127 127 Volume 138S1,138S2 1273S1, OctoberOctober March 20202020 2020 ISSN 0959-8049 Volume 127, March 2020 ISSN 0959-8049 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER JOURNAL OFEUROPEAN CANCER EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER Pure J The world’s leading EEUROPEANJ JOURNAL OF CANCER EEUROPEAN JOURNALC OF CANCER research information Vol. management system Vol. 127 (2020) 1–250 127 THE 12TH EUROPEAN BREAST CANCER CONFERENCE (EBCC-12) S1 (2 12th32nd European EORTC-NCI-AACR Breast Cancer Symposium Conference on IN (EMolecular THISBCC ISSUE-12) Targets and Cancer Therapeutics 018) 1–154 182–3–2 0October March 20202020 ACCELERATE and European Medicines Agency VirtualBarcelona, Conference Spain Helping universities Paediatric Strategy Forum24–25 for Octobermedicinal product 2020 development of checkpointVirtual inhibitors Conference for use in and research combination therapy ABSTRACTin paediatricABSTRACTS patients BOOK institutions improve Is it time to redefine ABSTRACTcisplatin ineligibility BOOK in metastatic urothelial cancer? their performance Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes and correlation with up-to-date data with response to intensified platinum-based and analytics chemotherapy in BRCA -like tumours elsevier.com/research-intelligence THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF ELSEVIER ELSEVIER 3906_Cover.indd All Pages 23-Feb-18 8:43:31 PM EJC_v127_iC_COVER.indd 1 12-02-2020 17:31:31 Volume 138S268, Supplement 1 OctoberDecember 2020 2016 ,661 European Journal of Cancer th 32nd EORTC-NCI-AACR28 EORTC – NCI – Symposium AACR Symposium on Molecular on MolecularTargets Targets and Cancer and Cancer Therapeutics Therapeutics Munich, Germany,24–25 29 OctoberNovember 2020 – 2 December 2016 Virtual Conference Abstract Book Publication of this supplement was supported by the EORTC Amsterdam • Boston • London • New York • Oxford • Paris • Philadelphia • San Diego • St Louis European Journal of Cancer Editor-in-Chief: Alexander M.M. Eggermont Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology Utrecht, Netherlands Editors: Preclinical Cancer Research: Ulrich Keilholz, Berlin, Germany Epidemiology and Prevention: Valery E.P.P. Lemmens, Utrecht, The Netherlands Tumour Immunotherapy: Aure ´lien Marabelle, Villejuif, France Breast Cancer: Giuseppe Curigliano, Milan, Italy Suzette Delaloge, Villejuif, France Gastrointestinal Cancers: Volker Heinemann, Munich, Germany Michel Ducreux, Villejuif, France Genitourinary Cancers: Karim Fizazi, Villejuif, France Head and Neck Cancer: J.P. Machiels, Brussels, Belgium Hemato-Oncology: Roch Houot, Rennes, France Lung Cancer: Martin Schuler, Essen, Germany Gynaecological Cancers: Ignace Vergote, Leuven, Belgium Endocrine, Sarcomas and Other Rare Tumours: Stefan Sleijfer, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Melanoma: Dirk Schadendorf, Essen, Germany Neuro-Oncology: Martin van den Bent, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Paediatric Oncology: Rob Pieters, Utrecht, The Netherlands Founding Editor: Henri Tagnon Past Editors: Michael Peckham, London, UK; Hans-Jo¨rg Senn, St Gallen, Switzerland; John Smyth, Edinburgh, UK Editorial Offi ce: Elsevier, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1865 843590, Email: [email protected] EDITORIAL BOARD CLINICAL ONCOLOGY R. Baird (UK) J.C. Horiot (Switzerland) D. Nam (Korea) N. Brünner (Denmark) D. Jäger (Germany) J. Perry (Canada) R. Califano (UK) A. Katz (Brazil) J. Ringash (Canada) E. Calvo (Spain) C. Le Tourneau (France) A. Rody (Germany) F. Cardoso (Portugal) Y. 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