----~,._~-~-~_~_-- For Reference Not to be taken from this room - • - 'T.o- · se-emi~o- f.itr away·• -~ - . ''iou -- .. ·-:1;le-ood 1\n3C ·•·••· --.,,. , ... ~- - ., ... / • ·-· .. , \ , -.# ·­ -. - One ca n be the loneliest number that you'll ever do f hree. D. ng Night Yeah . I'm doing t..111 right Ill sctwol They c.rni't said I've broke no rule I a1n·t never been 1n Dutch I don't browse around too much Don't bother me. L Pave me alone Anyway I'm almost grown . Chuck Berry lJon ·t care to hear ·em play a tango I m Ill no mood to hear .J mambo It -~ way too early to hear a con go So keep d r()( kin · that piano So I can he,H some of that rock & roll music Any old way you t hoose 1t Chuck Berry Sometimes in our I 1ves we al I have You've got to pain. we all have wake up every sorrow. But 1f we morning with are wise. we know " • a srrnle in your that there's always ~ heart tomorrow. Carole King Bill Withers Signs, signs everywhere signs knocking down the scenery breakin ' my mind. Do th is. don't do that can't you read the signs? 5 man Electrical Band / -------l / I \. 7 I 17 AND SO THERE AIN'T NGHHING MORE TO WRITE ABOUT, AND I AM ROTTEN GLAD OF IT, BECAUSE IF l'D KNOWED WHAT A TROUBLE IT WAS TO MAKE A BOOK I WOULDN'T A TACKLED IT AND I AIN'T AGOING TO NO MORE." MARK TWAIN ~~ K.~K~ ~~ Editors' Message: If everyone in the school could con­ tribute one hour of work towards the yearbook, it could be finished in a week. But with ten people, it takes a while. (to say the least). A lot of work has gone into this yearbook and we hope that everyone will enjoy it. It's your yearbook, we made it for you, not for us. Special thanks to all those who have contributed and given help to this year's staff. Thanks. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: DON'T KNOCK IT TIL YOU'VE TRIED IT! 9 No school 10 Final 15 Decorate town Assembly Poster Day • ROW l l TOR - Dottie Cole, Dawn Davis, Rhonda Hanson. Tern Theis. ROW 2 - Mike Giuliano, Gary Schmitt, QU(;len Jan Caputo, King 'Scott Dierking, George Bourke. Steve Hill. 11 Dress up Day 12 Blue & White Day 13 Pep Assembly 14 Formal Dance - Coronation Tricycle Race Crystal Clear - Cafeteria Pep Breakfast VW Race Snake Dance Parade Bonfire Football Game Halftime show Casual dance VW Race Poster Day Tricycle Race Dress-up Day Spirit Stick Float Queen: Jan Caputo Court: Dotti Cole, Dawn Davis, Rhonda Hanson. Terri Theis. King: Scott Dierking Court: George Bourke. Mike Giuliano. Steve Hill. Garry Schmitt . Homecoming '72 was won­ derful for everyone this year. The theme "Hillbillies" carried through the parade, skits, races and contributed to the general atmosphere. The week was topped off with the exciting (if not easy) win over the Batavia Bulldogs 54-20. Has Batavia checked their front lawn lately? .,, .. ~~ - -~.:/.: ., · 1 /' '· . }~1.:: .... ..,, . ~ -~ .·~ . """-Ji! FIRST FIRST "A TastE GREAT BIG WILDCATS? Only 75 pts. were scored against the Cat defense this year 24 ,, Of Cilo1~y I FIRST ... Defense off- offence on! All Conference, All State. Scott Dierking. All Conference monster man Garry Schmitt. 25 Fl RST ... Fl RST ... Fl RST ... Fl RST ... Fl RST ... Fl RST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST Fl End Steve Hill, All Conference Co-Captain Mike Giuliano . Transfer student Steve Clausen . Scott Dierking in one of his 156 carries. '17 IRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST Dave Ph1l1ps makes an important tackle. Super Seniors with team·s trophies . Number 87 Senior Kev in Armbrust . Jerry Stockton. 81. and Kirk Anderson . 86 . 28 Fl RST ... Fl RST . Fl RST ... Fl RST ... Fl RST ... F The 1972 season was a dream come true for Wildcat Week, the fireworks, special awards, banquets and pep as­ fans. The Cats started strong against Glenbard North and semblies. But most of all the thing this town has been wait­ with bad weather and terrible field conditions, won seven ing for a long time, a Little Seven Conference title. To those out of eight games. The only defeat was by We-go's biggest who have contributed to such a fine year we at West Chica­ rival, Sycamore. go High would like to say THANK YOU. The scoring was led again this year by Senior Scott Dierk­ ing with 18 TD's, 8 PAT for a total of 124 points. Dierking also led in the rushing department with a total of 1386 VARSITY yards in 156 carries. Offensive end, Steve Hill, led in passes caught with 16 and a total of 232 yards. We-Go 7 The Little Seven All-Conference team consisted of eight 50 Glenbard North 0 We-go players. They were: George Bourke, Dean Dierschow, 40 Kaneland 0 Scott Dierking, Keith Ferguson, Mike Giuliano, Steve Hill, 44 Plainfield 0 Joe Hitzemann, Garry Schmitt. 