G.Overnmentof·.Goa,Damananq. ·Pju

G.Overnmentof·.Goa,Damananq. ·Pju

'l REG»: GOA -Ii \ ; ·Pari.aii.. 23rd May, '1985,-. • (Jyais!ha 2, 1907) ". .' ·G·····A·Z·. - - <.'- " -' -- ·E··l···· . -- .' '. ··]1,······E· /, '-~'.' ..... -: '-"- : :; - ' -' . ',:'" ";".\' ..:.):.~': OFFICIAL .;" G.OVERNMENTOF·.GOA,DAMANANQ. ·PJU 5. BANDODKAR (KU~1Ud;":':' Ang~ie (Fiction),Vasco, GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN Kalika Pr~aslian 1981, 148 p.,' 18 cm.: R§1~;':-.,Kalika Printers,' Veling; ,(Marathi). ,,>,,":)."; AND DIU 6. Bm (Anirudha) _With \:he "lfind (Pla~), . V"ling, Shtee SaraswatSanskruthi Mandal; 1984, 64.p;, 21cm., Rs. 10/-, Samrat Printers, -Banastari, (Konkani) .. Education Department . 7.' BORKAR (Avadhut G.) -,IDll".~ali Bholaiki .m Jatnai, 'Dir¢ctorate of .Education. (Child care) J Madkai, Mobile Medical' Services~ 1984~ 110 p., 22cm.,Rs, '18/-, Ashok··Prinj;ing Press,'Vasco da Gama, (Konkam). Central Library 8. BORKAR (Narayan) -Tujhya moga khatir.· ·(Short stories), .Curch6rem;Udargat Prakashan, 1984,.-114 p., "No. DE/CL/RARE/140 21 cm., Ra. 12/-, ItanjeetPrinters, Belgaum, (Konkani). An'extract of Gov~rnment' Gazette Series 2nd -No.1 flage 9 9. BORKAR (Pandharlnath) - SinhavalQkan (Hlstory), dated 3rd April, 1969 :Margao, Author. 1984, 182 p.;' 22 ·cm., Rs. 20/-, ,Ra:vi . Mudranalaya, . Belgaum, .(Marathi) . "DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATIOlj 10, BORKAR (S.J.) -Let's Learn Konkani (Language), Order Panjim, Abhiman, Publication, .1984, 168 p., . 18Ci.n., Rs. _20/-, Casa J. D. Femandes,..Panaji, (English); No. DE/SEC/95/67/56778 11. CARDOZO (Tomazinho) .:....Them~· (Songs), can~oIim, In co~ormity With the- Sectlon-9 P8.rt ri.r 'and" for the purpose ..!\.mar, 1984, 120 p., 180m., Rs. 7/-, Dalash, . Mapusa. of du~s mentioned therein. Shri V. B. HUbIi;Curator of the (Konkani); Central Library (Stata Lib""!'Y), Panaji, is hereby appointed :as .Officer in charge',to exercise the functions"attributed'to 12. CARVALHO (A.) - Fuddarache Khambe (Collected 'such Officer by the 'Press and Registration of Books Act works), 'Quepem.. Acee, 1982. 10 Po', 18 cm., Rs. 6/~7 Dalesh, 1967, as modified upto 1st March, 1961, in addition to his Mapusa, . (Konkani). present duties without any extra, remuneration. - 13. CARVALHO (A.) - KIleU (Sports), Que~; ACee, . By order and in the -name of "the AdriliIrlstrator -of Goa, 1984, 16p., 19cm., Rs. 3.50,Lexmi, Tiliamol,. (Konkanl) . I;>aman ~ Diu• 14. CARVALHO (A.) -,-Madd alnTa,cho Upiog (Agricul­ ture)', Quepem, ACee.1984,·20pg., 19cm., Rs. 4/-, Laxmi. ._ 'po 8. Va~ck~ Di:rector of Education: and Additional sec~etary' Tlllamol, (Konkani). ,. < to the Gove.rnment of Goa, Daman and Diu. 15. CHOD:t\'EKAR (Ram B. P.).'.... Niralljan Cur­ .. '1968.'; (p~etry). P~ji, 3id s~ptember, chorem, Swastik, 1984•. 50 p., 18 cm.,· Rs. 6/-, Bandekar, , Curchoremj (Konkani). C~talJ?gue sq.owing ~s received in the 'State 'Centrai .Llbravy, Panaji from' 1st· January, 1984 to December, 1984,' 16. DESHP~E (K.Rao) ~Chirmuleo (Poetry),~aji" in"'view: of the provision contained in Goa, Daman and Diu, Goa, Daman and Diu, Directorate of Sparta and Cultural Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867, amended upto Affairs, 1985. 