Governor Terry E. Branstad Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds Elizabeth S. Jacobs, Chair Nick Wagner, Board Member Sheila K. Tipton, Board Member December 16, 2014 Ron Hinds Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation 1001 Kentucky Street Princeton, Missouri 64673 RE: TF-2014-0575 Dear Mr. Hinds: Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation’s December 15, 2014, notice of intent to withdraw its retail tariff has been received. This letter is to confirm that the retail tariff will be withdrawn on the requested effective date of January 1, 2015. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our telecommunications staff at (515) 725-7319. Sincerely, /s/ Suzanne Smith Suzanne Smith, Manager Telecommunications Section /vh 1375 E. Court Ave., Rm 69 | Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0069 | 515.725.7300 | Email: [email protected] | Fax 515.725.7399 iub.iowa.gov To see what state Government is accomplishing for Iowans, go to: www.resultsiowa.org _n o \)I , ct) .,.:::i ,., .i.. :' i.. ,'1.'. !",1 : r;, i :.l;ili;{ GRAND RIVER MUTUAL TELEPHONE CORPORATION TELEPHONE TARIFF FILED WTTII IoWA STATE COMI,IERCE CoMMISS ION JIINE 1, 1983 t ) I GRAND RIVER MUTUAL TELEPHONE TELEPIIONE TARlFF PART I COT!{PANY ORIGINAL SI'EET 1 I ! lreal nith I.s.c.c. N) REillii trj r"::r. C" l-::,1 -+ il: ,i r.ir il i : I l- EXPLANATION OF SYI,IBOLS ii.i !rti- ; i.-:; ltt!.:i.r (C) - Change in regulations or conalition vhiqh affects a rate or charge (D) - Dj.scontinueal regulation, contlition, rate or charge (r) Increase in rate or charge (N) New regulation, condition, rate or charge (R) Reduction in rate or charge (r) Change in text onty -- no change in regulation, conalition, rate or charge (NA) - This service is Not AvaiLable at this tine These Tariffs cancel and supersede all other fariffs of the Company issued and effective prior to tbe effective alates shown on indiviilual sheets of this Tariff. ISS UED: June I 1983 EFFECTIVE: JuIy I, 1983 D ate Date BY: Robert A. McArton , General Manager . Pr ince ton N atne Title GR"AND RIVER MUTUAL TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TARIFF PART I COMPANY ORIGINAL SHEET 2 I O ,rt.u ra'i rh r.s.c.c. ilLtli.rlt; .-j t.: ir:.rrl r\) ol tti: f i.r i,:j, iii; 1'.11 I ;'.; 1,11;'1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I Title Sheet, Tabte of contents. and Subject Index PAR! II General Rules and Regulations PART III Def i.ni tions PART IV Local Exchange Tar i ffs PART V General Exchange Tar i ffs PART VI Service Charges PART VIl Concurrences, Atloption Notices and,/or Toll Tariffs PART VIII Connections with Custoner Prenise Equipment ISSUED ! June I 1983 EFFECTIVE: July l, 1983 Date Date BY: Robert A. !4cArton . General Manaqer , Princeton. Mo Nane Title Ailtlress l4lil;: ]'i:::l"til .r- 06 -esi ill'l!!!'ri1 i Grand River Mutual Telephone Tariff i liil"iliil-- Part I Telephone Company 6h Revised Sheet 3 Canceling 5'" Revised Sheet 3 Filed with the Board SUBJECT INDEX SUBJECT PART SHEET NO, NO. 11 22 2 5 2 I 5 1 11 2 A 11 Atl Atl (x) 3 3 1 '| 3 2 3 3 I Atl 3 3 ,| 3 Unauthorized Attachments or Connections.....-..-.-.-......-.....11 4 lssued:04/01/06 Effective: 05/01/06 Wendel Myers General Manager Princeton llo. rF. 06 -99 Giand River Mutual Telephone Tariff PART I Telephone Corp- 4rn Revised Sheet 4 Canceling 3d Revised Sheet 4 Filed with the Board .-1 SUBJECT INDEX SUBJECT 22 5 't2 10 12 12 12 18 Atl 9 10 10 10 &'13 10 10a 10&17 1 I 2 1 8 Issu€d:04/01/06 E f€cdve: 05/01/06 W€ndel My€rs G€neral Manager Princrton Mo. , .n o0-991 Grand River Mutual Telephone Tariff PART I Telephone Corp. 6rh Revised Sheet 5 Canceling 5s Revised Sheet 5 Filed with the Board llirt,lt I irjiirill SUBJECT INDEX uililli:s Li,iistii,j SI]BJECT SHEET NO. t5 t3 13 t0 3 13 t'7 15 15 15 15 38 38 3 38 8 All 1 All 10 2 4 5 All 37 t2 AII t0 All 7 8 lssued: 04/01/06 Etfective. 