GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 27, NO. 7, PAGES 1069-1072, APRIL 1,2000 Non-active dunes in the Acheron Fossae region of Mars between the Viking and Mars Global Surveyor eras James R. Zimbelman Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Abstract. Comparison of a high resolution Viking image area during the Science Phasing Orbit portion of the MGS (422810; 8 mlpixel) with a Mars Orbiter Camera image (SP2- mission [Albee el al., 19981, the images from which were 502106; 5.6 mlpixel) ur duneb in the Acheron Fossae region of recently released. The MOC image covers an area coincident Mars (3S0N, 135"W) rcvcals that the dunes moved <I pixel with one of the highest resolution images obtained during the during a span of almost 21 Earth years. Very shallow Vlking missions. This situation represents a unique opportunity illumination in the MOC image indicates the dunes are <1.5 In to assess the mobility of Martian dunes (at one location) over the high. The images indicate that any movement of these Martian nearly 21 Earth years that separate the Viking and MGS dunes is ~0.4mlyr, a rate that is less than the documented missions. movement of comparable dunes on Eatth by a factor of up to 200. The Aihcnjn Fosae tlunes acc.lr uithin ;I rig;on i,f 1~0,s tIier~,~rl Procedure inertia. inJir:~tin@that the d~~nt.~ma! hr \tnhili7cd h) n pznnsne dust cover. Alternatively. the saltation threshold was not The Viking image (frame 422810, 8 mlpixel) was processed exceeded significantly at this location in more than 20 years. using lSlS software to provide radiometric calibration, blemish and reseau removal, and geometric rectification into a vertical view (Fig. la). The early morning MOC image (frame SP2- Introduction 502106, 5.6 mlpixel) was flipped along a vertical axis, to account for the mirrored condition of the data, and the brightness levels Dunes were first recognized on Mars in Mariner 9 images were inverted to portray illumination comparable to that of the [McCauley el al., 1972; Culls and Smith, 19731. Large dune mid-afternoon Viking image. The MO,C image was referenced to tields surrounding the north polar region were clearly revealed the rectified Viking image using features in the highland knobs both in Mariner 9 [Culls er al., 19731 and Viking images [Cults er exposed around the dunes (Fig. Ib). The best registration ul., 1976; Tsour et ol., 19791, and numerous intracrater dune occurred around a Y-shaped dune field (to the lower left of center fields occur throughout the high latitudes of the southern in Fig. I), where highland knobs on three sides of the dunes hemisphere [Thomas, 1981; Greeley el al., 19921. Nominal produced registration better than one pixel. A difference image Viking Orbiter resolution during the primary missions (-40 of these dunes showed no systematic trends. 'The dune crest mipixel) made identification of slip faces difficult except on the locations from the high fidelity MOC image were overlain onto largest dunes, but different seasonal illuminations led to the the corresponding pan of the Viking image (Fig. 2), which interpretation that some of the north polar dunes mdy be active indicated that the dune locations are cunsistent bztween the two [Tsoar el 01, 19791. Infrared measurcmcnts of low albedo dune images to within one (Viking) pixel, or <8 m. patches, present mostly on the floors of impact craters throughout the highlands, documented the tine to coarse sand size of these materials [Edgerr and Christensen, 1991, 19941. Results The highest resolution Viking images (<i0 mipixel) were obtained during the Extended and Survey missions, when The correspondence of dune locations indicates that the dunes periapsis was lowered from I500 km to -300 km for both orbiters have moved <8 m between Nov. 3, 1977, and Aug. 20, 1998; this [Snyder, 19791. The high resolution images revealed an represents an upper limit for the dune movement rate of ~0.4 abundance of small dunes scattered across diverse terrains; in mlyr over the 20.7 Earth years between images. Ihe very particular, a dune field in the Acheron Fossae region (38.3"N, shallow illumination angle of the MOC image (85.4" from 134.9"W) illustrated that dunes visible at 8 mlpixel were invisible vertical) places tight constraints on the dune height. Shadow at 57 mlpixel resolution [Zimbelman, 19871. The enhanced lengths of the dunes (identified on the original non-inverted capabilities of the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) narrow angle MOC data) range from II to 17 m. Brightness values do not camera on the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft have reach zero in the shadows; however, solar illumination only 4.6" challenged many concepts derived from the Viking images: small from horizontal makes it likely these are