48 p.. 20 em., -, Government Printing .1st March,' 1961. Press, ,Panaji, (Konltani); , Explanation: 17. DHUME (Vinayak N. fl.) -.Gomantak PuDhya Bhuini (l'Iistory), Panaji, Goa, Daman and. Diu, Directorate··of Author,· title,· subject· of the book, place 'of' publication, Sports and Cultural Affalrs;1981, 188 p., 24.5cm., ",-, publisher, 'year of' publication, number of pages, size. price Govt. Printing Press, Panaji, ·(Marathi). the .book, name of the printer, place of printing and « 18. .DHARMANANDA-'-Boganvel (Poetry), Pana:ji, Ra- . language. of the book. Dash in the entry shows the infor- jhaunsVitram, 1982, 54 p., .Ra. 10/-; Ravi, Belgao, "mation req~ired is. not found~ , (Marathi). 1. AGIAR (Anond) -Champim (Poetry), Tiswaddi, ·19.. FARIA ·(Planton).~ Jivitantli Kotha (Fiction);' Cuneo­ .' Author, '1983, 160 p., 19 em., Rs. 6/-, st.• Joseph Printing fun,' PJafar, -1982, '78 p., .,18 em... · Rs. 5/-, Sayadri, -, . Press,Calangute (Konkanl). (Konkani). .' .,.. .. 2. ALVAm (Krishnanath) -Ami Sagli Dhed Shanl (Play), lJ'AItIA .(PlantoD) ~ Xant!cno Kunvor (Play) ,ciIDcolim, Panaji,Rajhauns Vltran, 1983, 26 p., 21 cm., Rs. 4/-, Plafar, 1983, '48 p., 18 c~~. Rs; 5/-. --;-,. ~. "(.Ko~ani). ·.;A.purbst Printers, Valvoi, ·(KonkanI). ';~ . 21. FURTADO (Max de Loyolo.(ed) _Remembering an artist 3. AQUINAS (Thomas) - CUncoIim' is a Historic Village (Biography), Chinchlnim, Edito~... -, 90 p.,22om., -, (History), CUncoIim, Author, 1983, 68 p., 21cm.,Rs. 6/-, Aerial, .-,(English). '-0, -',; !(English), 22. GOA. DAMAN & DIU ADVOCATES ASSOCIATION­ -4. BAMBOLKAR (Gurudas :;(amat) - Chorachi Toli (Short Glimp~s of .family.laws of Goa, Daman and. Diu'· (Law), stOry),Panai~ Rajhauns Vitran., 1983, 28p., ·.·21cm., ··Margao. Seva'Smiti,.,1982, SSp.... ' 22.cm., ,Rs~ 40/7," Casa.. Rs. 4/-, Apurbst Printers, Volvoi, (l{onkani) •.. J. D.Fernandes, Panaji, (English). ------- 88 i -. - i 23. GOA, DAMAN AND DIU DIRECTORATE OF SPORTS 46. KELKAR (Chinta.maru) ..,.. Aho siUr'kare'~a 'me (TOu-' AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS-Tenth Anniversary Pu­ rlst guide), ~ao, ,Prer.na:. 1981,t;4p.,f<!,em., Rs.4/;, "bUCation Qf- -Directorate of Sports and Cultural Affairs', Mahalsa, Sawaritwadi;:i(Hindi).: , ". ' .., ,:)i .. I (RepOrt),Panaji; Directorate of. Sport$ .and CUltural .A.f.fa:tm:, _1984. 80 p. 22 em., --'-, Govt. Printing ,Pres's;' 47. KELKAR (N.R.)-Shree Shivmahimnastrostra (Rell­ l'anaji, (English)... ... .. gion)',_ :~'a;pusa, ~uthor,_",l983., .J~:?.p.•• ,__ ~_4, ~~., Rs. .1/~ .. Sagar;Sahity~, Panaj!; (Konkatii). .. c' :.'. /:. '." . - : ,,'.' ,- "i' 24.G6A;DAMAN AND DIU STATE :i:NSTI~EOF EDU~ ,CATION -Riunayan:va Mahabha'1'til .Gosthi (Short 48. KELKAR (V. P •. G.)- V'!Jl.3.V3.' bha<:lkia. ~l"JPlay),-, -. -r, .1Q4 p., ,17.3 ~ ... J,=tS~ 7/~. Kanchana;. Curchorem.,· : storl~), PoX'Vorim, state Institute of Education, 1984,· (Mara!;!li);;,; .. " ." . .. 140 pc 24 cm.,·~, Govt. Printing Press, Panaji;(Marathl) •.. 25. GOES (Alex) - Kalar Malar (Poetry), Madeal, Krista, 49•. KHANDEPARKAR (Shanta) -Antarpat (Play), Valvoi,. 1984, 26 p.; 18 cm., Rs. 3/-, Shree Ram, Belgao, (Konkani)., Apurbai, 1983, 40 p,,22em.., Rs. 5/-, Apurbai, Valvol,. (Konkani). 26•. GOES (J. L.) -'" Kotha don. monjat!ch! aI!dher katha . --"~ ,: -" :'., .' ", - ., , :.',..' . \ (Short stories), Madcai, ~. 