CAL POLY v*. MARIN BIG JUBILEE DANCE At Marin — November 11 FRIDA Y-NOVEMBER 13 Volume XVII SAN LUIS OBISPO, NOV. 0, 1931. Number 4 J, C. Honor Students WELDING CLASS GOES INTO HUDDLE Ag Student* Petition Outnumber H. S. Men For Charter in F. F. A. Twen'ty-ftve California Polytechnic At their last business meeting, mem­ Indents were eligible to member- bers of the Junior Farm Center club Alp on the honor roll, according to framed a formal petition to the na­ Hair recorde made during the llrit tional organisation of the Future Far­ lb weeka, seven of these being chosen mers of America for admission and bom the four year students, and are now waiting for their charter dfhteen from the junior college dlvl- which will be forwarded from Wash­ dsn. It is probable that more would ington, D. C. W eligible, except f6r the fact that In the national organisation them asny are not taking enough units are twenty-five hundred chapters with - if work. __ sixty thousands members. The state at In order to be on the honor roll, a California has 181 chapters, with Undent In the high school division 4,000 members. ■sit be taking at least four units of ‘ The purpose of the organisation is v •irk, and two of these must be in a to provide recreation and fraternal re­ Sliiroom. Junior college students lationships for vocational students. Te ■sit be carrying at least fifteen be eligible for national membership, ■tneiter hours, six of which must be the school petitioning must offer won dwiroom work. No grades below a •in vocational agriculture. "C" are acceptable, and the report Membership in the national organi­ ■sit show a "B" average. An incom- sation is divided Into three groups i ■bte in any subject excludes a student active, associate, and honorary. In the ■sm the honor roll. individual clubs membership Is divid­ Honor students from the four year ed Into grades known as green hand, Arision are: Stanton Bryson, Alva Junior farmer, California farmer, aM flngory, Julius Hess, Everett Hewitt, American farmer. Before he may be­ Oftrl Johnson, Kenneth Shryack, and come a member, a green hand must he Kerris Whltehlll. fourteen years of age, and must be reg­ Junior college students who made ularly enrolled in all day, part-time, i t honor roll are as follow*: Frank or day classes In vocational agricul­ Ittbarta, Bernard Casner, Joel Cham- ture. kvs, Joe Davis, William Dawson, To be classified as a Junior farmer, Marge Hslvorsen, Theodore Holllng- no must have completed satisfactorily Richard Jackson, Elmore Kenney, at least one year of vocational agrio non W. Leach, Lester Ruben, culture, earned and deposited in the tItith Richards, John Ross, Dan Saga- bank, or wisely Invested, at least ■r, Carl Smith, Robert Tellam, Wil- twenty-five dollars, and must have bid T. Turrentine, and Burdette Wei- received a majority vote of the mem­ bers present at any regular meeting. The requirements for the ranking a t California farmer are very compre­ bly Flyers Licensed Reading, from left to right: B. Dawson, J. Culbertson, E. Kenney, M. Villers, L. Barker, £~Pearson, M. Hansen, hensive. At least two years of instruc­ As Transport Pilots B. Sell, M. Beutler, George James. — tion in vocational agriculture Aouure- With sparks flying and torches cracking the fourth period welding class begins its daily session. Here we requislte, and the candidate muit also have beginners and advanced students all struggling diligently trying to get an even ripple on their weld. have passed occupational tests sup­ H. 0. Warren, instructor in aero- plied by the state agriculture educa­ ■Butics, and William Cheney, J. C. tional staff. He must also have earn­ Undent, received their transport pi- ed and deposfted in the bank or in­ St’s licenses from the Department of Delegate! Attend J. C. HLY Inducts Members; Big Jubilee Dance vested at least $200.00. Furthermore, Otmmerce, Washington D. C. he must be able to lead a group For this license, which is the high­ Press Convention Elects New Officers To Be Held Nov. 13 discussion for forty minutes, make lit type of commercial pilot licenses the school judging team, and show knied, the candidates were required to California Polytechnic was officially The Induction of members into the Conflict of dates between the party marked attainment In scholarship^ gsi the following examinations and represented at tne semi-annual Junior newly organised Hi-Y Society, which scheduled for Hallowe'en and a dance averaging 80 per cent or above in all college press convention held at the was to have taken place on October lven by the Rainbow Girls of San scho<y subjects. (1) . Physical examination. Roosevelt hotel in Hollywood, October 21, has been postponed until Thurs­ Euls Obispo, last Friday, October 81, (2) , Examination on air commerce 30-31, by Clarence Elliot. T. Warren day, November 12, on account of a resulted in the postponement