INDEX A The Exemplary Nature of a Symbiosis Barrier to imitation 46 Acid (in wine and food) 107–111 between Food Dishes and Barsac (wine) 291 acetic 107 Cognacs 150–153 Basics of wine evaluation 23–26 citric 107, 109 The Italian Wine and Food Basque 235 in food 110 Perspective 5–8 Baton Rouge 68 in wine 108 Which to Choose First, Wine or Bayou La Seine 190 lactic 107 Food? 102 Bazzoni, Enrico 5, 8 levels 109, 119, 121, 123, 125 Appellation 55 Beamsville Bench 208 malic 107 Appellation d’Origine Controˆle´e (AOC) Beaujolais 29, 84, 109, 158, 192, 260, tartaric 107 30, 55, 59, 79 298 types Arbois (wine) 191 Beerenauslese wines 292 Acidity 32, 33, 102, 103, 107, 134, 170 Archestratus 6 Bentwood box cookery 235 Adaptation (to sensations) 26 Archetypal ingredients 78 Beurre blanc 224 Affective testing 22 Armagnac 295 Bianco di Custoza 195 Aftertaste 216 Aroma 24, 28 Bias 26 Aging (wine) 159, 272 wheel 24 Biscotti 302 Agri-food systems 46 quality 24 Bitterness 32, 33, 138 Alcohol level 104, 156, 270 Aromatic compounds 24 in cheese 272 Aligote´ (wine) 136 Artichokes 224 in food 133 Alois Lageder, Pinot Bianco 16 Asiago 278 in food and wine pairing Alsace 291 Asparagus 224 in wine 132 Alto Adige 15 Asti Spumate 299 Amarone 278, 292, 297 Astringency 32, 154, 155 how to identify 32 American Culinary Federation (ACF) 68 Attitude 311 Bittersweet Plantation 49, 67 American Viticultural Area (AVA) 55 Auslese 170, 292 Black Muscat 294 Amerine 52 COPYRIGHTEDAutochthonous vines 6 MATERIALBlackening 171 Amontillado 213, 294 Blanc de Blancs 133 Analytical testing 22 Blanc de Noirs 133 Anti-Saloon League 57 B Blaufra¨nkisch 242 Aperitif(s) Blind tasting 26 Baby Duck (wine) 288 Bayou La Seine: An American Blue Nun 31 Restaurant in paris 190–193 Badia di Coltibuono 14 Baked goods 301 Blue-veined cheeses 279 Canoe Restaurant and Bar 168–169 Bluysen, Frederic 190 Chef John Folse & Company 67–69 Baking 171 Bluysen, Judith 190 Elements of Wine Service 20–22 Balance Body 158, 170, 182 Food and Wine of the Pacific between wine and cheese 272, 280 Northwest 234–237 between wine and food elements 9–11, as texture 154, 168, 171 How Should Menus and Wine Lists 253–263 in wine 133 Be Organized 46–48 in wine 107–108 in wine and food pairing 172 Peller Estates Winery 130–131 Barbaresco 104, 105 Boise 235, 236 Release Weekend Wine and Food Barbera 158, 160, 174, 278 Boissy, Etienne 270, 271 Menu from On the Twenty 210– Barding 244 Bone dry 104 211 Barolo 104, 112, 160, 277, 278 Bordeaux 83, 291 317 318 Index Botrytis cinerea 291–292 grating 278 rhetoric 78 affected wines 291 Gjetost 278 tourism 78 Bottle opening 20–21 hard 278 Custard 296 Bouquet 24, 25, 28 semi-soft 273, 275 desserts 296 Braising 171 soft ripened 275, 276 Bread pudding 296 Cheese-friendly 272 D Brie 276 Chef John Folse & Company 67 Danhi 49 Brights’ President (wine) 288 Chef John Folse Culinary Institute at Danish Blue Castello 278 Brillat Savarin 276 Nicholls State University 67 Dante’s Inferno 6 British Columbia 235, 236 Chianti 29, 84, 158, 277, 278 David Hill Vineyard 247 Brock University Cool Climate Classico 14, 277, 278 de Gaulle, Charles 276 Oenology and Viticulture Institute Chiles 80 Decision tree 231, 253, 254 (CCOVI) 131 Chocolate 