Crisis&Creativity•DreamGiftedMusic Since1982 Vol.21No1 $5.95USA $7.25Canada AJournalExploringDreams&Mythology Dreaming for Peace Quilt Awakening:ACreativeResponse•FaribaBogzaran Music,Mystery&theDreamingProcess•AmyMindell BlowingtheMind/HealingtheSoul•TalkswithRobertBoznakVol.21No.1/DreamNetwork 1 OnDreams&Art:WhereDreamers&ActorsMeet•MontagueUllman StatementofPurpose ©2002 DreamNetwork Ourpurposeistoraiseindividualandculturalapprecia- tionforthevalueofdreamsandtodisseminateinformation ISSN#1054-6707 thatwillassistandempowerusintakingresponsibilityforour Spring2002 cultural,emotionalandspiritualwell-beingwiththehelpof 1337PowerhouseLane,Ste22 dreams&mythology.Ourgoalsaretouniteandservethose POBox1026 whorespectdreams,toempowerdreamersindemystifying Moab,UT84532-1026 dreamworkandtoassistwiththeintegrationofdreamsharing Phone:435/259-5936 intoourculture,inwhateverwaysofintegrityareshownand www://DreamNetwork.net givenus. [email protected] Webelievethatdreamsareagentsforchangeandoften revealimportantnewinsightsaboutthelifeofthedreamer, bothpersonalandcultural.Recallingadreamisasignalthat wearereadytounderstandtheinformationthathasbeen Founder presented.Enactingthedream'shintcanbringpersonalem- WilliamR.Stimson,Ph.D. powerment. CouncilofAdvisors Weseektoprovideabalanceandtogiveallnations,voices StanleyKrippner,Ph.D. andschoolsofthoughtanopportunitytobeheard. RussellA.Lockhart,Ph.D. Therewillbetimeswhenaparticularareaofinterestwillbe RobertMoss givengreateremphasisthananotherbecauseofthelimited Graywolf/FredSwinney,M.A. spaceintheJournalandthatwhichissurfacingthatisof RosemaryWatts interesttothereadership. NoreenWessling Theemphasiswillchangeovertimetoallowforawide Editor/Publisher rangeofopinionsandareasofinteresttobeexploredand H.RobertaOssana,M.A. expressed. Advertising Youarewelcomeandinvitedtoindicateareasofinterest 435/259-5936Email:[email protected] andquestionsyouwouldliketoseeexploredinfutureissues. POBox1026,Moab,UT84532 FrontCover PeaceQuilt bySt.Louis,MODreamGroup DreamNetwork ReviewEditors DickMcLeesteremail:[email protected] SUBSCRIPTIONIN(FORM)ATION JayeC.Beldo,email:[email protected] DN21#1Spring2002 OneYear:4Issues TwoYears:8Issues ContributingArtists,Authors&Poets JaniceBaylis,Ph.D. $22RegularU.S. $40RegularU.S. CharlesDeBeer $30Canada,Library $55Canada,Library orMexico/Air orMexico DeborahKoff-Chapin,M.A. $38Foreign/Air $65ForeignAir StephanieClement,Ph.D. Chris&LorraineGrassano JoyGates OrderonourWebsite:http://DreamNetwork.net MarleneKing,M.A. AllCanadian&Foreignorders,U.S.fundsplease. Subscriptionsstartwiththeissuefollowingreceiptoforder. TonyMacelli 2&3yearpricereductionsapplytogiftsubscriptions,aswell. MaureenRoberts,Ph.D. RosemaryWatts NoreenWessling Name_________________________ VickyVlach Address______________________ EditorialAssistance City_______________St.____Zip_______ KellyMacArthur Pleasemakecheckspayableto:DreamNetwork CarolineMackie 1337PowerhouseLane,Suite#22,POBox1026,Moab,UT84532 LynnShafer orphone1-435-259-5936Visa,MC&AmExSubscriptions,only. 2 DreamNetwork/Vol.21No.1 TableofContentsTableofContents FOCUSI:DreamGiftedMusic UpcomingFocus 7 Music,Mystery for Volume 21 No.2 andtheDreamingProcess PartII byAmyMindell Creative,DreamInspired 12 DreamSongs&DragonWings ResponsetoCurrent AnInterviewwithArtistSteveHubback WorldEvents; byTjitskeWijngaard DreamGiftedMusic 16-17SingingDreamsTomGoad&RobO’Herron Lifeline:4Weeks 18 DreamSongoftheBirdwithMetalFeet afteryoureceive thisissue. byPaulaVerheijen 19 Yesterday,Today&Tomorrow DreamSong/Prayer 35SongintheKeyofDreams AboutOurCoverArt PoetrybyVickyVlach 41 SongoftheSnake-SkinnedShaman: RosemaryWattsledagroupof15 ASoulOpera activedreamersinaluciddreaming byMaureenRoberts,Ph.D. experiment,intentionallydreaming 45 Dolphins,Musical... forpeace.ThisLucidDreaming byDavidSparenberg PeaceQuiltwasinspiredbyherown FOCUSII:CreativeResponsestoWorldEvents dreams,andmademanifestthrough 20 Awakening:ACreativeResponse thecooperativedreamingandcre- byFaribaBogzaran ativityofthisgroup.Eachparticipant 24 BlowingtheMind,HealingtheSoul askedforguidanceandcreateda TalkswithRobertBosnak quiltpiecebasedontheirdreams. byRamsayRaymond Diversityandindividualexpression 30 DreamforPeace:OneGroup’sExperience byRosemaryWatts isclearlyseeninthisquilt.Yetcoop- eration,hardwork,andartistictal- TheArtofDreamSharing entsexpressedinthegroupmadethis 34 BinLadenFearsDreamersWould quiltareality. ExposeHisPlotbyRobertMoss Itisnowavailablefordisplay.We 36 OnDreamsandArt:PartThree byMontagueUllman,M.D. wouldliketoinspireotherdreamers Features tocreatetheirownPeaceQuilts.Let 4 Editorial usjoincreativehandsinhelpingto 5-8 Responses:LettersfromYou! dreamfor,visualize,meditate,and 46 DreamTimesbyMarleneKing 47 DreamingInsightsintoRelationships prayforgreaterharmonyandpeace byJaniceBaylis,Ph.D. intheworld. 