of the Local Banker Explain! Ngulations, including air traffic rules. Fujlta, Sol Mondrus, Phillip West, and second election of officers. Polytechnic party until Friday, No­ (t). Practical ana theoretical ex­ Olive M. Reid. Los Angeles Junior Col­ On this data, the HI-Y group from vember 18, when a Jubilee festival will Ch u m of Depression amination In engine and plane mech- lege acted as host to delegates from an Luis High, with Alfred Bird as be staged in Crandall Gymnasium. ■ici and rigging. the thirty-two other Junior colleges in President, will officiate at the cere­ Invitations will be sent out by Keith InHarry Nuss, manager of the local the state. .......... mony, to take place In the social room Richards, Tom Hunt, and Waiter Al- (4). Theoretical meteorology and Poly delegates arrived in Hollywood branch of the Bank of America, gave •vlgatlon. a of Crandall gymnasium. brethsen. These students will also an Instructive talk on the present day IS). Practical flight test. Friday afternoon in time for the busi­ Francis Hopkins resigned from the serve as tho reception committee. financial situation last Tuesday night, ness meeting, which was fornially presidency of the new society because William Dawson, as chairman of the Friends of Mr. Warren and Mr. opened by William Pollock, president October 27, at Crandall gymnasium. Cheney are not surprised to learn of he had so many other duties that he decorations committee, will be assist­ Present economic depression has of the associated students of Los An­ felt it was impossible for him to ed by Dan Waller, John Culbertson, been caused by the World War, ac­ Stir success in passing these rigid geles Junior College. scamlnations, as both nave had un- carry the reeponsibiltles of president. Carijohnaon, and Stanton Bryson with cording to Mr. Nuss. He stated that Musi training and experiences. Round Table Discussions Held Clark Bower succeeds “Hoir as presi­ advice from Elmer Dunning. Robert the depression is not a financial de­ On Saturday morning the convention dent, and James Bogert is the new Tellam, who is chairman of the dance pression, as most people think, but Mr. Warren formerly served as a broke up into nine discussion groups, Vice-President In Bower's place. Ro­ committee, will be aided by Henry that it Is a commodity depression. Mr. mechanic in the United Btates air mail led by prominent men engaged in news­ bert Wilbor remains as secretary of Dunning and Burdette Welsher. with Nuss explained that money la not a tfd the naval air services. William paper publishing. Jack James, sports the organisation. James Sell as faculty adviser. Milford commodity, but that It Is a facility. weney, who has been flying since editor of the Los Angeles Evening Beautler, Francis Hopper, Vernon Although the depression has hit the MfJ, was at one time employed by Herald, led the round table meeting Leach, and Bert Jones assisted by industries hard, the banks are hoarding Zenith Aircraft corporation in the for sports writers. Clarence Elliot Aggie! Exhibit Stock Walter A. Funk, will demonstrate their money. Mr. Nuse said: "Banks must •nitruction department. represented The Polygram In this In San Francisco Show ingenuity in providing entertaining take the general course of business group and secured some helpful tips stunts for the affair. Delbert Cham­ like everything else during this de­ Ag. Dept. Broadcast! which he intends to share with the staff bers, Fraiik Carrol, Paul Carver and pression.” Students of the Agriculture depart­ James Cushingham ari planning re­ Mr. Nuss also pointed out that the Program Over KSMR at the next regular meeting. ment of The California Polytechnic Importance of Editorials Emphasised freshments. banks must be dependent on other exhibited live stock In the South San people. Without the aid of investors, Editorial and feature writers were Francisco Junior Livestock Show held ^Several members of the department unusually fortunate in having as their the banks cannot survive. •* agriculture of The California Poly­ Novomber 2 to 4. Exhibitors competed Campus Playshop Gives To prove his statement that World group leader, E. E. Holllngworth, edl- with the students of their own age technic gave a radio program over torial writer for the Los Angeles Eve­ Armistice Day Program War is the fundamental cause of the •Ution KSMR, Santa Maria, Tuesday from Utah, Nevada, and California. present depression, Mr. Nuse gave ning Herald. T. Warren Fulita, was the While not the chief event of the year, m, October 27, from 12:20 to 12:40, official Poly delegate In this group. The Campus Players will present , statistics showing how much the promote interest in the South 8an this is one of the Important events In World War cost each country which E Jobe Leads Typography Group the agriculturalists’ schedule.
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