297 Deep-frying 171 Brodi, Tom 168 dark 297 Degustation menu 312 Broiling 171 desserts 297 Degree days 51 Brut 135 milk 297 Demi-sec 135 nature 134 white 297 Champagne 296, 298 Bubbles 24 Chocolate-based dessert pairing decision sparkling wine 135, 298, 300, 302 Buhler, Lawrence 130 process 298 Demisecco 294 Buttery (flavors) 108, 214 Church, Philip 236 Denominac¸a˜o de origem controlada 55 Citrus desserts 299 Denominacio´n de origen 55 Clarity 23 Denominacio´n de origen calificada 55 C Classic wine and food marriages 84 Denominazione di origine controllata 6, Cabernet Franc 158, 174, 275 Classic wine grapes 30 55 Cabernet Sauvignon 29, 30, 158, 39, Clearwater River Valley 236 Denominazione di origine controllata e 174, 194, 277, 297 Climate 51, 79 garantita 55 Cahors (region) 89 map 52 Dentzer, Yvelise 150, 153, 271 Cajun and Creole cuisine 67, 190 zones 53 Dessert(s) Cajun Trinity 191 Cognac 150 based on nuts 300–301 Cakes 301 Collagen structure 171 breads 301 California 294 Color 23 categories 295 Canada Columbia River 235 wines 289–295 Green Building Council 50 Columbia Valley 55, 236, 241 Diacetyl 108 Canadian 50 Commander’s Palace 49 DiDio, Tony 17 ice wine 288, 290 Competitive advantage 309 Differentiation 310 Canopy climate 52 Components 11 Dıˆner Symbiose 152 Cantal 277, 278 Concord grapes 288 Distinctive capability 309 Capabilities 56, 82 Consistency 24 Distinguished Restaurants of North Cap Classique 133 Contribution margins 47 America (DIRo˜NA) 68 Capsicum peppers 80, 190 Cookies 301 Dolce 294 Carbon dioxide 133 Cooking method 170 Dolcetto 155, 160 Carbonation 24 Cool climate (zone) 51, 53, 60 Dom Pe´rignon 31, 58 Carneros (AVA) 52 Corked (wine) 21 Domaine de Clovallon (winery) 50 Cassati alla Siciliana (dessert) 302 Corks 21 Donaldsonville 66 Castling, Catherine 50 Corkscrew 21 Dosage 130, 289 Cava 100, 133, 135 Corte´s, Hernando 56 Double and triple cream cheeses 275 Cave Spring Cellars 208 Corvina (grapes) 292 Doux sparkling wines 135, 300 Caviar 9, 132 Cost percentage method 47, 48 Dried Cedar planks 243 Coste, Pierre 29 fruits 292, 299 Ce´rons 291 Costigliole d’Asti 6, 7 grape(s) 292, 293 Ce´vennes 79 Coˆte d’Or 52 grape and late harvest processes 291, Champagne 58, 134, 297, 298, 301 Coˆte de Beaune 60 292 Chardonnay 30, 38, 60, 75, 133, 158, CoˆteduRhoˆ ne 245, 277 grape wines 292, 301, 302 256, 265, 277, 279 Coˆte Roˆ tie 245 Dry 294 Chateau St. Michelle 240 Court of Two Sisters restaurant 68 heat cooking method 171 Eroica Riesling 240 Cream 274 movement 57 Cheese(s) Cream Sherry 294 sherry 294 blue 278 Cre`me brulee 296 White Port 294 blue-veined 278, 279 Crepes Suzette 298 Vermouth 294 che`vre 273 Crisp 107 Duxelles 93 cottage 273 Cryo-Cluster 290 Cougar Gold cheddar 246 Cryoextraction 290 cream 273 Culinary E fresh and soft 273, 274 etiquette 49 Earthy (flavor) 59, 212 firm 277 identity 49 Eberspaecher, Alex 188 Index 319 Edelfa¨ule 291 Cajun Matriochka 191 smoked corn and chicken pasta and Effervescence 24, 131, 135, 136, 138 Cajun pralines 76 Sauvignon Blanc 258 Eiswein 288, 290 Caesar salad 266 soul pork roast 75 Elmer, Ruben 168 cedar-planked Idaho Rainbow trout spice-cured salmon with spring radish, Entrepreneurs 68 served with citrus-dusted