05/01/06 Wendel Myers General Manager PART I Grand River Mutual Telephone Tariff 4th Revised Sheet 6 Telephone COMPANY Canceling 3rd Revised Sheet 6 Filed with the Board SUBJECT INDEX SUBJECT Part No. Sheet No. Line Payment Charge II 17 Lifeline Assistance VI 4 (N) Line Extensions Availability of Facilities II 2 Beyond Existing Facilities V 10 (D) Local Exchange Service IV All Local Operator Assistance V (D) Maintenance and Repair of Company Services II 6 Mileage Rates Adjacent Exchange Service V 23 Foreign Exchange Service V Move or Change Charge VI All N11 Service Offerings V 52 Network Connections with II 18 Protection Criteria VIII 3 Notices By Company, With or Without II 14 Customer Provided Equipment VIII 1 Failure to Establish or Maintain Credit II 10 Non-payment of Due Bill II 14 & 17 Operator Assisted Calls Busy Verification and Interruption V 33 Directory Assistance V 26 Local Operator Assistance V 34 Ownership and Use of Equipment By Company II 4 Customer-provided Equipment VIII All Party Line Service Excessive, Unauthorized and Unlawful Use of II 13 Furnishing Service for II 6 Use of II 4 Pay Telephone Service Customer-provided Equipment VIII All Local Service Rates IV All Use of Customer Service II 4 Issued: March 27, 2012 Wendel Myers Effective: April 1, 2012 General Manager Princeton Mo. lrF-96- 151 GRAND RIVER MUTUAL TELEPHONE TELEPIIONE TARIFF PART I CORPORATION 3RD REVISED SHEET NO. 7 CANCELLING 2ND REVISED SHAET NO. 'l FILED WITH I.S.U.D. I ir'iliii l"llliliARY trIiLliiES DivlSl0N SUBJECT INDEX Sub j ect Sheet No. No. ";lTii:n'?:,::::i::.:::.i::l]l:l::. II arrel-^nar P a^,, i ramaht.c rI 6 Disconnectjo-n of Service by Company. ]I Disconnection, with or without Notice,. II 13 I] 16 II I7 Service charges for Reconnec!ion.... ,,. II 10 Service Charfes for Reconnection. ..,... V1 Taxes and Fees Bil1ed to Custoner. I] 77 Private Property Construct-ion on...... II l2 l.r^m T.ef r'^^il ifv .rira F--+^-^r^-\ t1...... 10 D i dh + -^f-L,. tr II 72 Right-of-way, V 72 Refusal of service. 1I 13 ReDa.ir and Ma-intenance, II 6 Resal e SerV rce, 11 Resale service, ]V Residence Rates AoDlv, II 11 Return unecK cnarqe, . VI 2 secondary Access iine Service. 31 service charges Central office Access Line Charge.. VI 1 Reconnect for Non-Davment of Due Bilf. II 10 & 17 Reconnec!ion for Non-Damen! of Due Bill. VI Service orderilq Charqel VI 1 rrqvcr LrrqL9E. VI 2 cartri aL6^12 ah >^a ^a = VI 3 service Interruption (Energency Restoral of)...... rI 7 selv.ice orderinq charqe. VI 1 snareo servr ce. I] ch:ra^ car!,i ^a IV Special Billing Arrangenents. 18 voice Maif service. v 52 N ISSUED: APR 17, 1996 EFFECTIVE: MAY 77, 199 6 Date BY: ROBBRT A. MCARTON GBNERAL MANAGER PRINCETON, l4O. Nane '_f l! _Le Address i.n oe -991 Grand River Mutual Telephone Tariff PART 1 Telephone Corp. 1sI Revised Sheet 8 Canceling Original Sheet 8 Filed With the Board T.'rillii i.ltiitiiY sl,!i.iili,! ir ili il,li lt SUBJECT INDEX SUBJECT Part No. Sheet No. 3 19 17 6 1 5 19 13 20 12 3 '13 6 4 19 Issuedr04/01/06 Ef€ctive: 0s/0 U06 Wendel Myers General Manag€r Princeton Mo. GRAND RIVER MUTUAL TELEPHONE TELEPI1ONE TARIFF PART II COMPANY ORIGINAL SHEBT I I'iled vri th I.S.C.C. RECi'i ir'l :,' iir.. \) :::- qt il rli..i:" -.1 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS L0 irla; i fi;:, r,1.,r!i., A. APPLICATION I. GENERAL a. The Rules and Regulations specified herein apply to tbe intrastate services and facilities furnished by the Grand River Mutual Telephone corporation, hereinafter referred to as the Cornpany. Failure on the part of the customers to observe these Rules and Requlations of the Company, after due notice of such failure, the Conpany has the option to discontinue service. b. In the event of a conflict bet{een these General Rules and Regulations and any conilitions contained in the General Exchange Tariffs and the Local Exchange Tariffs, the rate and condition contained in the specific tariff shall pr eva i 1. c. These Tariffs cancel and supersede all other Tariffs of the Company issued and effective prior to the effective alates shown on i.ndivitlual sheets of this tariff. ISS UED: June I 1983 EFFECTIVE I JuIy l 1983 D ate Da te BYr Robert A. McArton , General Manaqer , Princeton, MO N ame Title Addres s GR,AND RIVER MUTUAL TELEPIIONE TELEPHONE TARIFF PART II COI.{PANY ORIGINAL SIIEET 2 ; Filed i{ith 1.S.C.C. A) 0) -.t GENER,AL RULES AND REGULATIONS B. OBLIGATION AND L]ABILITY OF TELEPHONE COMPANY i l. Availability of Facil i ties a. The Conpany's obligation to furnish exchange and toll telephone service is dependent upon its ability to secure and retain, without unreasonable expense, suitabLe facili.ties and rights for such facilities, except as provided for in Part V, Lj-ne Extensions. 2. Allowance for Failure of service a. The Conpany does not guarantee uninCerrupted working of i.ts lines or equiprnent. In case service is interrupted othernise than by the negligence or willfull act of the custoner, an adjustnent will be ftade in the arnount of the charges for that portion of the service rendereal lnoperable.
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