46 Oswego 12 All in all the students of W.C. will not forget this great 50 Batavia 24 season. We will remember the completion of the press box, 14 Geneva 6 FINALLY, Dwane Dow and his High School Prep Top Ten, his 16 Cary Grove 14 visit to our game, the T.V. cameras at practice and watch­ 6 Sycamore 12 ing our team on the 5:00 news, being WLS Team of the VARSITY FOOTBALL FIRST ROW: Frank Schlegal , Ron Villegas, Steve Miller, Gary Tredup, Tom Deutsch. Pete Norman, Brian Dettmann, Ken Fry, Garry Schmitt. Terry Truitt, Tom Gravenites, Joe Alaniz, Terry Sheahan. SECOND ROW: Steve Olson , Russ Whitaker, Mike Giuliano, Dave Philips, Dave Sproat. FOURTH Lillie. John Heitzler, Rick Thielking, Kevin Kaelin, Mark Glandorf, Coach ROW: Kevin Armbrust. Chuck Zalesiak, Dean Dierchow, Steve Hill. Jerry Paul Unruh, Ron Hanson, Bob Owens, Bob Dagley, Scott Dierking, Steve Stockton, George Bourke, Rick Micheal, Keith Ferguson, Hoe Hitzemann. Clausen. Gary Day. THIRD ROW: Manuel Garcia, Brett Halfpenny, Steve Joe Cairns, Kirk Anderson, Larry Wangberg, Tom Boorsma. ?9 Conference. The freshmen had a slow start but improved greatly by the end of the season. They beat one of their biggest rivals, Geneva, on the Viking's home turf. Their final season rec­ TakE SECOlld Ill ord was 3-4-1. FROSH-SO PH FRESHMAN L. S. C. We-Go We-Go 0 Glenbard North 12 0 Wheaton North 22 20 Kaneland 0 14 Sycamore 16 22 Plainfield 0 18 Kaneland 14 The sophomore Wildkits had an impressive year with 34 Oswego 12 0 Plainfield 26 coaches Gil DeMay and Gary Lunak leading the way. 6 Batavia 18 20 Oswego 20 Julian Pineda led the scoring with eight TD's and one ex­ 20 Geneva 20 12 Batavia 20 tra point conversion for a total of fifty points. 8 Cary Grove 0 6 Geneva 0 The Wildkits ended the season with 4-1-2 for a season 6 Sycamore 6 8 Cary Grove 6 record, and secured second place in the Little Seven SOPHOMOREFOOTBALLTEAM FIRST ROW: Jeff Pedersen, Julian Pineda, Steve Kindermann, Mike Novo­ Scott Hall, Dale Rawlings, Bill Dettermann, Larry Fry, Bob Forbes, Bob sad, Randy Thielking, Frank Giuliano, Don Brach, Jim Brae~. Ed Ortiz. Dively. FOURTH ROW: John Collins, Henry Antes, Kevin Moore, Keith Kae­ SECOND ROW: Coach Gary Lunak, Jim Black, Larry Appleyard, Joel Dodds, lin, Virgil Tuck, Roake Anderson, David Bullock, Barry Beckwith, Dave Randy Hill, Dave Lenertz, Mark Kolinski, Jeff Olson , Pat Line, Coach Gil Lyons. DeMay. THIRD ROW: John Crittenden, Brian Lillie, Steve Kindermann, 30 FRESHMAN FOOTBALL TEAM FIRST ROW:Tom Lenertz, Henery Marsh, Don Diershow, Tom Smith, Brett Jones, Howie Metcalf, Ed Barajars, Jim Nellis, Marvin Boorsma, Mark Hen­ Bussler, Mick Quirin, Tobin Kelly, Jose Toledo, Tim Novosad, Bill Herman, dricker, Dave Holderman, Kevin Sandon, Hector Alfaro, Matt Kolinski, Ed Jim Wilson. SECOND ROW: Bob Unruh, Mike Lutman, Scott Lucas, Perry Parr, Steve Kovac, Mike Alden, Steve Potirala, Coach Kim Haas. FOURTH Martin, Steve Oren, Mike Mell, Jim Gunnell, Fred Gaede, Tom Sikorski, ROW: Mike Berkes. Bob Schmalhlz, Jeff Nottingham, Bryan Koop, Dana Mark Hook, Scott Edminson, Mark Gangrstad, Philip Schramer, Hon Min­ Antes, Bob Blosser, Mike Rehs, Mike Marano, Bill Moore, Pete Lodestro, ter, Steve Hynek, Mike Gravenites. THIRD ROW: Coach Tom Czech, Mike Steve Ferro. 31 Rabbit Cl1asEl~s The Varsity Cross Country Team, led by captains Ed Skudlarek and Dave Mueller, finished the season with a respectable 8-6, win-lo_ss record in dual meet competition and a 4-3 win­ loss record in Conference dual meets. The predomently Junior team ran at the District Meet where they finished 7th out of 15 teams. At the Conference Meet, the Striders finished 5th, but they ran their finest race of the year at the Crystal Lake Invitational where they placed 3rd out of 16 entries. With the return of five top runners, next year the Wildcat Striders look to be contenders for the Little Seven Title. The Frosh-Soph Team comprised entirely of Freshmen, finished the season with 7 wins and 7 losses against Sophomore competition. At Conference they finished 5th but had a conference record of 4 and 3. The Frosh had its finest moment when at the Fenton Invitational where they tied for 4th out of lOteams. ---------------- 32 Oil Tll£ Cl1as£ I ----------------~ , I ~'! 33 A Girl From Down Under - "Aussie" Debbie Boothe, West Chi­ cago s 1972-73 Foreign Student. hails from Mel­ bourne, Australia. She ar­ rived in West Chicago to stay with the Moe family July 21, 1972.
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