGS; AGENDA WORKSHOP JANUARY 9, 2020 B. APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A MAY ELECTION OF DISTRICTS TWO AND FOUR OF THE JACKSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL C. APPROVE A JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE AND JACKSONVILLE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT D. APPROVE A CONTRACT FOR ELECTION SERVICES WITH CHEROKEE COUNTY E. APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF JULIE ROWE (DISTRICT 1) TO THE KEEP JACKSONVILLE BEAUTIFUL BOARD 1 THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE January 14, 2020 Page 2 9. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER WITH POSSIBLE ACTION APPROVING PIPER JAFFRAY AS UNDERWRITER FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION 10. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER WITH POSSIBLE ACTION AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, TEXAS TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2020; LEVYING A TAX AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY AND PAYMENT THEREOF; AND ENACTION OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING THERETO 11. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER WITH POSSIBLE ACTION THE SELECTION OF A CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT RISK FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX 12. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER WITH POSSIBLE ACTION A REPLAT OF TWO LOTS AT 2502 BYRD ROAD, LAKE JACKSONVILLE CONCESSION AREA 13. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE MODIFYING SANITATION RATES TO REFLECT A CONTRACTUAL THREE PERCENT INCREASE BY REPUBLIC SERVICES 14. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER WITH POSSIBLE ACTION A WATER CONTRACT WITH GUM CREEK WATER SUPPLY 15. OPEN FORUM FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL 16. CITY MANAGER REPORT 17. ADJOURN Posted this the 10th day of January 2020. 2:00 PM CERTIFICATION I certify that this notice was posted at City Hall for public viewing on the date and time designated above. ______________________________ Greg Lowe, City Secretary All items on the agenda are for possible discussion and action. The Jacksonville City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071(Consultation with Attorneys); 55l.072 (Deliberations about Real Property); 55l.073 (Deliberations about gifts and donations); 55l.074 (Personnel Matters); 551.076(Deliberations about security devises); and 55I .087(Deliberations regarding economic development negotiations).The City of Jacksonville is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodation and equal access to communications will be provided to those who provide notice to the City Secretary at (903)586-0091 at least 48 hours in advance. 2 CLEAR Jacksonville City Council AGENDA ITEM REPORT AGENDA DATE: 1/14/2020 ITEM NUMBER: #6 & 7 DEPARTMENT: Development PREPARED BY: Jody Watson INITIATED BY: Planning and Zoning EXHIBITS: Application/Minutes/ Ordinance FINDINGS/CURRENT ACTIVITY: is currently zoned "L" Light Manufacturing Texas Ruby Properties has made a request for a zone change from "P" Planned Development to "B" One and Two Family at 903 College EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Jack Webb (Ruby Properties) has made a request to change the zoning for the "Smith Turner" building which is part of the former Lon Morris College. He has developed several other building adjacent to this one. He has expressed his intent is to convert the structure into duplexes. Planning and Zoning has recommended approval of the zone change. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold a second public hearing to discuss granting the zone change to "B" One and Two Family. BID AND AWARD: N/A BUDGET DATA: Expenditures Required Current Budget Funding N/A BUDGET JUSTIFICATION: Page 1 3 Revised 4/18 Page 2 of 2 BACKGROUND: . POLICY/GOAL CONSIDERATION: LEGAL: 4 ORDINANCE NO. 1576 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, TEXAS TO REZONE FROM ZONE "P"-PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO "B"-ONE AND TWO FAMILY 903 COLLEGE AVENUE, CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, TEXAS; “TEXAS RUBY PROPERTIES”, APPLICANT. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Texas desires to rezone from Zone "P”- Planned Development, to "B"- One and Two Family, 903 College Ave., City of Jacksonville, Texas, “Texas Ruby Properties”, Applicant. WHEREAS, all notices and public hearings required in connection with the Zoning Amendment contained herein have been duly given and held in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Jacksonville and State Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Jacksonville, Texas had heretofore received an application for that purpose and referred the same to the City Council with a favorable recommendation and report of said Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS, the change of zoning classification hereinafter adopted for the subject property will promote the public health, peace, safety, and welfare and is consistent with the comprehensive plan of the City of Jacksonville, Texas. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVJLLE, TEXAS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That from and after the effective date of this ordinance, 903 College Ave., City of Jacksonville, Texas is hereby rezoned from Zone “P”- Planned Development, to "B"- One and Two Family SECTION 2. That the City Council of the City of Jacksonville , Texas hereby determines that the proposed Special Use Permit for Residential unit incidental to primary permitted use will not: A. Substantially increase traffic hazards or congestion B. Substantially increase fire hazards C. Adversely affect the character of the neighborhood D. Adversely affect the general welfare of the community E. Overtax the public utilities SECTION 3. It being deemed by the City Council that this ordinance will promote and preserve the public health, peace, safety and welfare, this ordinance shall become effective immediately after its passage, approval and publication according to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS THE 14th DAY OF JANUARY, 2020. _________________________________ MAYOR RANDY GORHAM ATTEST:____________________________ CITY SECRETARY 5 THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JACKSONVILLE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 315 S. RAGSDALE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2019 12:00 PM Claude Armstrong Brenda Stahelin Elaine McDonald Becky Pavletich Andy Calcote MEMBERS PRESENT: Claude Annstrong, Elaine McDonald, Brenda Stahelin, Becky Pavletich, Andy Calcote, Chris Silvey ( Building Inspector) and Jody Watson (Assoc. Dir.) MEMBERS ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: Claude Armstrong called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Stahelin made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Mr. Calcote seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes passed. ITEM# I: Mr. Watson presented to the board in detail Item one on the agenda, to consider a request for a zone change from "P - Planned Development" to "B - One and Two Family" to allow for the conversion of prior LMC dorm/art building into a residential duplex. Mr. Watson stated on record that Mr. Webb has been above the board in the past to change zoning on property located in the area. Mr. Armstrong opened the meeting up to the applicant or anyone in favor. Jack Webb the CEO for Texas Ruby Properties was present. Mr. Webb stated that he was requesting a zone change from "P- Planned Development" to "B -One to Two Family". Mr. Armstrong asked if the theatre was located on the south end of the property, Mr. Webb replied yes. Mrs. McDonald asked if it was correct to say it is in the block that he already has some located, Mr. Webb replied yes. Mr. Annstrong asked if Mr. Watson if everything looked good on his end. Mr. Watson stated that Mr. Webb has been above the board in the past and he does not anticipate any issue on his end and as now the property sits vacant. Mr. Armstrong closed that portion of the meeting. Mr. Armstrong opened the meeting up to anyone in opposition. No one was present. Mr. Armstrong asked If the City had received any calls or letters. Mr. Watson replied no we have not. Mr. Armstrong closed that portion of the meeting. Mr. Armstrong opened the board up for discussion. Mrs. McDonald stated on behalf of Mr. Webb, His property is well taken care of, there is never any problems and is an asset to our community. Mr. Calcote stated that if there is any
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