An Employee-Owned Company PPEA PROPOSAL VOLUME I New Rustburg Middle School Western Albemarle High School - Science Addi on & Moderniza on Owner: Campbell County Date: June 10, 2020 Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 1 An Employee-Owned Company COVER LETTER Dear Ms. Dragan, Nielsen Builders is pleased to present our Solicited PPEA Proposal June 10, 2020 for the New Rustburg Middle School project. For over 110 years, Nielsen has provided the Shenandoah Valley and Central re- Campbell County gions of Virginia with excep onal quality, expedited scheduling, and astute proj- A n: Anita Dragan ect management balanced with an understanding and sensi vity to the diverse Campbell County Purchasing Agent needs of each unique project. Over the past few years, Nielsen has successfully completed very similar projects to this one within both previously stated regions Central Purchasing Offi ce of Viriginia and beyond all while experiencing no li ga on since the company was 1st Floor, Haberer Building founded in 1908. 47 Courthouse Lane Rustburg, VA 24588 As you review our qualifi ca ons, please consider several strengths that we believe present the Nielsen team to be your preferred provider of construc on services. We understand the importance of this project to you and take pride in serving as your partner devoted to delivering you the maximum benefi t from every dollar invested in your facility. We assembled our project team based upon their profes- sionalism, proven record of successful partnering rela onships, and commitment toward exceeding expecta ons on every project. Our group of professionals will focus on your needs and provide their knowledge to aid in developing the best combina on of schedule, cost, and quality for this exci ng project. Again, we appreciate the opportunity to present our Solicited PPEA proposal and be considered for selec on as a member of your team in the development of what will be a greatly successful venture for Campbell County. Sincerely, James D. DeLucas, Jr. Chief Development Offi cer Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 2 An Employee-Owned Company FOIA REQUEST FOR PROJECT PROPOSAL SPECIFICS AND FINANCING Sec on 2.2-3705.6 of the Freedom of Informa on Act (FOIA), provides that documents submi ed by pri- vate en es such as Nielsen Builders, Inc. are subject to FOIA if such documents are requested except to the extent that they relate to (i) confi den al proprietary informa on submi ed to the responsible public en ty under a promise of confi den ality or (ii) memoranda, working papers, or other records related to this proposal if making public such records would adversely aff ect the fi nancial interest of the public or private en ty or the bargaining posi on of either party." The Nielsen Team is reques ng that the informa on set forth in Volume II of this proposal be categorized as confi den al. The contents of Volume II have been prepared to specifi cally address the Conceptual Phase of the Virginia Public-Private Educa on Facili es and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA) for what is being cap oned the Nielsen Team Program and includes the professional work product of Crabtree, Rohrbaugh, & Associates Architects, Valley Engineering, and Nielsen Builders, Inc. Disclosure of the drawings, memoranda, working papers, fi nancial summaries and projec ons, fi nancing models, pro- posed costs per square foot and the conclusions drawn from those materials would adversely aff ect the fi nancial interests of each of the team members as well as the compe ve bargaining posi on of Nielsen Builders, Inc. The work product contained in Volume II represents the results of hundreds of hours spent by members of Nielsen Builders, its designers, and the professional fees associated with the me spent in the prepa- ra on of this "qualifying project" as that phrase is defi ned by the PPEA. Subsec on 56-575.4 G of the PPEA imposes an obliga on on a public en ty and any aff ected local juris- dic on to protect confi den al and proprietary informa on submi ed by en es, such as Nielsen Build- ers, Inc., when the public en ty has agreed to do so. In this context, Nielsen Builders, Inc. is invoking the exclusion under Sec on 2.2-3705.6 of the FOIA as of the date the data and materials contained in Vol- ume II are submi ed to the public en ty, given the adverse impact of the disclosure regarding the com- pe ve bargaining posi on of Nielsen Builders, Inc. and the associated adverse fi nancial consequences. Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 3 An Employee-Owned Company TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I 1. CONTRACTOR REFERENCE SHEET 2. