bUOTaVE flo/pac;. OOOV rrapO/XEI Ins tauratioll® Abajo Fidel! By rights a left-wing dictator when finally run to ground should receive the same treatment as a right-wing dictator. Remember that picture of II Duce strung up by his ankles and swinging gruesomely beside his dead mistress in the Milan square. Being more chivalrous, we don't recommend that fate for Fidel. We only want him hanged right side up and swinging right side up. How do we manage to give him a deadly dose of the rope? Well, a German airborne force con­ quered Crete in 1941 and Crete is a latitudinally elongated island like Cuba-and Cretans heavily rein­ forced by British, Australian and New Zealand troops put up a much better fight than Cubans would in the defense of Cas­ troland. Or we could go after Fidel personally by having a parachute unit drop in wherever he happens to be shacked up and whisk him away, as the Germans did in September 1943 when they liberated Mussolini from the mountain hotel! prison where he had been stashed by Italy's new "anti-fascist" government. It is annoying to have your nose tweaked by a Stalin or Chairman Mao. It is humiliating to have it tweaked by a clown, which is what happened in the Bay of Pigs, a badly botched beachhead operation by a ragtag pack of anti­ Marxists in a military farce devised by pigheaded White House intellectuals and Pentagon arm-chair generals in the inglorious reign ofJFK. If there is any "right stuff' left in the U.S:, let it be as­ signed the mission of putting an end to this Caribbean buf­ foon. For years we have let him war against us demographi­ cally-the most destructive form of warfare-by unloading hundreds of thousands of Latinos, blacks, whites and a few light whites on our shores, including thou­ sands of denizens of Cuban jails and mental hospitals in the Mariel boatlift, and who knows how many in the latest exodus. The U.S. freed Cuba from Spain in 1898. Now almost a century later it is time to free Cuba from Cas­ tro. If we send troops to Somalia, bomb Bosnia and keep talking about invading Haiti, why not go after our long-time enemy and nose-tweaker, EI Maximum Lider? Once the island is freed, it can return to crooked politics as usual-U.S.-style politics, that is. Then let us repopulate the island with the black and mixed-race Cubans by ferrying and flying them back whence they came. And when life is back to normal, this writer will again visit Havana and sip the world's most delicious daiquiris. the same race-conscious political comment in the WSJ has attended Bill Clinton's minorityi. zation of our foreign policy. Pandering to the Black Congressional Caucus is having its cost. In keeping with Instauration's policy of ano­ he can get the "good" Jews to reform the bad I think we have opportunities brewing out there. nymity, most communicants will be identified Jews. This is the same old game, and it doesn't 220 by the first three digits of their zip code. work. Pat just sent out a newsletter, in which he advocates mass immigration of Chinese D Although it's hard not to feel a certain sym­ D Have the media not regaled us daily and for women who want to have more children. Pat pathy for Quayle, keep in mind that in his new years with oceans of nonsense about the doesn't understand that China must either book, he (and his ghostwriter> takes Pat Bucha­ "greatness of O.J. Simpson?" Without the control its population, or invade some other nan to task for being "anti-Semitic." Through­ huffing and puffing he would have been noth­ country. Pat is not an ally. We have an emo­ out his four years in office, Quayle became a ing. Whafs great about a Negro galloping tional need for allies, but all we have is our­ progressively greater toady to Zionism, to the around with a footballl What is O.J. com­ selves. point where pro-Zionist forces considered him -. pared to a space craft heading for Jupiter? If it Zip Withheld an important counterweight to the allegedly . weren't for whites, O.J. would still be cower­ "hostile" Bush/Baker axis. ing in the jungle hoping to elude being the D Blacks are unable to govern and should be .. 