1984, 114p. 17 em., .50.• LAD' (N. V.l - Shlka' (llissay\<) .Sa;tVOrde'P''In~, ,19~,. Rs. 18/-, Shree Dattaprasad, Vasco, (Konkanl). '. 158 p., 18.4 cm., R& 15/~, Baadekar, Curchorem, (Konkanl). 27. GOMES (Olivinho) ~Bharat Arocho Desh (History), Margao, Kulagar, 1981, 71 p., 18.0 em., Rs. 10/c, casa 51: LOBO (Pedro) -Roteiro: llieditos e Esparsos (Collected J. D. Fernandes, Pallaj!, (Konkani). Worm,) , Bastora, Tipog'raflaRangel, 1984, 454p., 24em., - ,Tlpografla Rangel, Bastora, (Portguese). ..' . 23, GoMES (Olivinho)-Dr. F. L •. Gomes (Biography), Chandor, Konkani Sara$pSt, 1984, 84 p.,18.4 em., 'Rs; 11/­ . 52. MAUZQ (Damodar)- Carmelina, (Fiction), ~oi, Jag, Kanchana, Sanvordem; (English). 1981, 248p., 17.4cm., .Rs. 28/-,Ansnd, Pune, (Kookanl). 29. "GOMES .(Olivinho) ..,c.Suskare (Pootry),.Chandor; Kon­ 53.. MAYE (Ajit) -Football (Sports), Panaji, Rajhauns kani Saraspat, 1084, 58 p., 18 em., Rs. 12/-, J. D. Fer­ V~tran, 1983, 20 p., 21 Cffi., Rs; 4/-, Apurbal, Valvoi. (Kon· kanl). IUUld~s, Panaji, (Konkani). 30. GOVEKAR, .(C. N.) .,c.Fulla bovt! batke brung'" (Play), 54. MOYO (K.L.)'-Ghadi Krishna (Play), Bicholhn, A~thor,. '.Bombay. PriYa. 1980, SOp., 18 em., &s. 9/-, Madhuri. 1981, 44p., 18em., Rs. 6/-, Sagar Sahltya, Panaji, (Kon­ Pc!>na, (Marathl). kani)·. 111, GRACIAS' (Inacio) - Sarvo«UIlallyatil ek asamanya 55. MuLVI (Gokuldas) -Don Ekankika (Play), Ponda, maims: (Biolm'Phy) . Baadlvado, Shrl Inacio Gracias Pranali, 1983, 56 p., 18 ·cm., Rs. 4/-, Sayadrl, Ribandar,· (Konkani). Satkat SamitY~ 1983, SOp., 22cm., --, Pradip, Panaji, (M;lxathi) . 56. NAGVEKAR .(Harlshchandra) - Gnyatly Sanstha. (So· :32, JOG (Gajanan) -'Gopi (Short Story), Pallaji, Rajhauns ciology).. 'Vasco, Kalika, 1991, 48 p.,' .18 em., Rs~ si-. Vitran, 1983, 40 p., '-21 em., _,Rs. 4/-. A.purbai.· Valvai, Kailka, V'eling, (Marathi). (Kookanl). 57. NAGVEK..'\.R· (iIarishchllildra) ":"M<>rpise (Essays), 33, JUV.ARKAR (Ranlkrishna) - Abhang Art! 2ad part Vasco, Kaiika, 1983, 152p., 18cm., Rs. 15/-, KaUka,. (Religion), . Old Goa, Chamunda, 1984, Up.,18 em.,' Veling,(Marathil). Rs..2/-, Samrat, Baaastarl, (Konkani). 58. NAIK (Gurunath) -Kamaundo (Fiction), Chandor, .. Baadodkar, 1983, 244p., 17.4cm., Rs. 40/~, Hiraj Veling, 34i JUVARKAR (Ramkrlshna) -ArochoKhahro~Part I (Marathi).· . (ShOlt stories), Old Goa, Chamunda 1981;74p., 18 cm., as, 2.50, Gomantak, Pan.ajl; (Konkani). 59. NAIK (!'i. D.) --:-Hindi.:KODkaniSambhanda (Language), . 35.. ·;n:.1YARKAR (Rsmkrlshna)-Amcho Khahro-Part II Dhargal, . Nilkant Nalk, 1981, 24 p., 22 em., Rs. 1.50, . (Short stories), Old Goa, Chamunda, 1981, 88 p., 18cm., Renuka, Belgao, (Konkanl). Rs. 3/-,Shakuntala.Belga6, (Kookaci), 60. Nl..:IK (Vassant)- VijayMarchant (Biography), CilBn­ dor, Bandodkar, 152 p., 18 em.• Rs. 25/-. TiJ;nblo, Margao •. 36. rovARKAR (Rsmkrishna) - Arocho Khabro ~ Part ill (Shprt stories) Old Goa, Chamunda, 1981, 94 p., 18 cm.,. (English). ' 'Rs. ,3 ..50, Gomantak, Pan.ajl, (Konkani). 61. NAIK (E. R.)~CJiaplahar (PlaY),' Goa-Veiha,. Nami, 37. JUVARKAR (Ramkrlsbna) -Mogrl (Poetry), Old Goa, 1981, 50 p., 18 Cln.,Re. 4.50, Laxm!, Belgao, (Konks1il) •. Chamunda, 1984, 34 p., 18 cm., Rs. 5/-, Samrat, Baaas­ 62. NAIK

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