Price € 1,00. Back issues € 2,00 L’O S S E RVATOR E ROMANO WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt Fifty-third year, number 49 (2.675) Vatican City Friday, 4 December 2020 Pope Francis created 13 new cardinals in the 7th Consistory of his Pontificate On the road with Jesus Visit to Benedict XVI and concelebration of Mass on the First Sunday of Advent Let us “pass from being off the road to journeying on God’s road”: Pope Francis advised this atti- tude of conversion to the 13 new Cardinals created in the Ordinary Public Consistory held in the Vatican Basilica on Sat- urday afternoon, 28 November. The rite — which bore the signs of the health emergency that prevented two of the newly appointed cardinals from being present and required measures such as physical distancing to pre- vent the spread of infec- tion — was ce lebrated at the Altar of the Chair, rather than the Altar of Confession, and after- wards Francis accompan- ied the 11 new Cardinals to the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican to visit Benedict XVI who blessed the new Cardinals after the recitation of the “Salve Regina”. The following day they concelebrated Mass with Pope Francis for the First Sunday of Advent. SEE PA G E S 5-10 Pope Francis’ Message for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities General Audience The world needs Frailty is part of everyone’s life blessings The Holy Father’s Message for the The theme of this year’s celebra- PAGE 3 International Day of Persons with tion is “Building Back Better: To- Disabilities was released on Thursday, ward a Disability-inclusive, Accessible 3 December. This year’s theme is: and Sustainable post-COVID-19 “Building Back Better: Toward a Wo rl d . ” I find the expression “build- Disability-inclusive, Accessible and ing back better” quite striking. It To Ecumenical Patriarch Sustainable post-Covid-19 World”. makes me think of the Gospel par- The following is the English text of able of the house built on rock or The primary duty of the Pope’s Message. sand (cf. Mt 7:24-27; Lk 6:46-49). dialogue So I take this special occasion to share some reflections based on Dear brothers and sisters, that parable. PAGE 4 This year’s celebration of the Inter- national Day of Persons with Disabil- u n . o rg 1. The threat of the throwaway culture ities is an occasion to express my closeness to those experiencing In the first place, the “rain”, the Sunday Angelus situations of particular difficulty “rivers” and the “winds” that worthy of a carefree existence. Ulti- during the crisis caused by the pan- threaten the house can be identified mately, persons are no longer seen For the populations of demic. All of us are in the same with the throwaway culture wide- as a paramount value to be cared Central America boat in the midst of a turbulent sea spread in our time (cf. Evangelii for and respected, especially when that can frighten us. Yet in this Gaudium, 53). For that culture, they are poor and disabled” (Fra - same boat, some of us are strug- “some parts of our human family, it telli Tutti PAGE 12 , 18). gling more; among them are per- appears, can be readily sacrificed sons with serious disabilities. for the sake of others considered CONTINUED ON PA G E 11 page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 4 December 2020, number 49 — Bishop-elect Muñoz Ochoa, 52, he was born in Guadalajara, Mex- ico. He was ordained a priest on 22 May 1997. He holds a licence in dogmatic theology; and in philo- VAT I C A N s o p h y. 2008, subsequent to his appointment The Holy Father accepted the resig- BULLETIN as Bishop of Eshowe. nation presented by Archbishop An- thony Mancini from the pastoral The Holy Father appointed Fr Jacek care of the Archdiocese of Halifax- AUDIENCES Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turk- Grzybowski as Auxiliary Bishop of Yarmouth, Canada. He is succeeded son, Prefect of the Dicastery for Pro- the Diocese of Warszawa-Praga, Po- by Archbishop Brian Joseph Dunn Monday, 23 November moting Integral Human Develop- land, assigning his the titular epis- as Coadjutor of the said Archdiocese ment Mr Carmelo Barbagallo, President copal See of Nova. Until now he (27 Nov.). of the Financial Information Au- H.E. Mr Majid Al-Suwaidi, Ambas- has served as director of the dioces- Archbishop Dunn, 65, was born thority (AIF) sador of the Emirates to Spain an office for university pastoral min- in Saint John’s, Newfoundland, i s t r y, Delegation of Fairtrade International Canada. He was ordained a priest on 28 August 1980. He was ordained CHANGES IN EP I S C O PAT E Bishop-elect Grzybowski, 47, was Delegation of the “National Basket- born in Wołomin, Poland. He was a bishop on 9 October 2008, sub- ball