Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CIII PASSAIC, N.J., DECEMBER 3, 2014 NUMBER 5031 Dedicated New England Sokol activist Scenes of the November 15th Dinner at the Slovak Catholic Sokol Club in Douglas, Mass. Honoring Roger J. Manyak, Our 2014 Slovak Catholic Sokol Fraternalist of the Year 7 p.m. with a prayer offered in Slo- which the Slovak Catholic Sokol dren, Gary Manyak, John Manyak, vak by Rose Manyak, president of has provided him and members of Lori Cyr and Christine Manyak. Wreath 18. A toast to Brother Man- the Manyak family. “The Slovak Each had high praise for their father yak was offered by Randy Manyak. Catholic Sokol is an organization and his role in introducing them to The very capable toastmaster for which I truly love,” noted the hon- the wonderful activities offered by the evening was Jay Yacino, presi- oree. From generation to genera- the Sokol. Each of them serves as dent of Assembly 28. Kevin Con- tion, members of the Manyak fam- offi cers in the organization, con- way, president of Group 3 offered ily have been active in the Slovak tinuing a century-long tradition of remarks and introduced the head Catholic Sokol. Remarks were then service by members of the Manyak table. offered by the honorees four chil- (Continued on page 2) After enjoying a wonderful meal, the toastmaster introduced Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pog- orelec, F.I.C. who made the presen- tation. Brother Pogorelec offered fraternal congratulations to Brother Roger who throughout his life has been a wonderful ambassador of Sokol fraternalism. Serving on the local lodge, Group and Supreme Assembly levels, Brother Roger was truly worthy of his selection as our 2014 Fraternalist of the Year. Brother Pogorelec presented the beautiful plaque to the honoree as well as a check for $200 as a small Our Fraternalist of the Year, Roger J. Manyak, second from the left, is token of gratitude for all that Broth- shown with headtable guests at the dinner at the Sokol Hall in Douglas, Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. is shown presenting er Roger has done for the organiza- Mass., including from the left, Jay Yacino, president of Assembly 28; Brother Roger with the plaque and gift as our 2014 Fraternalist of the tion. In his response, Bother Roger Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. and J.Kevin Conway, Year at the dinner given in his honor. recalled his many years of activity president of Group 3. A wonderful turnout of family, friends and fellow fraternalists paid tribute to our Honorary Supreme Offi cer Roger J. Manyak at a din- ner given in his honor on Saturday, November 15 in Douglas, Mass. The dinner was held at the Slovak Catholic Sokol Club and honored Brother Manyak who was selected as our organization’s 2014 Frater- nalist of the Year. Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. traveled to the picturesque central Massachesetts hamlet, where our organization has been active since the founding of Assembly 28 and Wreath 18 in 1908. Brother Pogorelec had high praise for the efforts of Brother Roger whose family has been a part of the Slovak Catholic Sokol in East Douglas for more than a century. The evening began with a recep- tion at 6 p.m. where the many So- kols and Sokolky in attendance had Roger J. Manyak, our 2014 Fraternalist of the Year, second from the right, is shown at the dinner given in the opportunity to meet and greet his honor above with, from the left his wife, Judith Manyak, Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. one another in true New England who made the presentation; his aunt, Rose Manyak, president of Wreath 18 and Annie Pogorelec, wife of fraternal style. The dinner began at our Supreme Secretary. PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, DECEMBER 3, 2014 Thoughts from our Supreme Chaplain Roger J. Manyak Honored as Our Feast of Saint Nicholas 2014 Fraternalist of the Year by Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic The feast of St. Nicholas, bishop, In most Germanic countries, St. falls on December 6, at the begin- Nicholas comes on December 5. ning of Advent. This day brings Children leave their shoes on the much celebrat- windowsill or outside their bed- ing, especially room door, and St. Nicholas re- in Eastern Eu- wards the children who have been rope and Ger- good all year by fi lling up their manic countries shoes with goodies, such as nuts, such as Ger- fruits and sweets. Sometimes he many, Austria, comes on December 6, his actual Switzerland feast day. and the Nether- In Austria, the good