48-51 Networkers/DreamGroups/Classified Vol.21No.1/DreamNetwork 3 Editorial but spring takes it all out, puts it all on show. Every living thing starts unfolding DreamNetwork’s ♥ ↔ ♥ itself whether it's the tiny forget-me-not or the showy magnolia. WebsiteisExpandingTo One of my musical dreams was of MeetYourDreamingNeeds This issue has it's roots in The Neth- great importance to me as it gave voice to ≈ ∞ ≈ ∞ ≈ erlands. Tjitske Wijngaard, editor of a growing awareness in myself of my own Droomjournaal, contacted our book re- way of being: HERENOW! view editor, Dick McLeester regarding an • extraordinary dreamer from her country I'm sitting in a church Subscribetoour who is manifesting his dreams via creat- Pavarotti comes striding in ONLINEpublications. ing musical instruments and art. Dick Everyone rushing after him wrote me, I wrote Tjitske and here we are... Pavarotti gestures grandly •http://DreamNetwork.net/19.4.pdf s(pr)inging along! Thanks in great part to Photographers around him •DreamNetwork.net/booklet.html email, I must add. People milling, crowding Just as in dreams, where past, present And then at a bare church pew •Enterthedrawing and future often co-exist simultaneously, The one I'm sitting in forafreesubscription. the 'mapped' and natural boundaries that A lone singer starts singing (DreamNetwork.net/free.html) have us claiming ourselves to be of differ- Singing his one song ent countries and cultures have been elimi- I look at him •ShareYourDreams nated. The experience of collaborating with And he points at me andgetfeedbackfrom Tjitske and her editorial staff has felt like And he sings my name knowledgeableDreamworkers Three times he sings my name working with longtime friends. The bound- (DreamNetwork.net/dhp.html) aries are hereby eliminated and we stand Making my name a miracle together in our appreciation of the vast In dreaming we meet, and I'm happy •Read&download wonder and mystery of our dreams. to have us meet here in this issue. informativearticlesfrom The effort required immediate trust, Tjitske Wijngaard pastissues expecting the unexpected, flexibility and most of all, has been carried out with ease. Help Needed (DreamNetwork.net/readart.html) It is and has been a pleasure and I thank After several years of making time to •Subscribebyi-Check you one and all for the opportunity. We are do an excellent job of proofreading for us... truly planetary citizens co-existing in an in the midst of completing a doctoral de- orcreditcard,securely interdependent ecosystem and—to use a gree, marrying and becoming mother to online. Jung's term—in the 'Collective Uncon- two lovely daughters (in addition to one Giftsubscriptions&backissues,too! of her own), working full time—how does scious.' Now, from Tijtske: DreamNetwork.net/subinfo.html) she do it?—Kelly MacArthur has an- Guest Editorial nounced she must take leave of this post. •VisitourDreamGift Most understandably. Kelly, great is your t's been nearly a year since your edi- I reward in Heaven and thank you from all ShoporNetworkDirec- tor, Roberta Ossana, first suggested a col- of us. tory:Dreamcatchers,Dream laboration between your Dream Network Thus, we are seeking the assistance of TreasureCards,Books, and our Dutch Droomjournaal. We all a new proofreader. Can you help? Events,Servicesandmore... know what happened in the meantime. The Likewise, our book review editor, Dick (DreamNetwork.net/dreamstore.html) attack took place in your country, but re- McLeester, who has contributed his keen (Dreamnetwork.net/directory.html) verberations were all over the world and insights in many ways and for many years for the first time in my life I flew my flag to this publication is preoccupied with his •Advertiseyourservice, at half-mast, an outside sign of the great new wife and ongoing VisionWorks busi- eventorproductinDream ness. There are significant fringe benefits sadness I felt in my heart. Network:(/AdRates.html) Now it's spring and the emphasis in to this ‘job’ and if you are interested in serving in either capacity, please email ≈ ∞ ≈ ∞ ≈ nature is on growing and flowering. It [email protected] or phone 435/259-5936. seems a happy coincidence - or a happy Formoreinformation Each of you can help keep Dream Net- choice - that this issue has creativity and work alive. Give gift subscriptions, encour- Phone435/259-5936 music at its heart. Regeneration goes on age your library and bookstores to make [email protected] all the time, in nature as in the human heart, the publication available. Help! Peace. 4 DreamNetwork/Vol.21No.1 WhoistheLordoftheRings? curse the Garden-forest and program a Letters,Dreams cutting date into the rings of it? Who is the I read with interest Jeremy Taylor’s ar- Lord of the Rings?
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