Players Association” The Holy Father appointed Fr ordained a priest on 30 May 1998. sequent to his appointment as titular Cardinal-elect Marcello Semeraro, Wayne Lawrence Lobsinger as Aux- He studied philosophy and theo- Bishop of Munatiana and Auxiliary Prefect of the Congregation for the iliary Bishop of the Diocese of logy; he holds a doctorate in philo- of Sault Sainte Marie, Canada. On 21 November 2009 he was appointed Causes of Saints Hamilton, Canada, assigning him s o p h y. Bishop of Antigonish. He was ap- the titular episcopal See of Gemellae pointed coadjutor Archbishop of Thursday, 26 November in Numidia. Until now he has The Holy Father appointed as Aux- Halifax-Yarmouth, Canada, on 13 served as episcopal vicar for consec- iliary Bishops of the Metropolitan Cardinal Edoardo Menichelli, Arch- April 2019. bishop emeritus of Ancona-Osimo, rated life and parish priest of Saint Archdiocese of Guadalajara, Mexico: Italy Thomas the Apostle, Waterdown, in Fr Manuel González Villaseñor, as- the same diocese (21 Nov.). signing him the titular episcopal See NECROLO GY Msgr Bruno Marie Duffé, Secretary of Ploaghe. Until now he has served of the Dicastery for Promoting In- Bishop-elect Lobsinger, 54, was born in the Waterloo Region, as parish priest of San Francisco Bishop Jožef Smej, Auxiliary Bishop tegral Human Development emeritus of Maribor, Slovenia, titu- Canada. He was ordained a priest Javier de Las Colinas; Fr Eduardo lar Bishop of Tzernicus, at age 98 Fr Tomaž Mavrič, CM, Superior on 7 May 1994. He holds a Master Muñoz Ochoa, assigning him the (21 Nov.) General of the Congregation of the of Divinity. titular episcopal See of Satafis. Until Mission (Lazarists) now he has served as formator at the Bishop Damián Iguacén Borau, Major Seminary (27 Nov.). Friday, 27 November The Holy Father accepted the resig- Bishop emeritus of Tenerife, Spain, nation presented by Bishop Peter — Bishop-elect Villaseñor, 56, was at age 104 (24 Nov.) Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, Kang U-il from the pastoral care of born in Guadalajara, Mexico. He Prefect of the Congregation for the Bishop Benjamín Jiménez Hernán- the Diocese of Cheju, Korea. He is was ordained a priest on 19 May Evangelization of Peoples dez, Bishop emeritus of Culiacán, succeeded by Bishop Pius Moon 1991. Mexico, at age 82 (26 Nov.) Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Arch- Chang-woo, coadjutor of the said bishop emeritus of Genoa, Italy Diocese (22 Nov.). Bishop Moon Chang-woo, 57, was born in Cheju, Korea. He was or- dained a priest on 10 February 1996. Christmas tree arrives in Saint Peter’s Square Communiqué He was ordained a bishop on 15 Au- gust 2017, subsequent to his appoint- From the forrests of Slovenia ment as coadjutor Bishop of Cheju. Bishop ordained in The Holy Father accepted the resig- From the area of Novi Lazi and 10 January, Feast of the Baptism of PRC nation presented by Bishop Kevin Kočevska Reka, in southeastern the Lord, which concludes the Patrick Dowling, CSSR, from the pas- Slovenia, a red spruce (Picea abies) Christmas season. toral care of the Diocese of Rusten- has arrived in Saint Peter’s Square On 24 November, in response to burg, South Africa (25 Nov.). to be decorated for Christmas. questions from journalists, Mr The Holy Father appointed Fr Staff members of the Vatican’s gar- Matteo Bruni, Director of the Robert Mogapi Mphiwe as Bishop dens and environmental services Holy See Press Office, confirmed of Rustenburg. Until now he has raised the tree on Monday morn- the following: served as vicar general (25 Nov.). ing, 30 November, after its arrival “With regard to the news of the night before. The 75-year-old Bishop-elect Mogapi Mphiwe, 48, the recent episcopal ordination in spruce stands at an imposing 30 was born in Pretoria, South Africa. Qingdao (Province of Shandong, metres (98.5 feet) high, 67 centi- He was ordained a priest on 1 PRC), I can confirm that the Rev. metres in diameter and weighs November 1997. He studied philo- Thomas Chen Tianhao is the some seven tons. The lighting cere- sophy and theology and holds a li- third Bishop appointed and or- mony will take place at 4:30 pm on cence in liturgy. dained within the normative Friday, 11 December, respecting framework of the Provisional Ac- health regulations for the contain- The Holy Father appointed Bishop cord between the Holy See and ment of the pandemic. Cardinal Xolelo Thaddaeus Kumalo as Bish- the People’s Republic of China Giuseppe Bertello and Bishop op of Witbank, South Africa. Until regarding the appointment of Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, respect- now he has served as Bishop of Bishops.
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