saint will lands. Italy also appear in his fl owing robes and celebrates this saint’s day. bishop’s mitre and carrying a bish- In a time where Christmas com- op’s staff. He carries a thick book mercialism is rampant, a family which has the records the Guardian needs to try to keep the focus on Angels have been keeping all year what Advent and Christmas is — all the good and bad deeds of the all about. Advent is preparing for world’s children. At the appointed Christ’s birth, both internally and time, the whole family is gathered externally. To shift the focus of the materialistic or “give me” common Our 2014 Fraternalist of the Year, Roger J. Manyak, seated right, is shown surrounded by his wife, Judy, at Christmas, try giving stocking children and grandchildren who were present at the dinner given in his honor on November 15 gifts on December 6 instead of (Continued from page 1) Brother Roger was born there De- enjoying membership in Assembly Christmas Day. Shoes can be left family. Brother Manyak’s devoted cember 23, 1940 son of the late 28 and Wreath 18. Brother Roger outside the bedroom door, or stock- wife, Judith also an active Group 3 John V. Manyak and the former has been active on the local, Group ings are hung by the fi re on Decem- offi cer, congratulated her husband Catherine Kolumber. His grandpar- and international levels for most of ber 5th evening. St. Nicholas (in- for serving as such a wonderful ents, natives of the village of Velka his life. In 1991, he was fi rst elected stead of Santa Claus) comes by to example and ambassador of Sokol Lesna in the Spis region of Slova- to the Supreme Assembly when the brings cookies or gifts in the shoes fraternalism. In attendance at the kia, were among the fi rst Slovaks delegates of the 26th quadrennial or stockings. dinner were all of Brother Roger’s to settle in central Massachusetts convention chose him to serve as a In Germanic countries, St. Nich- children and grandchildren, a 100% in the 1890s. He was educated lo- Member of the Supreme Physical olas is accompanied by Krampus, Sokol family who are each exam- cally. On June 29, 1963, Roger Fitness Board. This was followed an evil spirit or little devil, usually ples of our organization’s ageless and the former Judith A. Therrein by two terms as Supreme Assis- dressed in fur or black with a long motto of “For God and Nation” and exchanged marriage vows in St. tant Physical Director and two tail, and carries a rattling chain, our slogan of “A Sound Mind in a Denis Church in East Douglas, terms as Supreme Physical Direc- birch branches and a big black bag. Sound Body.” Sister Rose Manyak where they and their family have tor. In 2007, he was elected as an In Holland, Sinterklass or Sinterk- for St. Nicholas’ arrival. Krampus offered the closing prayer. The as- been active ever since. The mar- Honorary Supreme Offi cer. Our laus leaves from Spain on a boat, accompanies the bishop to scold sembled fraternalists continued to riage has been blessed with four congratulations and fraternal best accompanied by Black Peter (Piet), naughty children. The bishop calls enjoy the evening, a fi tting tribute children, Gary, John, Christine and wishes go out to Brother Roger his Moor servant. Peter wears ani- each child of the family forward to their wonderful friend, relative Lori. Roger and Judy are also the on this well-deserved honor, our mal skins or the traditional medi- to give an account of the year, and and fraternal brother. proud grandparents of eight. The 2014 Fraternalist of the Year. Zdar eval Moorish colorful clothing. perhaps to recite their prayers. A native of Worcester, Mass., Manyaks are a 100% Sokol family Boh! December 5, St. Nicholas Eve, is When Krampus tries to punish the known in some rural areas of Aus- naughty, St. Nicholas drives him tria as “Krampus Day.” Children away. After each child promises Krampus - A Traveler with St. Nicholas and adults go to the village square good behavior for the next year, he to throw snowballs and try to chase distributes the treats. Sometimes, in Many people may not recog- mer Austro-Hungarian Empire. Krampus wears chains, in most off Krampus. Other Krampuses lie addition to the goodies, he rewards nize him by name, but most are In both Slovakia and the Czech cases they must be rusty and in wait, rattling their chains and the children with birch branches familiar with his role alongside Republic, Krampus is portrayed noisy, as they symbolize the bind- threatening to carry off naughty decorated with candy, just as a re- St.
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