melon, yogurt, and Abiti caviar Epernay yeast 130 asparagus tips and micro-greens 169 Escoffier 78 244 strawberries served ‘‘au naturel’’ 299 Ethnic chicken & sausage gumbo 70 sweet and spicy chicken etouffee 74 diversity 57 chicken en papillote 183 tiramisu 297 flavors and influences 49 classic hollandaise sauce 227 voodoo greens 72 Evaluation sheets 29 coq au vin 83 walnut lacey cookie cup filled with Extract 25, 154, 157 crab cakes Rex 73 homemade vanilla ice cream and Extra dry 135 dark chocolate truffle tart, roasted pine strawberry-rhubarb sauce 248 nuts and cre`me fraiche 169 white truffle risotto 94 duxelles 93 Fortified Muscats 294 F egg pappardelle alla lepre 15 Fortified wines 292–295 Fabric sample reference anchors 155 fiesta macque choux salad 71 French False fine wine 29 ‘‘fire and ice’’ Northwest oysters 240 national drink 29 Fanet 59 French onion soup 93 nouvelle cuisine 78 Fat(s) 169 geoduck sashimi 241 oak barrels animal and dairy 172, 256 Grand River venison loin, oka poutine, Onion Soup 93 plant-based 110 kumquats and mulled red cabbage Sancerre 9 Fendant 24, 135 169 Quarter 69 Fermentation 271 gratin of sea urchin and scallops with Frizzante 135 Finish 26, 216 Cognac 151 Frog’s Leap 50 final de boca 216 grilled beef sirloin 267 Fromage blanc 273, 274 fin de bouche 216 grilled fish 227 Frostbite 290 Fino Sherry 171, 213, 294 grilled pork loin with mustard and Frozen grape wines 290 molasses 184 Flabby 32 Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) 104 grilled portobello mushrooms 94 Flavor(s) 12, 208 Fructose 104 Mardi Gras king cake 77 categories 210 Fruit marinated asparagus with prosciutto di contrasting 210 desserts 298, 299 Langhirano 16 dominant 208 flavors in dessert wines 291, 299 onion rings 92 intensity 25, 214, 215 flavors in fortified wines 292–295 oysters Marie Laveau 70 layering 190 flavor in wine 51 panang curry 10 perception 210 type 299 pasta al pesto 226 persistency 26, 216 Fruit-forward wines 59, 199 pasta mixtures 124 profiles 217 Fume´ Blanc 119 pecan pie 301 similar 210 Fusion 81 peach Melba 298 types 211 peaches in Champagne 298 Floc de Gascogne 294 plums poached in red wine 298 Foie gras 169 G poached pears 298 Folse, John 67 Gastronomic identity 46, 47, 48, 50, 66, pumpkin pie 296 Food and Wine of the Pacific Northwest roasted Columbia Basin pheasant 82, 85, 234, 308 238 marinated in grappa with German in Italy 82 Food and Wine Taste Pyramid 11, 98 bread dumplings 243 Gastronomy 46, 67, 150 Food roasted garlic 92 Gavi 195 and-wine evaluation 249 roasted loin of venison with smoked General Menu Planning 237 evaluation 249 trio of beets and Syrah demi-glace Geoduck clams 241 fattiness 176, 177 246 Geography 46, 79 habits 56 Rouge Creamery Oregonzola and German intensity and persistency level 208 Washington State Cougar Gold Beerenauslese 290 Sensory Anchor Scale 98, 99 cheddar served with thyme- dumpling (servietten kno¨ del) 241 Sensory Pyramid 13 infused honey, apricot-orange Eiswein 288, 290 spice level 197–198 conserve and dried cherry- Kabinett 10, 171 Food Item(s) hazelnut compote 247 Rieslings 10 Asian chowder of coconut, smoked salade Lyonnaise 109 Spatlese 290 lingcod,
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