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE 3. PROJECT FINANCING 4. PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS 5. PROJECT BENEFIT & COMPATIBILITY Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 4 An Employee-Owned Company CONTRACTOR REFERENCE SHEET Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 5 An Employee-Owned Company Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 6 An Employee-Owned Company QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 7 An Employee-Owned Company a. Iden fy the legal structure of the fi rm or consor um of fi rms making the proposal. Iden fy the organiza onal structure for the project, the management approach, and how each partner and major subcontractor ($1 million or more) in the structure fi ts into the overall team. All members of the off er- or’s team, including major subcontractors known to the proposer must be iden fi ed at the me a pro- posal is submi ed for the Conceptual Stage. Include the status of the Virginia license of each partner, proposer, contractor, and major subcontractor. Iden fi ed team members, including major subcontrac- tors (over $5 million), may not be subs tuted or replaced once a project is approved and comprehen- sive agreement executed without the wri en approval of the County. Nielsen Builders, Inc. is a 100% employee-owned, S-Corpora on licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia (#002224) who will be the design-build contractor responsible for contrac ng with Campbell County. Nielsen will hire the design team and sub- contractors responsible for the construc on of the new Rustburg Middle School. The following list illustrates the established project delivery team: Design Builder: Nielsen Builders, Inc. - Harrisonburg, VA • Tony Biller, President & Chief Execu ve Offi cer • Thomas Moomaw, Chief Opera ons Offi cer • Jim DeLucas, Chief Development Offi cer • Dan Hylton, Director of Es ma ng • Jonathan Harrison, Project Manager • Sco Smiley, Superintendent • Taulsa Cook, Superintendent • Jason Blose, Safety Director Architect/Interior: Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates Architects - Charlo esville, VA • Joshua Bower, AIA Civil Engineer: Valley Engineering • Daniel Michael, Partner & Principal • Craig George, Director of Landscape Architecture & Planning MEP Engineer: Moore’s Electrical & Mechanical - Altavista, VA / Lawrence Perry & Associates - Roanoke, VA • Fred Huckstep, Director of Engineering • Bernard Layne Jr., Senior Electrical Project Manager • Andy Lucy, Mechanical Project Manager • Charles Niedermayor, PE, Electrical Engineer • See Volume II for consul ng MEP Enginnering fi rm hired by Moores Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 8 An Employee-Owned Company Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 9 An Employee-Owned Company Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 10 An Employee-Owned Company Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 11 An Employee-Owned Company Nielsen Builders, Inc. Rustburg Middle School PPEA Page 12 An Employee-Owned Company b. Describe the experience of the fi rm or consor um of fi rms making the proposal and the key prin- cipals involved in the proposed project including experience with project of comparable size and com- plexity. Describe the length of me in business, business experience, public sector experience, and other engagements of the fi rm or consor um of fi rms. Descirbe the past safety performance record and current safety capabili es of the fi rm or consor um of fi rms. Describe the past technical perfor- mance history on recent projects of comparable size and complexity, including disclosure of any legal claims, of the fi rm or conso um of fi rms. Include the iden ty of any fi rms that will provide design, construc on, and comple on guarantees and warran es and a descrip on of such guarantees and warran es. Nielsen Builders is a 112-year old fi rm located in Harrisonburg, Virginia that became incorporated in 1951 as Nielsen Con- struc on Company before ul mately changing our name to Nielsen Builders in 1996. Our experience with projects similar to this one for Campbell County includes Renova ons/Addi ons to the original Harrisonburg High School, the current Harrison- burg High School, Harrisonburg Combined Elementary and Middle Schools, Bluestone Elementary, Elon Rhodes Early Learning Center, Rockingham Academy, Keister Elementary, Spotswood Elementary, Waterman Elementary, and most rela vely, Har- rington Waddell Elementary School in Lexington. Other K12 School experience includes Fluvanna High School, Page County High School, Luray High School, Turner Ashby High School, Broadway High School and Spotswood High School. We also ren- ovated Pleasant Valley Elementary School, John Wayland Elementary School, Wilson High School, Stuarts Dra High School, and Mon cello High School. Other projects of comparable size and scope include the New Barracks for VMI, James Madison University’s Performing Arts Center, and several academic buildings on the JMU CISAT Campus. Each of those projects were provided with industry standard guarantees and warran es and the same will be provided for the New Rustburg Middle School project. Our design partners were selected because of their similar resumes to Nielsen Builders as well as our working rela onship with each partner on previous projects.
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