121 piece de resistance of a voodoo banquet. left to their own devices. Recognition of this 402 unpalatable fact is essential to the survival of D Alan Dershowitz who, like Breyer, clerked the white world. for onetime Supreme Court Justice Arthur D The German Nuremberg race laws were 024 Goldberg, says of his friend of 32 years, condemned by the U.S. because they discrimi­ "Breyer could be even more pro.Jewish than nated against minorities. Are U.S. race laws D In 1982 the Supreme Court ruled that the Ginsburg." more virtuous because t!ley prefer minorities tomato was/is a vegetable, not a fruit. Botani­ 276 over what had traditionally been the majority cally it is a fruit, like the cherry. This sort of in Americaf It is generally recognized that "inerrancy" is emblematic of the Unaccounta­ D Part of our problem has to do with the Americans of European descent will be in the ble Nine. "marginalization" of race discussions. That minority throughout this country by about 606 which is politically incorrect can now be de­ 2050. Will the new minority-American bated only at one's financial and legal peril. A whites-then be granted preferential treat­ D Soon after Senator Dole had the audacity to more important part may have to do with the ment by the new majority-the nonwhites? I criticize Clinton for having conveyed the way racialist arguments impact on the unini­ doubt it. "condolences of the American people" to tiated ear. If you're like me, you speak pas­ 489 North Korea upon the death of despot Kim II. sionately about your beliefs. A simple glance Sung, the N.Y. Times sniffed in an editorial about the racial landscape justifies every bit of D I have been in contact with a number of about how Dole was wrong. What a different that. But that justification, we must remem· people promoting devolution on computer tune the Times and its fellow travelersteins ber, goes for our vision alone, not for those of bulletin boards. The BBS offer excellent op­ were whistling back when President Reagan other folks, who often interpret passion as a portunities for education and organization was trying to be "diplomatic" by accompany­ sign of dangerous subjectivity. So what to do? through the on-line services, at least until the ing German Chancellor Kohl to that military The key may be in hitting the right note of Feds decide they're too dangerous, which cemetery in Bitburg! concern about the subject, corresponding to probably won't be too long. 211 the listener's "psychological rhythm." Obvi­ 188 ously easier said than done, it is still worth D The secret of karate is using your adver­ trying. D Pat Buchanan's American Cause group has sary's force to defeat him. Against aid to Is­ 220 sent out a audio tape by Michael Medved, the rael? No way. But it would be more Christian Jewish film critic. Medved explains that Holly­ to divert the billions to needier black Africa. D One concept I keep in mind from my read­ wood is against family values, but ifs not a Don't like the influx of mud people? Enough ings of Carleton Coon and other physical an­ conspiracy. He says Hollywood is not really of such racist drivel. Those pick.of.the.litter thropologists is that skin color is just one of controlled by Jews, but by Japanese and oth­ immigrants are desperately needed right back many racial differences and not necessarily ers. When Medved said the worst thing we home! the most important one. In my experience at can do is be anti-Semitic, I stopped the tape 455 the office, I have found that Negroes sooner and threw it in the trash. Pat Buchanan thinks D One of my grandmother's memories of the CONTENfS Instauration Depression is of the "sheenies," Jews who Christianity: The Religion of the West. 4 bought and sold junk and rags out of push. What's Really At Stake In Bosnia. .. 6 is published 12 times a year by carts on the street. "Yeah, and they'd cheat Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Trial By One Juror. .. 7 you, too!" grandpa added. How do I explain The Obvel"Se Side of the Coin. .. 8 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 to this nice elderly couple that the same types of people now control our schools, media and OurJudeo-Friction Heritage. .. 9 AnnuaISub.c;cription government? Books to SPUI' Majority Activism .... 12 $35 (third class) 613 Exterminationist Angst. .. 13 $43 (first class) Majority Childlessness........... 16 $43 Canada D Why no media attention on the whole black Reversing the Tide. .. 16 $47 foreign (surface) $66 foreign (air) athlete-white female relationship at the Seat­ Majority Super Sellout........... 17 tle Sonics games? You see Nordic blondes Truth Will Out. .. 17 Single copy price $4, postpaid lined up trying to "meet" their heroes. David Gergen-Cal·eel'.ist......... 18 Magazine is mailed in plain white envelope 591 Backtalk...................... 19 Wilmot Robertson, editor Inklings. • . .. 20 D Not long ago the very establishmentarian Cultural Catacombs.
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