true shadows that are dunes appear to be ubiquitous in MOC narrow angle images partially illuminated by light scaltered frotn particles in the [Malin el a[., 19981, and isolated patches on frost-covered dunes atmosphere, a situation prevalent at the Mars Pathfinder (MPF) in both northern and southern polar latitudes clearly revealed that sitc [Smith el al., 19971. saltation had occurred since the deposition of the frost [Smirh, The low solar incidence angle and the shadow lengths indicate 19991. A MOC image was targeted on the Acheron Fossae dune the dunes at Acheron Fossae are <I.? m in height. This low height is not particularly surprising for dunes an Mars. The MPF Sojourner rover imaged barchan-like dunes only 10-15 cm high, This paper is not subject to US. copyright. Published in 2000 by the American Geophysical Union. -I m wide, with angle-of-repose slip faces and windward slopes 45" [Greelqv et 01.. 19991. The MPF dunes have lower height- Papcr number 1999GL008399. to-width ratios than similar sand accumulations on Earth. 1070 ZIMBELMAN: NON-ACTIVE DUNES INTHE ACHERON FOSSAE REGION OF MARS attributable to thc highcr wind spceds required for saltation Dune mobility is n function of both the duration and intensity [Greeley el a/., 19831 and to the flatter saltation trajectories on of wind above the saltation threshold and the size of the dune. Mars caused by the higher wind speeds [White, 19791. Bagnold [1941, p. 2141 quantified this relationship by assuming Individual dunes at Acheron Fossae range from circular that if the dune is in an equilibrium form then it will move as a patches -45 m across to linear ridges (likely transverse dunes) 50 whole, conserving its shape. which results in the following to 80 m wide and 200 to 340 m in length. Dune spacing is simple expression: comparable to dune widths, ranging from 80 to l I0 m. The c = q/(p h) (1) overall dune dimensions, including the low height, are roughly where c is the rate of dune advance, q is the mass-transporl rate comparable to stabilized transverse dunes in the eastern Mojave (expressed as mass per unit lane width per second) of sand flow Desert [Zimbelman el al., 19951. A ripple pattern, perpendicular over the dune, p is a packing factor (or bulk density), and h is the to the long axis of the dunes, is present along some of the dune heighl [Cuuke and Wurren, 1973, p. 276; ~rse1t.yarid margins between the dunes and the highlands (e.g., upper right in lversen, 1982, p. 1821. Dunc advance rate is directly proportional Fig. I). The ripples have an average spacing of -35 m, are -I I m to the sand flow over the dune (which reflects wind conditions) wide and -80 m long; they are much smaller than the main dunes and it is inversely proportional to the dune height, sn smaller and possibly are more comparable to the MPF dunes. dunes will move faster than larger ones under similar conditions. Greeley and lversen [1985, p. 1821 point out that a dimensionless Discussion form of this expression, incorporating consideration of the wind friction speed over the surface, indicates that a dune on Mars will It should be emphasized that thc Achcron Fossae results migrate ten times faster than a comparable dune on Earth (for represent a single dune field on a planet with abundant dune equivalent wind speeds) because the threshold friction speed in deposits (see Introduction). Martian dunes result from a variety the current rarefied Martian atmosphere is about ten times greater of wind regimes ranging from seasonal polar winds to variable than the threshold friction speed on Earth. winds associated with regional slopes (e.g., in the Tharsis area) Documented rates of dune movement on Earth are quite and crater walls [Greeley el a[., 19921. Global Circulation extensive for barchan dunes, primarily because individual Models (GCMs) have proved useful in assessing the global discreet dunes can be monitored for periods of years to decades distribution of sand on Mars [Anderson ef a/, 19991, hut dune [e.g., Finkel, 1959; Long and Sharp, 1964; Norris, 1966; orientations are generally less well correlated to the models than Hastenrath, 1967; Embabi, 19821; these all show similar trends are wind streaks. likely due to the complex influence of for dune advance rates [Fig. 5.29 of Greeley and lversen, 1Y851. topography on dunes [Greeley el 01, 19921. While we are Two published data sets for barchan dune movement, bracketing unlikely to constrain the global sand-driving capabilities of the the range of measured rates, provide insight into the movement of Martian atmosphere here, it is still instructive to discuss the small dunes (rnusl relevant here given the s~nalllleigllt of the implications of the Acheron Fossae results for dune mobility at Acheron Fossae dunes).
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